Reward | By : KiroiLiu Category: +G to L > Junjou Romantica (Junj? Romanchika) > Junjou Romantica (Junj? Romanchika) Views: 6966 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: Not the owner of Junjou Romantic or either of its characters... not making any and not going to make any profit from this TT |
Disclaimer: I don't own Junjou Romantic… or the characters… anything… T_T
Author's note: I'm sorry for taking so long to update but I had a lot of problems and I had to change a few things… because I'm not going to end the fanfic with this chapter, I'm going to add a few more… hope you like them… and this one too, it's a little long but I hope I made it romantic and cute… thanks for reading.
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After Misaki and Usami announced their engagement to Takahiro the days passed by incredibly fast. Minami, his brother's wife was so happy to hear that Misaki was getting married; true, she was a little shocked that he was getting married with Usami but she accepted the idea the moment she saw how much they loved each other, so she demanded to be Misaki's maid of honor.
At the end it was needed 6 months and 3 weeks to plan and create the perfect wedding Usami wanted for his Misaki; the ceremony was going to be in a large tea house, Usami wanted to buy it but Misaki asked just to rent it, buying was too much for him. The columns, walls and tables were decorated with roses, bells and every variety of white flowers, there were only a few tables and chairs for the guests: Takahiro, Minami, Aikawa, Kaoruko Usami (Usami's cousin) and Usami's friend Kamijou Hiroki. The music was classic music, played by violins, flutes, piano, a basso, pretty much a small orchestra; it was so soft and romantic, perfect to melt their hearts together.
Now, the selected day had come and Misaki was happy, oh yes he was so happy, but he was also angry because no matter what he said Minami-san and Aikawa-san didn't understood what he tried so hard to say.
"I said no! I'm not going to wear THAT! I'M A BOY" his cheeks were red and his body was shaking lightly.
"We know that you're a boy... but you look so cute with this, and you know this is a tradition… to use a white kimono in a wedding" said Minami trying to get closer to Misaki with the Kimono in her hands.
"It's a tradition in a girl! Why don't you make Usagi-san use it? "
"Because he's the seme duh" said Aikawa with a matter-of-fact-look "he can't use something like that... he must wear a tuxedo"
Misaki felt his ears getting warmer just like his cheeks, he knew that in the end using the kimono was Usami's idea but even then he tried to fight, losing, obviously. When he was ready Misaki was taken to Takahiro (he was going to give him away); at first when Takahiro heard that Misaki was going to wear a kimono he laughed thinking it was a funny idea but then looking at his little brother he thought that maybe it wasn't that funny idea at all but an incredibly good idea instead.
The kimono was white with red embroider flowers and cherry trees with small fruits and some blossoming flowers. The color matched perfectly with Misaki's skin color, the soft cotton fabric caressed his skin lightly, and the golden and red obi outlined his small and delicate waist ending with a really tight and perfectly made bow. His hair had grown a little large by then so Aikawa used two long and beautiful pins with cherry fruits to decorate it. The finished outfit was breath taking.
"Sugoku kawaii" said Takahiro surprised to see his little brother in such a cute outfit. "Now I know why he wanted you to use that"
"Shut up!" said Misaki feeling his face getting redder by the minute and he was just about to argue again about the kimono being for girls when the doors opened and he saw Usami at the end of the aisle wearing his black tuxedo.
"Why, even thought I have seen him in a tuxedo almost every day… why do I feel like my heart is going to burst now." thought Misaki trying to pass the lump in his throat.
The ceremony was only by the law, with documents from another country, completely illegal according to Misaki, but when the judge started talking he forgot everything about the documents and even about the people around him, slowly the words were turning real, heavy and beautiful. "Is this a dream? Am I dreaming? I don't want to wake up…" thought Misaki looking at Usami's eyes all the time. At the end Misaki didn't notice anything else about the ceremony, at some point he heard the judge asking him something about Usami, if he wanted to be with him all his live or something like that. "Yes, duh" thought Misaki and answered, his voice low like he was only whispering to himself. "yes... I do"
Usami smiled sweetly, Misaki didn't know but for a split second Usami's heart raced miles away, what if he said no? If he had a change of mind, a second thought and preferred not to marry him?, Usami always acted secure and confident but that wasn't real, he was so in love with his Misaki, he wouldn't be able to live without him, so those fears threatened him all the time. Then the judge asked Usami the same thing and he smirked, that was an obvious answer, there was no way he would stop loving that boy, ever.
"Yes, I do" said Usami taking Misaki's hand between his hands, Misaki reacted quickly blushing again and looking to the ground. Misaki was so in the clouds, hearing Usami's vows while looking at the new ring in his finger.
"Usagi-san…. Akihiko, I promise to love you with all my heart, no matter what..."said Misaki blushing, trying to concentrate on what he was saying and not the sexy and yet sweet look on Usami's face. Usami on the other hand was trying to memorize those words, burning them in his heart like a tattoo, so he would never forget that moment when his beloved accepted him and promised to love him forever.
"Now I pronounce you husband and wife" said the judge clearly enough for everyone to hear. They kissed a normal and not really erotic kiss (Misaki threatened Usami to escape if he did that on their wedding) and so the small party began with the cheering of their friends.
First, Usami took him in his arms and lead him in to center of the salon to dance a long, slow and sweet waltz; Usami's right hand holding his hand, Usami's lips so close to his face, Usami's left hand caressing his back with every movement they made.
"Misaki, you're blushing again" said Usami smirking
"Shut up" said Misaki blushing even redder
"You're so cute.. I love you…" said Usami leaning closer to his ear "I love you so much it hurts"
Misaki closed his eyes feeling like crying, he was so happy having his beloved so close to him and now Usami was his, Usami belonged to him. "I love you too" said Misaki trying not to see Usami in to his eyes… that would be too much.
Then his brother danced with him, both a little embarrassed but happy at the end, then Aikawa and Minami at last, Usami of course danced only with Aikawa and Minami. Hiroki, Usami's friend turned out to be Kamijou-sensei so Misaki tried to be as formal as possible and maintained a prudent (long) distance from the evil teacher, thank goodness he didn't wanted to dance with Misaki, he shouted something about not being an homosexual to Usami and left the room.
By 10:43 the party was completely over and Misaki breathed deep and long, he couldn't help but stress out about what was going to happen next.
"Ah, yeah... Usagi-san is probably going to take me to a hotel or something like that... He normally does so… I should be prepare for… for what? I don't want to –okay, not true!- I do want to, but I don't,want.. I just.. it's just… it's just too embarrassing!!! and this is not like a normal date this is THE DATE, this is our wedding night, the DATE DATE.. the mother of all dates!... the beginning of our ho... honeymoon…. I... I can't!!, I can't do it! Run! Run while you can!"
"Misaki?" called Usami taking his hand to lead him in to the limousine
"WHAT!" responded Misaki feeling his whole body tense, noticing that he had actually screamed at his husband Misaki closed his mouth with his hand and shut his eyes close "I'm sorry Usagi-san I didn't mean to scream… to shout at you…I'm sorry"
"It's okay Misaki, I'm nervous too" said Usami kissing the palm of his hand. Misaki felt his mind tingling and his whole body relax. "Damn perverted Usagi-san, I don't how can HE be nervous.. " thought Misaki but in the end he knew, It didn't matter whatever was going to happen, what truly mattered was that he was going to do it with the man he loved.
At 11:25 they arrived and for Misaki's surprised Usami didn't book a room in a hotel but he had prepared their house: the lights were out and candle lighted up their way to Usami's room, now "theirs" room. Inside the room were only a few candles, the moon reflected in a big mirror passed through the windows illuminating the bedroom. Almost all the toys were out in an improvised storage room (Misaki's old room). The bed was covered with red roses and in the night stand was a bottle of champagne, a bottle of wine and a glass cup of strawberries with cream and chocolate topping… everything was perfect.
Taking Misaki by surprise Usami carried him bride style to his room and closing the door placed him in their bed, Misaki didn't move letting Usami take off his hair clips and jewelry kissing him on his head and forehead moving slowly to kiss between his eyes, in his eyelids and cheeks. Misaki didn't know what to do, they had made love so many times but now it was so completely different, he felt like this was his first time, maybe it was because of the candles and the moon, or maybe because of all the champagne he had drank before, or maybe... just maybe... because this was their first night as husband and wife.
Usami took one piece of chocolate and put it in Misaki's mouth "don't bite it" said Usami ordering him, Misaki didn't had time enough to think feeling instantly Usami's lips kissing him in such a way that the chocolate didn't brake but melt in between their lips… later when the chocolate was almost completely melt the kiss turned more passionate. Usami sucked Misaki's lips and tongue trying to take every piece of chocolate while at the same time spreading with his tongue what was left of the chocolate in Misaki's mouth. When they finally broke their kiss Misaki could barely breathe feeling his body burning with desire. Then Usami laid him on his back starting to open the formal white kimono. The kimono was made so it wasn't that hard to open but even so Usami had a few problems with the obi, making Misaki giggle, he moved to help Usami undress him taking out the laces and ribbons, hugging Usami in the process.
Usami smiled looking at Misaki's red ears "I love you" said and feeling Misaki's hand let himself relax so his little uke could try his best to take off Usami's shirt. "This time I should be able to do it… to do something" Misaki took off the coat placing it in the chair next to the bed, later the tie followed resting over the coat in the chair. Then he started with Usami's shirt, one button at a time, Misaki felt his heart beating in his ear harder with every button he opened, he was starting to think that he wasn't going to be able to finish when the last button was undone, Misaki looked proudly. "I did it!" thought. Usami looked at him smiling "So cute". Then Misaki returned to reality noticing that he had only taking off his shirt and not the most important part.
"Shoot!" thought Misaki feeling shy, Usami smiled again and embraced him moving him down, so he was on top of him. Taking his shirt off and placing it on the chair he started caressing Misaki's skin, later using another piece of chocolate, licking it a couple of times so he could use it like a pencil, wrote something in Misaki's exposed chest.
"What are you writing...?" asked cautiously Misaki
"Guess?" said Usami smirking
"I'm not!…" Misaki knew Usami had written something really embarrassing
"Watashi no" said Usami overwriting it again with the pointy side of a strawberry making Misaki completely red, with smoke coming out of his head.
"Baka Usagi!" said Misaki trying to cover his face with his hands "Pervert!"
Usami without paying any attention to him started cleaning the chocolate traces licking and sucking on Misaki's skin, using his tongue several times where the chocolate was thicker, while sucking softly to take out completely the sweet flavor. Misaki squirmed and moaned softly feeling how Usami's tongue caressed his skin going lower and lower, always with the piece of chocolate, to continue on drawing lines.
"Usagi-san please… I can't… anymore… I need to feel you"… cried Misaki moaning
"Is that so" Usami smirked again… "Do you really want me?"
"Unnn" moaned Misaki with his eyes close not being able to speak
"Then spread your legs for me" said Usami moving his body off of him.
Misaki did as he was told opening the kimono completely, letting Usami see his long slender legs and his length already dripping... taking one glass cup with champagne pour it slowly between his legs. "Usagi-san it's too cold… Usagi-san…" Misaki shivered softly feeling the sudden change of temperature but it didn't end with that, feeling Usami's warm mouth, sucking him while his hand started to touch lower, going to his entrance… poking and nudging to tease him, Misaki moaned breathlessly trembling, sticking one finger and then another one thrusting slowly, moving his finger around to stretch and prepare his lover for what was about to thrust inside.
"Akihiko! Akihiko!" moaned Misaki not being able to control his voice. Usami looked at him and smiled softly "Now you're only mine… mine alone… Misaki" whispered Usami in to Misaki's ear taking out his fingers while placing his length at Misaki's entrance “I love you” said Usami thrusting inside.
Misaki trembled feeling how Usami thrusted inside him, hitting every time that certain spot until he couldn't take it anymore.
"Akihiko… I'm going to… I can't" Misaki embraced him, surrounding Usami's neck with his arms, Usami kissed his forehead starting to thrusting deeper and faster
"It's okay… let's come together"
Misaki's mind went white feeling his whole body tense, feeling his orgasm while crying Usami's name, feeling as well how Usami trembled softly, moaning his name and coming inside him.
"Misaki, I love you" said Usami kissing him in his lips, not an erotic kiss but a sweet, caring and lovable kiss.
"I… love you... too…" responded Misaki gasping for air.
Smiling Usami embraced Misaki, leaning his head to his beloveds shoulders. "I love you" repeated Usami closing his eyes. Misaki blushing tried to sound angry "Baka" but even that word sounded so full of love.
"So… Usagi-san… you'll be with me…. forever right?" asked Misaki not looking at Usami's eyes.
"Un" nodded Usami embracing Misaki tighter in response
"I'm yours…right?" asked Misaki blushing even redder but this time Usami didn't answer, when he looked at his face noticed that Usami was already sleeping "he fell asleep" “Usagi-san…. You're all mine…" said Misaki and closed his eyes to sleep.
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"sugoku kawaii" means incredibly cute or extremly cute
"watashi no" means "belongs to me" or "mine"
"baka" means "idiot"
WARNING: The next chapters are going to have male pregnancy so if you don't like that it's okay for you to end the fanfic here (this was actually the real ending so it's fine)… Everyone else, hope you keep on supporting my job. Thanks for reading and reviewing ^^ Love you!
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