The General's Crusnik | By : vbruce Category: +S to Z > Trinity Blood Views: 4114 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Trinity Blood. All rights, proceeds and monies go to the original creator. Making no cash from writing this. It's just for fun. |
And more smut.
Abel looked around at the people gathered in the office, a small smile on his lips. "I just wanted to say thank you for all the support and help you have given me over the years that I have worked with you," he began.
Leon chuckled. "I think you have that backwards, Abel. You're the one who gave many of us help and support when it was needed."
"That's probably true enough," Catarina said. "You will keep in contact, Abel." She was trying her best to be the stalwart leader of the AX while her heart was breaking. She'd greatly miss her friend and savior but he needed something more than the Vatican could give him now.
Abel nodded. "Of course. I'll probably be reminded to write as much as I can." He walked over and kissed Catarina's forehead. "You have grown into a remarkable young woman, Catarina Sforza. It is a pleasure to have watched over you."
"I couldn't have done it without you. Literally." She looked him over one last time, thinking he looked like he had the first time she'd ever seen him, missing the blood of course. But out of the priest's garb, glasses off and hair down, he forcibly reminded her of the reasons he'd been her first crush.
He smiled before looking at Leon. "I expect you to be a perfect gentleman towards her, because you do not want me coming back in a fatherly capacity."
Leon huffed. "As if I would treat her with less respect that she deserves," he drawled, shaking his head before grinning. "Relax, Abel. I'm a father too."
"Add to it, Tres is still very handy with guns," Catarina said, smiling over at the android.
Abel nodded, before moving on. "William, I hope you have a long life ahead of you, so be careful with the explosions. All right? And Kate, I do hope you lead a long and wonderful life."
"Ah well, the explosions are few and far between now," William said with a laugh.
Three solid knocks sounded at the door breaking up any further conversation.
"Come in, General," Catarina said.
Abel looked at the door, a bit surprised. He had thought he was meeting LaCroix at the front gates.
Lucien pushed the door open and smiled slightly at the group assembled.
"Now how did you know it was I, dear lady?" he asked, walking over to Catarina.
"That was simple enough to figure out. No one knocks quite like that on my office door."
Abel chuckled at that bit of logic and even Leon let out a small laugh. With a smile, Abel moved over to stand near LaCroix, indicating his willingness to leave with the General.
"You are a delight, bella dona. Forgive me but I was impatient to collect my duckling and be off for home. I've been gone too long as it is. Gods only know the state of my house with my son," he said, rolling his eyes.
"Only if he is in a painting mood, General," teased Abel, knowing how Nicolas could create masterpieces and messes at the same time.
"I was more referring to he and Natalie stirring the peasants into an uproar. Remind me to tell you about the incident with his Majesty and the pig."
That got a blink from Abel and an odd look. "I'm not sure I wish to know."
Leon smirked. "I dunno. Sounds like a fun story to me."
"It is in hindsight. At the time it wasn't so amusing," Lucien said.
He turned to Abel. "I take it you have everything you need to take with you?"
He nodded. "Yes, sir," he replied, gesturing to the small duffle bag that had mementos from the various people here, and a couple of orphans in Albion. "All ready."
"We should be away before a certain blue haired member of the Inquisition squad manages to free himself from the suit of armor he inexplicably got into backward."
Abel nodded and moved over to grab the bag. "I will do my best to stay in touch. I hope each one of you lives a long and happy life."
Lucien reached over and took Catarina's hand, kissing it gallantly. "Thank you, for taking care of him as well as you could, bella dona."
Catarina nodded. "I expect you to keep an eye on him while he's in your country, General."
Lucien glanced at Abel from the corner of his eye. "Oh, I shall, dear lady. I most certainly shall."
That got a faint blush on Abel's cheeks before he cleared his throat. "Shall we be on our way, General?"
"Certainly. If my king commands me to return with him, I will of course bring Abel with me for a visit."
The General took Abel by the elbow and steered him out the door and into the hallway.
He smiled at everyone one last time before he was escorted out of the room. He breathed a small sigh of relief as the door closed behind him. "For a minute, I thought something would happen that would ensure I was stuck here."
Lucien gave him a look that spoke volumes about what he thought of Abel remaining at the Vatican. "I would have simply followed through with my original plan if that had happened."
He chuckled and started towards the front door. "That makes me fell immensely better." He glanced at him. "Were the clothes delivered as expected?"
Lucien nodded. "They've been delivered to the ship by now along with the other supplies. We're taking the airship by the way. I know how badly you fare on water."
That got a blush. "I don't know why I get seasick but flying by air doesn't bother me."
"You were not initially created to travel on water, Abel. The individuals who engineered you presumed you'd be in the air most of the time anyway."
"Maybe, but it's still annoying that I can't even enjoy a trip on a lake." He shuddered as he remembered the trip from Neverland Island to Albion with Wendy, Peter, and the other orphans.
"That's all right. If you put the idea into Natalie's head she might be able to find some way to counteract that in you. I will admit she's brilliant."
He bit his lip before looking at him. "There are a group of orphans in Albion's Methuselah district. They were taken in by a brilliant scientist who changed them, artificially, into Methuselah. Would His Highness be able to help them? Perhaps just find them loving families?"
"I'll ask him. I'm sure Nicholas and Natalie wouldn't mind having a few hellions under foot. Gods know Jeanette would be thrilled."
He smiled. "I'll get all the information I have available written out. I managed to get them into an orphanage run by one of my acquaintances in the area."
Lucien gave Abel an odd look but bit his tongue on what he'd been about to say.
He looked at LaCroix. "What is it?"
"What is what, my beauty?"
"The look you just gave me. What was it for?"
Lucien laughed. "You know, you're adorable when you bristle up like a wet cat."
He huffed, trying to stay slightly irritated but found himself unable to.
"To answer your question, I was debating whether or not you'd be insulted by what I was thinking at the moment. Therefore, I decided to hold my tongue on the subject."
He nodded. "All right." He was willing to let it drop.
"I'll tell you once you're healed."
That got another nod and a wry smile. "No matter how long it takes?"
"No matter how long that takes. I don't expect you to be well and whole overnight, Abel."
"I'll try to remember that," he said, his voice soft.
Lucien cocked his head and studied the other man for a moment. "Abel, exactly why do you think I'm taking you with me?"
He looked at him, blue eyes serious. "I hoped because you honestly want me for as long as you can have me."
Lucien nodded. "That is part of the reason, yes."
"Then what is the rest of it?"
"You need time and opportunity to heal. I believe you'll heal better with me. You haven't had any real stability or purpose for centuries. You've just been going through the motions. Don't argue with me, you know it's the truth. Again, that is only part of it."
He nodded, acknowledging those points because they were true. He *had* been going through the motions. "Will you tell me the rest some day?"
"I will. But make no mistake, the main reason I'm taking you is because I'm a selfish individual and I want you with me."
That got a small, shy smile and a blush, but his eyes showed his delight at those words.
"Come along," Lucien said, wrapping an arm around Abel's waist. "We'll get settled in the cabin and feed you soon."
"As you wish, sir," he murmured, letting himself be lead out of the Vatican and his life there for good.
Lucien laughed and pulled Abel along the streets of Roma toward the docking bays for the airships. "Ah, my beauty, my wishes are somewhat more carnal than you would be used to at this point."
His face was red but his eyes were bright. "Perhaps, but in time, they won't be that much more carnal."
"With you at my side, I can safely say I might go mad with them."
Daring greatly, he bent and pressed his lips against LaCroix. "Then let us go mad together," he whispered.
"Once you've healed, happily, my lovely," Lucien said, a wicked gleam in his eyes.
He smiled and started for the airfield again.
Lucien started toward the biggest ship there. A grand beauty flying the colors of the Canadian nation.
Abel looked at the beauty of a craft. "She's lovely." He grinned at LaCroix. "Is she yours or on loan from His Highness?"
"Mine, of course."
That got a small smile from Abel. "Does that mean the crew will ignore any noises that come from the sleeping quarters?"
Lucien shrugged. "Yes. Provided you don't mind the hidden cameras in the cabins."
That got a laugh and a blush from Abel. "I don't think I could mind."
"You COULD but I doubt it would serve you very well."
"Very true."
"Ah, here comes her Captain," Lucien said.
Abel looked up, trying to get his blush under control.
"Captain Morrison, glad you could make it on time," Lucien said.
"Sir. Always try to keep to your commands. Will you want the manifest?"
"Naturally. Captain Morrison, meet Abel Nightroad. He'll be staying in my quarters."
Abel nodded politely to the Captain. "Sir, a pleasure to meet you."
The Captain nodded back. "You too, young man. Did you want the manifest brought to you, sir?" the Captain asked, turning back to Lucien.
"No. I plan to show Abel to our room first then come speak to you and the first mate about the course we need to chart," he said, taking Abel by the arm and leading him up the gangplank.
Abel looked at LaCroix in surprise. He had thought that the course back to Canada was all ready. Where else were they stopping?
Almost as though reading his thoughts, Lucien smiled mysteriously. "You'll see, my beauty."
He sighed. "All right," he agreed as he allowed himself to be escorted into the ship.
"Everything I have in store for you will be a good surprise, Abel. I promise you that."
"Just being with you is all I need, Lucien."
"You have no idea how much it delights me to hear you say that," Lucien said, nodding to several of the crew members as they passed.
"Ah, here we are," he said, opening a door and ushering Abel inside first.
Abel stepped in and moved to one side to allow LaCroix behind him as he looked around. The entire thing stated that this was Lucien LaCroix's personal air ship. "It's lovely."
"Thank you. I tend to be fond of my comforts as you well know."
Lucien watched as Abel wandered around the room, familiarizing himself with its’ contents. "You know, I'm not sure I should introduce you to the crew."
"Oh?" That got a surprised look. "Why is that?" He brushed his hair out of his face, still trying to get used to wearing it down.
Lucien reached out and toyed with a strand of Abel's moonlight hair. "Because, some randy bastard is bound to get the idea he can have you and then I'd have to kill a crew member."
He looked at him, a small smile on his lips. "There is an answer for that," he murmured, unbuttoning the top of his shirt to bare his throat.
Lucien smiled wickedly, fangs out, and with no other warning sank his teeth into Abel's willing neck.
He gasped, eyes wide, before he moaned and melted against LaCroix. Not exactly what he had meant, but he wasn't going to correct him. Not now.
Lucien smiled against Abel's skin. He knew this wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind but True Vampires tended to take fang markings far more seriously than any other kind of warning. It was really only a little bite, enough to get anyone to back off who didn't want to be seriously hurt. He backed his fangs out and kissed his way up to Abel's ear. "I have to go check the manifest now. But think on this while I'm away, my beauty. You belong to ME now. If I want you in nothing but a collar while you pleasure me, it will happen. But no one touches you without my permission. I WILL kill them for the transgression." He kissed Abel on the cheek before turning and making his way out the door.
"Yes, sir," Abel managed to gasp out, his legs shaking from the pleasure rushing through his body from the bite. It didn't matter how long LaCroix had left his fangs in, or how much blood was exchanged. It was the sensation of being penetrated by another. With a shuddering gasp, he backed up and practically collapsed on the bed.
As the door shut behind LaCroix, Abel managed to get enough of his braincells scraped together to shrug off the rest of his shirt before tugging his boots off, letting them drop to the floor. He groaned as he collapsed back on the bed, his hands flying to his pants to release the painful pressure there. He wrapped his hand around himself and started stroking, desperate to release the desire that was coursing through his body. A faint whine slipped out of him as he continued stroking, gripping hard to provide the needed friction, and his other hand came up to pinch and roll his nipples between his fingers.
He wiggled out of his pants, kicking them off to the side, not wanting the constriction at the moment. He vaguely remembered LaCroix mentioning cameras, and a bit of mischief filled him as he imagined the Ancient watching him over those same cameras. The fingers that had been tormenting his nipples drifted higher to slip into his mouth, and he moaned as he sucked on them, imagining them to be his master’s hard cock. Once he thought they were wet enough, he let that hand fall to reach around behind him as he bent his legs, spreading himself wide. With a moan and a shudder, he slipped a finger past the tight muscle while a single word fell from his lips.
That action, one he hadn’t done in so very long, was his undoing. He cried out, his back arching, as he peaked, spilling his release across his belly before he collapsed to the bed, panting from the force.
"Tsk! You started without me, my beauty," Lucien said from where he was leaning in the doorway. He came in then closed and locked the door.
He lazily rolled his head to stare at him before smiling. "Sorry. I couldn't wait."
"What a bad slave you are. I'll have to teach you some discipline."
He managed to sit up, looking at him with lidded eyes. "What will you do, Master?"
Lucien sat down in the chair closest to the bed. "Come here to me, Abel."
Rising to his feet, he walked over to him, stopping before him.
"On your knees," Lucien said.
With a smooth, graceful movement, he knelt, keeping his eyes trained on Lucien's face.
"I was going to wait until later for this but I can see it needs to be done," he said, producing the collar he'd bought from a bag near the chair.
His eyes widened a touch before he closed them and tilted his head back, baring his throat.
Lucien shifted Abel's hair as he slid the leather band around his neck and fastened it securely but not so tight as to shut off circulation.
His breath hitched at the feel of the leather around his throat. Claiming him. Marking him as Lucien LaCroix's property. His eyes were filled with a myriad of emotions when he opened his eyes, but the most prominent were hope and contentment. Hope that this wasn't a dream, and contentment that he was owned by Lucien.
Lucien put his fingers around the collar and dragged Abel across his lap. Before the other man could so much as wiggle or squeak in protest he had brought the flat of his hand firmly down on one side of his ass. Leaving a pink handprint on the very white skin.
He gasped and squirmed a bit, trying to find his balance across his master's lap. He wasn't use to being in this position.
Lucien continued, striking first one side then the other, layering one over the other and gradually building the pain.
He shuddered and whimpered but he had survived worse pain than this. Yet he knew that this was his punishment for starting without Lucien. And that warmed him more than the smacks to his butt did.
When Abel's ass and thighs were a lovely, rosy dark pink, Lucien rolled him off of his lap and back onto his knees.
He managed to resettle on his knees and stared up at him, the hope stronger with a touch of calmness. No one had disciplined him like that before. No one had cared enough to.
"Now. What else do you think your punishment should entail, Abel? Answer quickly or I'll think of something on my own."
"Let me pleasure you, Master?" he offered. It was the first thing that came to mind.
"Oh? And how will you pleasure me, my beauty?" He knew making Abel say it would work two ways. It would embarrass him, giving him the punishment he needed and it would also get him to voice desires and inclinations for future reference.
His cheeks flamed red but he continued to stare into those ice blue eyes. "With my mouth."
"Fine. My trouser buttons are to be undone with your teeth only. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Master." He shifted so he was kneeling between his master's legs before he leaned forward. He rested his hands on those powerful thighs, proof that he wasn't going to use his hands before he started manipulating the little buttons with his teeth and tongue.
Lucien shifted a little to give Abel easier access. His hands shifted absently through Abel's moonlight hair, marveling at the fine texture of it. He vaguely wondered if he could somehow bind the other man in his own hair.
It took quite a bit to figure out how to best manipulate the buttons, and he nearly bit a couple of them off in frustration. But a couple of seconds to calm down, and Abel was successful in unfastening the last button.
"Aren't you supposed to be doing something, my beauty?"
Lucien knew how difficult it was to get buttons undone that particular way and Abel had done and good job for it being the first time. But praise wasn't what was needed just then. This was punishment.
"Yes, Master," he murmured, nuzzling into the open pants to wrap his lips around hard flesh.
Lucien leaned his head back and closed his eyes, intent on just enjoying.
He slowly started bobbing his head, sucking on his master, as he tried to remember the little tricks he had learned with Cain on deep throating someone.
Lucien chuckled a bit, seeing the slightly distressed expression on Abel's face. "Just do what you can. I'd really rather not have you vomiting in my lap because you can't remember how to relax your gag reflex."
He looked at him, his eyes acknowledging his words, before he started carefully taking more in his mouth.
Master smiled down at the top of his slave's head. This was going to be marvelous, he thought. He relaxed more and concentrated on enjoying the sensations Abel was providing him with.
The first time he hit his gag reflex, he backed off a bit, but after a few minutes of concentration, he managed to relax his throat and reflex, swallowing his master completely. A look of delight was in his eyes at being able to remember the right way and sharing this with his master.
Lucien's hands tightened on the chair arms as that particular move nearly shoved him off the edge he was hovering on.
He swallowed around the sensitive head before he started bobbing his head again, making sure to take his master completely, now that he could.
"Abel," Lucien gasped. "Spit or swallow?"
In response he pulled back until the head was resting on his tongue and sucked.
Lucien heard the wood of the chair creak as he clamped down hard on the arms as the world went temporarily out of focus.
With a small purr, he swallowed everything that his master spilled before gently cleaning him with his tongue. Then he pulled back and rested his cheek on a thigh to stare up at him.
Lucien caught his breath and smiled down at his beauty. Gods, he could be in so much trouble with this one, he thought.
"I think that made you hard again, didn't it, my beauty?"
"Yes, Master." It was true, he was hard and ached a bit, but watching his master like that was satisfaction enough at the time.
"Good," Lucien purred. "Now. I want you to crawl over to the bed and get on it."
Turning, he crawled back over to the bed and climbed up on it, kneeling there as he waited for his next order.
"On your back."
He shifted until he was lying on his back, his hands out to his sides to show that he wasn't touching himself. Not that he wouldn't take that opportunity later.
"Put your arms over your head, my beauty. I'm going to make certain you don't start without me again."
He blushed but complied, his wrists lightly crossed as he rested his hands above his head. "Yes, Master."
Lucien reached behind the headboard and grabbed the silk lined cuffs.
He looked up, watching with heated eyes as his master handled the cuffs, and shivered in delight.
Lucien slid first one cuff then the other around Abel's wrists and tightened them so he couldn't get them off but not enough to cut off circulation.
He shivered again before going limp, his gaze filled with trust as he looked at his master.
Lucien smiled down at him before leaning forward and kissing him on the nose. "Now, be a good boy while I'm gone. I'll be back shortly."
He grinned. "Yes, Master," he said, shifting a bit to get more comfortable on the bed.
Just to add a little to the punishment, Lucien slid one hand down Abel's body. Tracing the muscles of his chest and stomach before giving one particular muscle a squeeze.
That got a moan and he arched into that grip, wanting more.
Lucien let go and got off of the bed. "I'll be back soon," he said, walking to the door and going out, locking it behind him.
A frustrated whine followed him, but Abel settled back on the bed, trying to relax some. Punishment wasn't supposed to be *fun* after all.
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