A Friendly Wager | By : Almister Category: Pokemon > General Views: 13544 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, I make no money from this story. |
"Fury Swipes Teddiursa!" Liz cheered, watching with gleeful excitement as the Mareep across from her went down hard. The little bear jumped back into a ready position, a visible sign of the recent training they'd been doing lately.
Grabbing a pokeball from her bag, the rookie trainer wound up and let it fly, snagging the yellow sheep easily. Three shakes later, and the ball stopped moving with a 'ding'.
"Good job. That makes four. An electric type is always useful." Sasha yawned sagely from his spot in the shade.
"Yeah, this should help cover any flying or water types." Liz smiled, picking up the ball.
"They aren't the best offensively, but they're only weak to ground. You should find someone that can tutor it Magnet Rise, removing that ground weakness." He smiled, standing up. "You ready to get going?"
"Just a second, I want to check to make sure it isn't hurt." Liz replied, tossing the ball on the ground once more. The electric sheep gave a weak cry as it appeared, glancing about in confusion. "Hey there little guy. I guess you're coming with me. No hard feelings?"
The pokemon merely tilted its head, giving a weak 'baa'.
"Awww, it's so cute! And fluffy!" Liz squealed, leaning down to give it a hug. The pokemon 'baa'd happily, squirming slightly in her grasp.
"Careful... Mareep tend to-" Sasha's warning was interrupted by Liz seizing up, her muscles trembling like a leaf for a moment, before she fell over on her side.
"W-what..." She slurred, unable to properly move.
"Yeah... Mareep build up static electricity passively, and release it to paralyze their enemies. Don't worry, it'll wear off soon." Sasha smirked, returning the pokemon for her. "Till then, I guess you're pretty helpless."
"D-dick." She slurred, struggling to roll over.
"Hey, no reason to be rude." The experienced trainer teased, kneeling down next to her. "Want to know something funny about Mareep static? The way electric pokemon use their electricity varies, but the Mareep family's paralysis play a special kind of havoc on the human nervous system."
Reaching down, he reached out, lightly running a finger along the side of her smooth tanned stomach. Liz gave a cry of surprise, feeling a stinging sensation shooting out from that light touch. "Ahhhh!" She hissed quietly, her voice partially caught in her throat.
"They tend to mess with the nerves, making pleasure come out as pain, and pain as pleasure. Temporarily at least." He noted clinically. Reaching down, he grasped the elastic waistband of her shorts and pulled, causing the spandex to rub and grind against her crotch.
"F-f-aaaaah!" She practically screamed, choking on her words as the sensation washed through her, the shorts feeling like needles pressing against her lips.
"Sucks, doesn't it?" He teased, releasing the shorts. "The good news, though..." Raising his hands, he moved to cup her breasts. She hissed lightly at the contact, but the pain was relatively mild. "If I do this..."
Without much warning at all he grasped her nipples, twisting them roughly. "Ugh!" She cried, giving out a loud moan of pleasure.
"Good right?" He chuckled, twisting and pulling at them roughly. "I've met some girls that use this before getting piercings or tattoos."
"More!" She moaned through numb lips.
Sitting back, he grabbed the athletic girl, hoisting her up so that she laid stomach down on his lap. "More huh? Hmm... more of which?" Reaching down, he grabbed her tail, balling the furred lengths in his fist. Slowly he began to apply pressure, twisting and pulling at them.
"Ahhhh!" Liz groaned, the feeling that would usually be quite pleasurable making her feel like her asshole was on fire. "N-n-oooo."
"No?" He teased, releasing the tail. "What about this then?" With one hand resting on her back, the other one lashed out, slapping her roughly on her spandex-clad ass. The impact let out a muffled 'smack' that echoed through the clearing.
"Oh god..." Liz whimpered, feeling a rush of pleasure shoot through her, a lingering warmth remaining behind. "Yes..."
"Oh, you like being spanked? Naughty girl." He laughed, slapping her ass twice more, to vocal acclaim. "Hmm, these are in the way though..." He mumbled, rubbing the spandex.
Liz winced once more, the gentle feeling having the same effect of rubbing sunburn. "Can't take them off without removing this first." Another tug at her tail, another lance of ache. "Better do it quick, like removing a bandaid."
"W-what?" Liz slurred in surprise. "W-wait!"
With one smooth yank the entire plug came out of her, her ass stretching from narrow to gaped in seconds. The pleasure that shot through her from the movement was enough to make her scream out, body flopping uselessly in place in a desperate attempt to get more.
"Shame you can't cum like that." Sasha noted absently. "I mean, just because you're interpreting it as pleasure, doesn't mean it really feels good. I'd have to hurt you a lot instead, and the orgasm would feel unbearable."
Liz simply remained silent, unable to tremble in place, but able to feel her asshole slowly twitching shut even through the numbness.
With another swift movement, her shorts were yanked down, exposing her bare ass and crotch to the world. "Now then... Where were we..." Sasha asked rhetorically, before catching her off guard with another slap to the ass.
The pleasure was even more intense than before, the smack louder, the lingering pleasure leaving a deeper mark on her. She moaned with wanton lust, desperately trying to wiggle her ass for more.
Again and again his hand came down on her, each one sending stars of pleasure scattering across her vision. Yet even as he continued, she felt no arousal growing between her legs. The surging waves of pleasure shot right for her brain, instead of pooling in her belly like they should.
"Mr?" The sound of a young girl's voice interrupted them. Unable to move, Liz could only peer from the corner of her eye towards the source, picking up a small pair of running shoes standing in the grass across from her. "What are you doing?"
"Ah. My friend here was being naughty, so I was giving her a spanking." Sasha replied.
"Oh..." The voice replied, a mixture of emotion in her voice. Dimly, Liz noticed the spark of arousal finally start to light in her belly. Was she really getting off on being watched? By some kid?
Another slap struck her ass, this time the wave of pleasure masking a minor twinge of pain that settled deep inside her, coaxing moisture from her crotch.
"S-should I leave?" There was a nervousness to the voice, but also an underlying amount of hopefulness.
"You don't have to." Sasha replied, swatting her ass once more. "You can stay, if you'd like."
"N-no..." Liz moaned weakly, squirming as the stinging heat began to build. Another swat made her cry out, closing her eyes and choking down her words of protest. A stray finger dipped between her ass cheeks, circling her abused hole and dipping down between her lips. It stung, like a hot poker dragging into her nethers, scooping up her arousal.
"You can even help, if you'd like." Sasha's voice was teasing, that same insufferable, aggravating tone she'd thought she'd become immune to. She tried desperately to struggle, but her body resisted every movement. For all her strength she could only squirm helplessly in his grasp.
His fingers pinched at her clit, twisting it slightly, causing her to shake and spasm hopelessly in pleasure, like someone had touched a life wire to her clit and nose. "H-how."
"Well..." Sasha drawled lazily. "If you don't want to spank her yourself, and you totally can, it's a lot of fun, you can scold her. Tell her how naughty she's been."
"O-oh god." Liz whimpered weakly, still shaking as his thumb moved upwards, dragging roughly across her now soaked lips. It was agony, sweet agony, even as his other hand came down on her abused ass once more, a surge of pleasure washing it away.
"O-okay!" Nervousness and excitement, in equal parts, greeted his suggestion, and the pair of shoes drew closer. Turning her head as far as she could, Liz looked up, locking eyes with a young girl, maybe 10 or 11. Her hair was jet black and shoulder length, but her skin was tinged red from too much time in the sun. She was dressed in a purple dress, the kind children could play in without worry of ruining it. "You've been a bad girl!" She declared, pointing down at Liz.
In any other situation, it would be humorous. But laying there, naked from the waist down, being spanked in front of a preteen it was humiliating. Another slap landed on her ass, and she shivered, trying to hold in the cry of pleasure.
"You've been bad, so take all the punishment you deserve! And... And count the spankings!" The girl declared, and Liz finally stopped biting her lip.
"O-one!" She shouted, hands grabbing fistfulls of grass as another blow landed on her ass. It must be red by now, and horribly bruised. The pain was starting to become more dominant. She wondered if that meant the paralysis was wearing off, or if she was starting to like it.
"Ask for more! Thank him for spanking you!" There was a type of unnerving glee in the girl's voice.
"Two! Thank you, may I have another?" Liz whimpered, lowering her head to the grass.
"Look at me. Look me in the eye." The girl giggled, and Liz struggled to obey. Her ability to move was coming back, albeit slowly.
"Three! T-thank you, may I have another?" Liz shivered, her eyes locked on the ice blue of her tormentor. "P-please?" The fire in her belly was going stronger. Remembering what Sasha had said, she prayed desperately that she could outlast the paralysis.
"Call me... Call me princess." The girl ordered, licking her lips. Was she rubbing her thighs together? What a kinky child.
"Please princess, can I have some more?" Liz moaned lustily, the fingers working at her cunt were steadily becoming less painful, and her clit was beginning to become sore.
The girl was breathing heavily by this point, her eyes wide, a bit of confusion present in them. It was as if she was just discovering these tendencies. "Please, princess?" Liz begged, for the spankings and fingering had stopped completely.
The girl hesitated a moment longer, before kicking off her shoes and socks. Standing barefoot in the grass, the girl lifted one leg, presenting her dainty, sweaty foot to Liz. "L-lick it." She demanded weakly.
Liz licked her lips, uncertainly, wincing only slightly as a thumb pushed into her cunt. The paralysis was definitely wearing off, which was good because she was certainly at the brink. Using what control she could gather over her muscles, she leaned forward, snatching the big toe of the girl in her mouth.
The girl gave a startled cry, which quickly transitioned into a rather lusty moan for a girl her age. As Liz watched, she could see the wave of pleasure shoot up the girl, from the tip of her toes all the way up her spine until the girl's eyes closed and her hands flew to her crotch.
Egged on, Liz swiped her tongue across the toe, dragging it roughly through the space between the toes, before releasing it. Moving, she licked under each of the smaller toes, before giving the soft sole of the foot a luxurious tongue bath.
Sasha slipped out from under her at some point during the tongue bath, his hands still gripping her poor abused ass, sending waves of pain through her body as the paralysis wore off completely. She ignored him for now, focusing entirely on her young tormentor.
The girl trembled once more, before losing her balance and falling backwards on her ass. Liz wasn't sure what came over her, but the sight of the young girl before her practically drove her wild. She rushed forward on her hands and knees, practically diving her head under the girl's dress.
The startled cry from above was cut off as her lips zeroed in on the soaked panties ahead of her, peppering the young crotch with kisses. Without even bringing her hands to bear, she grasped the cotton panties with her teeth and pulled them aside, practically plunging her tongue into the narrow slit.
The cries and squeals of pleasure from above were drowned out by her own moans, as Liz found her ass pushed open by Sasha's large cock. His grip on her bruised ass tightened as he used it to pull her into him, sliding in to his maximum depth with the same slow-leisurely pace as before.
The tightly wound ball of tension in her belly snapped, and she came hard, screaming her release into the bald crotch around her lips. Unphased, she feverishly continued her worship, licking and suckling away at the juice twat, unable to bring herself to stop. Narrow, delicate fingers wound their way into her hair, egging her on.
It wasn't long before the girl began to tremble, her thighs closing hard enough around Liz's face to cut off her air as an intense orgasm rocked her tiny body. It seemed to last almost a minute, and Liz's own vision was beginning to swim from a lack of air as he tongue continued to work away, before she was released enough to suck greedy gulps of heady air.
Liz gasped in surprise as she was flipped over to lay on her back, and her own tube top was pulled down, exposing her breasts. All the while, Sasha continued to pump in and out of her sore ass, making the best out of slapping his hips against her bruises.
Rising up, shakily, the girl climbed up over Liz's head, discarding her soiled panties and lowering herself down over the older girl's head. "Lick me more you naughty girl." She ordered imperiously, dropping her sopping wet twat over Liz's face.
An order which Liz happily obliged, lapping and sucking away at the bald cunt. Feeling adventurous, she moved upwards, flicking her tongue against her little mistress's tiny asshole. "Gross!" She squealed, practically giggling in excitement. "You're a gross naughty girl, aren't you? Do you like my little butthole?"
"Yes, princess." Liz admitted, blushing heavily. "I... I love your tiny little butthole."
"Do you want to kiss it? Do you want to kiss my dirty little butt?" She teased, wiggling her hips over the older girl's face.
"V-very much so." Liz grumbled reluctantly.
"Do it then. Clean my ass with your tongue, naughty girl." She ordered, pushing her hips down hard, practically shouting as Liz's tongue pushed forward fiercely, splitting the tiny hole open with one motion.
Sasha began to pick up the pace of his thrusting, the only sign that he was anywhere close to finishing in the next few minutes. Curious, the girl leaned forward, bringing her head down to get a better look. "Wow... You're really big. And you're putting it in her butt too! She must really be a naughty girl."
"See why I'm punishing her?" He joked, pulling out until the head of his cock stretched her wide open.
Fascinated, the girl brought her hands around, placing her fingers on either side of the hole and pulling, forcing the abused ring to stretch even further. "Wow... I didn't know it could stretch that big."
"I can do you next, if you'd like." Sasha teased, causing the girl to blush bright red.
"Idiot. Like a girl like me would enjoy something like that?" She scoffed, closing her eyes and shuddering for a moment.
"If you say so... I mean, I think you could handle it, but if you disagree..."
"I can handle it! If this dirty girl can do it, I can certainly handle it... But don't put it in my vagina. I'm saving that for someone special." She pouted, getting up off of Liz. "Pull out, I don't want to wait." She ordered.
With a good natured chuckle at being ordered around, Sasha withdrew, eliciting a small pop as he came free of Liz's abused ass. "You, naughty girl, clean him off." She ordered, gesturing at the still erect member.
"You've got to be kidding me." Liz grumbled, still laying back, completely exhausted.
"You heard the Princess." Sasha joked, presenting his cock towards her.
With a sigh of exasperation, Liz leaned forward, taking the head of the cock between her lips. "Hurry up!" Princess demanded, grabbing the back of Liz's head and practically forcing the cock down her throat.
"Mmmph!" Liz protested, her cries muffled as she braced her hands against Sasha's dick, struggling to pull back as the girl held her down. The urge to gag was strong, but she managed to subdue it with practice. The bigger issue was the lack of air. She flailed weakly, trying to get away, trying to get a breath, as her eyes began to tear up.
"Fuwah!" She gasped, finally getting free, sucking in greedy lungfulls of air as copious amounts of drool ran down her chin.
"Finally. Now put it in already!" The girl demanded, pushing Sasha down easily and climbing up over him.
"Careful, you should go slow..." Sasha warned, as the girl lined herself up, her delicate hands holding the rather large cock up to her slightly loosened ass. "We have lube if you-"
"Shut up, I can do this." She snapped, dropping down suddenly. The motion didn't quite work as planned, instead of hilting the boy, she merely impaled herself part way before getting suck due to friction and the lack of space inside her.
"Oh... Oh shit..." The girl whimpered, tears welling up in her eyes as her voice threatened to crack. Sasha reached out, grasping her and holding her up, keeping pressure off her ass. As Liz watched, she could see the ring of the girl's ass turn an angry red as it tried to stretch out and accommodate the intrusion.
Deciding to take pity on her former tormentor, Liz fumbled for her bag, removing the jar of Magoberry lubricant. Dipping her fingers in a liberal amount, she scooted forward, drawing the younger girl into her arms.
One arm held her up, delicately slipping under the girl's dress to play with her nipples, while the other slipped down to the abused hole, gently rubbing the paste around the ring and the cock. All the while, she kissed and licked the girl's neck, gently murmuring sweet nothings of comfort.
The young girl bit back a sob, as Liz gently started coaxing her to move her hips, up and down, up and down, millimeters at a time as Liz coated both the cock and her ass with the sweet smelling slime. With every pass the movement got easier, smoother, as the young tight hole loosened up enough to barely accommodate the cock.
Soon the whimpers of pain were replaced by small pants of pleasure, and Liz removed her hand, instead moving around to gently rub at the girl's clit. The girl gave a small cry of pleasure, leaning back fully against Liz with hooded eyes. Feeling daring, Liz leaned forward, catching the younger girl in an awkward, clumsy kiss.
Her movements picked up momentum, until she was bouncing like a Bunneary on the cock, riding it for all her worth. The gasps and whimpers became full on moans, as beads of sweat formed upon her body. Her own hands rose to her tiny nipples, pinching and twisting them as her face screwed up with tension.
The release was explosive, looking like a minor seizure as she spasmed and shook against Liz's grasp, her hips bucking wildly. Sasha gave a grunt as well, a mixture of pain and pleasure as the tiny hole grabbing his cock contracted further, practically milking the cum out of him. His hands moved from the girl's thighs, balling in the grass next to him as he emptied a truly massive load into the young girl with a sigh of relief.
It took a few minutes for the girl to calm down and become lucid enough to lift herself from Sasha's cock. She tipped forward immediately, letting Liz get a quick view of the massive load of hot cum within her, before her tight ass closed around it.
"Eww.... You made a mess of my butt." She complained with a pout, squirming a bit. "It feels gross."
Liz shrugged, rather liking the feeling herself. "It'll come out, trust me."
"No. I don't wanna wait. Clean me up." She ordered, pointing at Liz.
"Well, you heard the princess." Sasha joked. With a sigh, Liz laid back against the grass, wondering why she even bothered being nice to her temporary 'mistress'.
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