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Reviews for Don\'t Know What You\'ve Got \'Till It\'s Gone

By : dragonphire99
  • From ANON - Totoro on August 26, 2004
    Oh please update soon! Bad JJ! You have to hurry up with the next chap! I can't wait anymore, it's torturing me.
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  • From ANON - firgodes7 on August 25, 2004
    That that isn't right......... Awesome chapter though. I can't wait to see the next chapter when you post.
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  • From ANON - anna on August 25, 2004
    Oh my god! You are so EVIL! How in the HELL could you do that!? You better get the next chapter out ASAP! If you don't....*shakes fist*
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  • From ANON - Yeah, So I Said on August 25, 2004
    you make my day everyday with a new chapter to read. hopefully one tomorrow? haha, i want to see what happens. i want ryo and dee to sort this out or at least talk! ahh, can't wait. =) good job.
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  • From ANON - anna on August 25, 2004
    Oh! I love it! Damn it JJ! Don't get Dee thinking about you! He belongs to Ryo! I hope Dee and Ryo can get through this. Ryo needs to tell Dee that they are together before soemthing bad happens and Dee ends up with JJ. Good story! Keep it up!
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  • From ANON - Yeah, So I Said on August 24, 2004
    aw, i can't wait til ryo and dee get this sorted out. i want to see what happens really bad. thanks again for another chapter so soon! can't wait, dying for the new one.
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  • From ANON - halowing4 on August 24, 2004
    The story just gets better. I hope JJ doesn't mess things up too much. Looking forward to more.
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 23, 2004
    I feel so bad for Ryu and Dee! They're both hurt, alone, and not with each other like they need to be. This so heartbreaking and that damn JJ made is worse with that card! He's such a unfeeling bastard! He should get a life and leave Dee and Ryo alone! Hurry with the next chapter!!
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  • From ANON - Yeah, So You Said on August 23, 2004
    =) woah, can't wait to see what happens. damn jj. haha. really, pleasee come out with the next chapter soon.
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  • From ANON - firgodes7 on August 23, 2004
    Hi there. Just wanted to tell you that you have a really good story going on here. Your detailing is very descriptive and fits very well with what is going on with in this story. I can't wait to see you update the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - anna on August 22, 2004
    Damn you! You can't leave it there! Noo! Now that that's out of my system...This is turning into a VERY good story. I liked the lemon for a first chapter *Blushes*. Then it was really sweet, and now it's getting angsty. I like it. You seem to have thought this out REALLY well. The character's don't seem too out of place either. I'm sure as the chapters go on, they will become a little OOC, but I love a good OOC, and I can tell that this one is going to be a really good fic. I also liked the way you did the Dee and Bikky scene. I can SO picture the two of them doing that. I look forward to reading more of this!
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  • From ANON - Niki on August 21, 2004
    Aw, please continue your story, don't stop it at cliffhanger... so cruel *______* I wto rto read the meeting between Ryo and Dee. Great story!
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 21, 2004
    I hope the visit goes well and that Dee will be released into Ryo's custody. Hurry with the next chapter!!
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  • From ANON - halowing4 on August 20, 2004
    Wow! What a great start to this story. Loved the HOT first chapter. The characters are very true to the Fake manga. Looking forward to more.
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  • From ANON - Hatsune on August 19, 2004
    :) You're the hottest writer here, you know that. After Dee Goes Banana, I kept thinking if I would read more of your love-making stories again. Now, you offer your first angst story, which is more than I can ask. Prologue is as hot as usual. Chapter 1 is not unexpected but nicely written. I can't wait to read Dee got amnesia and see how his action to Ryo, if he still loves him or there'll be someone else, and Ryo's reaction to Dee, and how he win back Dee's love or return his memory.
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