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Reviews for One Piece The New Age Directors Cut

By : Onepiecenewage
  • From ANON - Amanda on October 26, 2005
    w00t! I feel so loved. My name was mentioned on ze internet! w00t! *glomp*
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  • From ANON - Dee Dee Dee Award on October 02, 2005
    How the hell can this story ever be a NC 17? It seems more like a G rating, truly I have no idea what you just wrote here. Even if it's just a small script, it still has a load full of grammar problems. And scripts are usually a lazy way of writing. The original characters don't even seem to be that expressive...are they Mary-Sues? I don't blame you for that. That's just one of the millions of mistakes first time writers get. Even you aren't a rookie or not, either way, can't you see this is highly unconvincing? But this would be graded as a GAF (God-Awful Fanfiction). Honestly, what were you writing about?
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  • From ANON - Ren and Sandra on September 17, 2005
    Happy? We read your friggin' short story. (note: this is amanda) By the way, *glomp* Roar!
    Lindsey: I'm still blocking you on messenger!!!!!!!!
    Amanda: Heheh...I'm on a sugar rush from waffles. Oh well. Update soon.

    w00t! Foamy Inc.

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