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By : ankfanforever
  • From ANON - LadyIkari on July 12, 2009
    Thank you!!!You are the reason why I registered with This story is amazing!!! I am constantly checking to see if you have updated yet.Please keep up the good work!!!
    And thank you again because you have inspired me to write again!!
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  • From barrie18 on July 12, 2009
    Interesting chapter, but now what? Wanton sex does not a relationship make :)

    Raoul is as always the voice of reason here but even his explanation of Iason to Riki doesn't change the fact that Riki doesn't have 'feelings' as such for Iason. He might have the 'hots' for Iason, and after watching Raoul and Guy, it is no wonder he just about jumps him at the door, but that still doesn't change the basis of his feelings towards him.

    As to Iason, that convoluted mess of emotions, would he even take into account anything Raoul would say to him? Or would it anger him that Riki even spoke to Raoul in this manner?

    He might be annoyed at Raoul for revealing their past, but Raoul is his equal, Riki is his pet and talking to another Blondie about his master. . . well, as I've said before, the man might be able to conduct meetings but when it comes to his pet, he is an emotional mind field.

    So how do you get them on the same page? Does Iason break Riki into loving him or does the Pet break the Master into changing his ways, and therefore making the master more appealing to the pet?

    At this stage, Riki appears to be
    'needy' of Iason for a better word. But once again that does not mean its love, but seems to be more security. Need can assimilate love in actions, as did the friendship Riki felt for Guy assimilated love. But it never reached or became that. So somewhere there has to be a revelation for Riki to make the difference almost a physical blow, so he can at some point turn around and say "I love him" and know that he really means it.

    If a story is good, length is not an issue. . . keep going, can't wait to see what happens next :)

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  • From barrie18 on July 10, 2009
    Well you've certainly created a conundrum here. Because chances are very good that Guy still has feelings towards Riki. Riki loves (but is not 'in' love) with Guy. Iason is a jealous fool, and Raoul. . . well what can Raoul really do? You can't force someone to stop loving someone, and you can't force someone to fall in love with you either (can someone please sit down and explain that concept to Iason :) )

    And Raoul seems to be honest on top of everything else, so I can't see him using trickery(as compared to Iason's thuggery) to separate Guy and Riki emotionally. So as I said you've laid out a very complex puzzle here, and it will be fun watching you solve it.

    Of course if Guy doesn't have feelings anymore for Riki then the above is just a moot point, but if you go that way, then I think you are going to lose a lot of the possible drama you could develop going along the more complicated lines. . .

    Well, here's to more fun and games in the next chapter. . .
    looking forward to see what you have instore for us next.:)

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  • From ANON - jishe on July 09, 2009
    Helo there you again!!! First of all, thanks a lot for updating so soon!!! You are the only author i know it does, thanks again!!!
    And second, about the chapter...poor Riki, and to the hell with whoever was hurting him!!! I wish Iason will do something...or maybe not. After all, gratefully nothing happens and if Iason makes his way on them...Bbbrrrrr...scary....
    I understant Raoul plan, but...i don't know...he actually think he can control those two together? Well, maybe what he say to Iason it's true...about poor beaten Guy won't be able to move even his hand but...well, let's just see...
    By the way, I love jealous Iason!!! Jajajaja, and everybody see it!!!! XD
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  • From ANON - jishe on July 08, 2009
    Hello there!!! This chapter was nice, because it had so many changes in the scenes and a lot of stuff happen.
    I really didn't understant the thing with Riki being "pure bread", sorry. But the end of that part was just so fun...Iason is really fun...sometimes...
    Raoul ...i just keep thinking he is sweet...ok, he actually hit Guy and i didn't like it...but when he became just so concerned with what Jupiter might do and all that satatus stuff...T-T...poor of him..or maybe i'm just one of that girls that justify violence and THAT WILL BE A PROBLEM!!! @-@'''
    Anyway, the last part at the car..i don't know just how you mke the most exciting scenes in one parraghrap..i mean...>///< !!!! By the way i whish a could see riki with just a top and a way, what about Iason in a top and a nose is bleeding again...see ya....................
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  • From barrie18 on July 08, 2009
    Rhetorical question for you, have you read the novels at all? I'm up to book 4 and so far I'm amazed at what a thug Iason is, something I don't think came across in the anime or in the fanfics I've read. But your Iason at this stage is a complete thug. Brutal, self indulgent, and so far no idea of how to achieve his goal, let alone what his goal really is. Which once more makes me question how can this thug have no idea how to handle/charm Riki, when he is in charge of the Syndicate and has to ooze charm on a full time basis.

    Even his gloating at where the pet ring is. He screams he wants to control him, and yet when he did control him (The part where Riki was 'broken') he goes straight away to fix him. . . because he doesn't want him broken, or control him. He wants the fire and spirit and if you control someone, you aren't going to have that. Can Raoul actually at some point sit down and explain this to him, because this is so totally going over his blonde head :)

    The car scene shows power, but whose? Yes, Iason took Riki, but he could have just as easily told him to jerk off, or let him jerk himself off. . .more or less a control tactic. But instead he sucks him off, giving his 'pet' pleasure and making sure that as much as he has marked his pet, his pet has marked him as well.

    As to Raoul and Guy. . . too calm before the storm perhaps, and a good chance not even a storm of their own making. My guess is that they are going to flounder because of what ever happens between Iason & Riki. And lets not forget Jupiter. . .I'm sure somewhere along the line she has to make her displeasure shown.

    So am I still mindreading?
    looking forward to the next chapter :)
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  • From ANON - jishe on July 06, 2009
    Hello there. Finally and last...the evil ring makes his apperance....buajajajajjajajajja (evil laugh) No way, just kiding.
    Now, talking seriously, that's something everybody kwnos from the original Ovas...the ring...the one wich plays and important part at the ending...only remembering gaves me the creepsssss!!!! @-@'''
    More importanly, Riki it pulling some serious treads at Iason...when will come the day when he finally explote and actually found and tell riki that he loves him? I hope soon, but of course that just my desire..afeter all is your fic and more important it's an Ai No Kusabi fic...that always end bad..TT_TT...but if you want a happy ending i support you...jiji
    See you soon!!!s
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  • From barrie18 on July 06, 2009
    It amazes me that someone who is the Head of the Syndicate, and has to deal with people and situations on a full time basis, in his private life doesn't have a clue what to do with Riki.

    And Riki, in pure mongrel mode, doesn't see what is right in front of his face.

    He accuses Iason of not having emotions, and yet Iason's actions belie that.

    Totally different to Raoul and Guy eh? :)

    So Riki is in the notorious ring, and Iason is having fun playing with the controls. Yet if that is what he wanted in the first place, why bother to 'fix' Riki. He could have just slapped a ring on, and pushed the button to get the desired reponse. The man really does have problems doesn't he?

    So now to the next part of the puzzle. . . I doubt if Guy is given a ring that it will be one NOT fitted to his 'cock'.

    So do Guy and Riki meet up in Eos in one of the salons? Does Guy 'lose' it when he discovers where Riki's ring is located. And once again the question that I keep asking, do all trails lead to Dana Bahn?

    Powerful chapter, with the Iason & Riki jumping off the page.

    Waiting impatiently for the next update :)

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  • From ANON - jishe on July 05, 2009
    Very funny the thing with the he just wanted to get a ride? Ok, i understand that.
    The 2 idiots in the jail...they should be castrated and let see if they like it, dam stupids!!!
    I kind of feel like that "the ending" with Raoul and Gyr, of course the history goes on's like they get to an undestanding point between them and...the rest it just been happy...and have lots of sex of course!!!! XD
    Ah well...that just an idea, more like a feeling of mine...
    Iason and Riki...well, that's another totally different case and let's see how goes on in your next chapter, which i hope will be out soon!!! Please!!!
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  • From barrie18 on July 04, 2009
    Well, that was a surprise. . . I didn't think that Raoul and Guy's situation would be so swiftly solved. But will Guy be happy to settle for pet status? Even though Raoul has said he loves him?

    And I have to admit I'm more curious as to what is going on between Riki and Iason. I can't see that easy a solution for them.

    And there still has to be some sort of resolution between Guy and Riki. And even Raoul and Iason need to sit down and talk about what has happened because of the Mongrels they let in their lives.

    Hope to see an update soon.
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  • From barrie18 on July 02, 2009
    Well, I don't think Guy has gone out to surprise Raoul by buying breakfast :)

    Yes, it was short and sweet, but still moves the plot along :)

    So Raoul is starting to feeling 'something' more than curiosity towards his mongrel pet
    and my bet is that Guy is too which is why he took a flier. Guilt he feels something for someone else, guilt over what he now did to Riki, guilt that this feeling developed so soon after raping Riki.. . .

    Guilt is a wonderful motivation. . . it can do a lot of things including driving people insane. So if you are heading back in the direction of Dana Bahn this would certainly start the ball rolling. But I will keep my fingers crossed if that is the way you are heading that the ending is not the same :)

    Don't rush yourself, write when you can, and will look forward the next chapter whenever it happens :)

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  • From KotoriSensei on July 02, 2009
    What the hell does it means: "Gay was gone"? WHERE???!!!!!! OMG...what if something happen to him...ok, let be real...the most realistic idea: he left...but why would he leave such a gorgeous man!!! I wouldn't!!!
    That ending was the best in all your chapters so far...i mean...i'm gona eat my fingernails...and my fingers also if you don't continue soon!!! PLEASE!!!!
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  • From barrie18 on June 30, 2009
    Wow, Riki is back and fighting strong. Brilliantly done.

    So now that Riki has 'taken' Iason how does he see him in his 'mind'. Is he determined 'now' to break the Blondie or as it has all become a game of who is going to control who, or will the path lead them to be equals in the end?

    As to Iason, ok he's got the fire back, but now what? He wants more, does he even realize what that more is? And how it effects him in 'everything' in the future.

    Raoul. . . he is so logical, and yet I get the feelings that the emotions that he denies understanding are just there below the surface, as he tries to understand Guy.

    As to Guy, the story of slum code gives us a better understanding of where he and Riki come from and the harsh reality of life there.

    But in the end it wasn't slum code that drove Guy, it was his own jealousy, because he knew Riki never loved him.

    But I think Guy is wrong at this point too, because if 'chance' and circumstance made it possible for Guy and Riki to leave the Blondies, if Guy went to Riki and said come back to me, Riki would. all for the wrong reasons mind you, but he would go back. It would be out of guilt, friendship, the past ties, because lets face it, the relationship was never about love on his part to begin with.

    Keep going, love what you are doing here
    Waiting patiently for the next update :)

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  • From ANON - jishe on June 30, 2009
    I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I want to be daryl, I WANT TO BE DARYL AT THAT EXACT MOMENT!!!! OMG!!! I'm so envious!!!
    That was a hell of a chapter, it was amazing. Not only because the lasta part >///< (KKKKiiiiiaaaaaa!!!!) but because Iason it's so obviously in love with hem, and also Raoul of course!!!
    I love your fic. Keep going!!!
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  • From ANON - jishe on June 28, 2009
    Jajajaja!!! Thanks to you for writting this great fic!!!
    jajajajajajjajajajajajajajajajjajajajajajajajajajjajajajajajajajajajjajajajajajajajajajjajajaja!!!! My God he must be in total panic!!! I'll be XD
    Poor Riky, he deserves the right to cry all he wants, alfer all, is not everyday your best friend slash lover treats you that way...
    Hope u continue soon, i want to hear the conversation between Raoul and Guy, and also see what is going to make Iason "to get Riki back"

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