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Reviews for Proud to be an American?!

By : AlaskanBlue
  • From ANON - Death over Time (logged off) on July 12, 2005
    Iras: I myself am bi, so... depending on the person, I could have a legal marriage or not.

    Dracken: Same here... of course, I don't feel this "love" you speak of, so the odds of my marriage are amazingly slim.

    Iras: Not ALL of us are emotionless Dracken. I myself do like a girl as of now, dating a guy... Yeah, unloyal right there.

    Dracken: But I influenced her into the "Don't get rid of your old car, 'till ya get a new one," ma amie

    Iras: Whatever... Anywho, nice story!
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  • From ANON - Solo's Ghost on September 22, 2004
    I am with you on this point. I think that if two people want to get married good for them. What the hell difference is it if they are both male, or both female. In all actuallity there was quite a few gay people in ancient greece, birthplace of democracy, since men were seen to the stronger sex and therefore love between two men was more "perfect" then between a man and a woman (as long as i have all my facts strait which i believe i do). The constitution was ment to perserve the freedom of the people who live in the country. Yes there have been problems in it that movements have changed, such as the civil rights act, but that is because for all that the constitution means both literally and symbolically it is a document created by human beings and human beings are failible. There was no way that the men who wanted to make a country where people are free to live their lives free from oppression could forsee the changes that would occur in the two hundred plus years to come. It they were able to tell the future who knows what would have been written. We must believe in our country and our way of life but we must also be willing to accpect changes, especially when they are for the better. People should be able to find true love and hold on to it. There is no reason to not allow people to get married. *embearresed blush* sorry if i got off on a rant there. This is something i have strong feelings about. I really enjoyed this story. You are an extremly talented writter. I have only onew question. In the story it says things have gotten better since stonewall and there was an *. What was Stonewall? I am not familaiar with it and am curious. :)
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  • From ANON - harpling on September 01, 2004
    this was awesome! i totally agree with absolutely everything you've written here. have you posted this story anywhere else yet? because i think this story definitely would have a place on every fiction site and in every archive on the internet. if you change a bit of the language, you could probably even put this on more kid-friendly sites. the more people realize how much the hypocrisy of the american government is affecting the lives of its citizens, the more chance we have of changing it. way to go, you!
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  • From ANON - Kranja on August 28, 2004
    ...migod, that was absolutely beautiful. Did New York really do that? I know it's up for consideration in my Ohio, but they haven't done it yet. Still hoping and praying they won't.
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  • From ANON - Calculumination on August 28, 2004
    *Sob* Poor Ryo n' Dee. They SHOULd be able to marry, if they want to, that goes for everyone. If that amendment passes, then im off to live on mars, where the Government has no say hat hat happens there. That amendment passing futher proves that we are Complete homophobs, and I know we aren't.
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  • From on August 19, 2004
    Excellent story! This really brought a big (and current) issue to light via the use of these characters without making them go over the top with it. I could so see Dee reacting the way he did, and you managed to bring his frustrations alive so we could all feel them. It doesn't matter if we're straight, bi or gay, we all love in the same way... With our hearts. It's not fair that I should be privy to the glories and benefits of marriage as a heterosexual female when so many others can't experience that same thing. It makes me feel guilty actually and embarrassed that this country still can't see past the taboos society has placed on the whole issue, to see that everyone should have the right to wed the person of THEIR choosing and not have a screwed up society and goverment telling them that it's wrong and not allowed! Thank you for having the insight to write this, and I hope it sinks into many a thick skulindiindividuals.
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  • From ANON - Dark Angel on August 17, 2004
    All I'm able to say: i liked it. Thanx for this story
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  • From ANON - sordid on August 16, 2004
    You are so right it hurts. This was a wonderful fic and it really made me think. I am bisxual and to know that the government wants to forbid a part of who I am makes me beyond livid. To know that the people that I trust with my civil rights want to take away my right to marry another woman makes me depressed and so very angry. are are totally right, they are telling us those bastards who call us "lezzies" and "fags" and "homos" are right. We need a bunch of homosexual people in congress to make things right. It pisses me off to know that some religions condemn homosexuals to an eternity of pain and suffering. WHAT THE HELL DID WE EVER DO TO YOU?!?! WHAT THE FUCK DID WE DO WRONG?!?! LOVE SOMEBODY?!?! This fic is so very wonderful. The writting style is enthraling and the points you make are undeniably truthful to the extreme.
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  • From ANON - Anna on August 16, 2004
    Wow. There really aren't words to describe this story. It was beautiful. You put into words, what every gay man/woman in America is thinking. It just makes me so sick to even think that, in this country, they say that you are free. You can be who and what you want to be, without getting beat or killed for it. Then people are so strongly against being gay, that they beat and sometimes kill those wre gre gay. Then they say, you marrmarry but only if it's a man and a woman. It's just not right. People are only afraid of what they don't understand. Look at how much the America has changed since about the 1950s. The typical woman is now a woking-class woman. She no longer has to stand over a hot stove and cook dinner for her husband. Now she goes to work, just like any other person. Black people are no longer treated different from a white person. I think the problem with gay marrige is, that people are still so afraid that two men or women could love each other just as much as a man could love a woman. What is wrong with two men wanting to be with each other? If people would stop being so ignorant over gay relationships, and let people be who they want to be, then maybe this country could live up to being known as the land of the free. Because as it stands now, the only people who are really free is anyone who isn't gay.
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  • From ANON - Mai on August 16, 2004
    Excellent! You write very well, even if Dee's character is slightly melancholic, they're still stay IC. I love the way you bring the current issues with this fic, and blend it nicely with the FAKE elements. Good job. Can't wait to read more of your FAKE fics in the future.
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