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Reviews for Redeemer

By : CocoaCoveredGods
  • From agrajagthetesty on March 02, 2010
    Chapter 53: I really don’t know what to make of the way Mello simply let Light leave… There’s something very poignant about it, something beneath the surface that I’m not quite able to pin down in a way that satisfies me, but nevertheless something vital. I admit that I haven’t spent much time over the last few chapters wondering what Light plans to do next – I’ve been too busy freaking the fuck out, as you may have gathered – but it’s evident that whatever it is, it’s motivated by the desire to put things right. It’s the working out exactly what that entails that’s eluding me. In any case I’m anxious about it, and I don’t trust a lot of the reasons he’s given for this betrayal (and it seems ironic that I see it in those terms despite what instinct would have me feel about it) so on some level I’m furious with Mello about this. Even so, the fact that he’s obviously so conflicted means that I have a lot of pity for him, and so once again I’m left flailing for an appropriate response. D: As ever, the interaction between L and Mello gave me warm fuzzy feelings for no good reason – although there is always so much subtext there, lurking beneath the few words spoken, and it makes me happy in a way that I can’t resist. I’m not entirely sure why the revelation over Matt’s amphetamine use failed to surprise me: in fact, it feels like it makes a lot of sense, although I can’t really work out why that is. And oh god, I cannot work out what I ought to be most concerned about at the moment – it’s one great fuck-up of monumental proportions, and not only are there all the external threats to worry about, but the psychological state of almost everyone seems really fragile. I feel so, so bad for L right now. ;_; I can’t imagine what he’s feeling, although I’m guessing there’s an element of guilt there over getting the others involved, alongside the obvious betrayal. It’s surprising even to me, but I’m a little sad to see the obvious tension between Matt and Mello: their relationship has suffered a lot, and so far as I can see Matt hasn’t done anything to deserve it. It’s a shit situation all round. If it’s true that Light is after Bella – and although I don’t see many other possibilities, that probably doesn’t mean much given how useless I am at predicting events – well, I’m rather excited about that, since it’s been absolutely ages since anything happened there and I was getting antsy over the amount of time they’ve all spent seemingly ignoring that problem. And yes, of course, I adored the way Mello and L interacted. It was strangely, ironically touching to see Mello’s no-nonsense attitude over L’s behaviour – it’s pretty obvious that L is not in a good place and that everyone, including Mello, is fretting over it, but somehow I think that the way Mello dealt with it was appropriate. But really, I could see them in pretty much any situation and I would still fangirl them so much. XD;

    Chapter 54: Man, it feels like forever since L last disguised himself… I still love it: it’s a delicious mental image, and it says a lot about how much of himself he normally keeps secret – split personality seems unlikely, so I’m staying with the theory that he simply has a lot of hidden talents – plus the idea of the “detective war” has always been slightly amusing to me. I was really surprised to see L apologising, as well: sure, it had been wrong of him to say what he did in front of everyone, but it’s not like it’s the first time he’s done something of that nature, and he’s never apologised before. I’m uncertain how to react to the rest of the scene, though. L and Matt don’t tend to interact alone, so I wasn’t sure what I was expecting from a confrontation of this type, and I was a little taken aback by the amount of tension there. I suppose it’s only natural that there would be a certain amount of ill-feeling – although it’s nice to see the concern and the determination to see it through still present. It seems that those are two things that Matt can be relied upon for. The glimpse of Light’s situation was actually somewhat frustrating – unsurprisingly awesome dream sequence aside – because everyone is aware that things are not as they should be, and yet the impossibility of setting things right is as obvious as ever… it’s driving me mad, haha. That small section with L and Linda was such a wonderful little slice of adorableness (that probably isn’t a word, but it should be so shh :P) It’s always a surprise when the mood turns all relaxed and cuddly like that, but I enjoy it all the same. The mention of Veronique has me greatly intrigued – of course, I don’t know how important she’ll turn out to be, but it’s certainly caught my attention. Also, the revelation that Mello is now to play Deneuve’s lover initially made me go like this: o/ and then made me go like this: XDDDD Perfection. What with that, plus the intrigue over Veronique, I am eagerly anticipating this particular dinner date.

    Chapter 55: I cannot believe that Light had the balls to just… turn up like that. What a bastard. It’s brilliant. I never get tired of this story, truly: there’s always something just around the corner that’ll surprise me, or make me go “aww”, or make me confused as to whether I love these characters or hate them. XD Really, it’s hardly the most outrageous thing he’s ever done, but still, it’s… ballsy. To say the least. Again, L’s disguise was absolutely great and so much fun – not to mention that, while I can’t quite picture it, the little that I can imagine is very appealing. L with long red hair? Unusual yes, but hell, I’d go for that. :D Veronique seems to be another interesting one, although she’s reminding me a lot of Bella at the moment… Seriously though, the amount of sexuality in the air what with her, Mello and L all doing their thing was downright stifling. Surprising no-one, least of all myself, I found myself pulling stupidly happy expressions over Mello and L’s interaction just then – like I said earlier, I don’t really care about the situation; if it’s those two, I’ll enjoy it – and this was so different from how they normally are in this fic that I got a little *too* excited, haha. And L’s new demeanour is completely blowing my mind. I’m making sure to keep calling him L in my head because otherwise I think I’d forget that it’s still him – everything about him is so utterly different, not least the way he speaks, that it’s genuinely disconcerting. As expected, things got pretty intense pretty quickly; although I appreciate that Mello rose to Veronique’s challenge (and by that I’m referring to her asking what his favourite position is) and his actual answer was bloody fantastic, I’m still squirming a little with second-hand embarrassment for those listening. ._. As ever, they proved to be extremely resourceful: L’s way of communicating the Kira warning to Mello, and Mello’s method of passing that on to Matt, were both really cleverly and subtly done. It’s kind of silly that I still feel proud of them for pulling tricks like that when I ought to expect nothing less, but most often their little ploys are just too well-performed for me not to comment on them. There was so much wonderful irony in the discussion about Kira and L, and so much suggestion in everyone’s words and actions… this scene has exceeded my expectations, and let me tell you I was really looking forward to it. And it probably goes without saying that their last kiss made me go “Freaking YES.” 8D Of course, there are a lot of questions raised by this chapter – most prominent being how and why L gave Light the tip-off… it’s getting really interesting, and I can’t wait to learn more, but midnight approaches so I’ll have to call this a night. :3
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  • From agrajagthetesty on February 25, 2010
    Chapter 49: Oh man, I know I’ve been looking forward to some confrontation between Matt and Light forever, but even so I liked this more than I was expecting to. For some reason (and this probably says quite a lot about me) I found it deeply satisfying to see them at each other’s throats… Yeah, that almost certainly makes me a bad person. But hey, whatever, right? That was either the worst or the best possible time for them to see L and Linda, haha. That surprised me quite a bit – I mean sure, everyone was more than aware of her feelings for him – it’s just that neither they nor I really anticipated that L would reciprocate. I appreciated the inversion of that scene – L being watched rather than watching others doing the deed, for a change – and the way Light was so amused by the whole thing made it so much better. Hard on the others, particularly Matt, but better all the same… I’m still a bad person, aren’t I? ._. Linda’s reaction to it afterwards was deeply endearing in that embarrassed, flustered kind of way that I find so cute: despite the apparent determination of everyone else to erode her innocence, she still has that kind of quality in her, and I think that’s definitely a good thing. I loved that L turned the camera off for her, too – so considerate, although I’d imagine that being watched at that particular moment would be the least of her worries considering everything the others saw already. And yes, it really is all going Light’s way right now, isn’t it? I can’t really decide how I feel about all this: I love the conflict, but at the same time I get all outraged whenever serious plotting or general deviousness takes place. It is pretty shocking to think that it could be so easy for him to use the notebook right there, while being observed and everything, but I can’t decide whether it’s amazing or just frustrating. Pffft, I’m so confused. I’m equally uncertain over how to respond to the way everyone’s kind of ignoring what happened with L and Linda. It could be that they all just want to save her some embarrassment, which is definitely good, but I’m finding it hard to believe that Light would do that. I’m thinking right now that it’s simply because he’s up to something and doesn’t want to draw attention to it, but still. He’s never had any qualms about causing chaos and humiliation before, and he was always up to something then, as well. And I think it’s safe to say that I now have absolutely no idea what to think. I was already unsure whether B is in fact responsible for the goings on, and Light’s little speech over dinner didn’t help. It seemed really convincing, but then again of course he’d make it seem that way because he wants them to think it, but it’s not like he invented any of it, and I don’t see how Misa could have done some of this stuff, but I understand that I CANNOT TRUST LIGHT… argh! *combusts* Either way, I’m not too thrilled about the concept of L going out to search. B or not, that scene will terrify me. I just know it. :(

    Chapter 50: Poor Linda… again. I say that a lot, don’t I? But she’s so sensitive, and L… isn’t, and I don’t know, I feel like since it’s been less than a day and she’s already fretting so much about L not actually caring, it might not go so well. :( The way L deduced what was going on was epic: it shows exactly how he thinks, and getting to witness it out loud was really awesome. Also I’m totally proud of him (even though I don’t really expect any less and I kind of took it for granted that he wouldn’t let the little matter of being scared out of his wits interfere with his logic) and I think that things will probably get more interesting now that he’s on to Light. :D But the way Light spoke to Mello about the hit… ugh. I’m still not over that whole business, and it’s absolutely bloody typical for Light to be rubbing it in everyone’s face. Just… ugh. The way he talks about L and Linda is kind of similar actually, now that I look at it. I guess he has no reason to change tactics, since it’s been proven to work. As for the rest of that scene… well, I’m not sure whether it’s good or bad that I clearly remember your little shoot based on it (it has got to be fairly old by now, but I guess I have a good memory for these things). It was good in that I had a really vivid image of it in my head (I’m not a visual sort of person at all, so the shoot really helped with that for me), but the disadvantage was that I knew what was coming, so events that ought to have been surprising… weren’t. Regardless, it was incredibly sexy, and I’m ashamed to admit that I still found it hot after the actual sex was over. I imagine you’ve picked up on this by now, but I like it when they fight, and I like it in a way that probably isn’t appropriate. So I may or may not have been cheering them on in my head. _ Light is incorrigible regardless, and I imagine that if Matt’s blood pressure gets much higher he’s going to literally hit the roof. I liked the way L stepped in, too – he seems pretty secure in his role as alpha male at the moment, which is nice. As for Matt, well he just seems so furious that he’s not sure what to do. Even when he’s as angry with Mello as he obviously was here, he still never really does much about it, and in this instance some of his speech still sounded – well, loving. I’ve been trying to work him out for a while, since I’m not really sure of his motivations and the reasoning behind how he acts, and I’ll admit it’s still a little unclear to me – right now his loyalty seems kind of unwarranted.

    Chapter 51: Gaaahhhh, I am so freaked out right now. D: The way they swept the house helped to prevent me from losing it completely, since it was comfortingly methodical as opposed to the sort of slow wariness punctuated with brief moments of terror that has characterised their experiences since the alert was first raised – but it was still horribly tense. When I found out that Misa had indeed been hiding in the bed all along, I slapped my forehead so hard that it still stings a bit. XD; I’m torn between massive frustration and being impressed at the witchcraft that must have taken place to keep her from being spotted all this time. The pieces don’t quite fit, though – there are still some loose ends that don’t make sense unless B is factored in somewhere. Of course, it’s entirely possible that I’m just telling myself that because I don’t want to admit that I got this freaked out over Misa, of all people. ._. The actual SPK deaths were utterly gruesome. I started feeling physically ill at one point, and it got really hard to force myself to keep reading. I have no stomach for gore, as I think has also been made clear already, so this was… tricky. Seeing as it was probably one of the most horrific things I’ve ever read. (I’m suddenly very glad that I’m not eating at the moment, like I normally do while I read, since that probably wouldn’t have been the wisest of moves.) Considering that I was already completely beside myself, the developments from then on very nearly made me snap… actually, that may be giving myself too much credit, since at one point during the debacle I actually went “FUUUUUUUCK” out loud. I’m utterly horrified. I knew all along that it was ridiculous to hope that something of this kind wouldn’t happen at some point, but still…The scene with Light and Mello made me go all wibbly too, because damn it if it didn’t seem like there may actually have been some hope there… which isn’t to say that I’ve totally lost hope, I’m just distraught because it all seems so unnecessary somehow. ;_; And, as always, poor Linda. I don’t like to imagine what I’d be like in her situation… X_X

    Chapter 52: First of all, I have to say that I’m impressed by Mello’s flexibility, especially considering how tight his pants always are. That’s not relevant at all, it just struck me, haha. The dialogue between Light and L was even more painful to read than that one scene with Light and Mello in the last chapter. It’s that sense of disappointment, of pain and betrayal and deep anger, that makes it so tragic, and it makes me wonder how it could ever have seemed so harmonious. The shift into sexual territory wasn’t particularly surprising to me, given what I know about them, the way Light tends to behave in these situations and the fact that it was quite possibly the perfect way to make a point just then, but it was still deeply unsettling and disturbing in just the right sort of way. It was the best kind of mindfuck, I suppose. Mello’s performance has been all-around impressive, really: ignoring the fact that it made me get squeamish all over again, he was remarkably determined in his attempts to get free and for some reason that made me proud. The little bit of dialogue before Light gave L the injection was just… oh my god. Why do you do this? The quote was perfect. That was beautiful. I’m crying. I totally can’t deal with this. Trying to avoid keysmashing, but… I can’t find a way to convey how I feel right now. It’s a physical pain. I’m like this over the scene with Light and Mello, too – how terribly, horribly fucked everything is now when on some level it looks like everyone wanted to believe it could all be alright somehow. Light’s little bit of sadism with Matt and the cigarettes was completely awful – although it actually brought my mind back to the first time they met, all that time ago, and the dispute they had over the cigarettes then… I don’t know whether that was intentional on your part, but it worked for me. And yes, Misa has officially snapped, although that was fairly apparent the first time she appeared. She’s obviously a bit of an uncontrollable element here. Just what we need. :|

    Trying to go to sleep now is going to be a task and a half, but this time it’s less to do with fear and more to do with the fact that I’m just so jittery and anguished and worked up over everything. Mission accomplished for you guys, I suppose, but still. *shakes fist*

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  • From agrajagthetesty on February 18, 2010
    Chapter 46: It’s incredible how much things have changed since the beginning of the fic – the transition has happened very naturally, so it wasn’t immediately apparent to me until I stopped to really consider it – the earliest chapters would never have led me to think that at some point (almost) everyone would be this worried over Light’s wellbeing. Matt seems to be the only one whose attitude hasn’t changed, and it’s notable that he’s also the one who’s had the least interaction with Light so far. I’m starting to wonder whether that too will change at some point, but for now his stance is nicely straightforward. Light’s dream, however, was absolutely brilliant. It seems that you do a line in meaningful, nuanced and disturbing dream sequences, and this was no exception. I find it a bit of a concern how well I can relate to Light in his current situation (although I’ve always been able to relate to him up to a point) – he’s in precisely the state of powerlessness that he finds such a threat, and then there’s this growing obsession with B which really cannot be healthy. Speaking of which… Misa. Her appearance made my jaw drop, and that was only my shock at how unexpectedly she showed up; as for the revelation that she’s made herself look like L, well I can’t help but find that deeply worrying. It’s fairly characteristic of her way of thinking, but that way of thinking was never what I would call logical – and after everything that’s happened to her over the years it isn’t surprising that she’s now even more unbalanced. The notion of a face-off between Misa and Mello was not one that had occurred to me before now – and it was just as I was adjusting to that idea that Light made his move. Argh! Ok, so I suppose it isn’t all that surprising right now – given that he wants to feel in control, spending a bit of time with Misa would appear to be an obvious solution – but god damn, I hope he comes around at some point. After all, he also loves a challenge, and Misa can’t hope to give him that on the same level as L & co. can. It’s disquieting how easy it was for him to fool everyone, though: his behaviour at the end of the chapter, while a little more melodramatic than he usually is when he’s being genuine, seemed to work remarkably well, and I can’t see how L and the others are going to be able to work this one out before it’s too late. It’s got me very concerned.

    Chapter 47: I wasn’t really expecting Mello to turn on Matt the way he did, and I have to admit I’m not really sure what he’s talking about – surely if one of them is all over the place, they all are, so why the sudden accusation of Matt when he’s possibly the most sure of himself just now? The way L drops his bombshell directly before leaving is absolutely typical, and normally it’s the kind of thing that I would find funny, but under these circumstances that response would be somewhat inappropriate. I can’t see that Light will take his “therapy” with Linda very seriously – although he did confess what had happened with the SPK and in his nightmare, the way he took the opportunity to turn the heat onto her, whilst not hesitating to embarrass her over her feelings, goes to show that he doesn’t exactly appreciate being in the situation to begin with – or maybe that kind of behaviour is just instinctual by now. XD The thought that Light is having so much trouble because of a fear of inadequacy is so ironic, but also very sad. His ego isn’t indestructible after all – and it’s a vicious circle, isn’t it, because he hates seeing that weakness and it only makes him more unsure of himself. Linda’s inadvertent innuendoes were amazing, incidentally. That kind of thing is so much more amusing coming from the mouth of someone like her – someone likely to get embarrassed. Awww. XD But it really gets to me how flawlessly Light is covering up the incident with Misa. I’m aware that I should never have trusted him to begin with, but still. And the scene with L in the cottage house was TERRIFYING. It’s scary in a classic horror kind of way – the menacing presence lurking in the shadows and so on – and in a psychological way – the notion of B being a reflection, and that being what scares L so much – it’s done really well, but I’m slightly too busy quaking in my boots to expand on it very much. If this is what I’m like now, God knows what reading 2B will do to me. Jesus. X_X I have to say, if that is still Misa – and I don’t have many logical reasons to think otherwise – then she is doing a damn good job – assuming her task was to make me fetch my teddy for comfort, that is. XD

    Chapter 48: I… I can’t decide whether or not I ought to be this scared – although I suppose that’s irrelevant, and the important thing is that I am. Petrified. And seeing how scared the characters are isn’t really helping. XD I don’t know what to think now, because if the intruder really is Misa, what about the second sound? It seems unlikely to be coincidence. So in that case, does that mean that B really is lurking? And Misa too? Holy shit. And Linda is *still* adorable. I don’t blame her for not wanting to sleep alone – in fact, I really don’t have a leg to stand on there. (*clutches teddy* _) And goddammit, I really should not be reading this in the middle of the night, should I? I can’t deny that I was freaking out right along with Linda there – although at least if someone had actually been there it would have released the tension; as it is, it’s just winding up and up, and I’m going a little bit crazy. And then the whatever-it-was that Mello saw in Light’s bed… oh my god oh my god. I may have just peed a little. D8 The situation between Light and Mello is starting to seem fairly impossible, what with the trouble they both have admitting their own feelings – for me, that little piece of contradictory behaviour (when Mello said he had work to do whilst curling up with Light) is somewhat symbolic of the entirety of their relationship as it stands right now. The revelation that there was indeed someone in Light’s room made me raise an eyebrow, since if it does turn out to be Misa, she must have witnessed that entire conversation. I’m not sure whether it was enough to seal anyone’s fate, but she’d probably have a few questions to ask there, I imagine. :P I’ll admit to being really excited about finally seeing some sparks fly between Matt and Light; feels like I’ve been waiting forever there, haha. After such a long build-up, it seems almost silly that such a childish dispute ended up being the trigger, but I was so happy just to see it happen that it really doesn’t matter. At last! :D

    And now it is past 2 a.m. again, and I have to go and try to sleep. After reading these chapters. Damn it all to hell. ;_;
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  • From agrajagthetesty on February 17, 2010
    Chapter 42: I am doing my utmost to wrap my mind around the thought of L on horseback, but it kind of isn’t happening just now. I’m not sure why it’s such a problem, given that there have been quite a few other surprises regarding him that I’ve had no trouble accepting – it may just be a personal bias actually, since I am not fond of horses (I’m allergic and have decided to blame them for it. :P) The idea that everything Light has been doing is all an act… I’m not sure I’d even really considered it, but yikes. That is a deeply scary notion. Personally if it turned out to be true I think I’d feel rather betrayed, but that doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense so never mind. In any case, I’m kind of ashamed at how shitty I’ve been at working out the psychology for myself, but the second explanation L gave does seem to solve everything – in short, I feel almost exactly the same way about it as Mello does. Interesting, that. It has been fairly apparent for a while now that feelings exist between him and Light, but the way they’ve been avoiding the fact is quite typical – and I can’t blame them for it, given how massively complicated it makes things between them as a pair and within the group as a whole. The interaction between L and Light was great: I really enjoy the way they mess with each other constantly, with their games and façades, whilst at the same time expressing so much in subtext… Awesome. The way L proceeds to just walk straight into the dining room as if there was nothing strange about the situation made me laugh really hard, as did the way Mello later did exactly the same thing in the bathroom. Really, it’s totally dysfunctional, but I think it’s bloody hilarious. XD

    Chapter 43: Well, rude as Mello was undoubtedly being, I was absolutely outraged over what Light said to him – after all, it was Light’s own actions that had made Mello so annoyed in the first place, and a large percentage of Light’s annoyance stemmed from his own defensiveness. It wouldn’t be such a big deal if that wasn’t such a sore spot for Mello, and if the problems weren’t due largely to Light’s own fuck-up, but seeing as that is the case I’m pretty pissed off on Mello’s behalf. I wasn’t expecting Light to apologise the way he did, though: that was quite unexpected, and more than unusual for him. I can’t decide whether Linda was being sweet or just foolish when she offered to talk with him and invited him to join Matt and herself – she does sometimes seem to have difficulty remembering about the whole Kira thing, which is a bit of a concern really, although it’s definitely kind of her. Gregory is still awesome, by the way. XD I’ll admit to being extremely curious over what exactly is going on with L, but the final scene with Mello and Light took my mind off that fairly effectively, because it was nothing short of breathtaking. It helps that I find the sound of a cello absolutely beautiful, but there was so much feeling in the way you wrote it as well, the way you linked the melody with Mello’s personality – it was utterly flawless. There was so much raw feeling in their interaction – so many confessions made, and even when they weren’t saying anything it was apparent in the way they touched each other – their need and their connection as well as their simple passion – just wow. I can’t find the words. It was so moving, and I really love the fact that you can pull off scenes like that – because you make it work, you set out the characters and their relationships and you explore them and you make them human so that it feels right to see the hidden sides to them – I’m making no sense again, but believe me when I say that I loved it.

    Chapter 44: Uh, wow. Okay. I guess… I guess that explains L’s behaviour, then. It’s a pretty fucked-up situation, not that that’s anything new, but it does seem to tie up a number of loose ends. As personal goes, this would seem to be fairly near the limit, huh? It’s also a very dark story, which is both appropriate and adds a whole new layer of meaning to L and what he does – sure, he says it’s for enjoyment, and I don’t really doubt that a lot of it is, but knowing this I can’t help but question whether that’s the full extent of it. (Also, I’ll admit to being childishly excited by the links with Oxford, since I’ll be going there to study later this year. :D) As for L’s nightmare… damn it. Damn you both. I hate you. ;_; Not only am I scared shitless by B, I also have a bizarre, terrible phobia of being eaten alive. It’s like you’re deliberately trying to freak me out. Ughhhh. Then again, since it was that which provoked the ridiculously adorable hug that followed, I suppose I can think about forgiving you. Linda is so cute, god damn. It’s really refreshing to have her around: the way she gets all flustered over her own feelings – maybe even a little naïve, and certainly inexperienced – is such a contrast to the way that the guys tend to deal with such things. Not to mention that it is, as earlier mentioned, ridiculously adorable. I want to squish her. XD

    Chapter 45: I loved the little bits of speculation over what a young L must have been like, largely because I’ve often thought about it myself. There is no doubt in my mind that he was a massive brat, and that he made life difficult for absolutely everyone. The descriptions of what B was like, though – now *there’s* a problem child. XD It all gets so much creepier when you consider everything that happened as a result of it, but frankly it’s terrifying no matter which way you slice it. I’m trying not to picture it too vividly in my head, but it’s pretty difficult, and even thinking about it objectively is enough to give me the shivers – particularly the longer description L gives of his mannerisms. Argh. D: The way Matt treated Linda when accusing her of having a crush was a little uncharacteristic for him – L’s influence indeed – but perhaps it was better to surprise her, since I find it unlikely that a gentler approach would have made her admit anything. Still though, Matt (and Mello too) were a bit much, especially towards the end when they were almost ganging up on her. But it’s still really cute how flustered she gets about it. Meanwhile, L and Light seem to have reached a new level of immaturity, haha. Their bickering over which one of them had won was just classic. XD I wish I could work out what’s happened to Light, though: one minute he seems fine, the next he’s fraying visibly. I had thought initially that their encounter with the cello would help make things clearer, but I suppose I was being optimistic. In any case, you’ve got me concerned all over again. Looking forward to reading the next chapters! :D
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  • From ANON - Anon on February 17, 2010
    Chapter 4
    Forgot to say in the last review, I see how Mello and Light met then... hm yeah, when someone stucks his dick down on someone else's throat, chances are they are gonna get a payback.
    This was once again a brilliant chapter. I'm guessing that all your damn chapters are.
    I was so shocked with L's appearence, I knew beforehand that he'd be able to switch into different looks, but I wasn't expecting it so soon nor in this context. Awesome.
    And the trick with the apple was pure GENIOUS. I realized what it was as soon as you mentioned apples. So so good.

    Chapter 5
    I really, really love and admire the fact that you write like you do. For you to write L's assumptions and theories in a believable way, obviously you need to think of them first, and that prooves that you really work hard on this fic (well, that should be obvious by now, one doesn't have two fics so immense as these without have planned and thought and work), so, all I have to say is that you two are really amazing writers, and are actually not only inspiring me as well as helping me with the improving of my writing.
    Woo, I can't wait to see Light's answer.

    Chapter 6
    Woo, so much has happened on this chapter, or perhaps not so much, but since I read it in 3 days, I guess things seem longer.
    Anyways and perhaps because of that, the review of this one is gonna be even more obvious than the previous ones, the writing and flawless and amazing during the entire chapter, Light/Kira using his charms for Mello was amazing. I kept wondering where Light might have hidden the piece of the notebook, Kira sure is one hell of a guy, like Mello said, he's got balls. And all L's thoughts about Light were so sad and believable. I loved how you kept using Light as "light" of L's life, and indeed, something I always thought about L and Light's relationship, doesn't matter if lovers or not, is that they really have that love-hate relation since they are always playing games and competing. Loosing one definately drives the other one lonely and more importantly, bored.
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  • From agrajagthetesty on February 16, 2010
    Uh, I'm not sure what happened just now - I think my review may have been too big for me to post it all at once. XD; Whatever the reason, the section on chapter 41 doesn't seem to have been included in my last review, so I'm posting it again.

    Chapter 41: L’s demands and the way he launches into them are just outrageous: he’s so casually arrogant, I don’t know whether to punch him or hug him, haha. His observations about the methods for choosing an heir were very insightful – in particular, the fact that ranking the children according to test results was misleading and the detail over why he chose Mello in the end. As for the thought that the competition and resulting isolation of Wammy’s was calculated to prepare the children for the real world, well that is possibly the most sadistic-yet-logical thing that I have ever heard. Bloody hell. L has pretty much been a bastard throughout, which is why, although I was shocked at how he’d gone about informing Light of his history, I wasn’t surprised. It was extremely callous, and it was more than apparent that L was having quite a lot of fun just then – not to mention the merciless way in which he tells the others about it. What a bastard. Amazing. XD Light’s entrance was dramatic as ever, and while I can certainly see the sense in his comment about the differences between wanting to be L and wanting to surpass him, L’s rebuttal ("The latter category as you define it is comprised of psychotics and borderline psychotics") made me laugh out loud. Burn. Similarly, I had a lot of fun with Light’s rage over the case file – Naiomi’s various failures (although wanting to kill her again might be taking it a bit far…) and the ridiculous names being issues that never stopped grating on me. Their whole conversation about the possibilities of shinigami sexuality was nothing short of priceless: L’s statement about Misa in her underwear, Light’s admittance of being deeply disturbed, all leading up to the final clusterfuck of one uncomfortable revelation after another, and the beautiful chaos that resulted. It put me in a bit of a strange position – laughing like a hyena but trying all the while to keep quiet because it’s 2.30 a.m. and I’m alone in my room – but I don’t begrudge it at all. That was glorious. :’D The very last scene was amusing too, but in a much more calm, wry and affectionate kind of way. I’m very interested to hear what L has to say about the incident with the safe word – doubtless his abilities and his position as an outsider (although only in the barest sense of the word, granted) will make him a little more able to analyse what happened than either Light or Mello. I can’t wait. :D
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  • From agrajagthetesty on February 16, 2010
    Chapter 37: Can I just say that I love Gregory? He has balls. He is awesome. I’m finding it gratifyingly easy to relate to the general state of mind right now, which has to be a positive even if it is just because everyone’s kind of bewildered and in shock, haha. Mello’s confusion over his own reaction – the way he finds his relief unacceptable – is particularly telling, and I find it really appealing for some reason. At the first mention of the piano playing, I was pretty sure it was Light, and as soon as it was confirmed that he was playing the Moonlight Sonata I at once started playing it in the background. I’m glad I did, because although I know the piece, it really helped the mood of the scene. It’s a beautiful piece in its own right, but the way it was used as this private means of expression was really lovely. And then, as ever, just when the mood was becoming truly calm and peaceful, Mello had to arrive. XD The whole scene was incredibly sexy – the sensuality, the tension between them and the way they interact – how they play with each other and drive each other crazy but how they still enjoy the game so much – just amazing. And Linda… well, damn, I’m completely torn between pity and envy, lmao. While initially I didn’t expect it to go as far as it did, at the same time I’m hardly surprised because it’s just like them – and yet again, I can’t offer many more details, because… well… heatstroke. I’m sorry. I will say that it was deliciously dirty, with the new exhibitionism alongside the old questions of power and submission, and their little exchange at the end made my brain melt. Gorgeous.

    Chapter 38: Poor, poor Linda. The extent of what she has to deal with… I’m not sure who to blame this time; by all rights Gregory had a large portion of the guilt – although his comments were brilliant, and he had no idea what they would mean to her – but really, it seemed almost like a joint effort to wind her and Matt up. Mello was coming across as pretty malicious just then, and of course Light was pure evil… yeesh. Linda didn’t deserve that. The scene with Near and Aiber made me very curious: I have no idea what they’re planning, although it was interesting to hear more about what actually took place between Aiber and L. And then there was that first mention of B… while far from traumatising, it made me… let’s just say I’m a little on edge right now. Tense. Over what may or may not occur in the future. Yes. _ The kiss between Light and Linda was more infuriating than anything else. Damn him for having that ability… although kudos to Linda for being able to pull back when she did. Still, I can’t help but be nervous over what might happen there… she seems pretty close to falling already, despite the best efforts of the others – speaking of which, Mello’s intervention was kind of awesome in how straightforward it was. XD I found the last scene very enjoyable too: it hasn’t escaped me that the very idea behind Wammy’s House is practically guaranteed to fuck up the kids, so I was glad to see that thought present itself. And, of course, I myself have been wondering some very similar things about B… I can’t decide whether I want to find out or not. D:

    Chapter 39: The little section where Mello speculates over Light’s opinions towards Wammy’s was really interesting to me – I hadn’t thought of it that way, but I can see why he might indeed feel a little jealous of the members of that particular club – but the line that followed (“Or maybe he was just being a prick.”) made me snort a bit. Whilst Mello’s direct approach is usually very effective (and I find it slightly humorous, in fact) it turned out to be far less appropriate this time around. It was quite nice to see a more human, fragile side of Light, and the tenderness between them was lovely while it lasted – which wasn’t for long, of course. It’s really quite tragic how destroyed Light was just then, and L’s sudden appearance made me want to punch the air and shed manly tears all at once. His theory over B, though… well, it’d be difficult either to prove or to disprove, but it does seem to make sense. I’ve always wondered how B was born with the eyes (the novel’s explanation was nothing short of “just because”, which has always infuriated me) but never considered the possibility of him being a cross-breed. To me at least, the concept is extremely creepy. However, none of that even compares to the revelation that Light was considered for third generation. My mind. It is blown. The mere motion was enough to make me have a physical reaction yet again, but after thinking about it some more – there are just so many ironies there, and the thought of what could have happened if only a few things turned out differently… just wow. Speechless. I do love the idea of Watari choosing the name “Mello” out of optimism though, haha. I’m not sure what to think about L’s decision regarding the hit – I suppose up to a point it makes sense, given the situation, but still… mother of God is it a weird concept. I really loved the talk about Watari: I may not have mentioned this before, but I find him a fascinatingly mysterious character, and the very definite darkness at the heart of Wammy’s House only adds to that. I think it very plausible that his perfectionism and curiosity were responsible for the creation of Wammy’s House, and also that the same traits led to a warping of his perspective with regards to the children, although I accept that there were altruistic motivations there too. Essentially though, the entire situation is not far short of a clusterfuck, and there are so many layers of complexity and so many ambiguities – Wammy’s and L and Kira – that it’s incredibly difficult to address. Nevertheless, this scene did an admirable job, and it was beautifully constructed, managing to touch upon so many issues whilst still maintaining the balance of ambiguity that I find so appealing. Well done.

    Chapter 40: Wow, Ryuk seems to have been… surprisingly fair, actually. It seems reasonable to me that he’d make the same offer to them both, and while I’d never suspected that L might have one, it was starting to look like the only explanation as to how he managed to make the implant. It makes sense on another level, as well: the way in which he and Light are linked – parallels – so overall I suppose it’s a positive – and that is just such a bizarre thought. If there’s one thing this fic can be counted upon to do, it’s to turn everything inside out and upside down until it’s completely tangled up, and it’s done it to me as well as to its characters. The discussion about Light, as usual, was perfect. It was definitely a help having L around to offer thoughts (although I can see why Mello didn’t exactly see it that way) because, at least when it comes to observing others, he can be relied upon to offer accurate and honest observations. The issue of love is always a rocky one, of course, and with Mello and Light in particular I doubt it can ever be satisfactorily resolved, but nonetheless I think it was necessary for L to bring it up. The thought of Light actually reading Mello’s BB case files is pretty amusing, especially considering a few things I seem to remember Mello saying in it – but I have to say, I agree with him with regards to Naiomi’s behaviour in the book. She struck me as totally useless, although her characterisation has always been a little inconsistent. The little section with Noriko and the dialogue that followed was startlingly cute, amusing and maybe even light-hearted – and those are words that I never really expected to apply to those two, but damn if they aren’t appropriate right now, sexuality and constant insults notwithstanding. I very, very nearly went “awwww” at one point. I don’t know what’s got into me. I can sympathise with Light: I’m fairly ticklish myself, and I hate when people exploit it. It’s got to be much worse for him, seeing as he’s both more ticklish and more concerned with matters of pride and control. And how quickly the situation turned… It was hardly their first foray into sadomasochism, but still it managed to be sudden and brutal enough to surprise me. As soon as I saw the title of this chapter I was waiting in anticipation for the safe word to be used, but damn I did not expect it to be like that. It was so… tender, really. Light was genuinely vulnerable– as L so aptly observed earlier, he is rather broken just now, and volatile in a fairly new, damaged sort of way – and Mello was genuinely comforting – and then there’s the little matter of that half-finished sentence… argh, and here I thought that I couldn’t possibly love this pairing any more than I already did. Incoherent again.
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  • From agrajagthetesty on February 15, 2010
    Chapter 34: Light is just lethal; that word is so ironically appropriate, yet no other word will do. The way that he manages to weasel through everyone’s defences, even when they know exactly what he’s up to and are determined to guard against it, is completely outrageous – but the same methods must be working on me, too, since I always enjoy seeing him do it. He is truly the archetypal magnificent bastard. I really liked his description of his and Mello’s relationship, though – that’s exactly how I see it, too, and how I saw it even before I started reading this fic. It pretty much summarised why I got into the pairing in the first place, actually. This line: “The difference between me and a vast percentage of the rest of mankind is that my goals are set high—but I still achieve them” is pure genius – it reeks of casual arrogance, but still manages to sound so reasonable and logical, and it does actually ring true. I thought that mentioning her feelings for L was uncalled for, though – not that I’d expect anything else by now. Matt’s intervention was utterly brilliant, I thought – his attitude towards Light is so wonderfully straightforward, and his protectiveness over Linda is kind of cute. As ever though, that sort of mood doesn’t last long, and the sudden violence between L and Light was really quite something. I have to be honest and admit that I do like it when they get like that – no holds barred, just the uninhibited struggle – but it was shockingly brutal and it brought the reality of the situation back: that quite frankly everything is so fucked up right now, and although certain alliances can seem so strong at times, in reality they’re flexible to say the least. Not to mention that if they manage to get out of this alive it’ll be a bloody miracle.

    Chapter 35: I know I don’t normally resort to keysmashing, but ajgdjyavdfghkasdlhk OH MY GOD I think I just died. To say that I didn’t see that coming would be the biggest understatement in the world. I honestly have no idea how to express the extent of my shock other than to tell you that I genuinely, physically, clutched my head and leaped out of my seat whilst reading this chapter – more than once. Jesus fuck. First off, the eyes. That is just… horrifying, really. Not a pleasant concept to say the least, although maybe it’s a good thing that Light immediately let them know about it (not that he had the sanity necessary to keep it secret just then, I suppose). As for the rest of the chapter… I have been defeated, because there is literally nothing that I can find to say. I was in denial at first, just refusing to accept it… and then time passed and it really started to look like it had genuinely happened… I don’t think I ever quite believed it, just because I know how you guys feel about Light and I couldn’t see how the rest of the fic would function without him, but that’s not to say that it didn’t affect me… guh, my brain has dissolved, excuse me. Essentially, the logical part of me was in utter denial, and the emotional part of me was completely overwhelmed and distraught beyond belief… overall, it’s pretty much a case of total meltdown. And I am extremely glad that I have enough time to carry on reading, because having to stop at this point would probably have killed me.

    Chapter 36: There are no words. Really. I cannot find a single thing to say, and I hate that this happens to me, but I think you should probably take it as a compliment that your writing leaves me so speechless. The early interaction with L and Light was completely flawless: it should have come across as so wrong (the two of them being even? Ajkjhadajhsdf) but instead it made me very happy for inexplicable reasons, arghhh. I wasn’t at all surprised that the others thought L had snapped when he told them what had happened, but what I wasn’t expecting was for L to start considering that possibility himself. That said, it was done really well – it was poignant and meaningful, and so very like him that it practically made me well up (and believe me when I say that that doesn’t happen often). The way that you had Light reveal himself though… you guys are such sadists, geez. X_X Mello’s reaction made me wibble, and as for L… suffice to say that I’m not particularly surprised he collapsed at that point, because damn if it isn’t practically miraculous that he’d avoided it up till then. I appreciated Light’s explanation to the others over breakfast – particularly the very apparent fact that Ryuk is far from an expert on matters of the notebook, but in general just the endless amount of uncertainties that exist concerning the effect of the notebook piece. Not to mention the discussion about how many notebooks there are and who has them – I’ve been doing my best to keep up with that, but it’s pretty complicated and I’ve got a little lost once or twice. Overall I actually seem to have managed to keep track of them, though, so I’m rather pleased with myself there. The final couple of scenes were yet another bombshell, although this time I’d call them a positive one. At the very least, it seems to make things fairer, which is good because Light was starting to look almost unstoppable for a while there. :P

    Wow, what a ride these chapters have been. I can’t wait to read more, but as ever, the passage of time has defeated me. So, until next time!
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  • From ANON - Anon on February 14, 2010
    Chapter 2
    I gotta say this beginning was amazing. I loved how awesomely Mello sounded, this whole insult fighting with Light is so awesome.
    As for Light and Mello having met before, I was kinda wondering on the last chapter when had they met since it doesn't happen in canon, but I see something indeed happen, and I think I have a rough idea because of something I read more ahead (^_^')
    I loved all the plot around the deal with Ryuk, very cool and very Ryuk-like. And in a way, very L-like too, both the sacrifice and the challenge.
    MY, Matt was amazing when he's lacking nicotine. He gets so interesting, that's why I think in general he's such an interesting character, he does seem to have a laid-back type of personality but at the same type having those challeging outbursts.

    Chapter 3
    I laughed so much when L turns to Mello and asks so naturally if he found something. It's so strange but still so like L, so awesome. And MY I did laugh again when L is "distracting" Light, that is SOO amazing. All to drive both Light and Mello helpless, just like you said. Loved it truly ^_^
    The whole chapter was amazing. Indeed, the Kira worshipping wouldn't be good to Light, but I like the split opion and guilt.
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  • From ANON - Anon on February 13, 2010
    So~ finally starting Redeemer, and reading it from beginning to end without peeking ahead again. I'll use Agrajagthetesty's method of reviewing several chapters compilated.

    I love it when writers can get something from the canon and change it so perfectly to make their own version. I am actually curious to learn how L was alive after the events with Rem, so I'm guessing that'll be explained later on perhaps. I liked the tip on Near and the upcoming treason. And indeed, Light is very afraid of dying. I like the anime ending, but the manga one is so much stronger on that aspect.
    Nothing more to say really, a nice intro to a beyond amazing story (obviously, 'beyond' was used on purpose)

    Chapter 1
    The fact your chapters are so big makes it possible for so many thing to happen.
    Mello was amazing in this one, congrats Anda. As amazing as throughout the books, but particularly good since this is where you get to first 'see' him in Redeemer and the work is amazing.
    Light have bipolar behavior wouldn't really be much of a surprise, it would actually be pretty understandable. Mello and Light's argument was actually kinda childish in the way each one was simply pushing the other's buttons further to see whom would break faster, but it fits them, specially Mello and specially Kira.
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  • From agrajagthetesty on February 09, 2010
    Chapter 32: Immune to the notebook and the kill switch useless?! Oh, you have got to be kidding me, that’s just way too unfair. Nobody else has a chance! Speaking of which, I’m not really surprised that Linda ended up reacting in that way to Light – it was pretty much guaranteed – but still, I can’t help but pity her. The whole way through she’s had no idea what to expect or how to prepare herself. I hope for her sake and for the sake of things not becoming any more of a clusterfuck that she learns to prevent Light’s ways from affecting her, but I suppose I can’t expect miracles. And man have I missed that good old tension between Mello and Light. I think I’d forgotten how long it’s been, but it’s pretty much the same as ever – which is to say, brilliantly done, and really enjoyable. The little drama over seating at dinner perfectly captured the politics that exist between them, and the way Light went straight for Linda was pure evil – in the most suave way possible, of course. His manner and style of conversation, while it used to be enjoyable for me to read, was nothing short of infuriating this time around – probably because I, like everyone in the fic, would rather Linda were spared having to deal with it, and it really illustrates what a magnificent prick he truly is. As for Linda, she certainly tries her best, and I find it admirable, but quite frankly she wasn’t ready for that confrontation, and everyone knows it. It’s quite sweet how angry Matt got on her behalf (not that he was any use at putting a stop to it, but all the same), but to me L was almost as frustrating as Light just then. Which, I think, is good; as I’ve said before, nobody wants L to be nice. The scene between Mello and Light was, of course, utter perfection. Their sex was beautifully passionate, and their conversation… once again there’s so much left unsaid and yet at the same time they say so much with their few words. I love their relationship no matter what mood they’re in, but I must admit to having a particular fondness for this sort of lazy feel with an undercurrent of tension… and that was captured here really well.

    Chapter 33: Goddammit I was not expecting to feel sorry for Matt. How the hell did this happen? There must be some sort of mistake… but no, I feel genuinely bad for him, because I don’t think he deserves this and because the way he deals with it is pretty damn heartbreaking. The fact that he watches them because he’s worried that his own imagination might have been even worse is so terribly sad, and it really emphasises his powerlessness. And I love that Linda gets angry. She’s so… rational, I suppose. She brings a great level of normality to proceedings, in any case. As for cooking when she’s angry – well, I’m not sure why that made so much sense to me, but something about it seemed to click. The bit where L turned up and sent Light and Mello to bed blew my mind fairly thoroughly. Every time I think L has reached the limit of inappropriate… I mean, sure, he knows that they know that he knows (and this could go on but I’ll end it here :P) but still… Hmm, reading that back I don’t think I’m making any sense, so I’ll just move on. L is just as tricky to read as Light, though – at least, for me he is. Despite the explanation he gave Light (and it’s pretty rare for him to explain at all) I still feel none the wiser as to how he actually feels about the situation with Mello. I really liked the details of that scene, though: specifically, the real explanation behind L’s weird poses (there’s no way it actually helps him think, that’s clearly an excuse, and I like your idea of what the real reason is). Linda’s attitude towards Mello was wonderful to behold – so refreshing to see somebody driven by a simple motive – but Matt… well, he’s always holding himself back, isn’t he? Patience of a saint doesn’t even cover it. And yet he’s also so hurt and bitter… it’s really very sad (although I’m not thrilled about having to admit that… seriously, I thought I shipped Mello/Light and didn’t really like Matt, wtf is going on?) Linda’s reaction to seeing L in the bed was kind of adorable. She doesn’t seem very experienced, judging by her thought processes and the way she keeps trying to avoid looking at him; and also, somewhat, by the fact that she consistently gets herself involved. I think that L was a bit harsh to accuse her of romanticism, but undoubtedly she hasn’t got to grips with everything. And certainly, L’s words in this scene (“strategy written in a sexual language” pretty much cuts to the core of it) offered about as succinct and appropriate a summary as we’re likely to get. And then Light at the end… damn. He. Never. Lets. Up. And I love it. XD
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  • From agrajagthetesty on February 04, 2010
    Chapter 30: I myself am eating crumpets right now, so I can understand the appeal of a good afternoon tea. (I have never sounded so stereotypically English, lmao.) Poor Linda though. The way they dropped her straight into the madness – L especially, but also Mello and even Matt to a certain extent – was downright unfair. Not that I expected sympathy or delicacy, and the blunt approach is certainly typical of L, but still, they could have been a bit kinder to her there. That little detail about Matt’s cigarette made me chuckle: how it’s ok for him to be considerate towards Light so long as he’s unconscious and doesn’t know about it. That’s perfect. XD So far Linda seems pleasantly level-headed, which is definitely a nice change, but something tells me that it won’t last too long. (As to why I’d receive that impression – well, I couldn’t possibly say. :P) But really, L is just a bastard through and through, haha. The way he openly admits to messing with Mello is wonderfully infuriating, and I’m not at all surprised that Linda’s finding his attitude a little difficult to cope with. Even so, I’m impressed by her so far: her observations were pretty bang-on, and she’s not afraid to speak her mind. I’m sure this won’t surprise you, but I absolutely loved the dialogue between Mello and L in Light’s room: it broke my heart and yet it was so beautiful at the same time… L’s need for reassurance and Mello’s affection and the guilt they both have… I’m hopeless, I know, but whenever they have any interaction of this sort I go all gooey. Love. *_* I’m not particularly surprised that Linda realised a little of what’s going on between L and Light, although she was impressively fast. Lord only knows what she’ll make of it in the long term, since she’s still very much stuck in the “WTF” period that Mello and Matt themselves occupied at first. Bearing in mind that she’s supposed to offer psychological analysis, though, it’s unlikely to be brilliant news.

    Chapter 31: AAAAAARGH, OH MY GOD WHAT? Sorry, but I need a few seconds to collect myself. A heart attack?! What the HELL was that?! I wish I could come up with a theory or something, but I’m still kind of in shock. Jesus. X_X There is nothing in my head right now except for AAAAAHHHHHHH. And… and L. Oh my god, L. ;____; This has to be the only fic I’ve read that involves him totally breaking down like that, and there’s always a certain level of risk involved when writing that kind of scene, but I thought you did it beautifully. So many little details in it – like the way he doesn’t want them to see him, and his disappointment in himself, and the reference to his mother – worked together to make it both realistic and highly effective. What an achievement, seriously. Matt’s rant was also excellently done; it’s deeply satisfying to finally see him blow off some steam, and the words themselves were deliciously vulgar (“bloodyfucking”, incidentally, is an excellent curse which I may have to appropriate.) I’m not sure why, but I was kind of outraged when L realised that it must have been Bella behind the attack… it’s not like I thought she was a better person than that or anything, but… I don’t know. I suppose I’d resent anyone for doing that, so… And the more time passes, the more I begin to pity Mello. I kind of envy him, too – I’m a massive nerd who’d kill to have the time and teachers necessary for that sort of curriculum – but still, it’s ridiculously intensive and nobody deserves to have that level of stress piled on them. I’m going to try my best not to flail about the fact that OMG LIGHT WOKE UP YAY (a little too late apparently, but what the hey) so I’ll say that the way you did it – with the flashback to being in the lake as a child – was absolutely marvellous, as was the way L reacted to it all; I don’t usually like it when he’s too emotional, but I think you pull it off beautifully. The way they both go straight back to ribbing each other and playing their games is so great: it’s something I’ve missed, and I guess it just shows that that doesn’t ever really change with them. I could probably say the same thing about Light acting seductive, too, come to think of it. :P

    I’m sorry I haven’t been reading so much this week – college etc., plus I’ve been making a couple of little tributes for the both of you. :) I’m away for most of this weekend too, but hopefully I’ll get to read at least a few chapters. Also, I just realised that I am now exactly halfway through the fic! It hardly seems possible, haha. Well, onwards and upwards, as they say. :D
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  • From ANON - Anon on February 01, 2010
    fuck. that's the only thing I have to say.
    I'm supposed to be reading Redeemer, but I randomly peeked some chapters ahead... and DAMN!!! these chapters 48 and 49 scared the HELL out of me O.O too much Ju-On to my brain to handle X____X!!!
    this means it was amazing, but too freaking scary! how can you write that and sleep at night? X___X
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  • From agrajagthetesty on January 31, 2010
    Chapter 26: Woah. That interrogation was intense. A bit more hands-on than is typical for L, but then again there weren’t really many other options. Aiber is either extremely brave or extremely stupid, but I can’t help but think that since it’s been (as far as I can work out) about 10 years since he and L had their thing, he doesn’t have any reason to still be so insistent (unless, of course, the sex was just that good). It seems likely that it’s a distraction, or that he’s merely trying to piss L off. If it’s the latter, I suppose he’s done well, although it may not be much of a consolation. Light and Mello seem to be back to their strangely cosy arrangement, although this one stood out as being a bit hard for my brain to handle: "You don't have to worry, Mello, I'll probably just sit around and write in the Death Note or something." That is so wrong. It’s in the way he says it so casually, to Mello of all people, and barely even gets a response. Things really do change, don’t they? Halle and Mello have an interesting relationship… not one I’ve thought about in canon very much, but the mix of business and sex with not an awful lot in between is rather unusual. However, after Ryuk noticed Gevanni I kind of lost track of my coherent thoughts; I was a bit busy flipping the fuck out. At first I was surprised at how calmly Matsuda and Aizawa reacted to seeing Aiber there – I mean, sure they were shocked, and Aizawa was outraged, but that’s just the way they are really – but then again, as pointed out earlier, it isn’t the first time they’ve seen these kinds of tactics. The way Matsuda readily came out with his conspiracy theory was adorable, though. I love him. ;_; But again, all of that seemed kind of unimportant considering the enormity of events over on Light’s side of the court. THAT WAS TERRIBLE, WHY DO YOU DO THIS?! It seemed to be going okay to begin with – he reacted quickly and managed to get out and away all right – but I suppose this chapter has been named for a reason, and it did indeed go to hell. Fast. Argh. D:

    Chapter 27: Near is so damn terrifying. His form of cool, calm psychosis is incredibly creepy. That irony between his “innocent” appearance and the ruthlessness of his personality is something you’ve conveyed really well – so much so that it’s really uncomfortable to observe. However, I think that their actual treatment of Light may be too brutal – particularly since it’s not only Near, but several of his men, that are involved in it. It doesn’t really strike me as something that Gevanni, for example, would let himself be a part of. Admittedly he’s not a character that I know an awful lot about, but he struck me as being fairly similar to the task force, i.e. not particularly comfortable with torture. As for the rest of the chapter… I’m afraid I can’t find very much to say that would add anything meaningful to the table, because I’m basically just reeling. Mello was completely relentless, and while part of me wishes he’d taken that extra step and ended Near right there, getting Light out seemed to be pretty much the limit of what was possible in the circumstances. And god was it close. I was freaking out towards the end there. Apologies, but I can’t find much else to say about this one. I always fail when it comes to the more action-orientated sequences. :(

    Chapter 28: This chapter was a bit of a rollercoaster really – it was largely, and unsurprisingly, dominated by worry and concern over Light, but there’s a lot of other stuff going on here too. The little moment where Mello mistook Matt for Light was done really well; it shouldn’t surprise you that it made me smile, but it doesn’t escape me that there’s more than a few things wrong with that picture. Not that Mello doesn’t realise, and in a way that only makes it more uncomfortable. The scene between him and L was completely glorious, even putting aside my elation at hearing that Mello is officially L’s heir. Any interaction between those two always makes my fangirl heart happy, but this one was definitely my favourite so far – how they’re both hurting and how Mello relies on L for comfort and how that reminds him of when he was a child, but also how he feels the obligation to comfort L in return… nnnnngh, it was just lovely. Fangirl wibbles all round. ;_; The violin was an interesting touch, too – Sherlock Holmes tribute, dare I say? The conversation between Mello and Matt was nice in its openness – that’s something fairly rare in this series, and a discussion of that kind has been a long time coming. Undoubtedly though, the thing that got the biggest reaction out of me was the news of what the notebook piece is doing. I’d never considered that it might be affecting him in those ways, although considering its other powers it does seem unlikely that having a piece of it inside you would have no effects at all. Most of the theories exchanged, while plausible enough, seem next to impossible to validate, so as of yet I’m not sure exactly what to make of them. Nevertheless, the mere possibility ought to alter things.

    Chapter 29: I have to say, I’m beginning to appreciate the doctor’s down-to-earth stance. His and Matt’s reiteration of the facts came as a relief to me – while the speculation was interesting, it was indeed simply conjecture, and it was beginning to look as if without that grounding influence L would get sucked into a never-ending cycle of theological musing. Noriko, too, is a nice calming presence. She’s so cute. :3 Mello’s analysis of Light’s attraction was really nicely done – he phrased it just right and there was a gratifying level of analysis there considering that the events of the few days prior to this scene were beginning to lead me to a conclusion similar to Matt’s. The comment about L’s bad choices for lovers caught my attention – I can only imagine what it means, and thus far I haven’t come up with all that many theories – but the scenes that followed, with both L and Mello’s confused sort of theology, took the spotlight back. L’s attitude especially is so very complex and contradictory – the way he requires evidence even of his spiritual theories is so perfect. And his little monologue while Light was sleeping? I wept molten tears of golden perfection. That was just *beautiful*. The notion of using Light’s academic achievements as a way to train Mello is simultaneously brilliant and foreboding: it’s so outwardly simple, and yet I can see the potential for a whole host of complications and problems that could arise. (In other words, it’s the sort of idea that only L could come up with, haha.) Mello’s reaction to it was priceless – he certainly has a right to be taken aback, but then again L had a point when he brought up the whole drop-out thing. Still, the way Mello got straight into it was rather gratifying. It’s nice to see that old determination. I’m very curious to see what Linda will bring to this – I remember the two of you saying a few things about her role, but really I’m not sure what to expect, so I’m looking forward to finding out more.

    Ack, I was aiming to read so much more than this, but I had work yesterday and I didn’t have the time. I am a failure. ._. Until next time, then. :3
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  • From agrajagthetesty on January 28, 2010
    Chapter 24: I didn’t expect this, but it’s actually nice to see Bella again – it’s been a while, and although she’s conniving to say the least, it’s in an enjoyable way. But then the section with Misa killed me utterly dead. It was so brilliant. She’s perfectly broken and distraught and just a little bit deranged (“burning the whole world with a rainbow of colours”... that is PERFECTION), and the disjointed nature of her thoughts alongside her unpredictable moods and the way she talks to Ryuk and to the absent Light – arghhhh, amazing. Your characterisation of her is flawless. Again, I’m finding myself feeling strangely impressed by Mello’s self-control – although I suppose he’s had a great deal of practise by this point, haha. Considering how crazy the plan sounded initially, it went off pretty smoothly I thought, car chases and gunshots notwithstanding. :P Of course, there’s the question of what Halle is going to do: in canon she refuses to take sides, but that’s not going to be possible any more, is it? I couldn’t really let this one pass without commenting on it: “Funny how therapeutic cleaning up scum was—he'd never quite noticed it until it was gone.” That is just… psychotic. Yeesh. In any case, the scene after that really blew me away. It was fantastically vicious and desperate and feral, in a way that (I won’t deny it) I found extremely exciting – but then later on I felt really guilty for getting turned on by it. ._. Really I should have found it quite disturbing, especially considering how out of control it got, but I still felt that it was amazing and it worked really well. It messed with my mind, in short.

    Chapter 25: Wow, Light’s just a total mess, isn’t he? It’s somewhat disorientating, the way he constantly flips between contradictory moods, but it still makes a lot of sense, because everyone knows that he’s not in the best mental state right now. I think the conversation with Mello here serves to straighten it out a little, although at the same time it makes things harder to comprehend because there are so many layers to the psychology. The way Light plays with the idea of death is fascinating – it’s dark and dangerous, and it’s so right for him. L’s blunt explanation to Mello (“I am well aware of your sexual relations…” etc.) was utterly fabulous, too. I love the way L is so entirely uninhibited, and that particular instance of it was especially excellent. I must say though, the notion of Near putting out a contract on L was rather hard for me to swallow… perhaps it’s because we haven’t so much as glimpsed him yet and have very few clues as to his motives, but I find it very difficult to imagine him doing something like that. Light’s explanation, attributing it to the effect of the notebook, made it a little more plausible, but still… to me, Near is the only character who hasn’t been acting in a way in which my understanding of him would lead me to expect, and I’m uncertain over how to interpret that. And Aiber is… wow. Just wow. I’m not going to lie, I still think he’s a hoot, but I am starting to feel very sorry for L. He can’t have known what he was getting himself into initially, poor thing. XD The very last scene in this chapter has rendered me somewhat incoherent, so apologies for that, but the main thought in my head right now is “OMG WHY ARE THEY SUDDENLY SO CUTE?” In a good way. It was the tickling, more than anything else. That was bloody adorable; it made me want to leap right in there and give everyone a massive hug for being so cute, which is pretty unusual when it comes to this fic (and to DN fic in general, really). But it was lovely, and it proved to me that Mello and Light can pull off any mood.

    I hope to read a good few chapters tomorrow and the day after (thank god for the weekend), so until then!
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