Somagical Girl Tomo | By : FalstaffKisaragi Category: +S to Z > Seikon no Qwaser Views: 4376 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own or profit from anything related to Qwaser. |
Tomo was in the Occult Cooking Club She and Miyuri were pumping their breasts, and licking any excess drops off their nipples with their tongues. It had been windy around campus lately, and Tomo noticed that when Mafuyu's skirt blew upwards, the way her panties fit around her waist was different. Mafuyu had been trying to keep her new futanari erection down, but Tomo getting even more shameless with her big breasts was making it hard for her to tamper it down.
With a lack of options, she went to see the Occult Cooking Club's advisor, who was also the school nurse. About a month had passed since Tomo obtained the Golden Cross of St. Olja and became a somagical girl, and over the course of that month, the heavily pregnant Nurse Oikwara had gotten even bigger. The shape of her stomach was visible through her dress when Mafuyu walked into the nurse's office. It made her erection go from soft to stiff in an instant.
"Oribe, got any medical problems?" asked Oikawa, one hand placed over her pregnant stomach.
Mafuyu was aware, for perhaps the first time, that as big as Tomo's chest was, Oikawa was an adult with fat J-cups who outmeasured her in every respect. Since she was pregnant, she had only gotten bigger. They had to be K-cups, bordering on L by this point. The edge of Mafuyu's skirt was pushed up by her hard cock, a stain appearing in her panties. She wanted to get rid of this before she went back to class.
"You've probably never seen something like this before," said Mafuyu. She raised her skirt and dropped her panties, showing off her erection to Oikawa. The nurse could see every drop of blood pulsing through it, making it throb. She was used to the boys at school getting hard around her because of her assets, but none of them had this kind of length and girth. And her pregnancy had only been getting her more worked up.
"Oribe, lock the door," said Oikawa. "I'll service you if you tell me how this got attached to your crotch."
Mafuyu's panties hung over the side of the bed, while she sat on the edge. Oikawa was on her knees, her mouth open and stuffed with Mafuyu's member. Her tongue was moving about in such a way that Mafuyu felt she might burst on the spot, depriving Oikawa of a chance to really talk. She was keeping her slurping down, but the way her mouth was salivating, the smell of Mafuyu going up her nose, showed that she was really into this.
"That's why so many girls have been coming to me with lactation problems lately," said Oikawa, her mouth muffled by Mafuyu's girth. "I get it. Even before I started gestating, I was leaking like a faucet. The apocrypha of soma is a foundational part of our school."
"When I was offered a chance to fight, this thing appeared on me," said Mafuyu. "There's nothing weird about it, is there?"
"Are you kidding me? It's perfectly healthy," said Oikawa. "It smells and tastes like the real thing. I know you and Yamanobe get along, but just because you're both girls doesn't mean this prick can't get her pregnant. If anything, it's even more likely to."
"Tomo... pregnant?" Mafuyu said.
"Angels are always androgynous, so getting a penis from having the powers of one isn't too surprising," said Oikawa, explaining things while continuing to lick and tease Mafuyu.
Mafuyu throbbed inside Oikawa's mouth. She was already picturing Tomo with a belly as big as her breasts. Her school uniform barely able to contain the gravid stomach, carrying her divine child with a little help from the heavens. The fantasy of it pushed her over the edge, and she spent inside Oikawa's mouth. Oikawa pulled away, licking her lips and wiping the rest off with her sleeve.
"That is thick," said Oikawa. "If you and Tomo are both blessed with divine magical powers, you oughta let her handle that. I feel exhausted and all I did was suck you off."
"When I tell Tomo, I want the opportunity to be right," said Mafuyu.
"She and Tsujido have been coming in here regularly for breast exams. You can come with next time and confess. I mean about your powers and your dick. You two are just friends still, right?" said Oikawa.
"I don't know anymore. Everything's gotten so confusing," said Mafuyu.
Though Oikawa didn't admit it, she had seen Sasha hovering around near the ceiling the entire time she was speaking to Mafuyu. Only people who were connected to the somagical girls were able to perceive Sasha. There was more to Oikawa than she was admitting. As the advisor to the Occult Cooking Club, she was as familiar with the Occult part as the Cooking. It came with the job description.
In the hidden chamber where the Doll Empire made their plans, Queen Katja had her three generals gathered around. Wooden Flower, Paper Word and Tin Lizzie were each dressed in their disguises as villains. Their civilian disguises had been shed for now. Katja looked down from her throne, a sadistic look on her face. The throne, made of copper with the armrests looking like actual arms, was made specifically for her. If the other girls so much as tried to sit in it, they would be smacked away.
"Failures! The lot of you!" she said. "I even let Wooden Flower try twice, but being my favorite isn't enough for her to succeed. You know what the Doll Empire stands against!"
"To crush big-titted somagical girls," said Wooden Flower.
"To reclaim the golden cross," said Paper Word.
"To smite the angels who prevent us from claiming what is rightfully ours," said Tin Lizzie.
"All of you are correct, but the true answer is because soma is power, and she who has the most power stands victorious. Which is more than I can say for you incompetents," said Katja. "Small breasts may lactate soma, but once we have obtained that which flows from the chests of somagical girls, we will be blessed with large bosoms. Then no one can push me around anymore!"
"My Queen, I have something to report from my last excursion," said Tin Lizzie, standing up and brandishing her sword. "Not only did Tomo's protector gain somagical powers of her own, she also obtained male genitalia. What do you make of this development?"
"It simply means we have another target on our hands," said Katja. "Semen's holy power is that of a fallen angel's. Of defilement and spilled seed and onan. For those who lurk on the underside of the world, it has great potential."
"So what you're saying is..." said Paper Word.
"What I'm saying is that I don't trust any of you to do it right!" shouted Katja. "I'll attack St. Vasilisa myself!"
Katja stormed off in a huff, leaving her generals with no choice but to blend back in among the unknowing civilians.
Mafuyu was the second to arrive at the Occult Cooking Club. Tomo had fallen asleep in her breasts and needed to redo a pop quiz she had taken that afternoon, leaving the two of them some time. Miyuri was already in her Madame Lily outfit, her booth and crystal ball set up in the corner of the room. Miyuri was playing with her nipples, rubbing them between her fingers and moaning in self-deluded pleasure when she heard the door open and Mafuyu walk in.
"Oribe. My fortune telling has informed me that something happened at the dojo yesterday. Yet you are unharmed," said Miyuri.
"It was all over the school newspaper. The dojo's currently shut down for repairs," said Mafuyu. "But the reason why Tomo and I survived... can you keep a secret?"
"Are you saying you don't trust me?" Miyuri asked. Mafuyu scoffed a little. Though she had done a good job hiding her identity as Lily Mask, her need to showboat was a risky proposition when Mafuyu was feeling uneasy.
Mafuyu pulled down her panties, showing her soft dick to Miyuri. Mafuyu had discovered, over a few days of experimenting, that she was a grower and not a shower. Much like her breasts, it had started off small to average, and became impressively thick when she was turned on.
"I'm also producing soma, and I've got this, too," said Mafuyu. "I haven't seen what it can do in a battle yet, but it's also producing milk."
"This is unusual," said Miyuri. "I wish I could help, but my magic has been draining quite rapidly these days. I'm having to rely on cold readings like some two bit phone scammer. For me to be unable to help... such a sad state of affairs."
"Yeah, real big loss," said Mafuyu.
Mafuyu went to the corner of the club, idly playing with herself while staring out the window at the tennis courts. Tomo didn't seem to care that she was risking her life. She had tried to befriend one of the members of the Doll Empire the last time they crossed paths, but not all of them could be so friendly. Who was this Queen Katja that Lizzie had spoken to her about? Mafuyu wondered if she would find out soon.
Miyuri peered into her crystal ball. There was a faint image showing in the center, but she couldn't yet make out what it was. Wanting to make the best use of what remaining power she had in her breasts, Miyuri pulled down her top and squeezed a dash of soma onto the crystal ball. It began to glow pink. The image in it became much clearer. She saw the long, blonde hair of a girl from the back, standing on the tennis courts visible just outside the club window.
"You may want to stop by the tennis courts," said Miyuri.
"Thanks for the heads up," said Mafuyu. "But Sasha hasn't detected anything unusual yet."
The door to the club room burst open once again. Tomo came in, her uniform's top unbuttoned and her breasts flopping about. Drops of milk splattered at her feet as she ran over to Mafuyu, hugging her and wrapping her soft, pillowy chest around Mafuyu's head. The sudden simulation was so much Mafuyu thought she would cum on the spot. Tomo looked down, and finally got a glimpse of Mafuyu's new dick. She bent down to her knees, getting a closer look at it.
"Mafuyu, was this here before?" Tomo asked.
"It must be a miracle," Mafuyu said. "My love for you is so strong that I created this so we can have a baby."
"I knew it! Miracles are real!" said Tomo.
"Well, yeah, you're a magical girl," said Mafuyu. "Tomo, it's hard to breathe in your boobs."
"Sorry," Tomo said, releasing Mafuyu from her chest. "It's really hard. It looks like it hurts. Mafuyu, do you want me to touch it?"
"I don't know if now's the time, Tomo," said Mafuyu. "There's something on my mind."
"It's okay, I like pussies and penises, but I like your boobs most of all, Mafuyu," said Tomo. "Any time you want to get frisky with me, I'll be waiting. Now I need to milk the girls." Tomo took out her favorite breast pump, squeezing it out of her left nipple. Mafuyu watched, nearly salivating as long, hard squirts of white milk flowed into the cup just below.
"Tomo, if you don't mind my asking," said Miyuri. "What have you been doing with all the milk you pump out? That Oribe doesn't drink directly."
Tomo opened up one of the fridges in the Occult Cooking Club room. An entire row of the fridge was stacked with plastic bags full of Tomo's milk, each one so stuffed with the sweet liquid they looked like they would burst. Nothing in there was more than three days old, but it was still taking up a large amount of fridge space. Tomo wanted it on hand for drinks and recipes.
"I've been storing it in here," said Tomo. "Most of the fridge back at home is taken up by my mom's milk."
Miyuri got up from her seat and approached the fridge. She could see a pale blue aura rising from the fridge, making the entire inside look blue. Even when it was stored outside of Tomo's breasts, the magical power in her soma wasn't diluted at all. Her precognition had told her what was going on with Mafuyu's chest before Mafuyu herself figured it out, and she was aware of her draining power, too.
"This is good to know," said Miyuri. "And you said that anyone in the club is free to drink it?"
"The more I share my milk, the happier I get," said Tomo. She lifted her nipple to her mouth and started sucking, taking a few drops onto her tongue. She swallowed, and let her breast fall back down with a satisfying fleshy slap. "Even when I'm sharing it with myself."
Their conversation was interrupted when Sasha came to the window. He batted his flippers against the glass, alerting Mafuyu and Tomo from the other side. They could just barely make out his voice.
"The Doll Empire is attacking the tennis courts! It's getting very French Revolution! Hurry, hurry!"
"I have to go," said Tomo.
"I'll go with you," said Mafuyu, picking up her sword. "For safety."
"Tell the other club members we'll be back soon!" said Tomo.
Once the door shut behind them, Miyuri opened the fridge once again. She reached for the topmost bag of Tomo's creamy, sugary milk and opened the top. Holding the bag over her mouth, Miyuri started to chug it down. Her breasts were already big, and she was chugging like she was Fumika or Hana. Nothing was going to keep her out of the magical girl life now that she was deep in.
The tennis club was keeping away from the courts. The young girl, sitting on her copper throne that moved to her whims, was waiting for someone to arrive. The headmaster had already asked everyone to clear for safety, not knowing who these invaders were. As Tomo and Mafuyu neared the courts, they split paths and darted to opposite sides of a nearby building. They gave each other a knowing nod.
"I'll catch up with you. Just going to see if anyone needs help," Mafuyu said.
Tomo's breasts were full of soma, those massive tits bursting with power. She squeezed down on her breasts, staining the front of her uniform with her milk and making the familiar blue glow appear. Out of Tomo's line of sight, Mafuyu covered the front of her uniform in her own soma. As she squeezed down on her breasts, her dick stood straight up, erect and throbbing with blood.
"Somagical Transformation!"
Two flashes of light shone. The two somagical girls approached the tennis court. Tomo was first, her breasts jiggling with every step. "Motherhood is the beginning of eros! The patron saint of love, Somagical Girl Tomo!"
"A premonition of cold approaches. The patron deity of protection, Midwinter Shogun!"
Tomo looked over at the mysterious warrior who had saved her before. "So you're the Midwinter Shogun! Your armor looks so cool!" Tomo said. "And your boobs are nearly as big as mine, you must have a lot of soma." She bent down, taking notice of the cock sticking up between the new girl's legs. "You're a futanari!" she exclaimed happily. "My best friend recently turned into a futanari herself. I'll have to let her know that there's another one."
"Tomo, it's me..." Mafuyu thought to herself. "You were staring at my dick only a few minutes ago. You're so innocent." She spoke aloud. "Doll Empire! What do you want this time?"
"I am Queen Porcelain Katja. As a Queen, I naturally rank higher than everyone you've faced thus far," said Katja with a smug expression. "I doubt either of you will be able to land a scratch on me. Lily Mask was a weakling. What will you be able to do?"
"Katja!" said Sasha, flying around the area. "You won't hurt Tomo!"
"You foolish creature. I don't want to hurt her," said Katja. "I just want her to be held captive in the Doll Empire's dungeon, milking her tits every day like a cow until we're able to use her soma for what we want."
Tomo placed her hands under her breasts. "I only share my soma with people I love, and you're not being very loving," said Tomo. "Soma Shot!"
Two small balls of energy, one from each of Tomo's nipples, fired off in Katja's direction. Katja swung her large, blonde twintails around, knocking away the energy balls with ease. They landed along the walking path behind the tennis courts, exploding in a column of light and dirt. Katja advanced towards the two of them, never getting up from her throne. The arms of her copper doll reached for the net on the tennis court, taking it off to use as a weapon.
"Soma Shield!" Tomo called out. A jet of milk from her breasts transformed into a blue force field, linked to her nipples. Katja knew something about the way soma worked that she didn't. Katja reached for the middle of the force field's energy wall, pinching it around her fingers. It felt like Tomo was having her nipples tightly pinched and played with by Katja's digits. The pleasure of it was enough to make her concentration break, shattering the shield.
"Is that all you can do?" asked Katja.
Tomo was furiously pouting. Drops of milk fell from her bare breasts onto the tennis court, making small sparks of magic each time they fell. Mafuyu moved in, using her holy blade to block the Doll's incoming attack. Her shinai went through the holes in the tennis net, being stopped at the tsuba and never reaching Katja's face. Mafuyu struggled, pulling back on her sword and running around the court.
"You're not playing fair," said Katja. "All I want is a small taste of milk from your breasts. A chaser of sperm from that futanari girl's dick also looks tasty." She licked her lips. "You call yourselves protectors, but all you're doing is tempting me with those slatternly bodies."
"You're one to talk!" said Mafuyu, running up from behind the copper throne. She leapt into the air, hoping to land a strike on the throne. The automaton's arms batted her away, knocking Mafuyu to the ground. The throne's arms held up the tennis net, scooping up Mafuyu and Tomo into its grasp. The net wound around their upper bodies, the mesh making their hard, pink nipples stick out and start to drip from the stimulation.
Katja stepped off her throne. Without it, she was much shorter than Tomo and Mafuyu. Yet she glared at them with a piercing stare. She approached Tomo first, and bent down to her breasts. Katja licked Tomo's nipple, watching with perverted delight as the tip of the puffy pink nipple quivered and twitched, rising out of the areola to a full erection, dripping milk as it became rock-hard. She licked a few drops of Tomo's soma, savoring it on her tongue, swirling it around in her mouth.
"Delicious," Katja said. "I can feel my power growing even stronger. The rumors were true. You've got some impressive magical powers in those funbags, Somagical Girl. Now, what shall I do with the other one?"
She looked at Mafuyu's chest. "You're pretty stacked, but not big enough for my taste. What I'm interested in is this." She pushed her fingertip against Mafuyu's shaft, watching it wobble back and forth. "Tell me, Midwinter Shogun. What is it that makes you hard? You want to shove Tomo to the ground and fill her cunt with your semen. I can see it in the way you twitch."
"I wouldn't treat Tomo like you do..." said Mafuyu. "You don't know me!"
As Mafuyu struggled, she noticed that her dick had more room to move about than the rest of her. When she had charged at the tennis net earlier, her shinai had punctured a hole in it, fraying the material holding it together. Mafuyu moved her hand around, managing to grab onto shinai. Gripped in her sweaty hand, she waited for the right moment. Katja seductively licked Mafuyu's scrotum, making her balls tense up. The pleasure of it was too good, but Mafuyu knew she had to fight.
With a swing of her hips, Mafuyu was able to wrench herself free from the automaton's hold. Moving quickly, she slid behind Tomo and helped get her hands free. Katja growled in frustration. She was unprepared for Tomo's next attack. Without announcing it, Tomo massaged her breasts, spraying two small squirts of milk directly into Katja's eyes. It stung, leaving Katja rubbing her eyes for a few moments while Tomo and Mafuyu unraveled themselves.
"You got it in my freaking eye!" Katja said. "That's playing dirty!"
"I'm only making things fair," said Tomo. "Now if you would leave. Olja Crosier!" Tomo summoned her wand to her side. She placed the cups over her breasts, sucking out her soma into the golden orb that sat atop the rod. Her milk flowed quickly, filling up the orb with her milk. Tomo spun it around, mixing the milk into a froth as she aimed the head at Katja and her moving throne.
"In the name of Eve, return to paradise! Somagical Baptism!" A sweet, milky beam flowed from the crosier, bombarding against Katja. She was stronger than any doll they had faced before. The throne moved its copper arms in front of her, blocking the incoming magical attack with sparks of electricity.
"Tomo's not going to win like this," Mafuyu said. She saw Sasha hovering above the two of them.
"Use your holy blade!" said Sasha. "You can coat it with more than your soma!"
Mafuyu looked down. She groped her own breast, squeezing down and coating her palm in a film of milk. Moving her hand further downward, she began rubbing her cock, already hard and tense from the battle. The milk made her hand go fast, and watching Tomo's bountiful breasts jiggle as she kept firing her beam was enough to make Mafuyu get sweaty, panting. She had been able to do it quickly the night before. Holding her shinai underneath her shaft, Mafuyu let out a moan as she reached climax.
Thick, goopy semen ran down the head of the blade all the way to the bottom. The blade began to glow with a golden-red light. Mafuyu held up her shinai, looking in awe at the sheer power her semen was exuding from the blade. She stared ahead at Katja. "Evil doll, begone! Holy Soma Slash!" Mafuyu ran towards the doll, running around Tomo's beam and striking it in the shoulder. Enhanced with power, she was able to land a blow on one of the throne's arms, breaking its shoulder. Sparks of electricity flew in the gap between.
"You'll regret doing this to me!" said Katja. "I will have my vengeance!"
Just before her throne exploded, Katja vanished from the scene in a burst of magic. Tomo transformed back into her school uniform. Mafuyu, her dick sore from having to rub one out in the middle of battle, transformed back. Tomo looked over at Mafuyu, soma dripping from her breasts and semen dripping from her glans. She went over to Mafuyu and offered to help her up.
"I knew you promised you'd always protect me," said Tomo.
The two of them returned to the club room. Countless plastic bags were stuffed into the trash, and Madame Lily was sitting at her fortune telling table rubbing her stomach. While Mafuyu and Tomo were away during the battle, she had consumed all of Tomo's breast milk from the fridge, and her belly was showing a small bloat. Miyuri welcomed the two of them in, proudly rubbing her breasts.
"Never fear, you two," said Miyuri, too full to move. "Lily Mask will be here to save the day once again!" Two splotches of milk appeared on her uniform. She ran over to the sink and pulled down her top. Milk dripped from her nipples like a faucet, flowing so quickly that it ceased to stop.
"I tried to tell her that taking too much soma at once overloads the body," said Sasha. "But she didn't want to feel like dead weight."
"When will this stop?" said Miyuri.
"It goes away in a day or two," said Mafuyu.
Tomo walked over to Miyuri and rubbed her hands against her sloshing stomach. "There, there," Tomo said, pressing her breasts against Miyuri's back. "I'm glad my soma made you happy. Once your body stabilizes, I'm sure Lily Mask will be able to save the day once again."
"Thank you, Yamanobe..." said Miyuri, finishing her sentence with a burp. "You really don't mind that I drank all your milk?"
"I make so much that we can have the fridge full again in no time," said Tomo. "And Mafuyu's lactating too! Her milk must be just as yummy as mine!" Mafuyu placed her hands to her breasts, giving a nervous laugh. Sasha flew around the club room, watching and wondering what was to happen next. The Queen of the Doll Empire had been damaged, but she would only vow revenge after being humiliated.
The moon was the only thing illuminating Tomo and Mafuyu's shared bedroom that night. The two of them lay beside each other in bed, naked and fresh out of the bath. Their breasts were squishing up against each other, with Mafyuu's hard tips sinking into Tomo's inverted nipples. As the warm of their skin overlapped, Mafuyu got a boner that created a tent in the bed sheets. Tomo giggled, amused at the changes in Mafuyu's body.
"You didn't have to keep it a secret from me," Tomo said.
"I didn't want you to worry," said Mafuyu. "You're already taking on this burden to defend the city, and if you worried about me on top of that, it'd be too much."
"Telling me lets us share the burden," said Tomo. "Come on Mafuyu, pull down the covers. I want to see your penis again. I can't stop being fascinated by it. It's so hard but it twitches every time I touch it."
Mafuyu pulled down the covers, showing Tomo her stiff member. The tip, a single drop of Cowper's shining, shimmered in the darkness. Tomo rested her head on Mafuyu's breasts, slurping up the falling drops of soma before sucking it out. Her loud slurping noises could be heard through the house. Though they were mixing with the ones already happening. Akari was also getting her breasts sucked by Fubuki and Kenzo downstairs. Tomo's mom had been in a menage a trois with Mafuyu's parents since moving in, which both of them already knew.
Her lips slick with soma, Tomo pulled away. She let it drip down her chin before swallowing. "Your soma is sweet and creamy," said Tomo. "It's just like you. If your boobs got bigger from drinking mine, do you think drinking yours will make mine bigger? I might even surpass Nurse Oikawa!"
"Do you really need tits that big?" asked Mafuyu.
"The bigger they are, the more soma I can make, the easier I can save the world," said Tomo. "That's a weight I'm glad to carry."
Tomo turned over in the bed, coating the sheets in the smell of her sweat, soma and pheromones. Mafuyu moved over to Tomo's side, whispering in her ear. "Wanna spoon tonight?"
"Go ahead," said Tomo, yawning.
Mafuyu moved closer to Tomo. She squished her breasts against Tomo's back. Her dick slid between Tomo's ass cheeks. Already slick, Mafuyu was about to fall asleep when she heard a squelching noise under the covers. Mafuyu looked down to see that she and Tomo had connected down below. Tomo let out a cute moan. Mafuyu wanted to go to sleep, but she focused as hard as she could to not let it out inside Tomo. It was a battle she was sure to lose.
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