Eternal Hearts: Book One-Partners | By : alucardsangel1973 Category: Hellsing > General Views: 19378 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Hellsing, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
That evening Walter headed down to the lower levels of the mansion to bring Alucard his dinner. He found the vampire sitting in his chair deep in thought. So deep that the No Life King did not notice his old friend enter his chamber. Walter noticed the serious look on the vampire's face. "Alucard," Walter said quietly so as not to startle him from his chain of thought.
Alucard's eyes fluttered when he realized someone was calling his name. He looked to find Walter placing the ice bucket with a fresh blood pack sitting in it. "Walter, I didn't hear you come in. I was thinking about something." The red clad vampire answered.
"I hear Sir Integra really lashed into you about Miss Victoria. Alucard, how much longer are you going to keep this up?" Walter asked with a sigh.
"Walter, is it possible I could be wrong about the police girl?" Alucard questioned.
"I'm not sure I understand." Walter answered.
"Last night Integra told me the police girl wanted to remain on as my partner. She was given a chance for reassignment, but she wouldn't take it. She actually wants to stay on as my partner. I had to know why she didn't leave. They always leave no matter how strong they claim to be." Alucard replied.
"Alucard, what did you do?" Walter asked with a hint of concern.
"I didn't hurt her. I just...I had to know why. I had to know why she didn't give up like all the others did. So I went to her room while she was asleep. I looked into her mind, her memories. At first I didn't see anything that could convince me that she was going to be true to her word. I thought it was all just a show to try to put me off. But then I saw something. I saw her father and herself being kidnapped by some thugs wanting revenge against him. I saw her in a situation she was most likely not supposed to survive. A man was about to shoot her at point blank range. She showed fear, but she didn't let it rule her. Her father tried to save her, but he was killed in the process. She herself tried to fight back against her captors. She was only a child, hopelessly outnumbered and out-manned. Yet she fought back. Even in the face of death, she was willing to fight for her life." Alucard answered.
"I'd say Miss Victoria possesses a remarkable spirit to have survived such a horrible ordeal." Walter remarked.
"Maybe, just maybe I was wrong about her. Maybe she is strong enough to handle me as her partner." Alucard replied.
"God knows only the strongest of souls could ever deal with you old friend." Walter said.
"Well, I can be quite the bastard when I want to be." Alucard replied with a soft chuckle.
"That you can Alucard." Walter laughed quietly.
"So Walter, what do you think? Should I give this another shot?" Alucard asked.
"I honestly think you should Alucard. I think you might be suprised at how well you and Miss Victoria could get along if you'll just give it half a chance." Walter replied.
"You could be right." Alucard said.
Integra sat at her desk thumbing through her usual mile high stack of papers. She secretly dreaded this meeting. It would be the first time Alucard and Seras would be in the same room together since his last stunt. Though the Hellsing leader was thankful that there was peace in the house for once since ordering Alucard to leave Seras alone, she still dreaded this meeting. She called for Seras first. The young agent promptly entered Sir Integra's office and approached her desk. She also had Walter come to her office so that he could keep the peace when Alucard showed up.
Seras, Walter and Integra awaited Alucard's appearance. Within a few moments he appeared through a black void in the wall. He approached cautiously seeing the look on Seras Victoria's face. She tried to avoid making eye contact with him when he entered the room. There was an uneasy peace between the four individuals who now gathered in the office. Integra was about to speak when Alucard suddenly interrupted her.
"Agent Seras, I wish to apologize for the terrible incident you had the night previous. That dog was behaving very rudely, and I want you to know he has been...appropriately disciplined. He was a very bad dog. I can assure you he will not behave that way toward you ever again." Alucard said with a rather sheepish and embarrassed look on his face.
Integra thought her ears were going to fall off. "With God as my witness, did I just hear Alucard... apologize?" Integra asked herself in her mind.
Seras noticed the look on Alucard's face. He looked like a child having been severely scolded by his mother for such bad behavior. She was skeptical for a moment. Was this genuine or was he, just setting her up again for another one of his tricks? She scrutinized the look on his face. Something inside told her that the vampire was trying to make amends for his little canine stunt he'd pulled on her. He actually looked serious and a tad forlorn. He was not his usual arrogant and annoying self.
"It's all right. Tell the dog he is...forgiven." Seras answered politely. She noticed Alucard's expression lightened just a tad, but he kept a serious look about him. She figured Integra must really have laid into him about what he'd done.
Integra just stared at the two for a moment still shocked at what had just happened. Alucard never apologized for anything in his entire unlife. She certainly never expected him to start now. She surmised that perhaps Walter had finally managed to talk some sense into her immortal servant. Whatever it was that had brought about this sudden action in him, Integra was thankful that for once she could conduct a meeting without Alucard trying to make a mess out of it.
"As you all remember from our last meeting I intend to have scouts keeping an eye on the Valentine Dolls club. The night after tomorrow is when a transaction is scheduled to take place according to Alucard's report from the last stake out. In order to keep better tabs on the activities going on at this club, I'm going to have Alucard and Seras stationed at a near by hotel. You both will go to the club again tonight, but this time instead of reporting back here you will report to the hotel and remain there until the raid. No confrontations are to be made unless they are unavoidable. To avoid any suspicion on the part of outsiders, Agent Seras and Alucard will pose under the guise that they are newly weds on their honeymoon. The limo will take you both to Valentine Dolls first. You are to stay there until told to leave. Then you both will check into the hotel, and remain there until you receive further orders. Alucard, Walter will have your rations delivered to you. So I had better not hear of you snacking on the hotel staff, understood?" Integra asked firmly.
"Yes master." Alucard responded.
"All right. You're both dismissed. God and her majesty be with you. Amen." Integra ordered.
Seras prepared to walk out the door when she heard Alucard call her name. "Do you wish to accompany me Seras Victoria?" He asked.
She couldn't believe he'd actually called her by her name. She looked at the gaping black void that suddenly appeared with reluctance. She wasn't sure if she wanted to risk walking through it.
"It really is quicker this way. No harm will come to you. You have my word." Alucard said extending his hand. She was still reluctant to walk through the void with him. But his words seemed genuine, and she didn't want to appear rude after he had tried to make amends for his previous actions the night before last.
"All right." Seras answered and walked to Alucard as he waited for her. She took his outstretched hand as he led her into the shadowy portal. At first all she could see was inky blackness. She began to gasp with fear until she felt something slide around her waist.
"There is nothing to fear Seras Victoria. You are safe with me." His voice sounded deep in her mind. The tone sent shivers up and down her spine. She'd never heard him speak this way before. His voice lacked the usual arrogance and cockieness she'd become so accustomed to hearing from him. This tone was deep and dark, but not frightening. It possessed an air of sensuality she'd not heard from him before. It seemed to calm her fears. She could feel herself moving but at the same time her feet seemed not to touch the ground. She could not see Alucard but could feel him holding her beside him. With an unconscious thought she found herself clinging to him for fear of falling into whatever nothingness the void may have possessed.
It seemed like an eternity for them to travel through the portal, yet not a few moments after they'd entered it, Alucard and Seras emerged on the outside of the mansion. Seras had to stand still for a moment to make sure she was actually standing on solid ground again. Alucard chuckled softly amused at the actions of his partner.
"Are you all right police girl?" He asked with an amused laugh.
"Bloody hell. How did you do that?" Seras asked walking a bit unsteadily toward the stairs to the limo.
"Time and experience. Over five hundred years I've existed in this world, and that time has given me the ability to do many things." The vampire answered smoothly.
Alucard escorted Seras to the limo and assisted her while she got in. This suprised her. Most of the time he either stood there smirking at her because he always got there before she did. And he'd never made any move to help her get into the car. But now he was acting like a near perfect gentleman. She wasn't sure about what had brought about this change in his attitude, but for the moment she would not question it either. He was actually behaving himself, and for that she was thankful.
Jan stood in the sky box looking down on all the activities of the club. For the most part he just stood and drooled at the female dancers. Were not for his prudish brother Luke he would gladly have taken a couple of those dancers to the back for a more private performance. He heard Luke walk in.
"Everything is going according to plan. Within another day our future shareholders will hand us the money, and then we hand them the key to everything they could possibly dream of. I think this will profit all involve quite nicely, don't you agree Jan?" Luke asked.
"Oh yah. Once we've got the money the women will be all over us bro! Think about it. All those hot, horny bitches won't be able to keep their hands off us! I'm getting a hard on just thinking about it!" Jan exclaimed.
"Cool your jets will you? It's embarrassing. We haven't got the money yet. Besides, I keep getting this uneasy feeling that this is all going way too easily. I'm suprised no one has tried to spy on us and get their hands on the chip knowing the potential profit they'd have if they did." Luke replied uneasily.
"Come on bro! You take everything way too seriously! No one's gonna try to screw with us. We're the Valentine Brothers! None of those guys would even thinking about trying to fuck us over bro. They know we'd mess em up real bad. Now will you stop worrying will ya? This is a club. We're supposed to relax here. I don't know bout you, but I'm going back to all that fine assed eye candy on the stage." Jan said and returned to his watch.
Alucard led Seras inside the club. Every now and then a guy would whistle at her and make rather rude comments about her rather abundant chest. She expected Alucard would probably agree with him and make a comment of his own. She was rather suprised to see him flash an evil stare at any man who said anything so brash about her. Just a few nights ago he was more than willing to join in on the cat calling. Now he was staring daggers toward any man who even looked at Seras wrong. This change in character completely astonished her. What had happened to make him change his attitude? She'd also noticed that he was silent on their way to the club. Normally he chimed in with some sarcastic or smart assed comment that would totally get under her skin. But he said nary a word. And when he did look at her, it wasn't the same leering stare she was accustomed to seeing from him. He would look at her as if he were studying her, gazing upon her. Whatever it was Integra threatened him with must have really sunk in she surmised.
They settled at the table they always sat around. Seras ordered a brandy. She noticed that Alucard seemed uninterested in the dancers, most of them nearly naked. He actually began to scoff. The endless parade of nude bodies began to bore him. Seras noticed his disinterest in the scene.
"Look, there's your favorite over there." Seras said seeing what his reaction would be.
"I've lost my interest in her. I've lost my interest in all of them." Alucard replied with a serious tone. "They don't seem that pretty to me anymore."
The comment floored Seras. He was so different tonight. She began to wonder if it was anything Sir Integra that had brought about this change. He was very bold and brazen around her and didn't show any fear toward anything she might threaten to do to him. It could not have been her alone that made him act this way. Was he perhaps finally beginning to respect her as a partner? But if he was, what brought this sudden change of heart.
Jan caught site of Seras and just stared at her through the window of the sky box. "Man, that girl is hot. I have got to make a move on her. Don't know what she sees in the guy she keeps bringing with her. What's a hot young thing like her doing with a guy who looks old enough to be her father. Heh, if she wants a sugar daddy, I'll give her all the sugar she can handle and then some." He said to himself licking her lips.
Seras looked down at her brandy glass and took a small sip. She peered at Alucard through the corner of her eyes. He was quiet as he looked away from the dancers. He kept his glasses on to cover his eyes.
"It must be hard sometimes." She said quietly.
"What is?" Alucard asked.
"Having to hide behind those glasses. Having to keep the truth of what you are hidden from those around you." Seras answered.
"It is something I am accustomed to. With these glasses I look like any other man. Without them, people see me for what I really am." Alucard replied. His voice was low, actually melancholy. "I hide out of necessity. Humans for the most part fear what I am. They have always feared monsters. And in the eyes of humans, I am a monster."
Seras could detect sadness in his voice. She'd never heard this from him before. She was beginning to see that there was more to this creature than what he had shown her. Seras was about to open her mouth when Alucard raised his head suddenly. He heard something that caught his attention. Seras too looked around cautiously seeing the serious look on his face.
"Alucard, what is it?" She asked.
"Someone has entered the club looking for the one named Luke Valentine. I'm going to listen in on the conversation. Stay here." He said as he got up from the table.
Seras nodded and stayed at the table while Alucard slipped off. She watched him slowly fade into the shadows. "He sounds so...sad, so lonely. Maybe he was trying to push me away, because he felt I'd end up leaving to begin with. Sir Integra did say he wouldn't acknowledge anyone else as his partner except Walter. Walter may be the only person Alucard has ever allowed to get so close to him." Seras said to herself. She swirled the ice in her brandy before taking another sip.
Alucard stayed in the shadows. He watched a conversation going on between Luke Valentine and the man he'd sensed walking into the club. He focused in on the conversation.
"Yes Mr. Valentine. My employer sadly will not be able to attend the meeting. But he wishes for me to inform you he will be sending me in his place with the money we agreed upon the other night. Five million to be given to you for the chip, and he wishes to throw in another two million as a gesture of good faith on his part since he is not able to attend." The man said.
"He is willing to throw in an extra two million? Well, normally under the circumstances I could not risk the chip going with someone other than the intended buyer. But since your boss is willing to so generously throw in an extra two million along with the five we agreed upon, I think I can make one exception. My regards to your boss, and I do hope he will recover soon. Have the money with you at 9 o'clock. The chip will be given to you upon receipt of the money." Luke answered.
Alucard recorded the most important details of the conversation. "Seven million for a filthy bug. I wonder if these fools have any idea of what they're really buying." He growled to himself.
Seras looked down at her watch wondering where Alucard was. It had been several minutes and she was starting to get uncomfortable with the men at other tables leering at her. She picked up her brandy to take another sip when she heard footsteps behind her. Assuming it was Alucard she looked behind her. However, it was not who she was expecting. There stood Jan Valentine.
"Hello there gorgeous. I haven't been able to take my eyes off you all night." Jan said trying to sound cool.
"Oh wonderful. It's not bad enough half this bloody club keeps staring at my chest, now I've got this idiot trying to come onto me." Seras thought to herself.
"You know, it's not a good idea for you to be flirting with me while I'm with company." Seras said trying to brush Jan off.
"You mean the guy with the red coat? Come on, there's nothing he can do for you that I can't. Besides, a hot young thing like you should be with a hot young stud like me." Jan said grabbing Seras's hand.
"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?" Seras protested. Jan forced her close to him.
"Doesn't pay to be mean to me you know. Now be a good little girl and quit making a scene before I have to get tough." Jan warned trying to force Seras to come with him. The moment he backed up he felt his back hit something. Jan stood perfectly still feeling a wave of terror break over him.
"Just what do you think you're doing with my wife?" A voice growled angrily.
Jan looked behind him to find Alucard standing right behind him with a very displeased expression on his face. It was all he could do to keep from whipping his glasses off and showing this upstart exactly who and what he was dealing with.
"Wi...wife?" Jan asked with a gulp.
"I suggest you unhand her before I have to drag you out of here and gently put my foot up your ass." Alucard hissed.
Jan quickly complied and let Seras go. He certainly did not want a one on one with Alucard, and certainly not in front of the club patrons. Alucard took Seras's hand and pulled her to his side. "Are you all right?" He asked.
"I'm all right." Seras answered catching her breath.
"Do not let me catch you put your filthy hands upon my wife ever again." Alucard growled at Jan and led Seras away from the table they were sitting at. Jan stood watching them leave with an angry expression on his face.
"Son of a bitch...who the hell does he think he is?" Jan cursed under his breath. He was about to learn Alucard was not the only vampire angry with him that moment. He saw Luke motioning for him to come to him. The next thing he knew he felt the back of Luke's hand against his face.
"What the fuck was that for!" Jan yelled.
"What do you think you're doing trying to come onto one of the patrons like that? I don't need customers getting pissed off with us because you can't control your sexual urges. For pitie's sake if you're so desperate go to a brothel or something. Don't let me catch you acting so inappropriately with the patrons again. The last thing I need is a damn law suit for sexual harassment." Luke replied calmly but angrily.
Alucard walked Seras from the club. They waited for the limo as it pulled up beside them. Alucard assisted Seras into the car then got in himself. "Did he hurt you?" The vampire asked.
"No. He just scared me that's all." Seras answered.
"Fortunate that he did not get as far as he wanted. I would have made quite a mess out of the club if he had." Alucard replied.
"So, what did you learn listening in on Luke Valentine?" Seras asked.
"One of his clients has fallen ill and cannot attend the meeting where the transaction is to take place. Each man is paying five million for the chip that turns humans into FREAKS. The absent client is throwing in another two million to ensure he receives his share in the chip." Alucard answered.
"Alucard, what you said back there..." Seras began.
"I meant what I said. I would have taught that insolent upstart a lesson he would not soon forget." Alucard replied.
"Well, if I haven't said so already...thank you for getting him away from me. He really frightened me." Seras said.
"You should be frightened of him. He is a FREAK. So is his brother Luke Valentine." Alucard interjected.
"That is what a FREAK looks like? But neither of them looked like vampires." Seras pondered.
"They don't take after true vampires. They're eyes remain their human color until their bloodlust is aroused." Alucard replied.
"How did you know then?" Seras asked.
"I could sense the chip inside of them. I could sense their hunger for blood. But they can be nasty creatures when they shed their human facade. You remember what Sir Integra said? They can change their shape but they're limited to turning into repulsive bat like creatures. They truly are abhorrent things." Alucard answered.
Seras looked down at the piece of paper with instructions for signing into the hotel. "The limo is taking us to the hotel now. I can't believe she actually wants us to use this name." Seras sighed.
"What name would that be?" Alucard asked.
"Mr. and Mrs. Holmwood." Seras answered.
"I hate that book." Alucard grumbled.
to be continued...
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