Mountain Storm | By : ShadowCat13 Category: Pokemon > General Views: 7684 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: I do not Own Pokemon in any way. I do not get any Money from writing this. |
Chapter 6
Owen held his once tan shirt up to look at it in the sun light before he dipped it back into the water and started to rub the material together some more. He was sitting in his briefs by the stream that ran through the clearing below his caretakers cave. After having spent a little over a week here, he’d finally managed to express his desire to wash his clothes and himself to her.
In the time he’d been here he’d started to understand her and the other birds a bit. Owen couldn’t follow their conversations, he still had a ways to go for that yet, but he did understand what a number of there clucks and squawks meant now. Owen had the feeling the birds he was around a lot too where slowly understanding what he was saying better.
Owen was also getting better at telling the birds apart from one another, and there genders. He wasn’t completely sure about birds he only saw from a distance now and then, but he could recognize those he was around often. Like his caretaker and the Torchic and Combusken that watched them. Each of the birds had their own personalities that made telling them apart easier with time.
Wringing out his wet shirt Owen held it up again to look at the brown stain. He could hardly call it tan anymore. He doubted even if he had a washing machine and a good soap that he’d be able to do anything about that though. With a sigh he laid it out next to his pants to dry and then looked around for the Blaziken. She led him over to the stream and then watched what he was doing for a bit before getting called way by some of the other Blaziken.
Owen spotted her a little ways off with the old female Blaziken that had set his leg. He’d seen her enough times to know she was important. All the birds respected her. He wasn’t sure if it was just because of her age or something more. He’d seen her mate, another Blaziken just as old and gray looking as she, but it didn’t get quite the same treatment. So Owen thought it likely had to do more with who she was then just her age.
The two birds seemed to be talking and Owen watched them for a moment before he started to clean himself in the stream. He’d have liked real bath but still was happy to get clean. He’d used some of the drinking water he’d had a couple time to clean up a little, but that could only help so much.
Picking up the nut shell he had Owen used it to wet his hair and clean it the best he could of dirt and grime. He wished he’d something to wash it with to really get it all out, but this was helping. He’d just rinsed his hair out for the fourth time and was starting to scrub away the dirt on his arms when he felt something tug lightly on his wet green hair. Turning his head a little he looked up at the Blaziken. She clicked her beak at him as she looked at his hair. Grabbing the shell she filled it back up and then dumped the water over his head again.
Having closed his eyes just in time Owen reached up and wiped his face dry then smiled a little. If she could smirk Owen was sure the Blaziken would be. He would see it in her eyes.
After a few moments she filled up the shell again. She didn’t dump it over him again but instead down his back slowly as she rubbed at dirt there.
Torn between letting her help him wash or getting her to stop, Owen sat there unmoving. He didn’t exactly mind that she was doing this. It was actually sort of nice. He enjoyed the feeling. But that was also why he wasn’t sure if he should stop it…
In the end though, Owen choose not to stop her. Twisting around a little to see her better he said, “Thanks”, as he went back to washing of his arms. It was a word the Blaziken understood and she seemed happy to hear it.
Once all of his skin that was visible was clean, the humanoid bird reached for his underwear and tugged on it a little with a questioning cluck. He could understand what she wanted to know well enough, even if her question wasn’t in words so much as a meaning combine with the tug. Looking down at his briefs he wondered if he should take them off to clean down there too… He knew it would make little difference to the pokemon if he was running in his birthday suit or not, his near nakedness showed him that, but he wasn’t sure if he’d be comfortable with it. It had taken Owen a while to stop feeling self-conscious when his caretaker seemed to be looking at him.
“Ken?” She asked again and Owen nodded.
“Might as well get completely clean.” Reaching down he tugged them off slowly. It wasn’t like she’d not seen his equipment before. She had a tendency to look at it when he relived himself with her around. He wasn’t sure if it was just her curiosity or something else.
She helped him pull the underwear all the way off, careful of the brace still on his leg, before her gaze predictably fell to what was between his legs. Shifting one of his legs a little Owen wondered what it was she found so interesting. If it was just because it was something she’d not seen before she’d have lost interest by now wouldn’t she? It hadn’t taken her long to get used to his clothing or the look of his skin… Or did the bird do it as she realized it made him feel flustered. Looking into her eyes, Owen thought the Blaziken was looking a little smug.
“Evil bird…” He muttered to himself, trying to ignore her the best he could. He got to work on cleaning his nether regions quickly so he could get covered again. He wasn’t so sure now this was the best of ideas. What if the other birds come over and started to stare as well? Or even worse, what if his friends showed up now looking for him?
Owen shook his head. Now he was just being ridicules. Someone wouldn’t turn up now just because he had taken off his clothes to wash up.
He likely shouldn’t have ignored the Blaziken though. If he’d been paying a little more attention he’d have realized what she was doing before he felt her rough clawed hand gently rubbed along his inner thigh, bushing against his balls a little, in a attempt to keep helping him.
Startled Owen pulled away from the touch and reached for the taloned hand. Her gentle touch had sent a shiver thought him. And not just because it had taken him by surprise. Holding the Blaziken’s hand in a crushing grip he just stared at the bird for a few moments before he let go and grabbed his underwear. He quickly pulled them back on, ignoring the ache it cause in his leg because of his haste, and then grabbed his walking stick. A sturdy piece of wood with a branching offshoot at the end he could put under his arm. It had been given to him by the Blaziken a few days ago. Not that he’d used it much. She didn’t seem to want him up and walking around. It made him wonder why she’d even given it to him in the first place.
Now though she didn’t stop Owen as he used it to get to his feet or made his way toward the path leading up to her cave. She just watched him go with confusion evident in her eyes. She called to Owen when he was near the path, a low apologetic series of clucks and bawk sounds, but Owen keep going. He knew she likely didn’t understand why he was upset, and he wasn’t sure he’d have been able to explain it to her even if they could understand each other perfectly. It wasn’t that she’d touched him that bothered him, but his own reaction to it. It was one of the things he’d been worrying about more and more while he’d been here. He thought he was becoming sexually attracted to the Blaziken that cared for him.
Absentmindedly he thought he should come up with a name for her, so he could think of her as something other than his caretaker or his Blaziken. Right now though, he had too much on his mind to come up with something.
When Owen reached the cave he went over to the nest and sat down, letting his walking stick fall were it would next to him. “What’s going on with me?” He whispered as he pressed his face against his good knee. He’d heard of people that develop feelings for the one that took care of them. Was that what was going on with him? Why he enjoyed the bird being around him so much? Was he only feeling this way because of some mixed up feelings of gratitude?
Owen didn’t know… He just knew that he liked the Blaziken more and more with each passing day. It had started off from the small things she’d done for him, like how she’d been gentle when changing his ‘bandages’ the first few days or would help him peel open a Lum berry if it was giving him a hard time. It had made him feel she cared about him, but he didn’t know if that would be enough to make him feel as he did now. Owen wasn’t surprised he liked and enjoyed being around the pokemon, but to feel the spark of desire? That was what bothered him the most.
He’d never felt like this toward a pokemon before, and wasn’t sure what to think about it now that he was. He didn’t exactly think it was wrong to, but hadn’t thought it was something a person should do either. Till now he’d not really understood why someone would want to have sex with a pokemon. Not he understood the desire he was feeling, just that he got why there’d be those that might not fight it.
[i]’Why does it bother me so much?’[/i] Owen wondered. Was it just that it wasn’t something he’d have expected of himself, or because it wasn’t exactly looked well upon? Bestiality wasn’t illegal in most places, but like with most sexual differences it wasn’t exactly accepted by most people or even thought to be morale.
Thinking about it wasn’t really helping too much though; he still wasn’t any closer now to making sense of what he felt or what to think of it then he’d been before. He just knew he did feel something, and didn’t think it would just go away.
It was a couple hours later that Owen finally decided to go looking for his caretaker and let her know he wasn’t upset with her. Owen wasn’t sure he’d be able to find her though, he wasn’t totally sure what she did all day. When he got back down to the clearing his clothing were still where he had put them, but the Blaziken wasn’t around anymore. The only pokemon he did see was a couple Combusken off at the edge of the clearing. They looked over at him for a moment before turning back to what they’d been doing.
Sighing a little Owen went to gather his clothing. He’d not really expected her to still be here, but he’d hoped a bit that she would be.
As his shirt was dry and as clean as it was getting, Owen pulled the worn garment over his head. It felt a bit stiff but he figured after a little while it would soften up and he’d not notice anymore. Looking between his pants and the brace on his leg, Owen wondered for a moment if he should put them back on too. The wound didn’t really need treatment anymore, the Blaziken had stopped wrapping all his wounds the other day, so he didn’t see any reason not to. They were loose enough the brace wouldn’t be a problem really either.
Not wanting to fall as he put them on Owen sat down by the stream again and slowly pulled them on. Once he was dressed again he sort of felt funny. He must have gotten more used to being almost naked then he’d realized. His clothing felt a little restricting now. He shook his head a little at the thought.
Twisting around Owen saw the little trouble making male Torchic standing behind him and looking at his clothing with a bit of a puzzled look.
“Got away again did you.” Owen asked with a smile.
As it understood a little of what he was saying now the Torchic chirped at him as it puffed up a little, clearly not at all feeling guilty. If anything Owen thought the chick looked a little smug with itself. Looking back at the shirt he had on the Torchic cheeped again at him and come a bit closer.
“I put my clothes back on.” He told the curious chick and lifted up his shirt a little to show the bird how it worked. The chick looked at it feathers for a moment then chirped out something Owen didn’t quite get. The Torchic seemed satisfied though and lost some of it interest in what he had on him.
Knowing the chick wouldn’t go unmissed for too much longer Owen leaned forward and scooped it up in one arm. Using his Walking stick he got to his feet and started walking towards the large cave. The Torchic let out a little trill of protest once he realized where they were going. Owen just smirked at it a little, “Yep, I’m taking you back.”
Inside the large cave the Combusken that was on sitter duty looked over at him and then let out a relieved sounding noise at seeing he had the chick in his arms. It wasn’t the same Combusken that had been watching him the day he’d been dropped off. There were three Combusken the seemed to take turns watching the young chicks. This one was easily recognizable by the scratch on its beak. It was friendly enough so Owen liked it, unlike the third Combusken that watched the Torchic. He didn’t know why, but that bird didn’t seem to like him. The first time he had come when it was watching the chicks the Combusken had squawked at his caretaker. Even without understanding anything it had been clear the bird hadn’t wanted him there. After that it had taken to completely ignoring him, which was fine by him.
After setting the chick down Owen went and got his weaving things and sat down in his normal spot. With the walking stick he knew he didn’t really have to stay here, but had little else to really do at the moment. He didn’t think the other pokemon would mind if he wondered around a bit, but didn’t really feel like over doing it. He already felt a little tired. So it was here or back to his caretakers cave. And he wasn’t sure he wanted to go back and be alone till she come back.
As he worked on the grass mat he watched the Torchic. The little trouble maker seemed to sulk a little before the other two got it to join them in playing. By now even the shy chick was used to his presence and didn’t mind coming near him. She’d yet to join the other two in napping on him though.
At the moment the chicks seemed to be trying to see who could make the largest ember. Owen had worried they were getting carried with their games when they’d started breathing out little flames, but the Combusken didn’t seem to care too much. It just made them keep to the open empty part of the large cave where there was nothing they could accidently catch on fire.
Surprisingly the chick that seemed to be doing the best was the little shy female Torchic. Her little flames were just a little bigger than the other two’s. Of those two Owen wasn’t really sure which was doing better. It kind of varied between each try. When they started making little puffs of smoke instead of flames the three chicks finally ended their game and came back over to the mat. For a little bit the three chirped happily to the Combusken and him. Soon though they all were yawning more than chirping.
Leaning forward Owen scooped up the more rambunctious chick and set it on his lap. “Go to sleep, there’ll be plenty of time to boast later.” He told it and the other two chicks. He guessed the Torchic understood enough to get that he wanted it to sleep as it gave him a ‘not tired’ look.
“Uh-uh.” Owen murmured as he started to stroke the chick. It didn’t take it long for the Torchic to relax and start to nod off. The other chick that often napped by him came over as well. She hesitated for a moment before hoping up on his lap for the first time. She looked up at him to see if he’d not like it before settling down by the other chick. To his even greater surprise the third chick came over and sat down so she was leaning against his right leg.
After a moment he smiled and slowly reached down to pet the chick. She eyed his hand but didn’t run away. Just as slowly he stroked a finger over her head gently. As he petted her, her dark eyes drooped closed. When they were all asleep the Combusken clucked something low and he looked over at the bird. He thought it was smiling at him, but given the bird couldn’t actually do that it was a little hard to be sure. Still it seemed happy.
Looking back at the chicks Owen smiled himself. Maybe he wasn’t sure about what he felt about his Blaziken caretaker, but he did know the bird line was now among those he like the most.
Owen was starting to feel anxious. It was at the end of the day now, the time when the Torchic’s parents came and picked there chicks up. All the Torchic had been picked up and even the Combusken had left, leaving him alone in the large cave. He’d thought his caretaker would come to pick him up as well. She’d always shown up for him at this time before. There was no sign of her and he was starting to think she wasn’t going to come today.
“Is it because of earlier?” He asked himself in a low tone. He didn’t like to think that the bird might be upset with him now. He felt a pang of regret he’d just ignored her went she’d called out to him. Signing he looked down at the mat he’d finished earlier. He’d not been sure what he’d do with it when he was done, but now a thought came to mind.
Rolling it up Owen tucked it under his right arm and then got to his feet and started out of the cave. It was a little dark out now, but he thought there was still enough light out for him to safely make it up the well worn path. He’d just have to take it slow is all. He didn’t much want to trip or something.
On his way up the path he ran into one of the other Blaziken. A female he’d only seen a few times. He recognized her quite well though regardless. Her feathers where a darker shade of red then the other birds, making her stand out. Even without that though Owen thought she’d stand out. She just held herself in a way that drew attention. The others seemed to defer to her as well.
Thinking she was likely going down the path Owen moved over to give the Blaziken room to pass him. She stopped walking though when she reached him and clucked something. He understood a few sounds, one being the cluck the bird seemed to use when addressing him, but as a whole the context of what the Blaziken said was lost on him. She didn’t seem to be wanting an answer though, as before he’d have had a chance to respond she’d picked him up and swung him over her shoulder.
In his surprise Owen dropped his walking stick and nearly the woven mat as well. He only kept a hold of that as it ended up being pressed between them. With a couple bounds up the path that left him felling his stomach had been left behind the bird took him to his caretakers cave.
She entered the cave, loudly announcing herself as she went. Before he knew it Owen found himself set down in the nest and listening to the two Blaziken clucking back and forth as he tried to make sense of what had just happened. After a few minutes the darker bird looked at him and clucked out something he mostly understood, a good night, and then left.
Now that he was alone with the Blaziken Owen felt a little uneasy again. He didn’t know if she was upset with him or not. Looking towards her, Owen tired to guess by looking at her eyes. He’d found they where the best way to tell what the birds were feeling. It wasn’t a fool proof way though. Unable to tell he dropped his eyes to the grass mat he was still holding on too.
He heard the click of her taloned feet on the stone as the Blaziken came over and then the soft rustling as she sat down in the nest. He could feel her watching him, and after a few moments looked back up at the Bird. He still didn’t know if she was upset but it didn’t seem she was mad enough she didn’t want him here anymore. That thought cheered him up a little.
Lifting up the slightly squashed bundle he held it out for her to take. “It’s not that good, but I still hope you’ll take it.” He told her, feeling a bit like a school boy giving a something to his crush. He mentally snorted a little at that thought. He was twenty seven… not a sixteen year old. Still he felt a little anxious and hoped she’d take it.
The Blaziken looked at the grass mat and then at him before she finally took it. For some reason Owen though she found it funny he was giving it to her, but as she’d taken it and seemed happy Owen didn’t mind. Too much. He couldn’t help but wonder why she was looking at him like that though.
Getting up the bird unrolled the mat and made a show of inspecting it, clucking things now and then as she looked at it. Given that it was rather dim in the cave now Owen wondered again just how good the birds eye sight was. After a few minutes she laid the mat out next to the nest before she looked back at him. After a few moments she went over and placed the cover over the cave mouth for the night. Coming back to the nest she settled down in for sleep.
She didn’t try and cuddle up to him as she normally did though and Owen felt a little disappointed. He wondered if she was a bit upset still or maybe just though he didn’t want her touching him now. Rolling over on to his good side he could vaguely made out her form laying next to him. He realized that if he wanted to put a stop to his growing attachment to the Blaziken he should let things stay like this. But… that’s not really what he wanted.
Slowly Owen reached out and touched her arm. She shifted and even though it was dark he could tell that the humanoid bird was watching him. “Ken?” She clucked out in a soft questioning tone.
“You can still touch me.” He said in a low whisper as he lifted her arm and moved it so the feathered appendage was draped over him.
She clucked something he didn’t understand and then pulled him a little closer. Letting out a breath he’d not realized he’d been holding Owen closed his eyes and relaxed into her warm embrace.
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