Mountain Storm | By : ShadowCat13 Category: Pokemon > General Views: 7690 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: I do not Own Pokemon in any way. I do not get any Money from writing this. |
AN- I've got this story up on Fanfiction as well so if it seems familiar that is why.
Chapter 1
It was cool out, a perfect day for going hiking through the forested mountains. Or at least that’s how it should have been if the weather man had been right… The day had started off that way, but now instead of the clear blue skies the dark green haired young man had been expecting, they had heavy grey clouds rolling in from the west.
“I think we should start heading back to camp.” The green haired man called out to the others with him, two more men and a woman, as he looked at the sky. It was already a little windy and he shivered. He regretted leaving his brown and green sweater and hiking up here in just his jeans and tan tee shirt. All the others had been smart enough to have grabbed one or a jacket, so weren’t having the same problem.
“But we just got up here… Can’t we look around for signs to see if there really is a Salamance around here first for a little while Owen?” One of the men, a middle aged muscular guy with short brown hair companion.
“I know haven’t got to do anything yet, but the weather seems to be turning fast. We all know how dangerous it can be out here in a bad storm.” The green haired man, Owen told him shaking his head.
“And we’ve got the whole summer, it’s not like we can’t come back up here Jake.” The woman, Sarah said pushing strands her just past shoulder length blue hair out of her face. The wind was blowing it around some. Reaching into her pants pocket she pulled out a couple hair ties. She offered one to Owen as the wind was also blowing around his shoulder length hair.
“Thanks.” Owen said quietly in both acceptance of the hair tie and to her backing him up about leaving now.
The last man, Tom, a guy with slightly shaggy dark blond hair nodded in agreement to leaving. Seeing he was out voted Jake sighed, “Fine… But as soon as we can we’re heading back up.”
Used to his attitude. Owen just nodded and whistled. After a few moments a deer pokemon with leaf covered antlers come out of a patch of trees off to the groups left. “We’re heading back now.” He told the Sawsbuck, who just gazed at him with one large brown eye before starting down the trail that would take them back to their camp in a clearing down at the base of the mountain.
The rest, along with their own pokemon (Sarah a Ledian, Jake a Primeape, and Tom a Growlithe) started following Owen and his Sawsbuck. As they walked Owen keep looking at the sky and worried. It seemed to moving in a lot faster then he’d thought it would. He wasn’t sure they’d had the hour and a half needed to hike back down to where they’re camp was.
And they didn’t. They were only maybe halfway back when the first drops of rain started to fall. Lacking a jacket or sweater as he was, Owen quickly found himself with his arms wrapped around his chest while trying not to think too badly of himself for believing the day was going to be good and so not needing one… His backpack did protect his back a little from the rain, but he thought it might be getting heavier even though he was sure it was water proof.
Luckily for him Sawsbuck slowed to walk so he was next to his trainer, with his leafy antler over Owens head. It didn’t stop all the rain as some water dripped through to still drop onto him, but it was better than nothing.
“Thanks.” He told his pokemon and patted the deer’s back.
The downpour of rain got steadily heavier as time passed till soon they were all drenched and miserable. Ledian had stopped flying above her trainer soon after the rain started to pick up and the large lady bug was walking next to Sarah.
Sarah kept an eye on the bug as they walked for signs she was slowing. She was more used to flying around then walking after all. She also looked up at the sky often with a worried look. “Guys, do you think we should try to find a place to wait till it dies down a bit? With it coming down in sheets like this, it’s getting hard to see.”
“Do you see anyplace to stop here?” Jake asked, coming off a bit snappy and waving around at the bit of seeable path they were on. At the moment they were walking single file down a somewhat narrow path that curved along the mountain side.
“I can’t see much of anything so no, I can’t see a place to-“
“Guys cut it out.” Tom yelled so he’d be heard over the storm and the two. “We don’t need to listen to you guys fighting as well as getting soaked. Well stop once we find a safe place too.”
The two nodded and Owen let out a relieved breath. They really didn’t need to start fighting now… The two did it enough we they weren’t all grumpy and getting rained on. He watched his friend that were now walking ahead of him, as some time during the walk he and Sawsbuck had slowed down and ended up as the last two walking down the trail. He didn’t mind though, as this way he could keep an eye on his friends better.
A bit of dirt and small rock suddenly hitting Sawsbuck and startling the pokemon, made Owen forget about his friends for a moment as he looked up. He saw a dark shape quickly coming towards them and yelled, “Run.” at Sawsbuck, while he himself jumped back out of the way.
Doing as he was told the deer, as well as the others, ran down the trail a little before looking back to see a pile of mud, grass and stones covering the path. “Owen!” Jake and Sarah yell at the same time as they hurried over to look for their green haired friend.
“I’m alright…” He called to them from where he was on the other side. He’d moved back enough to not get trapped under the mess but still had been spattered some by the mud. As he wiped it off he looked at the mess before him. It looked like most had landed close to the mountain side and was thin near the edge. He didn’t really want to go over there unless he had to though. “How’s it look on your side?”
“Like a mess.” Answered Jake quickly, glad he was alright. “It seems thickest near to the mountain side. Can’t tell if it’s just because of the stones or if it’s deep mud.”
Owen sighed. He’d been hoping it only looked like that from his side… He stood there thinking of what to do. At least till a little more mud fell to join the pile before him. Looking up nervously he looked for anymore coming down. He didn’t see any at the moment but that didn’t mean it wasn’t going to be soon. Owen thought of heading back the way he’d come, but worried about going alone. If something happened then he’d been even worse off than he was now. He thought of just trying to wait for the storm to pass where he was but a little more mud fell and he made up his mind. He didn’t know how much more might come down and he knew his friends would want to wait on the other side too. He didn’t’ want to endanger them all.
“I’m going to try to climb over.” Owen called to his waiting friends and moved to about halfway to the edge. He thought it might be easier down there but wasn’t about to get closer with the pouring rain.
“Be careful.” He heard Tom call to him as he started to climb the mess.
“I will be.” He called back as his foot sank into the mud a bit. He quickly pulled it loose and kept climbing. As he climbed about halfway over the mess, what he’d been fearing might happen did. More mud and rocks came tumbling down to join that already on the path. It wasn’t as much as before but some still hit into him. He was knocked over to his side and started to slide towards the edge with the mud and debris. Heart racing he tried to grab something to stop himself, but everything was going in the same direction.
He heard his name being screamed as he went over the edge with the mud before everything went black.
The first thing Owen realized as he come to was the he hurt. Everywhere… Groaning he tried to sit up but found he was laying in something kind of sticky so it was harder than it should have been, even in as much pain as he was in.
Opening his eyes he lifted his head a little and looked around. “Why am I half buried in mud?” He asked of no one in a horse voice. For a moment he was totally confused and then his memories of the storm and what happened on their way down the mountain came slowly back to him. Looking up he wondered how far he’d slid and/or fallen to get where he was now. He hadn’t a clue but was thankful he wasn’t dead or dying.
Looking back down at the mud he tried to sit up again and after a moment of struggling finally came loose. As he sat up he realize he still had on his bag and that it was part of why getting up had been hard. He’d had to pull it and himself out of the mess he was laying on his back in.
Now that he was sitting up he looked around a little more. The area around him was sparsely filled with young trees and had a stream running through it. Owen thought he might know where he was, if he was guessing right about where he’d been on the mountain side and if the stream was the one he was thinking it might be, that is. He hoped he was right. If so he didn’t think he was too far from where they’d set up camp.
Looking back down at the mud covering his legs he started to dig himself out. First his right leg then his left. Once they were mostly uncovered Owen pulled them out of the mud. As he did pain shot up his right leg and he cried out a little as he’d not been expecting it. Eyes watering a little he gently fingered his leg where it hurt. He didn’t feel anything that seemed to indicate his bone was in pieces, but wasn’t sure it wasn’t broken.
Looking around in the mess of mud, rocks and other things he pulled out some sticks and branches he found here and there. As he did he once again felt lucky he wasn’t dead or hurt worse than he was. He could easily have been impaled on one of those on the way down. Or even ended up under it all, instead of on top as he’d done.
Shaking the thoughts away he rolled over onto his hands and knees and started to slowly and carefully make his way off the land slide and over to the stream, trying not to wince or gasp out loud in pain every time he moved his leg. Once he made it there, he started to clean himself little. He mostly cleaned his leg so he could get a better look at it. It had a large nasty looking bruise he wasn’t surprised to see, not with how much it hurt. Owen though he likely had others scattered all over that were causing some of his aching. Pulling off his dirty and torn shirt he used it to washed off his chest a little and saw some bruising there as well.
Looking at the bruises got him wondering just how long he’d been lying there though. It normally took a day or more for them to really show up… Looking up at the sun he saw it was near midday. ‘So at least one day.’ He wondered how long the rain had lasted. He felt wet still, but was drying out soon. “I guess I shouldn’t just feel lucky I’m not sick yet…” Owen murmured as started to make a brace for his leg with the sticks he’d gathered.
From in his bag he pulled out some thin rope to tie it around his leg. Some of the stuff in the top of the bag seemed a little wet and muddy on the left side as the zipper had come open a little but he didn’t think any of it was ruined.
After he was finished bracing up his leg he pulled back on his wet shirt and tried to stand, only to end up back on his rear and gasping in pain. He stayed where he was till the pain faded and then looked over towards the mud slide. Owen hoped he might find something in it he could use as a crutch. If not he’d have to try getting a tree branch or something…
Spotting what looked like a downed tree not too far away; Owen started to crawl over to see if there was anything useful there. He stopped moving and stared at the tree as he saw something red and yellow under it. A Blaziken. It wasn’t moving and so Owen wasn’t sure if it was dead or not. After staring at it for a while for any signs it might wake up and freak out, (he noticed it was breathing but its eyes were closed so he thought it unconscious) he slowly started to crawl closer again.
When he was close the bird pokemon’s eyes opened and its head turned to look at him. Freezing Owen closed his eyes and waited for it to attack him. Nothing happened though so after a few moments he slowly opened his eyes again and looked back at the pokemon. The Blaziken was still watching him. After a few moments Owen looked at the tree and saw its legs and one of its arms seemed to be pinned.
He wasn’t sure he could do anything to help, not hurt as he was, but he felt he had to at least try. So watching the bird he painfully crawled closer still and tried to lift the tree. As he did his chest ached and felt strained, he did manage to lift it though a little. Owen wasn’t nearly as large in frame or as muscular as Jake was, but he still thought he was well enough off. He was managing to lift this a little after all.
Owen felt the weight ease up some and looked to see the Blaziken was using it’s free arm to help. The tree lifted a little higher still and the bird pulled its other arm free. Which it immediately used to push at the tree with all its strength. The tree rose even higher, high enough for it to get is legs free.
Unsure what the pokemon might do now Owen backed up a little and watched as the Blaziken seemed to check itself over. He noticed some cuts on the bird and thought of the potions he had in his bag. He wasn’t sure it would let him try to use one of them on it though… And the bag was all the way over by the stream anyway. The bird looked back at him after it was done. It just stared at him then suddenly leapt into the air and landed a good ways away. It looked at him for a moment longer then turned and ran into the woods that started past the sparse trees.
“I guess its ok then.” Owen said just sitting where he was for a moment. Remembering why he’d come over here in the first place he started to looked at the tree to see if any of its branches might work as a crutch. Unfortunately he didn’t see anything he could use. The few that looked thick and strong enough were too short to be of any help to him.
Sighing he made his way back over to where he’d left his bag. Owen wasn’t sure what to do now… He looked around at the other trees. Some did have branches that he thought might work but he wasn’t sure if he could get them off the trees in the state he was in. He felt exhausted from lifting the tree off the Blaziken. Should he maybe just wait here for the others? He knew it was best to say put when lost so after some thought he decided to. He had some food in his bag anyway so he wouldn’t stave.
Later during the day at sunset Owen was still waiting by the stream for his friends to find him. That they hadn’t yet was starting to worry him. Was he a lot farther away from their camp then he’d thought? Or had something happened to them as well? A little before sunset he crawled over to the mud slide again to see if he could see them in it, but hadn’t seen a thing to indicate they’d gotten caught up in it too. He couldn’t help but worry they were all buried under it some were, or maybe left higher up the mountain side.
He was also worried about the fact he had no fire to keep pokemon away and keep himself warm. He had tried to start one with stuff he’d pulled out of the slide but for some reason couldn’t find his matches in his bag and as he’d always sucked at started one by rubbing together sticks gave up after an hour or so of failing to get a spark. He didn’t know if it was just his luck or the wood, but either way that left him alone and shivering in the dark.
The time seemed to drag out and Owen started jumping at every little sound. He knew being out in the wild area’s like this could be dangerous. Especially without any pokemon to keep him safe. He knew there were things that wouldn’t mind making a meal of him out here.
“Stop thinking about it.” He whispered to himself as he shook his head. He was just scaring himself thinking of what might appear to eat him. Trying to keep his mind off it he started wondering about his friends again. Not that that train of thought did much to cheer him up.
Hearing a rustle of leaves nearby by his heart seemed to leap into his throat. Fearful of what he’d see Owen looked in the area the sound had come from. It was dark so all he could make out was a large dark shape. That seemed to be coming closer. Hearing a sound to his left he turned his head and saw another shadowy shape. He tried to think of what pokemon might work as a group to hunt but at the moment was too scared really come up with anything.
He tried to get up to back away, but with his injured leg all he ended up do was gasping in pain as he put too much weight on it. As if the sound was a signal to move in, the dark shapes suddenly were all around him. ’I… I’m really going to die…’ He thought in panic as he tried again to get away. Thanks to the adrenaline pumping though him, he managed to get to his feet this time. He didn’t get far before he screamed in pain and fear as something bit onto broken right leg and then left arm after he’d fallen back towards the ground. He screamed even louder as something bit his side. He feared whatever had him was going to eat him alive.
The thought terrified him. If he was going to be eaten by some pokemon out here he didn’t want to see and feel what was happening.
All the pokemon that were where biting him let go suddenly and started to snarl and growl. Owen didn’t understand why. Pain making it even harder to understand what was happening Owen raised his head weakly and looked around, tying to figure out why they’d and were standing around him snarling. He flichened as the whole area was suddenly lit up with bright flames. He saw the fire hit the pokemon standing over him. With the light he saw that it was a pack of Mightyena was around him. He was in too much pain to really know how many there were or really follow what was happening. He just lay bleeding where he’d fallen after the Mightyena had let go to attack whatever had shown up.
He wasn’t sure how long they were fighting whatever it was before he was suddenly grabbed by something. He tried to get free but whatever the thing was had a tight hold on him and he was pressed into what he thought to be feathers before he finally passed out.
AN - Ok, this is my first pokemon story. Hope you all will like it. It's unbeta'd so there will be mistakes here and there. I don't mind you pointing this out so I can fix things, but please don't tell me I need to try harder. I've spent hours on this and do read through what I've got before posting, but I'm not perfect and will miss things. I know I have problems with grammar especially, but I do try to make it make sense.
That said I did reread through it again after the review and have to admit there was more mistakes then I'd thought there could be... Some times I think reading it a while after writing it helps you see things. Wrote the first chapter 3 or 4 mouths ago lol Anyway hope it's a little better to read now.
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