Fight Me, Bite Me | By : Rhov Category: +. to F > Fairy Tail Views: 39514 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: Fairy Tail is the property of Hiro Mashima. I make no money, I just do this for my own pleasure. |
Audio drama:
Chapter 62
Baby Steps
In the morning, Gray's blood still tasted like a fire dragon. That evening was the same, as well as the following day. Gajeel apparently noticed it right away, and he smacked Gray on the back in congratulations. Wendy also mentioned that Gray smelled a little different, although she was not sure what it meant. When Laxus finally returned with the Raijinshuu over a week later, he muttered a comment at Gray to shower after sex, because he reeked of Natsu. Gray cringed back, since Natsu had been off with Happy on a mission for three days.
"Three days apart, and I still smell like him?" he said to himself in the shower that night, scrubbing his body although he knew that would not change anything. It had been a week since he bit Natsu, they had not shared blood like that since then, yet the scent still lingered. "Is this going to be a thing now? I'm just permanently doused in Natsu-scented perfume, like one of Ichiya's spells?"
At least no one else could smell it, whatever it was. While Natsu was out of town, Gray went to a doctor, asking to test his blood just in case. The confused doctor luckily knew wizards were challenging patients, so he ran every sort of test he could. The only changes were elevated ethernano levels and something the doctor could not explain, but he described it as different ultra-ethernano sub-particles. He shrugged, admitted this was not his field of expertise, and recommended Gray see a physician who specialized in magic illnesses.
It was not an illness, though. Somehow, biting Natsu and tasting his blood whilst in the throes of passion changed the very structure of the ethernano in Gray's body without affecting his magic. He had tested it right away, the very next morning after their anniversary. He could use all of his magic, tap into Second Origin, and even use Ice Devil Slayer magic. Natsu had hoped he could use Dragon Slayer magic, but that failed. He had only his own magic, no weaker, no stronger. Nothing seemed amiss.
Nothing but his scent, which only Dragon Slayers could pick up.
He got out of the shower and put both his necklace and the new bracelet back on. He smiled at the gleam of the braided metals and three stones.
Amethyst: it was believed to help with anxiety and phobias, as well as protect a person while on a journey.
He and Natsu were on a major journey, and they had a goal: to get to the point where they could defeat their fears, and one day, eventually, when they were ready for it…
Gray blushed just thinking about it. Could they ever really reach a point where they could settle down and get married? Definitely not yet, but … maybe … one day…
There was one other aftereffect to that anniversary night. Natsu was addicted to the idea of dry orgasms. It truly seemed like he forgot about everything else, his mind set on perfecting this new technique. He would whisper to Gray in public, "I've been doing my kegel exercises. Wanna do it later?" and make Gray spit out his drink. Happy said Natsu seemed to be meditating a lot more, but Gray knew he must be working on those deep, inner pelvic floor muscles, strengthening them, all in preparation for the goal of staving off ejaculation.
"Really, it's not healthy to do it too much," Gray tried to warn, but Natsu did not seem to care.
There was one big issue with this training, though.
"Natsu," Gray said, slightly frustrated that day. He had just come back from a joint mission, working with Lyon again annoyed him, and he had not slept in over twenty-four hours, so when Natsu pounced through his apartment window, Gray just did not have the patience. "I've told you a dozen times before, this is training you should do on your own."
"I don't wanna," he said, rubbing his hands up Gray's chest, trying to entice him.
"It's easier if you touch yourself. It didn't work the last three times because I can't tell how close you are. You know your own body. You can time it better than I ever could."
Natsu's face went cold. "I told you, I don't like doing it on my own."
"You could be working on this every day, instead of only when we can get together. You're off on missions with Happy and Lucy so much lately, I can't help you all the time."
"You could come on the missions with us, you know. Lucy just asks me because we're friends and because she knows I'm stronger than you."
"Screw you. She asks you because you're a loafer with nothing better to do. Some of us work to pay rent, y'know."
"So, can we do it?" Natsu wrapped his arms around Gray. "It's better when it's your hand."
Gray stepped back, though. "I'm seriously worn out. I had a shitty day, Lyon was being a cocky asshole, it was hot, it rained in the middle of the mission, and now I feel gross."
Natsu licked his lips. "We can shower together."
Gray almost wanted to roll his eyes, but he knew Natsu was simply in a good mood. "I know where that will lead. Look, I'm sorry, I really am. I'm exhausted. I just need to shower and sleep. I'm not even up to eating. I'm sorry."
Natsu backed off. "No, I'm sorry. I'm being pushy. You were gone for days, and before that I was gone with Lucy. We keep missing each other."
Gray kissed him on the forehead. "I'll make sure we have a day together, go out on a date, take some personal time to make sure you get all the spoiling you deserve."
Natsu blushed at that. He really was needy at times, he knew that, but he could hardly help it. He wanted to be around Gray all the time. "I can make you something for dinner. You should eat at least a little."
"I might after I take a nap. I just really feel like shit today."
"Yeah … we all have those days. I'll make you a sandwich. It'll be wrapped up in the fridge. I'll see you tomorrow."
Gray gave Natsu a peck on the cheek. "I'll see how I feel tomorrow. Take the night to yourself. Practice on your own."
Natsu cringed back. "I don't like to."
"I know, but I can't always be there." Gray chuckled and leaned into Natsu's ear. "I'll allow it this time, you naughty dragon."
Natsu still pouted, and he turned away to the kitchen.
He had not been able to sit down with Gray and go over his limits again. Every time they had a day together, the mood was too good. Nothing had strongly triggered him yet, so he kept forgetting about it.
But this, though…
"How can I even explain it?" he wondered to himself.
He fixed the sandwich and went back home before Gray got out of the shower. The little house in the woods was empty, he had left Happy in the guild as soon as he heard Mira say Gray was back home from that long mission, so he had the place to himself for a while. Natsu sat in his bedroom and focused inward, to those muscles that would help him achieve that amazing thing called a dry orgasm. He could strengthen those muscles, but he could not do the second part of the training.
To stroke himself up to the edge of orgasm, and then to clench it back.
Natsu stripped off his clothes and looked into a full-length mirror.
"Maybe it's okay," he said to himself. "It's my hand, and I'm not actually going to come. I can stop it at any time." Staring at himself in the mirror, he reached down to his cock and gripped it in his hand. "It's me, it's my fingers, I'm just touching it. I can do that much. Just touching. It's my hand. Just a hand."
He stroked slightly. He was able to do this much, and he even liked to at times. Casually touching himself, barely even enough to feel the tingle of pleasure, edging along that fine line of arousal, was okay.
"I can do this," he said. "Just a little more. It'll be fine."
Those languid touches got a little firmer. However, as soon as his cock began to harden up, his hand pulled away as if stung.
"Come on, you can do this. It's to train, that's all. Just training. You're not actually fucking anything, you're not even going to come. Just build up to it, then stop it. Training, training!"
He slowly stretched out his clenched fingers, trying to get them to loosen up. Determined, he reached down again.
"You can do this. It's your own hand."
He stared hard into the mirror, trying to stroke himself. However, his hand refused to grip hard enough to get the right amount of friction. He was barely even touching the edges of his shaft.
Yet even that much was making Natsu start to breathe faster. He stepped up to the mirror and pressed his face right up to it.
"It's yourself, you idiot." He slammed his hand up against the mirror. "It's this hand, you're own hand!" He reached down again. "Gray touches you all the time and it's fine. This is the same, only it's yourself, and there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong."
Natsu stroked with snarling determination. He would burn this barrier if he had to.
Oily hair, haunted eyes, and a blood-soaked mouth peeked up over his shoulder.
"Are you enjoying that, boy?"
Natsu screamed and punched the reflection, shattering the mirror. He spun around, flames crackling in his hands, looking left and right for that face, that man, while terror shone in his eyes. The entire house was empty.
"No." His flames went out, and Natsu grabbed his mouth. "Oh shit, no!"
He ran to the bathroom and just barely made it to the sink before he vomited. He looked up into the mirror at his face, but somehow that made him sick all over again. He leaned over once more and threw up.
Blood? No, it wasn't blood. Why was he smelling blood?
He crumbled to the bathroom floor, shaking and staring ahead in horror.
"I … can't. I can't. Never again. I can't."
Happy arrived in the evening. He had hoped Natsu would come back to the guild, but he figured he was busy with Gray. That was fine, they were happy together, and that was what mattered most.
As Happy walked in, he heard the shower running. He did not notice Gray's shoes at the entrance, so he figured Natsu was home alone, and that meant it was okay to walk right in.
"Natsu, I'm home." Happy peeked inside. What he saw made him rush in. "Natsu!"
The Dragon Slayer was curled into a ball at the bottom of the shower. The water had long ago gone cold, or maybe it had always been set to a cold shower. Natsu was shivering, hugging his knees up, staring ahead with his pink hair dripping into his swollen, teary eyes.
"Oh. Hi, Happy," he said, sounding hollow.
"What are you doing in the shower?"
His voice was frail and flat. "Cleaning, of course. What sort of question is that?"
Happy felt like crying at how lost Natsu sounded. "It's late."
"Oh." Natsu hardly even seemed concerned. "Sorry, I didn't make dinner."
"I already ate." Happy began to reach forward into the cascading water, but then he noticed Natsu's hands and pulled back. "Natsu, you're all pruned. How long have you been sitting there?"
His eyes glanced down at the fingers that had shriveled up. "Dunno. I guess I should get out." He still sounded empty inside. As he stood and turned off the shower, his movements were detached.
Happy frowned in worry. "Dry off. I'll get you some clothes."
He went to the bedroom and saw the mirror shattered. A lamp was also broken, and his dresser had been overturned with a crack to the side where Natsu must have kicked it.
"Natsu…" Happy glanced back to the bathroom. He had no idea what to do besides stay by him tonight and try to cull him out of this emptiness.
The next morning, Gray was feeling better. He had slept soundly for a solid twelve hours and ate the sandwich Natsu made as a late breakfast. He was hoping to find his boyfriend at the guild, but it was nearly noon and still no sign of him.
He had just begun to watch a wrestling match between Elfman and Gajeel when he saw Happy enter. Gray backed out of the cheering crowd, but he saw no sign of Natsu. Happy looked sad, which instantly concerned Gray. He jogged over and knelt by the Exceed.
"Happy, what's up?"
"Good morning, Gray. Um … can I ask a favor?"
He shrugged, "Sure."
He frowned and looked disappointed in himself. "Can you talk to Natsu?"
"What's wrong?" Gray asked immediately.
The little blue cat looked reluctant to say anything. He only muttered, and Gray could barely hear him over the cheers in the guild. "He hasn't been feeling well."
Gray stiffened, now on alert. "What do you mean?"
Happy glanced around the guild, but everyone was focused on the wrestling match, so their conversation went unheard. "He does this every once in a while. I find him curled up in a ball, and he looks like he's sick. This time, the house smelled of vomit, only he doesn't have a fever. Then he woke up this morning, he said he wanted to go fishing, but he wanted to be alone, only he looked like he didn't want to be alone, and then it seemed like he wanted me to come with him, but he said he didn't want me there. I wasn't sure what to do, so I came here."
It sounded like a severe flashback with lingering effects. Gray realized, whatever was going on, it must have to do with Natsu's past. "Has he done anything, gone anywhere, talked to any weird people?"
Happy thought about it. "He was with me and Lucy up until yesterday, and then he said he was going over to your place. He said he needed to see you."
Gray felt a stab of guilt. Natsu had needed to see him, and he had chased him out. Was that the issue? Had Natsu actually needed to talk? Gray thought he had simply been feeling horny. Natsu could have said something if he was feeling bad, and Gray would have listened.
"You said he's fishing?"
"Yeah. Can you talk to him? He won't talk to me when he's like this."
Gray patted Happy's head in comfort, then empathy swelled up, and he grabbed Happy into a hug. The Exceed held him back, obviously needing to be comforted. Gray realized how hard this must be on Happy, not knowing what was going on, only that Natsu sometimes got really sad and distant, and he was unable to get through to him. How horrible it must be, to be so young and unable to help the man who raised you almost like a son.
"I'll see if I can help," Gray promised.
"Thank you. I'll talk to Lucy, make sure she knows not to ask Natsu on a mission for a while. You and Natsu need some time together. He's always better after he spends time with you."
Gray was glad to hear that. At least he had some sort of positive impact on Natsu's life.
Natsu sat on a rocky ledge with a tree offering shade. He stared down into the water flowing by. Sometimes he saw the shadows of fish, but none seemed to be interested in his bait. Maybe even the fish realized he was in a bad mood.
A scent carried over the air, and Natsu perked up. Although he had hoped to have some time alone, that one scent made him smile. He was eagerly looking at the trail as Gray walked up to the river.
"Hey, Gray! Grab a pole. I haven't caught anything yet, but maybe you'll have better luck."
Gray sat beside him and took a pole that was obviously meant for Happy, small and designed for Exceed paws. Had Natsu been hoping Happy would come, although Happy said Natsu had made it clear that he wanted to be alone? Maybe he only thought he wanted solitude, when really he knew he needed companionship.
He put on some bait and threw the line out, sitting so close to Natsu that their thighs brushed together.
"What's up?" he asked, trying to sound casual.
Natsu shrugged like he had not a care in the world. "Not much. Nice day, right?"
Gray looked over. He sounded chirpy, but his pale face plainly showed that there was a problem. "Natsu, you can be honest with me."
He jolted, scaring a fish that was just about to nibble his hook. Natsu sank down and turned away. "What did Happy say?" he asked, figuring it out right away.
"Not much. He recommended that I talk to you."
Natsu leaned back onto the grass and stared up at the dappled light filtering through the leaves. Gray pulled his pole back in, realizing there would be no fishing, not when his boyfriend needed him. He lay back on an elbow beside Natsu, looking down at that distant face and the way the sunlight swayed over his pink hair.
"Is this about me kicking you out yesterday? If you need to talk, just tell me. I know I was tired, but you could have talked to me. I would have stayed up to listen to you."
"No, I just wanted sex," he confessed honestly.
Gray blushed at how bluntly he said that. "So then, what happened?"
Natsu shrugged, still staring at the branches. "I tried it on my own."
Natsu frowned, and it took him almost a whole minute to finally whisper, "I had a flashback. I can't do it on my own."
Gray lay down on top of Natsu's chest and wrapped a protective arm around him. "I'm so sorry."
"No! I don't want you to think you have to do it every time I ask. If you're not in the mood, then … then you're not in the mood. I don't want you to feel forced … ever," he said, shouting at the end.
Gray sat up, hearing that this was a bit more personal to Natsu than what was expressed with just his words. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Natsu cringed slightly and could not meet his eyes. Gray noticed he was pinching his arm, a habit Natsu used to have as a technique to keep him grounded in the moment. Gray had not seen him do this in months, so he realized that whatever it was, it was bad, and it was still very close in Natsu's mind.
Natsu quietly admitted, "I probably need to, but…"
He said nothing else, staring at the sky, pinching his arm almost like it was comforting to do so. Gray waited, but a long time passed with Natsu saying nothing more.
Gray stroked through the pink hair, but Natsu still did not look at him. "I'm here when you're ready."
"Thanks," he muttered distantly.
"Do you need anything right now? Maybe … some fulfillment?" He asked it more as a joke, hoping to get a laugh.
Natsu finally stopped staring up and met Gray's eyes with shock. Then he blushed, and Gray saw a tiny smile. Hmm, maybe it could be more than a joke. Gray definitely would not mind, and perhaps it would make a good distraction to keep Natsu in the moment.
Natsu muttered with flushed cheeks, "You don't have to."
"Of course I don't have to. I'm offering."
"Only if you're in the mood."
Gray leaned over and caged Natsu in. "I am now, having you here." His hips thrust slowly up, glancing over Natsu's groin.
"Nngh … Gray."
Gray bit his lower lip. Damn, that erotic face aroused him every time!
"Do you want it?" he asked, hovering in close but not quite kissing him.
Natsu's eyes closed, and his mouth loosened with need. "Yes," he whispered, waiting for the kiss.
Gray leaned down into that warm mouth. Arms wrapped around him to pull him in closer. The sunlight played over them. A breeze ruffled the branches and made the river babble a little louder, then it settled down, and the two were still enjoying soft, warm kisses. For a moment, they were just two men in love in the middle of the forest.
Gray leaned up and saw happiness once again in Natsu's eyes where a moment earlier he had looked lost in a dark past.
Natsu nodded joyfully.
"Still want more?"
"Only if you do."
"I'm offering." Gray began to slowly unbutton Natsu's shirt. "I want it." He leaned over and licked his neck. Natsu gasped and arched slightly. "So, what does my naughty dragon do when he's alone?"
"Nothing," Natsu said, sounding slightly frustrated.
"This time, I mean. What were you doing last night?" He nipped Natsu's earlobe.
"I…" Natsu gasped as Gray's lips sucked his neck and struggled to answer. "I … I was trying to touch myself while looking in a mirror."
"A mirror, huh?" Gray's lips worked down Natsu's chest. "That's kinky."
"I thought it might help."
"Did you like it?"
He felt Natsu's body shiver, but not in a good way. Gray immediately pulled up. Natsu was pale again and his eyes looked scared. Okay, sexy time needed to wait. He caressed Natsu's face, urging him to work through this with him.
"What happened? You can tell me."
Natsu gulped, but with Gray holding his hand, he felt safe. "I … I saw … him reflected in the mirror."
Gray pulled back. Oh shit! This again. He wanted to grab Natsu and shield him from all of it, but he knew he could do nothing more than be a support.
"I-i-i-it's okay. I … I'm o- … okay. I'm okay now, really."
He sounded anything but okay. Natsu looked up at Gray, saw the concern in his eyes, and knew he was not fooling anyone.
"Maybe I shouldn't use a mirror when I'm alone."
Gray stroked through his hair. "What about together? Would it make it better, doing the same thing but with me there with you?"
Natsu looked up, awed but confused. Together? Same thing?
Gray chuckled and sat up. His hands went out, and frosty magic swirled around them.
"Ice Make: Mirror!"
A huge mirror formed in front of them. Natsu sat up to look at it. It was taller than either of them, almost touching the branches of the tree they were under. Gray scooted up to the tree trunk.
"Over here," he said, and he pulled Natsu to be between his legs. "There we go. Now, look at that. Mmm … you look good reflected in my mirror."
Natsu looked into the huge magic ice mirror. There was him, his shirt opened and lips swollen, and there was Gray behind him, who had already tossed off his shirt while nibbling on his neck.
"Is this okay?" asked Gray.
"I think so," Natsu said, sounding relieved. He had almost become scared of mirrors, but Gray was here now, so it was safe.
Natsu leaned back into him, and Gray's hands went around, hugging Natsu comfortingly. Natsu nuzzled back into the bare, broad chest. Being held, with Gray's hands comfortingly rubbing him, felt so good. He was safe here, and with that sense of security came the need to fulfill a desire he was too scared to do alone.
"Gray," he whispered. "Touch me."
Gray looked carefully, but Natsu's face was flushed with passion. "You want it?"
He nodded eagerly and repeated with aching need, "Touch me."
Gray caressed along Natsu's body, hands sliding along his bronzed skin, over muscles, and up to his pectorals.
"Look at those muscles. I wanna see all of them."
He tossed Natsu's shirt aside, but Natsu grabbed at his scarf, yanking it to him. Okay, the scarf could remain. That was fine when there was everything else to discover.
"You look amazing in my mirror. Look at yourself, Natsu. Already blushing! You really are a horny dragon. And is that something in your pants?"
He reached down and rubbed the stiffness taking shape in Natsu's trousers. The Dragon Slayer gasped and clenched both of Gray's thighs.
"Is it okay?" he asked quickly.
"Y-Yes," Natsu said, quivering from the touches.
"Let's get you out of these clothes."
"N-No, we're in the open, Happy knows this place—"
"And you'd be able to smell him or anyone else, right?"
"Um … well, yes," he muttered.
"Then do that. Keep that nose yours working, while I do this." He stroked again up the clothed shaft, and Natsu let out a moan, flopping back into Gray's chest, surrendering to his touches. "Can I pull it out?"
With his mouth gaped open, Natsu nodded. Gray undid his pants and pulled them aside, letting Natsu's impressive cock spring out.
"Mmm, you're really excited. Is it because we're in the open? You like doing it in the woods, don't you, you animal!" He leaned into Natsu's ear and whispered, "Do you want it?"
Natsu nodded eagerly.
"You need to say what you want."
"Please. Touch me."
Gray reached down and stroked him, getting a shivering moan out.
"Look in the mirror."
"Look at it. What do you see?"
Natsu turned his face aside sharply. "I can't."
"I'm here, Natsu. Look at my face in the mirror."
"No. I can't!" His eyes slammed shut and he twisted away, burying his face into Gray's chest. "Never again!"
Gray heard the panic building, so he grabbed Natsu and held him protectively. "Shh, shh. It's okay. I'm right here. I'm not touching you anymore. It's just us."
Natsu looked up, fear in his eyes, but then he shrank back down. "Dammit, I'm sorry. Shit!" he hissed. He muttered in disappointment at himself, "It's so stupid."
"Do you trust me?"
Natsu looked up in confusion. "Of course I do."
"Do you trust my magic?"
"Huh? Um … yes? Why?"
"I made that mirror with my magic. It will not reflect the past. Only us. It will only show you and me. Do you trust that?"
Natsu cringed, but he wanted to trust him, to believe him.
"Look at my face in the mirror."
Slowly, Natsu looked back around at the icy mirror and its perfect reflection of them.
"How do I look?"
He pouted at the reflection. "Dashing and stupid."
"Screw you," he chuckled. "You look handsome and idiotic with squinty eyes and stupid hair."
"I'm surprised your droopy eyes can see that."
"Your squinty eyes are the ones with a problem."
Natsu laughed, and Gray hugged around him, happy he was calming down.
Gray rested his chin on top of Natsu's head. "We look good together though, right?"
"Mmm, yes. Pink and black hair, squinty and droopy eyes … fire and ice."
Gray kissed his hair. "Better?"
"Maybe." He glanced down at his cock, then up to Gray, pleading sensually. "Try it again."
"All right." Gray reached down and ran his fingers along the arousal. "Is that okay?"
"Touch it more."
Gray began to stroke him fully. "Remember, this is training. Look in the mirror, see when you're about to come, how you look in that moment. It's an amazing face you make. So sexy!"
Natsu moaned, and he looked at Gray's hand pleasuring him in the mirror, the reflection of his own cock being stroked.
"Watch me, Natsu. Watch how I touch you. Learn from it."
"I … I don't know if I want to learn from it."
"True. You would know better, right?"
Natsu flinched and looked away. No, he actually wouldn't know better, since he had never been able to touch himself to fulfillment. However, he loved Gray's touch.
"Wanna join?"
He jolted now and looked into the mirror. "W-what?"
Gray smiled as he picked up Natsu's hand and brought it to the groin. "Like this, your fingers over my hand—"
As soon as Natsu's hand got close to his penis, he gasped and scrambled away. Immediately, he was rolled up in a ball, staring out over his knees at Gray like he was hiding from a monster.
"Whoa! Okay, okay, we won't…"
"I can't," he said, half snarling as he glared over his knees. "Never again."
"Okay, okay. We won't." What the hell just happened? What had he done wrong? Was it the mirror? "No mirror, okay?" The mirror vanished into tiny ice particles.
"That's not it."
"Then what?"
Natsu slammed his eyes shut against memories. "Just build me up, but let me stop it. I … I need to know I can."
Gray frowned. He wanted to talk, to know what he did wrong, not continue sex without talking. However, Natsu looked like he was requesting help, not merely sexual fulfillment. This might be a bad idea, but if Natsu needed to know something, Gray would help. He waved Natsu to come forward again. Slowly, like a wounded dog, Natsu crawled back to the tree.
"Bind my hands behind me," he insisted.
Silently, Gray put Natsu's hands in icy cuffs behind his back.
"Now, touch me. Don't talk to me, don't do anything more than touch."
"Can I kiss you?"
Natsu hesitated, thinking about it. "Yes, but just your mouth. Your hands touch nothing except my cock. Sorry, but I need to do this, I need to know I can, and I need it this way."
"Let me know precisely what you need. You set the boundaries."
Natsu sighed in frustration. "We need to work on our boundaries."
"We can do that now."
"No, I need to do this first. I've been wanting it since yesterday. If I get it over with, maybe everything will go back to how it was."
Gray was not sure what he meant, but he figured this was a type of therapy for Natsu. Something bad happened, and now Gray was going to make it better.
He followed Natsu's orders. Gray let him settle between his legs without touching him. Once Natsu was comfortable, he reached around and began to stroke him. Gray said nothing, letting Natsu slip into pleasure silently. At least this way, he could fully listen to Natsu's moans, and that sensual voice turned Gray on hard.
"Gray?" he gasped at one point.
"I'm here. Tell me what you need."
"Faster. Get ready to stop."
He sucked on the side of Natsu's neck, nipping it with his teeth. He said nothing, focused completely on how Natsu's body was reacting, trying to guess when the critical moment would be.
Gray stopped and pressed behind the balls, right on the prostate. At the same time, he felt Natsu stiffen as he clenched up his pelvic muscles. Gray held him as he felt that fiery body jolting in orgasm, yet he heard no moist splatter. As Gray looked down, he saw Natsu's cock still hard with only clear pre-cum.
"I did it again. Mmm … did it again," Natsu said, weary and proud.
Gray kissed his cheek and still held him. This was what Natsu needed, to know he had control, to find balance in his life after horrible memories upset everything.
He was hugging him, but Gray's brow was furrowed. Was this really all he could do for Natsu? Was this healthy? He had thought that learning how to dry orgasm would be helpful, but it required practice. If Natsu could not practice on his own…
Why couldn't he? He never touched himself. He always needed his hands to be bound. Why? He understood why Natsu was scared when he was around someone else, fearing he might slip into a flashback and hurt Gray. So why was it also a problem on his own, all alone, when no one was even home?
There was no way Gray could ask him now, not after seeing how delicate Natsu's mental state was, how he panicked, and whatever had scared Happy last night. They would have to talk about it later, when they were both able to sit down and discuss it freely and honestly.
When Natsu turned around to look at him, Gray made sure his face was a smile. No need to worry him. Natsu needed him right now, and he needed this. Gray would make sure he was in a good place first, and then they would talk.
"What's wrong?"
"Oh?" he said flippantly. "Am I allowed to talk now?"
Natsu's eyes widened, then he dropped his head bashfully. "Sorry I ordered that."
"Nah, my mouth tends to say all the wrong things." He swiped his thumb over Natsu's lip. "So how about we go back to your place and we see what your mouth can do?"
Natsu glanced up with a mischievous gleam. "Don't you want it here?" He slid down and settled with his head right over Gray's groin. "I thought an exhibitionist like you liked doing it in the open."
"I thought you were self-conscious."
"No one is around." He rubbed over Gray's trousers. "You feel really hard. Did touching me excite you?"
"Obviously," he said, hissing as Natsu heated his hand up so he could feel it better through the thick clothes.
Natsu slid up gracefully and leaned into Gray's ear. In a soft, fiery whisper, he said, "I wanna suck your dick, Gray."
Damn, he was done for!
Gray sat there and watched as Natsu spread apart his trousers, pulled the erection out, and savored the taste as he licked it. Was he simply giving back, or did he need this as well? Who cared! As Natsu's mouth went down on him, Gray groaned and melted.
"Can I talk now?"
"Only if you tell me how good I am," Natsu said teasingly, rubbing his cheek along Gray's cock as he smirked at him. "Tell me I'm a god and you're gonna worship me."
"Screw you. You're a bitch."
"Not anymore," Natsu said, and he wrapped his lips around Gray's cockhead.
Gray chuckled and put his hand on Natsu head. "True. Not anymore. My beloved."
Natsu groaned, and Gray felt the vibrations through his cock. He forcefully pressed Natsu's head down, making him take it more.
"There you go, really get that in deep." Gray smirked as he bobbed Natsu's head down onto him and heard him gag slightly as it hit the back of his throat. "Sheesh, you're good at sucking dick. Damn, your mouth is a furnace. Your dirty little mouth is so tight around me. Do you like the taste?"
Natsu moaned again, vibrating on Gray and making him shiver.
"Fuck, you're a good cocksucker. Maybe you're the god of sucking dicks, huh? Want me to anoint the inside of your throat?"
Gray pressed hard on Natsu's head again, thrusting him down deep.
"Shit, yes! So good. Are you enjoying that?"
» 'Are you enjoying that, boy?'
Natsu suddenly yanked back and gasped hard, only to have pre-cum get sucked down the wrong way and choke. He hit his chest, trying to cough it up. Gray leaned up and helped him by patting his back.
"Whoa! Don't do it 'til you choke."
Natsu stared ahead. Gray had not meant to say the same thing as the hallucination of that man. It was something Gray said a lot, and purely bad timing.
"C-Can I do something else?" Natsu asked, shivering slightly in mental exhaustion.
Gray had to admit, he was really starting to like that blow job, but if Natsu needed something different… "What did you have in mind?"
The eyes that turned up to him were animal-like with desire and made Gray wonder if he really should have asked.
"I wanna take you."
Gray's mouth drop. Shit, so hot! However, reality made him frown. "I'll be honest. I don't think you're ready. Not today."
"I wanna do it," Natsu snarled hungrily.
"Natsu … you keep freaking out on me, and Happy said you were bad last night. Dammit, I want to have you do it, but I don't think you're stable enough to try. Just because you can stop yourself from coming once in a while doesn't mean you'll be okay enough—"
"I know!" he shouted. "I know, it's not a guarantee. Even if I can stop myself from coming each time perfectly, I might still not be able to. I need to try it, though. I need to. How am I going to know if I've improved at all if I don't at least try?"
He said he needed it … but Gray knew what he needed to do.
"I said I need—"
"And I said no!"
Natsu jolted back at the shout, honestly stunned by the refusal.
Gray rubbed his forehead in frustration. "Natsu, I sure hope you're not doing it consciously, but I think at least subconsciously you've figured out that if you say you need something, I'll do it. You need to be cuddled, I cuddle you. You need me to jack you off, I do it. You need to suck on me, I let you. But not this time. I don't know what's going on, but you're in this constant state of being about to panic; you've already panicked too many times in just a few minutes. I'm not about to let you pound my ass—something we know is triggering—and have you go through a massive flashback. You've injured me doing that before."
Natsu flinched hard with guilt. He remembered that time months ago, allowing himself to slip into the mind of his attacker, only to attack Gray in the same way he had been hurt, strangling him while threatening to rape him.
"I'm sorry, but no," Gray said firmly. He looked down; he had gone completely soft, and now he was too worried to be aroused. "We need to take baby steps with this, Natsu. No more plunging in recklessly. How about we start by you telling me what the hell's going on?" Then, to show he was not going to continue with any sort of play, Gray tucked his cock back away and zipped up his pants.
Slowly, Natsu crawled back up to him and sat next to Gray. He looked down at his bracelet and traced the three stones.
"I tried to touch myself last night."
"In the mirror, right?"
"Y-Yeah. That man … I saw his face in the reflection. I heard his voice. I hate that I can still remember his voice," he said in anguish, clenching his hands as his eyes began to sting. "I wish I could forget it, forget him, forget everything."
Gray wrapped his arm around Natsu. Immediately, the Dragon Slayer leaned into him.
"If you were feeling bad, why did you need me to touch you today?"
Natsu scowled. "I needed to know I could stop it. I couldn't back then. It's almost like, as I learn to stop myself from releasing sperm now, I'm proving I'm strong enough to defeat him. I was too weak back then, but now I'm strong. I have control. He can't do it to me now. No one can do it to me now. They'd never win. I know I can fight it now."
Gray rubbed his arms. "That will never happen to you again."
"You don't kn—" Natsu's scream cut off, jolting back the emotions and struggling to calm down. After a moment, he continued softly. "You don't know that. It could happen. What they wanted, what he was doing … someone could want to try it again. Even if it's not someone wanting my sperm, someone could do that again to me. Rape happens! Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean it'll never happen to me. It could happen, at any time. But this time … this time, it won't work. Even if I have no magic, even if I'm bound up, I can stop it. Just thinking that … even if it's stupid, just thinking it … it helps to give me confidence."
Natsu broke into tears and turned away. He was shaking, but Gray was not sure if he should touch him when Natsu was like this. It might be best to let him have some space, some privacy, to get over the fears.
"Maybe it doesn't make sense," Natsu said in a trembling whisper, "but … simply knowing … if the worst ever does happen … I wouldn't be able to get someone pregnant. Knowing that … it helps. This is helping me."
Gray dropped his head. "I guess that's good." Still, knowing Natsu feared something like that even to this day made Gray want to protect him even more. No one should have to fear rape and molestation every day of their life. "So, why did you need to suck on me?"
Natsu hesitated, and his forehead furrowed. "I just needed to," he muttered.
There was obviously more to that, but Gray did not want to press him. "Why did you freak out?"
"You said something. It was practically the exact same thing that his reflection in the mirror said."
So many times, what freaked Natsu out were just words. Now, it was words not even spoken by the horrible man himself, but by some hallucination of him.
Natsu wiped his face clean of tears and looked at Gray straight on. "I've never been able to touch myself all the way. I can touch a little, even get a bit aroused. I like to hover like that, semi-hard but not fulfilled. However, as soon as my mind starts to think that I should actually jerk off, I can't. I've never been able to touch myself like that, not even once."
"Is it because of that man? Did he make you do that?"
"N-No. He never told me to touch myself. He'd do it himself."
Hearing that made Gray's stomach sick.
"I've just … never been able to," he muttered. "I had never touched myself before him, never even knew what semen was before that, and after … a-after that time … I never wanted to ejaculate again. Ever! All through puberty, I hated it. I'd wake up with my sheets a mess, and I'd totally freak out. It took a long time to convince myself wet dreams were safe, because it was wasting the semen. It was unusable, so it was okay.
"Still," he continued, "I'd have horrible dreams each time. They weren't erotic fantasies of sex like people say. They were nightmares of people tying me up and forcing the cum out of me, or they'd chain me to a chair and force me to have sex with them. I wasn't even sure if I liked those dreams or not, because they were the only erotic dreams I'd have, yet they were forceful. Forcing it … was the only way I knew.
"Until I met you," he added, looking up with an endearing smile. "You taught me that it can be something I actually want and not something I could only give in to if I was forced. Now with you, I really want to have sex. Yet I still don't want to come at times. With this new technique, I can enjoy the pleasure without the semen, so it's really like I've discovered a way to reject what that man wanted out of me, but admit that it had felt good. So I thought, maybe it'd be okay now to touch myself, after all this time. But it wasn't," he said, frowning and dropping his head. "It's no good at all, and it's not because of him. It's because of me."
"What do you mean?"
"Because I…" Natsu stopped, and he froze, staring ahead at some memory.
"Natsu?" Gray asked, but he did not move. He did not even seem to be breathing. "Natsu," he said a little louder, but still nothing.
He was about to grab Natsu's arm and shake him out of this, when Natsu suddenly jolted and inhaled deeply. He shook his head, thrusting aside whatever memories had made him slip away for a moment.
"I just can't do it," he said, and Gray realized he was not going to give a reason. "I can't touch myself. I've never been able to."
Another secret! Still, Natsu was too unstable to push for more information. Gray thought about it. What could he do to help? Baby steps, he had said a moment ago. This as well needed baby steps.
"Is that something you want to work up to?" he offered cautiously, not sure if it was a good idea, but at least he could allow Natsu to set it as a limit if he needed.
Natsu flinched aside with guilt. "I don't know if I can."
He squeezed Natsu' hand in comfort. "Would you want to try?" Gray needed to know if it was a limit. If so, he would have to watch himself. If not, he could help Natsu in small ways.
Natsu frowned as he thought over it. "Maybe," he muttered. "At least so I can train myself for dry orgasms. I really wanna learn that, but I can't keep asking you."
"You could," Gray said with a smirk. "Just not when I'm half-asleep and in a bad mood."
Natsu laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry about that. I just missed you, and I was too eager."
Gray hugged him close, happy to hear that. "Well, hopefully we'll have a few days together, no missions, just the two of us," he said, nuzzling Natsu's hair, but then he quickly added, "And Happy, of course." He did not want Happy to feel like he was being left out. The poor cat was really worried earlier, so he also needed something to cheer him up. "Maybe we can all go out for dinner tonight and then go watch a play."
"How about a concert? There's some band in Magnolia tonight, Lucy said she wanted to go listen, so maybe we can all go."
"Sure, sounds like fun." He did not want to add aloud that, if Lucy was there for Happy, then he and Natsu could sneak off during the concert and make out in a hallway somewhere.
Natsu crawled forward with a seductive smile. "Would you like me to finish the blow job first?"
Oh fuck yes! But Gray hesitated. "Are you sure you should?"
Natsu hummed sensually as his eyes glanced up and down Gray's half naked body. When finally they made their way back up to Gray's face, they burned with the inner flames of desire. He practically growled, "I'm getting hungry again.
Shit, he looked wild and hot! "You don't have to. I'm all soft now."
Natsu climbed up into his lap and straddled him. His eyes practically glowed in the tree-filtered light. "I can fix that real quickly." His hips swiveled over Gray's groin while his nails clawed down his chest deeply, leaving pink scratches to swell up. There was no way Gray would be able to take his shirt off in public without showing those scratches to everyone.
Gray grunted and wrapped his arms around those strong shoulders. "I bet you could!"
They began to make out by the river. Gray was glad they had talked. They had not really worked out what to do, and Natsu was still hiding his past. Still, at least Gray now had a mission.
He needed to figure out a way to get Natsu over his hangup about masturbating. As Natsu sank down and took Gray's cock into his mouth, Gray thought about how nice it would be to have Natsu suck on him while watching his wild Dragon Slayer stroking himself off with need. Hell yes! Definitely, he needed to work out how to help with this newest issue so he could watch as Natsu touched himself.
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