Gateau, We Need to Chat | By : HMica Category: +S to Z > Sorcerer Hunters Views: 2596 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Sorcerer Hunters, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Title: Gateau, We Need to Have a Little Chat
Author: Topaz Kat
Pairing: Gateau and Marron
Disclaimer: I don't own them, but boy wouldn't it be fun?
Rating: between R and NC-17
Feedback: *wiskers, tail, and ears droop* pwease?
In his heart, Carrot knew about his little brother's tastes in men. He also knew that it wasn't because he was weak that Marron liked stronger men. The raven-haired mage had always had a powerful will and what he needed in a mate was someone who could match that. Someone powerful enough physically to meet the challenge he represented head on. So he knew about the tastes, understood them even because he needed something not too dissimilar, but why the Hell did it have to be with Gateau?!
He didn't trust the tall blonde. Oh, sure he did in battle and with their jobs, but not with his little brother's heart, happiness, and virginity. He wasn't worthwhile in that respect. The muscled man was not part of the sorcerer hunter village; he'd not grown up in that environment, in that world. He had not gone through anything even remarkably similar to the training he had, or Marron's for that matter.
As a teammate, the man was fine, as a suitor for his sweet little brother? Forget it.
Carrot froze outside the door, he'd seen Tira and Chocolate go inside it just moments before with Gateau. Curiosity got the better of the spike-haired young man and he pressed his ear up against the door frame to listen and tried peeking through the crack as well. What could possibly be so urgent for the muscled idiot to herd the Misu sisters inside so quietly?
"I'm grateful that you guys are willing to talk with me," he heard the blonde man start. "I really needed someone to talk to."
"This is about Marron-chan, isn't it?" Chocolate began, crossing her arms and looking a little suspicious of her friend. Carrot whispered a silent thank you to the red head for being so protective. It looked as if she was worried about the mage too.
A golden head nodded, "yes it is. I need some advice, and I figured tha the only one who might know him better than you two is Carrot, and this isn't something I want to discuss with him."
Tira's glasses flashed for a moment, "well, what's this about then?"
Surprisingly, the normally bold man flushed a tad, running his fingers through his hair. "Um, " he started nervously. "You see, it's like this... we haven't gone all the way yet, and I'm cool with that. I mean, it doesn't bother me at all, and I'm certainly willing to wait until Marron's ready; I mean, he's only sixteen; but well... I'd like to do more than what we are at the moment."
The Misu sisters turned and looked at each other, blinking. Then they turned back to Gateau.
Choclate began the questioning, "what are you looking for exactly?"
The man blushed a bit again, less about the question or answer, but more about who had asked the question. "Um, I guess I'm looking for something more than kissing and touching, but less than jerking off and sex."
The eavesdropper's eyes went wide, as did the sisters'. He really wanted to bang his head against something hard, preferably Gateau's skull so that he could get rid of the images the blonde's workds had produced. He hated having such an active imagination sometimes. He paused and listened in once more, trying to ascertain if Marron was in trouble from the man.
Tira coughed gently, trying hard not to match her red cape, "have you tried blow jobs?"
Gateau seemed to be the only one of the group, including the eavesdropping Carrot, who wasn't aghast at her question. He just calmly shook his head, "no, I think we're both a bit worried that either one or the other would be left unsatisfied and wanting and maybe want more than the other is willing to give." He knew they could tell that he was talking about his younger lover as opposed to himself. "I mean, Marron's got a definite shyness streak to him, you know? Plus, he's young too. I don't want to push him where he's not ready to go yet, it wouldn't be right."
Chocolate nodded, listening to her friend, trying to think up some suggestions. "Exactly how far have you two gone? I know you said Marron's not ready for a home run, but what base have you guys hit to?"
"Lots of first, some second, and even a little of third, but mostly him on the active part." He couldn't help but smile at the blushes that got. "What can I say? Marron likes to touch."
Carrot couldn't have stopped himself if he had really tried. He opened the door, looking straight at Gateau, for once, ignoring the sisters that haunted his dreams regularly. "Gateau, we need to have a little chat," he cast a sharp look over at the Misu sisters, "alone."
Tira opened her mouth at first to argue, but she didn't get very far as Chocolate grabbed her hood and yanked her out of the kitchen. "Let them talk," she said calmly. "If Gateau needs protecting, we'll be able to hear the racket easily enough. Behave Darling," she waved at her reluctant beau.
He ignored the sisters and pulled out a chair to sit down, turning it around before planting his butt. "First off, let me start by saying that I don't like you."
The muscled man moved to say something, he knew that the other man still had a lot of influence over his little brother, and he wasn't about to give up his sweet mage for anything. "Too bad for you that Marron does then, isn't it?"
"I'm not finished," the spike-haired younger man continued. "I don't like you being with Marron, I'm not bothered that he likes men though. But you're too flashy, in fact, I'm still very sure that you'll end up hurting him. You're like me, you enjoy showing off too much, and I know he doesn't like that."
"I haven't done that in a long time, nor am I going to," the blonde pointed out.
"Good, I'm glad to hear that. I also admit that I don't trust you anywhere near my baby brother. He doesn't fall easily, but he obviously falls hard. I keep expecting you to take advantage of him.
"Which is why I'm almost afraid to admit that you have impressed me. As I said earlier, I don't trust you with my little brother; however, you've proved me wrong in the sense that you're willing to wait for Marron to come to you. You're not pressuring him into things he's not ready for yet. For that alone, I'll let you keep your balls, as well as giving you a secret."
"'Secret?'" Gateau repeated, raising an eyebrow. "Secret to what?"
Carrot couldn't help but smile conspiratorially as he leaned forward, "Marron."
The problem with hair as long as Marron's was that when it was wet, it was a bitch to comb through. He had to gather it all up and pull it over his shoulder and into his lap to even get started. He reached out for his comb and was surprised to find it wasn't where he'd left it a moment before. As he started to look for it, he felt someone's hands in his lap, picking up the thickly wet tendrils of his hair. He smiled as he turned into Gateau's warm gaze, not at all surprised to see his fellow hunter.
The muscled blonde leaned in close, kissing him lightly on the lips. There was no pressure, and there never was, which suited the young mage just fine. He pulled away from the kiss to give Gateau a loving smile. "Do you need something?"
The man didn't answer right away, but Marron knew what it meant instantly, when he took his soaked hair and the comb and started to comb through it gently. The could read each other easily most of the time, which was always nice. He knew when his fellow sorcerer hunter was done playing with his hair, he could look forward to some very tender making out.
Gateau kept his thoughts to himself, thinking over what he'd been told about his lover by the man he normally considered an enemy. If Carrot proved to be lying, he'd rip his head off quite gladly; but if he proved to be right...
After combing through the hair with the plastic piece, he worked carefully to braid the long hair. It was the only to keep the boy's hair out of the way long enough for him to enjoy himself. He started out with the usual necking. He loved the feel of the warm, tender skin in between his lips as he sucked on the pale white throat, leaving reddening marks.
He heard Marron mewl softly in pleasure and enjoyed watching him squirm and pant as he teased him. It always amazed the blonde that he didn't have to go to severe lengths to bring out the looser, more relaxed Marron out of the shell of stand-offishness and hardened responsibility.
The blonde man reached inside the loose sleeping jacket and caressed one of Marron's soft pecs. The boy was physically strong enough to have some very nice definition to his body, and Gateau found that he loved playing with the cutting lines. He heard a soft gasp as he brushed the mage's nipple and soon found his arms devoid of his lover.
The younger hunter turned to look at his lover, holding himself closed off from him. At first the look he gave him was one of annoyance then it quickly changed to a softer smile as he went back into his lap and started to kiss him. The elder man sighed softly, rolling his eyes. He pulled Marron away from him, though it pained him to do so since he was an incredible kisser.
The blonde gave the dark mage a hard look. "Why won't you let me touch you Marron?"
The boy blinked in confusion, "what do you mean Gateau? I love it when you touch me."
He shook his head, not willing to be dissuaded from his goal. "How would you know since you won't let me? There have been several times, including just now, where you'll pull away from me and then focus solely on me."
Golden eyes flashed for a moment and then closed in the way that told Gateau that the matter was not only closed now, but that it would never be discussed again.
As he started to get out of his lap, the muscled man reached out and grabbed the slender hips of his mate, pulling him back into his lap. "Not this time Marron. You are going to stay right where you are until we talk this out." He ran a hand through the long locks. "Don't you understand that I care for you a great deal? I want to share in pleasure with you, but you won't let me."
His lover took a deep breath, enjoying the soothing fingers in his hair, against his scalp. "I love you too Gateau, but I can't go that far yet..."
The man cupped his lover's chin, raising his head until his blues met gold. "I will not force you Marron; I know you're not ready for sex yet. But hon, that doesn't mean you have to keep yourself away from my touch. I enjoy it when you touch me, but I'd like to touch you back."
"If you like it though, then there's no reason to change things, right?" he sounded hopeful.
Another deep sigh escaped the blonde, he also tightened his grip when he felt his lover start to squirm. "No Marron, they can't stay the same. What is it baby? Are you afraid that you'll be overwrought by touch and die from pleasure?"
The look he got was not one of an amused lover, "don't be silly Gateau."
"Then don't be so scared," he remarked as he leaned forward and kissed the boy. "I am not going to strip you naked and pounce on you. And knowing you, you're not going to explode just because I caress you."
"Gateau, no... don't..."
The blonde man growled, getting ticked off beyond what he was capable of dealing with. His grip shifted from the mage's hips up to his shoulders as he leaned forward and pushed him onto his back. The motion drew a cry that was cut surprisingly short as he kissed the dark haired boy roughly. The sounds of protest softened to a gently mummer and he slowly broke the kiss, though still dragging it out by biting Marron's lower lip possessively.
He ran a gentle hand through the boy's hair as looked down at him. "I am not going to hurt you," he began in order to remove the nervous look from his lover's face. "But I'm not going to be denied either Marron. From now on, when I move to make the touching a mutual experience, you aren't going to pull away from me. And if you try, we'll wind up right where we are now. With me on top and you pinned down. Unless you like to be pinned down?"
The vibrant flush that flashed across the youth's cheeks told the blonde that Carrot was right. His black haired beauty needed a nudge in the right direction, a bit of a push from a strong-willed lover to meet the needs he didn't really understand. The tight control he'd been taught to keep on his emotions and feelings would have to be loosened by a lover's firm and tender prod before he'd let himself enjoy anything.
The blonde went back to kissing his captive, enjoying his moment of power over his lover since it was rare that he ever let himself be seen as weak. The kisses swelled the tender lips below his, giving them a fuller, more pouty look. And he found himself entranced in the beauty of his lover. He knew that when the time was right, when his lover was ripe for the picking, he'd make sure his lips would be pouty then too.
His kisses moved off to the side, working his way down to the white, swan-like throat. He started to kiss just below the ear and then down to the jaw where he sucked ever so lightly. He'd tried this once before, and like then, Marron yipped a bit in surprise before pulling away. Only this time, he couldn't pull away, and when he tried, the blonde's grip on his arms tightened slightly, followed with a semi-painful bite to the mage's neck. He stayed there too, not pulling away, regardless of the sweet whimpers.
The muscled man chuckled as the whimpers died down and turned into moans. He took advantage of the distraction to release one of the black haired boy's shoulders in order to take apart the clasps that held his shirt closed so that he could get to that fine example of boy chest.
When he finally pulled away, he could see that one hell of a hickey was forming on his lover's throat, something that would be sure to draw attentions of all sorts to him tomorrow. He could only guess at the looks and questions the normally reserved boy would get tossed his way, and he could also easily imagine his blushing response. He'd be very pretty indeed.
He cupped his lover's cheek gently, and also caressed his lower lip with his thumb. He chuckled softly at the slight squirm that went thought the boy's body, he looked so cute, already taken in by pleasure.
Gateau lowered his head once again and kissed down his lover's chest, drawing a very soft hiss of pleasure, which was just fine with him. He kissed his way from one side to the other, where he took one of the cheery pink nipples into his mouth, drawing yet another gasp. After sucking on it a while, teasing it wonderfully, he was rewarded by feeling his lover's fingers in his short locks, encouraging him onward.
He pulled away and captured that pretty hand, kissing each of the fingers and then the center of the slender palm. Marron loved it when he did that. He then started to kiss down the slender arm on the inside, caressing the softer flesh with butterfly kisses. Marron loved that too, especially since both actions were really very sweet and gentle. It pleased the man to see that nothing had really changed. His lover was still sweet, and a bit shy, but he also knew it would be okay to be a bit firm with him.
As his kisses up the arm ended, the blonde switched easily to kissing down the chest. He couldn't help himself, he loved the definition in Marron's body. Kissing down the gentle grooves brought a soft moan, and a wonderfully surprising arch of the hips. He inhaled his lover's scent and moaned softly himself.
He chuckled lightly, taking in the distinctive bulge in the mage's sleeping pants, amused to see yet another flash of pink across the sweet cheeks. Large hands came down to lower the fabric blocking his way to what he was sure would be one delicious treat. He heard a soft whimper and quickly looked up to see nervousness in the golden eyes. He kissed the lower belly gently before looking back up and promising, "not until you're ready love; not until you're ready. I just wanted to try what you seem to like so much." Another blush, but this was with a smile. Gateau had lied a bit earlier, Marron liked blow-jobs, at least giving them.
He wasn't surprised by the fine lines of black hair leading down from the navel, and he found that he liked the way it felt against his lips. He also wasn't surprised by the masculine scent that reached his nose, he'd always loved the way Marron smelled, a cross between magnolias and musk.
The only thing that he was surprised with, as well as greatly amused by, was that where he had a thick thatch of golden curls that his younger lover to play with, the mage had only a few wisps of black strands. He chuckled softly, "it's very strange to me how you can both look older and younger without your clothes on." He loved that Marron was still fairly hairless.
He stuck his tongue out, and let it drag from the base of the flesh all the way to the top of the head. He felt his lover give a sharp jerk of his hips and moan a bit louder. He did it again, blessed with yet another jerk of the hips and a soft whimper. The added bonus though, was the pearl of fluid that leaked out of the tip.
Blue eyes widened in a bit of manic joy right before the strong mouth wrapped around the delicate head, bringing forth a harsh gasp of pleasure. He kept an eye on his pretty lover, watching his expressions at the first reactions to the pleasantness bestowed on him. His eyes were closed, as always when he was just feeling something, and his lips were slightly open, still looking a bit pouty and ever more enticing.
Those eyes opened in shock a moment later when the head of Marron's cock was encased in warm wetness with a powerful tongue working to prod and caress it. The mage whimpered a bit louder, watching as his lover toyed with him to the point of making him leak a lot. He shivered as the tongue glided up and down, he wasn't sure how long he'd be able to stand it. No wonder Gateau had wanted to do this, it was fun to be on the receiving end of the action for once.
He was leaking more with each deft movement of the blonde's tongue, making him ache to cum. He let out a moan as the strong man's hand gently squeezed his balls, making him work his thighs a bit around them and groan. The gentle squeezing didn't ease up at all, but at least the pressure wasn't more than he could bare for any length of time. He loved the way it made him feel: cherished and possessed.
The blonde chuckled at the way Marron was reacting. It pleased him to see his lover so lose himself in pleasure, glad to finally give back some of what he had been enjoying for so long. He could tell from the way he was reacting, that his lover wouldn't be lasting a great deal longer. Though for how much he could last was unsure.
He felt the tear drop, pearl sized bits of moisture on his tongue. The soft, sweet, salty taste of them being more then he could stand. He found himself incapable of not enjoying the lovely drops upon his tongue. He lapped for a while, just enjoying the tiny bits he could get, when before he knew it, he felt the young mage stiffen inside his mouth and then spurt in the greatest pleasures.
He looked up to check on Marron and found that he was panting even as he sucked him dry, cleaning his flesh of his cum. The poor boy seemed a bit overwhelmed and was in fact blushing terribly. He licked the wonderful treat clean and then pulled away, cupping Marron's cheek sweetly, "Love? Are you okay?"
The blush covered most of his lover's face. "I just don't know what I could possibly do to make you feel that good..."
The blonde chuckled, unbuttoning his pants and revealing the symbol of his manhood. He smiled to himself as his lover licked his lips in anticipation of his favorite treat, like always. "The only thing that I want," he said with a small laugh in his voice, "is for you to just enjoy what you enjoy doing. You like to give, so give." The smiling blush that dashed across his mage was beautiful. It was easy to see why Marron fell for him, he was willing to take what Marron could give out.
He certainly wasn't disappointed and soon found his cock swallowed to the hilt by the lovely boy. The blonde's fingers responded similarly to the way the mage's had earlier, by weaving into the long locks and taking a firm hold in a way that both encouraged and demanded being served.
He knew that Marron's mouth was a thing of amazing beauty and power, and he soon found himself unable to hold back very far. As he came into the warm mouth, a soft groan of pleasure was heard, and not from him. The mage pulled away somewhat and licked his lips free of the sweet necture. He looked beautiful.
A while later, as Gateau worked out the tangles that formed in his hair, Marron was busy studying the bite mark on his neck. "You were either a vampire in your last life, or you are part vampire." He blushed badly again, "damn it Gateau, I can't hide this one."
The blonde chuckled as he combed through the midnight locks tenderly. "Don't you think it's better this way though? Everyone will be able to see that you're cared for."
Golden eyes peered at him, "but what about Carrot? My brother's not exactly fond of you."
Calm blue eyes held his gaze and the muscled man kissed him gently before laying him back to bed. "Your brother and I have come to an understanding. Basically, I'm scum and if I hurt you, he'll shred me. But if I behave myself, he'll be quiet. Now sleep."
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