Restart | By : Akureitsumetai Category: +M to R > Neon Genesis Evangelion Views: 10618 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not in any way shape or form own Evangelion, nor do I make any money off of this story. |
Well, here I am. Finally trying my hand…or should I say…finally returning to
the world of Evangelion after…some unpleasantness happened
and I abandoned my old fic. Well, this time I won’t
give this one up and I’ll finish this fic. Well,
enough talking hope you enjoy this chapter and review
it, even if it is a flame I could use someone to argue with.
NOTE: This story was edited
by my beta YashaReader from MM .org link to him is in
my profile, he does good work.
DISCLAIMER: I do not in any
way shape or form own Evangelion, nor do I make any
money off of this story.
WARNING! This story will
contain views on religion that may offend people who are very up tight. Then again,
these people wouldn’t watch the show to begin with…still…
By: Kuroi-Yasha
Episode 1:
Tokyo-3: once a sprawling military fortress that served as a
city capital for what remained of Japan after Second Impact. Things could have been
better for the once bustling city, seeing as more than 95 percent of the city
had been destroyed by the JSSDF in an attempt to destroy NERV. A giant pool of
orange fluid filled what once was the sea that surrounded the coastline of
Japan, and the same sickly fluid also flooded the remains of Tokyo-3’s streets.
LCL, primordial fluid that was the original form of all living things before
the Creator(s) intervened and created a simple creature. Simple for the
Creator(s) that is, for as complex as a human body is, it was naught but a
simple matter of imagining and compressing the right amount of matter to create
a being. And so, we came to be, Homo Erectus; I.e. Homo Sapient, as we
later dubbed ourselves. The Creator(s) were content to merely let us be, for we
were but trivial creations thought up on a whim and made for the pure and
simple purpose of enjoyment. Unfortunately, something was not foreseen, or
perhaps it was and was merely added to make things more interesting.
Ah, such a sweet sounding word; a simple concept that was
given, or at the beginning believed to be, to humanity exclusively. Now man
could make his own destiny, make his own choices. Man began to think, to
ponder… to create. The Creator(s) began to grow uneasy as man began to spread,
began to evolve. Could only watch as man began to
kill, to harness the powers of the elements, to destroy, to construct and to
poison. Slowly, the planet, which had been given to man, began to rot.
In an attempt to control man, forces were made to counter them, Hurricanes,
Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, etc. However, man would not be
stopped. And slowly man turned from their Creators(s), and began to wonder 'Why?
Why do we suffer so?' Now the beings that had worshiped began to hate. That
is of course only a portion that scorned, however, only one brown spot is
needed to make the apple bad. These spots slowly began to grow, until they held
the apple at its mercy. Now the Creator(s) could do nothing as the measures set
to keep humanity in check were conquered, one by one, until humanity was now
the one in command. As a last resort the Creator(s) sent one last trump card.
These beings were sent to stop the current Humanity and
bring it to it knees and begin anew. One must
question the… logic… in this action. While it was true that Humanity had yet to
encounter this form of trial, what would keep them from attempting to dominate
such beings and elevate themselves to the rank of their Creator(s)? Perhaps it
was all planned; perhaps not, but in the end it came to be.
Second Impact.
Such was the name we gave the massacre of our planet and our
species, along with countless others. Not many were aware of the true cause of
said event. Fewer were the ones that actually knew of why it had occurred,
but nonetheless it happened, and Humanity was saved from extinction; not the
way it was had intended, but safe… for the moment.
15 years later.
The Creator(s) struck again. This time however, nothing
would stop the destruction of humanity. No longer would the Angels be corporeal
beings, this time they would be embodied in flesh and with abilities that man
could not hope to stop. Surely, man would pay for its crimes of attempting to
overthrow and become immortal. This however, was not to be so easily decided as
the Creator(s) had hoped. For in his absence man had taken what he had sent to
earth years back to try to bring about the Final Judgment and had created a
weapon in likeness to the ‘attackers’ to combat his Army of Heavenly beings,
artificial gods, created by man to kill.
And so the war began. Fourteen of his Heavenly beings would
battle against the man made gods for the fate of Humanity. Three
children, three Evangelions. As the battles
raged, the casualties escalated. One by one, the heavenly warriors fell, no
match for the sheer will to live displayed by the pilots and their gods of
steel. The children however were not without loss. Slowly they began the decent
into madness and the perpetual fall into the depths of sorrow. One by one they
faced their demons, and one by one they lost to them.
The First lost to her inability to relate to those that
cared for her, and realized all too late that she did indeed feel,
and in an act of unselfishness and love, sacrificed her life so that her cherished
other could live. Her next clone, never to know what her previous self had
done, quickly replaced her to continue its preset purpose, unhindered by
Rei Ayanami.
The Second was just as tragic if not more so. Left alone at
a young age by her unstable mother in an act of suicide, she struggled to fend
for herself and prove to the world she was not weak… and that she was not a
doll. She created a barrier around her heart, unwilling to let herself care about another for fear of being left alone once
again, deceiving herself into believing that she needed no one. She met her
fall at the hands of her own insecurities and instability. Never to pilot for
mankind again, and lie comatose… a living doll.
Asuka Langley Sohryu.
The Third… much could be said about the Third. Like the
Second, he was left alone at a young age. Abandoned by an uncaring cold father,
the young boy was raised by a sympathetic, but aloof teacher who chose to care
for but not raise the young boy. Uncertain of what to behave like, the young
boy began to recede from society and fall into a comfortable shell of self-pity
and self-loathing. Unused to the world, they young man was shocked when years
later his father would call for him again, stating he finally had a purpose for
the boy. He was to pilot the Metal God known as Evangelion
and protect humanity. Reluctantly forced to comply, the boy took up his use, if
only to try to hear words of praise from his detached father. Several attempts
at fleeing, and near death experiences later, the Third remained the only near
stable pilot. He however would fall to his cowardice and inability to act. He
would unintentionally join the First in finally defeating the Creator(s) and
beginning the rejoining/annihilation of Mankind.
Shinji Ikari.
And it was so, as the Creator(s) relinquished their hope of
stopping Humanity's ascension and retreated into the recesses of the Cosmos,
that one Ayanami Rei, now
Lilith (as named by the Lilim) the mother of
Humanity, embraced the soul of her loved and the rest of humanity as the war
finally ended.
Third Impact.
The soothing sound of a voice long forgotten, yet always
remembered caught his attention. Tormenting images of those he had failed had
filled his head moments before. Opening his empty cerulean eyes he came face to
face with the crimson orbs of the one he missed the most. “Rei…”
A gentle smile spread across her face as she caressed his face, “Shinji…
what is it you want the most?” The question scared him. What was it she
meant? He had never really been given a choice to what he wanted, even when it
was offered, he usually gave up his choice because he didn't want to disappoint
anyone and as such usually just allowed someone else to decide what he wanted.
No it wasn’t that a
question like that scared him, simply because he was too weak to admit what he
wanted. He wanted a lot of things, but settled for his basic needs instead of
wants. His lack of assertion was what had caused Toji
to nearly die, his lack of courage had caused Asuka
to fall at the hands of the sixteenth, his lack of will had caused Misato to
die, and his lack of strength had caused Rei to die.
“I made my own choice Shinji.” The voice startled him
out of his depressed musings, the gentle smile never left her lips as she
brought one of his hands to her chest, placing it over her heart, “I loved…
no, I love you Shinji. I could not stand to see you hurt; I had promised I
would protect you. So I did what I felt was right.” Her other hand came up
and gently brushed away the tears that had begun to flow from his eyes. “I
made my only voluntary choice to die so you, Shinji, could live. I knew this
day would come, as such I instilled some of my feelings deep within my soul so
that I could reject the Commander and give you the choice to save or damn
Humanity, so Shinji… what is it you want the most?” Her soft words sunk
deep into his very being. She had loved him?! She freely sacrificed herself so
that he could live; those words brought much needed relief to his pathetic,
tormented soul. He looked at her, cerulean gazing into crimson, “Rei… I… I want to change. I want to save everyone, Misato, Asuka, Toji, Kensuke and I want
to save you Rei… my Rei.”
His eyes hardened as confidence filled him and determination shone in his eyes,
“I want to stop my father, I want to help everyone, I want to hear my Rei say the words you said.” He looked at her and saw her
smile grow.
“I want… to start over. I want a second chance… a second
chance to save everyone, to save you. I want to start over.”
He felt his breath hitch as she gave him the exact same
smile that made him feel complete and slowly leaned down, “If that is what
you desire the most. Ganbate Shinji.” He said
nothing as her soft lips claimed his own, and sighed truly content for the
first time as everything began to fade. “Rei…this
time… I… won't… fail…”
A clear azure sky was the first thing Shinji Ikari saw as he stepped off the train station platform. 'Hm, am I early? I could have sworn the appointed time was
two.' Reaching into his pocket he produced a glossy picture of a very
attractive purple-haired woman dressed in rather 'snug' attire that accented
all of her features perfectly. 'This woman, Katsuragi
Misato-san, I feel like I've met her somewhere; must be my imagination.' Sighing
he made his way across the station and towards a small public telephone.
Producing a card from his battered wallet, the young Ikari
inserted it in the slot and dialed a familiar number, but one he had never
dialed before. 'This feels odd… kind of like Deja-vu.'
Ignoring the feeling of strange familiarity he listened as the phone rang,
once, twice, three times, “Due to emergency protocol all lines have been
restricted to class-A priority only. Please proceed to the nearest civilian
shelter.” Removing the phone from his ear he stared at it for a moment, missing
the light blue haired girl that stood in the middle of the deserted street.
A sudden explosion however drew his attention east as he saw
three massive UN attack helicopters fire round after round of deadly highly
destructive missiles into something he could not yet see. He couldn't help the
sudden urge to run away from the situation as one of the helicopters was
suddenly caught in the grip of a gigantic arm and was then tossed like a rag
doll at its fellow helicopters and proceeded to crash and destroy all three of
them in an inferno. Ignoring the remaining helicopters, the huge entity
continued on its path towards Shinji. 'I mustn't run away… I mustn't… I… I
will not run away!' Turning he glared up at the slowly approaching form
of the titanic being, 'You don't scare me Sachiel.'
He froze as his thought registered. How did he know the name of a creature he
had never seen before? How could he calmly stand in the middle of the street as
bombs and missiles were fired around him, when minutes before he was afraid of
everything that he wasn't familiar with? 'What is happening? Why is an Angel
attacking?' There it was again, how did he know this thing, this Sachiel, was an Angel? Weren't angels
supposed to be emissaries from God sent to protect his children? If so why was
it attacking?
Another explosion, this one closer, drew his focus back to
the battle as Sachiel destroyed another of the
annoying flying metal birds and sent it crashing in the general direction of
the confused Ikari. Letting out a cry of fright the
young boy threw himself forward with athletic skill and grace that he had not
known he possessed, right into the passenger seat of a brand new blue sports
car. “Wow, nice moves you got there! You're Ikari-san
right? Ikari Shinji?” Somewhat disoriented the young
boy could only nod his head as the car took off at a frightening speed and
barely avoided being crushed by the massive foot of the third Angel. “The
name's Katsuragi. Katsuragi
Misato, I'm here to pick you up on the orders of your father.”
Finally composing himself, he stared at the woman who had rescued him and took
in all her features. She was wearing a tight black dress that he had no doubt
she had selected with the intent and purpose of teasing him. He fell right for
her trap. She snickered as she caught him staring at her ample bosom, “Like
what you see Ikari-kun?” She allowed herself another
giggle as he turned bright red and looked the other way, “Hai…
I-I mean…!” She felt a light blush stain her own face at his blatant
admittance, which was no doubt just his instinctive reaction to answer
truthfully in a moment of panic.
Deciding she'd had enough fun for the moment she pointed to
the glove compartment, “Open up the glove box and pull out the folder that's in
there. It contains everything you need to know about where we're going and the
kind of work your father does.” Nodding, the young Ikari
opened the compartment and withdrew the folder; opening it he saw the main logo
for NERV first. Opening it he began to read about the main purpose and function
of the organization that his father commanded.
He whispered the word, barely loud enough for Misato to
hear. Instantly she slammed the brakes on the car and turned to the young Ikari before he could compose himself, “What did you say?”
Startled Shinji backed away from her as much as possible, “Evangelion.
I… I don't know what it means… it just… came into my head when I began to read
about… about NERV.” He truthfully admitted as Misato gave him a careful once
over, “Alright, I'll trust you Shinji.” He let out a small sigh of relief as
the tension disappeared and they continued on their way to wherever they were
headed. Suddenly, a loud whistling sound began to hum in the air, “What the...?” The purple haired beauty began as she stopped the
car and looked back towards the battlefield only to see the UN forces
retreating. “That's strange, why are they…?” before she could finish her
sentence Shinji's eyes widened in realization as he dove on top of the purple
haired captain, “GET DOWN!!” Was the last thing the Captain remembered hearing
before a loud explosion followed by an intense Shockwave sent the small car
tumbling into a violent series of rolls, finally ending with the car on its
passenger side up.
Groaning, the young Ikari and the
slightly frazzled Misato emerged from the car a little worse for wear. “AN N² MINE!! ARE THEY OUT OF THEIR MINDS?! THAT COULD HAVE
KILLED THOUSANDS OF CIVILIANS!” The young Captain bellowed at no one in
particular as she trampled around in frustration and anger. “K-Katsuragi-san, maybe we should… I mean…” She cut him off as
she turned and glared at him only to see him instinctively lower his head and
become quiet. Sighing, she returned to the young boy and embraced him in a
gentle hug, “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that.” Returning
the embrace semi-cautiously he shook his head, “It’s alright Katsuragi-san.” Pulling away from him the Captain shot him
a smile, “Misato. Call me Misato, Shinji-kun.” Blushing slightly the young Ikari nodded. “H-hai,
Misato-san.” Satisfied the dark haired Captain turned to her now wrecked
vehicle, 'Just great, I've still got 13 payments left and it's already
ruined; those UN bastards are gonna pay for that.'
Shaking her head, she turned towards the young male, “Well Shinji-kun, how
'bout you give me a hand and we set the car right and get out of here before
those geniuses kill us for sure.” Nodding, Shinji made his way to the car. 'It
can't get any worse right?'
'Me and my big stupid thoughts…' Shinji Ikari cursed himself and his wishful thinking as they
wandered and crossed the same hallway they had passed twice already and went
down a corridor they had gone down five times, down a flight of stairs he was
sure they had ascended and descended at least eight times. “We're lost aren't
we Misato-san.” The way she froze and stammered that they were not did little
to reassure him as they went through a door they had already gone thru twice,
“Yep, we're lost.” Lowering her head in shame the purple-haired Captain made a
right and miraculously came across an elevator. “YES! HA! I told you we weren't
lost!” She gloated as she made a beeline for the elevator. “Yeah.” he mumbled
as he followed her, 'She's not very mature for a Captain.
Wait, she never told me she was a…' His thoughts were cut off as Misato
began to explain to a very attractive blond haired woman that she wasn't
wasting time and that she hadn't been lost… again.
Sighing, the golden haired woman turned to him and gave him
a kind smile, “Hello, you must be Ikari Shinji, the
Commander's son. I am Dr. Akagi Ritsuko, I'm in charge of
the Science division as well as Chief Scientist to the Magi System and
Project-EVA. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Somewhat startled by the
introduction and the fact that he somehow understood and knew what the blond
doctor was talking about he merely nodded dumbly and joined her in the
chlorine-scented elevator. During the ride, the two women held a small
conversation that Shinji did not pay much attention to because his mind was
preoccupied with trying to figure out why he knew so many things that he
shouldn't know. 'None of this makes sense. If those things are Angels, that
must mean that god wants us dead. But God isn't supposed to be like that is he?
And what is an Evangelion? And why do I feel like
I've been in one before? How do I know it is something to get in?'
So entranced in his thoughts the young Ikari
didn't even notice he was staring right at the very Evangelion
that he would pilot to save the world. The two NERV members said nothing as
they watched the young Ikari stare at the enormous
purple face of Evangelion Unit-01. Turning to her
long time friend the blond raised an eyebrow at the lack of reaction from the
only male member of the party. Seeing the slight reaction the violet haired
woman could only shrug.
“Like father like son I guess.”
Roused out of his thoughts the young Ikari
caught his first look at the monstrous EVA-01. However instead of jumping back
in alarm the boy could only look on in a mixture of recognition and horror as
he slowly walked to the limiter bars that kept him from falling into the
stalactite that kept the EVA secured. “Evangelion
Unit 01…” 'Mother…' Startled at his thought he backed away from the
purple behemoth. “No… no… I won't…” he mumbled as he took more steps away from
the metal titan.
“It has been a long time… Shinji.”
The cold voice filled the chamber as the boy in question
stiffened and turned in the direction of the voice of the man he feared,
respected, and hated with every fiber of his being. “Father…” Furious cerulean
meet shaded, but still visible cold and impassive emerald. Forgetting his
temporary fear of the man made god he stepped towards it in order to get a
better view of the man who had sired him. “Why have you brought me here father,
after ten years of not acknowledging my existence? What has changed?” He knew
the answer; deep down he knew the reason he was brought here. 'I'm here to…'
“You are here to Pilot Evangelion
Unit 01 and save the city from the Angel currently laying siege. You now have a
use to me as the Third Child. That is why you are here.”
Again Shinji lowered his head, even as Dr. Akagi protested the activation of the test type. 'I knew
it. He doesn't want me here, he doesn't care. I'm only convenient. I'm only
useful for him as a pilot, not as his son. I hate him…' Scowling he raised his
head and fixed his father with a look that surprised the elder Ikari, even if he didn't show it. “I refuse.” He stated
“Then we shall all die.”
“I don't care! You never cared about me before, but now
suddenly I am convenient for you so you call me here and ask me to pilot this…
this monster and just expect me to agree?! I hate you… I HATE YOU FATHER!!”
Silence followed his fierce proclamation. A sound similar to
a chuckle was heard, but was quickly silenced as the elder Ikari
removed his glasses. “Will you pilot the Eva or not? I have no time for your
childish tantrums.” Everyone minus the two Ikaris
flinched at the coldness in the elder man's voice. Shaking with suppressed fury
and sadness, the younger man closed his eyes and slowly began to calm down.
Finally opening his eyes, a similar coldness filled them as he glared at his
father. “I will not.” The coldness in his voice sent, if possible, even more
shivers down the spines of those who heard it. Rubbing his eyes in frustration,
the elder man turned to his old mentor turned Sub-Commander, “Bring Rei to the cages.” Startled, the gray haired Sub-Commander
gave his former pupil a look of disbelief, “Can she pilot?” The younger man
faced his son once again, “She'll have to do.” Turning off the speaker, the
elder Ikari opened a communication with the First
Child's hospital room. In seconds the link was complete and he was looking at
the pained, but conscious face of his surrogate-daughter. “Rei,
it is time. Report to the cages.” A surprised look
temporarily graced her features before her mask of impassiveness returned, “Yes
Meanwhile, Shinji was oblivious to the argument that Misato
was trying to have with him as the young Ikari
continued to glare upon the figure of his father. “Misato-san I have made up my
mind. I will not pilot this thing until my father acknowledges that I exist and
have some meaning other than piloting this creature.” Said Captain had just
opened her mouth to retort when the elevator behind her signaled that it had
arrived. “No, he can't seriously be thinking…” Turning in the direction of her
friend the blond Akagi's eyes narrowed, as two medics
appeared with what was most likely the First child. “So, he's playing his trump
so early; he must be desperate.” Intrigued by the conversation the two women
were having, Shinji turned and watched as someone on a gurney was wheeled to
their current location. A sudden sinking feeling began to fill his stomach as
he could begin to make out the small moans of pain and discomfort that escaped
the young girl that was being brought to the EVA cages.
'No, it can't be…' His breath caught in his throat as
he saw the blue haired girl. Forgetting about his father he ran to the team of
medics just as strong quake shook the underground base. Barely managing to keep
his balance he managed to get to the blue haired girl before she could connect
with the ground. Still she could not contain the cries of pain that escaped her
as she began to bleed from wounds that had been reopened.
“No, she can't… she's hurt… FATHER YOU CAN'T!!”
His cry stirred the young albino in his arms as she opened
her eyes to view the one that had saved her from a larger amount of pain.
“Since you refuse to pilot, she is the only one who can be used to stop the
Angel. Now release her and leave, you are of no use if you refuse to pilot.”
The coldness of the elder Ikari's voice rattled the
soul of the younger one. 'Father… to think you could do such a thing…'
Looking down, distraught cerulean met pain-filled crimson and suddenly it happened.
He remembered.
He remembered everything: the pain, the sorrow, and the
feelings of loss. The death and suffering of those he loved and cared for. Toji, Misato, Asuka, Kensuke…
“Rei…” The blue haired albino
could not comprehend the feeling that shot thru her when she heard her name
escape from the lips of the boy who currently held her safe in his arms. It was
not an unpleasant feeling, but it confused her. Before she could ponder more on
the question however a scream was heard from Misato as a giant steel beam began
to fall, threatening to crush them. Before she could do or say anything however
the arms of the strange boy pulled her closer, but held her with an
unmistakable kindness and care that, while confusing, was very… comforting. 'I
won't let anything hurt you. Not this time. I WON'T!' Responding to his
will, the hand of the purple behemoth shot out from its container and blocked
the beam that was seconds from killing both children.
“This time… this time I'll protect you… Rei.”
The soft words from the boy brought a small blush to her
cheeks. Looking away from his blue haired goddess, the young Ikari looked back at the smirking form of his father as he
swallowed his pride to protect the girl in his arms.
“Father! I'll do it… I'll pilot the
'Father? So he is the son
of the Commander. Shinji…' Slowly her eyes closed as a small smile formed
on her lips.
Shinji watched as they gently placed Rei's
unconscious body back on the gurney and began to wheel her back to the hospital.
“It is time Pilot Ikari, proceed to the entry plug.”
Nodding he made his way to the entry plug, and quickly entered it. Sighing,
both Dr. Akagi and Misato made their way to the
elevator that would take them to the bridge. Upon arriving, Commander Ikari retook his seat and sat back with his hands
intertwined in front of his face as he watched the 'bridge bunnies' scramble to
bring up the correct programs to begin the re-activation of Eva Unit 01.
Finally satisfied that everyone was ready, he spoke clearly as his words rang
thru the bridge.
“Begin Phase One of the reactivation of Evangelion
Unit 01.”
On the bridge the 'bunnies' began entering the commands that
were required, “Initiating primary connections.” The young Ibuki
called as she entered more commands into her council, “Connecting main power
supply. Activation voltage has passed the critical point.” Nodding the blond
haired Akagi turned to another member of the crew,
“Shift format to Phase Two.” Seconds later Hyuga Motoko replied, “Connecting pilot to Unit 01. Opening
circuits, pulse and harmonics are normal. No problems detected.” Meanwhile
Shinji sat in the entry plug of the Eva taking in deep breaths of the foul
liquid that allowed him to better sync with the mechanical giant, 'Mother… its me… Shinji… I need your help. I-I need you to help me
save everyone. Please… please help me.'
“The Eva has successfully accepted the pilot. Central Nerve
system elements are normal. No errors are detected.”
“Checklist is satisfactory up to 2590. Counting down to
absolute borderline… 0.9, 0.7, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1… Rising… borderline has
been cleared! Unit 01 is activated and ready for combat.”
“Pilot stats are green, sync ratio holding at… 14 percent?!”
Panic began to spread throughout the bridge at the announcement,
“NO! That's to low to even get the Eva to move!” Fear
crept thru Shinji's body at the announcement of his horrible sync, 'No…
Mother… please… please… Mother please… help me… help me…' “HELP ME!!” The desperate yell
from the young pilot startled everyone as they tried to ensure that nothing had
gone wrong, a sudden beeping however drew their attention to Lt. Ibuki's terminal, “A-amazing… Pilot Ikari's
sync ratio is rising! 18 percent, 24 percent, 33 percent,
rising!” Ritsuko rushed over to the terminal
to verify what the young lieutenant was announcing, “It’s true! His sync ratio
is soaring! 47 percent, 51 percent, 59 percent, 62 percent, 63 percent!
Impossible! His sync ratio is holding at 64 percent!” Silence followed her
claim as all eyes turned to the panting form of the Commander's son.
“Captain Katsuragi what are you
waiting for? Launch the Eva!”
The icy tone of the Commander drew everyone back to focus. “R-right. Load Eva onto launch pad four. Ready? Right, EVA
LAUNCH!” The familiar feeling of being launched at high velocity filled the
young Ikari's body as the Eva shot thru the tunnels
towards the surface and the awaiting threat of the Third Angel. Coming to a
harsh stop Shinji quickly stepped off of the launch pad and dove to the right
as the gigantic arm of Sachiel barely missed
connecting with his head, “BASTARD!” The Third Child yelled at the Angelic
being as he rushed, attacking his opponent's face with a brutal right hook that
sent the angel stumbling. “Prog.
Knife!” he bellowed at his monitor as the right shoulder wing of his Evangelion opened and produced a gigantic Bowie knife fit
for an Eva. Rushing again Shinji stopped and side stepped just in time to avoid
the blast that the angel released. “Damn, forgot about that…” He cursed as he grasped
his left shoulder, which had sustained a minor burn. Snarling he leapt at the
hostile being with his knife and thrust forward, only to impact with a large
hexagonal plane of orange light. “WHY WON'T YOU JUST… DIE!!” The pilot of Unit
01 cried as he forced his own AT field to nullify the angel's until he finally
broke thru and landed a hit on his somewhat stupefied opponent. Not letting his
chance to end the fight escape him, he quick began to thrust his progressive
knife into the exposed core of the enemy.
“DIE! DIE! DIE YOU EVIL SON OF A BITCH!!” He gave one final
yell as he finally managed to pierce the Angel's core. As if
sensing defeat was eminent Sachiel's arms attempted
to wrap themselves around the form of the purple mecha.
Remembering that if the Angel succeeded he would blown
away a good couple of blocks, Shinji forced his Eva to restrain Sachiel by the neck, and with his free hand he gave the prog. knife a brutal twist that
shattered not only the blade, but also tore a huge chunk out of the enemy's
core. Immediately the Angel stopped struggling as it collapsed, no longer able
to operate without its core.
“The target has gone silent. Unit one had successfully
defeated the Third Angel.” Aoba Shigeru announced as the bridge broke out in
celebration. On the Command deck however Sub-Commander Fuyutsuki
turned to his former pupil, “This is rather unexpected isn't it Ikari?” The younger man merely grunted as he rose to his
feet, “Indeed, but certainly not unwelcome. The old men however will begin to ask
questions soon. The fools.” The elder man said nothing
as he followed his ex-pupil.
“W-What?! What do you mean
Shinji-kun will be living alone?! He's only Fourteen!” The outraged cries of
one Misato Katsuragi caused the boy in question to
sigh. It was pretty weird, re-living events that had already happened,
remembering what he had to say, he quickly put up his meek personality as he
turned to Misato, “I-its alright M-Misato-san. I'm
use to being alone.” 'Perfect.' the young Ikari
inwardly smirked at his acting as Misato began to rant about how a young man
such as himself should not be living by himself. He said nothing as he followed
her to his father's office. Upon entering Shinji at once became serious as he
came face to face with his father. “What do you want Captain Katsuragi? I am rather busy at the moment so it had better
be important.” Swallowing nervously as she lost some of her bravery the young
captain proceeded to request if Shinji could live with her as her charge.
Shinji waited patently as he waited for his father to
“Request Denied.”
The words froze Shinji's very being. Unbelieving cerulean
gazed at his father's cold emerald orbs, “Pilot Ikari
shall be living in the same apartment complex as the First Child. As an added
bonus, the First shall be released from hospitalization tomorrow and the Third
shall take on the responsibility of helping the First in her recovery.
Afterwards, whether he wishes to remain in the complex or move shall be his
choice. You are dismissed.” Unable to believe his good luck at being so close
to Rei, the young Ikari
almost let his mask of depression disappear; however, managing a sad smile at
the purple haired captain, he bowed in thanks as soon as they left the
Commander's office. “Thank you for your concern Misato-san, but I-I'll be fine.
A-anyway I should go and see A-Ayanami-san and let
her know of what is happening.” The elder Katsuragi could only nod forlornly as she watched the young
boy slink down the hall towards the hospital wing of NERV HQ. 'Poor kid…' Sighing
she began to walk away and had just rounded the corner when she could have
sworn she head a shout of glee. 'I'm loosing it,
there's no way that was Shinji.'
The crimson orbs of the First Child, Rei
Ayanami, opened slowly as she tried to adjust to the
blinding white of the hospital room. Bleached walls and ceilings were the first
thing she saw as she adjusted to her surroundings. “Ayanami-san
you're awake!” The happy voice of the Third Child filled her mind as she turned
to see his smiling face. Blinking to see if she was imagining his presence, she
concluded she wasn't when he was still there when her eyes opened again, “Yes.”
A small grimace passed the face of the Third at her response. He'd forgotten
how anti-social she had been. 'I've got a lot of work to do.' He thought
to himself before the smile returned, “How are you feeling?” he questioned as
he watched her gaze at him, as if trying to solve a puzzle. “I am injured.” She
responded plainly as another grimace marred his face, 'Why does he do that?'
Shaking his head the young Ikari looked at her,
his features softening slightly. “Yeah, I sort of figured that. The bandages
are a dead give away.” She tilted her head to the
side as he chuckled a little at his own comment, “Then why did you ask?” she
questioned, not really understanding why he had asked such a question if he
already knew the answer.
Again he grimaced at her flat tone, 'Is he displeased? Is
that why he makes that facial feature?' She wondered as he began to stutter
an apology. “Ie… its just that… well… how do I explain?” She observed
as he reached behind his neck and began to scratch as he searched for an
answer. 'Does he have fleas?' She wondered as she observed his
scratching continue. Growing bored with the conversation she decided to ask
something more relevant. “Was the Angel defeated?” Startled by her question,
the Ikari nodded as he returned his hands to his lap,
“Yeah, it was easier than I remembered… I mean it was hard, but I managed to
beat it.” He let out a nervous chuckle as he saw Rei's
red orbs narrow in suspicion but she said nothing. Then after a couple more
seconds of what could be seen as the closest to glaring that Rei had ever shown, she nodded and slowly relaxed into her
hospital bed. Letting out a sigh of relief that she didn't question him on his
slip up, he leaned back in his chair as well.
Minutes passed in the comfortable silence before the pale
skinned girl spoke again, “Is there something you needed Pilot Ikari?” A confused look passed over his features before he
realized that she probably wasn't use to having a stranger (to her at least)
sitting next to her hospital bed while she was trying to recover. “Nani? Oh, I completely forgot! I
was just relieved that you were alright.” A small blush crossed her features as
he closed his eyes and gave her a small genuine smile. 'He was… concerned
about me…?' Opening his eyes just in time to see her light blush, he felt a
small blush of his own form as he looked at her. 'She definitely looks like
an angel is supposed to. Well, minus the bandages, but still…' Shaking his
head to clear his thought he turned back to meet her questioning gaze, “Well, I
just wanted to come and tell you that we'll be neighbors from now on. My father
just assigned me to live in the same complex as you do. Oh, father also said
that you would be released from the hospital tomorrow and I'll be taking care
of you until you get better. So I just wanted to come and introduce myself.
Speaking of which,” He rose to his feet and approached her took her hand in his
'I hope this works…' “My name is Ikari,
Shinji. It’s a pleasure to meet you Ayanami-san.” He
spoke as he lifted her hand as he bent down and gave her hand a kiss.
A stronger blush coated Rei's
cheeks this time, though she was unsure as to why she was having such a
reaction. “Y-you flatter me…” She whispered as he stood again. He smiled and
judged by her reaction that he was still in safe waters, so he decided he'd take
one more dive and hoped it would pay off. “Ie, I've
heard that beautiful women like to be complemented and you are quite beautiful,
so it was only natural.” She said nothing but looked away shyly at his words. 'Perfect.
Now for the finisher.' Smiling at her reaction he
stopped and picked up his temporary NERV issued jacket and made his way for the
door, “Well then Ayanami-san I'll come by tomorrow at
ten to pick you up and take you home. Is that alright with you?” She said
nothing as she gazed at the hand that he had kissed moments ago. “Why are you
being so… kind to me?” He smiled inwardly at how well he had her character
figured out by now. In the past, Rei had been a
mystery, he would admit that much, but after losing her, he saw that her next
clone reverted to the same shy demeanor. There was nothing weird about Rei Ayanami at all… well, minus
the Angelic background and being a sort-of copy of his mother, she was just a
normal girl who just didn't know how to express herself; not that his father
had been much of a help to her. “Because…I want to be your
Her eyes widened in surprise as she turned to look at him.
He could only smile softly at her, “That is, if that’s alright with you?” A lot
of questions went through her mind as she looked at the younger Ikari.
Why does my heart beat faster when he smiles at me?
Why do I feel… that I can trust his words?
Deciding to find out the answer to these questions as soon
as possible she turned to the young Ikari. “I-I would
like that Ikari-san.” She replied hesitantly as she
met his gaze. His smile only increased with her response, “Call me Shinji.
Friends don't address each other so formally.” She looked at him uncertainly,
but felt no dishonesty in his voice. “Hai Ika… Shinji-san.” he chuckled at her response, “Well, it’s
a start. Alright then, Oyasumi Rei-san.” At her nod he stepped out of the room, a
wide smile adorning his face as he made his way home, ‘There is hope for me
yet.’ Inside the hospital room a small smile crossed Rei's
features as her eyes took on a blank look.
“Oyasumi… Shinji…”
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