Hit This City | By : cnakitny Category: +M to R > Ranma ½ Views: 7116 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma ½ and I’m certainly not making any money writing about it. |
Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma ½ and I’m certainly not making any money writing about it.
Chapter One:
The cab driver checked his review mirror again, catching small glimpses of the girl back seat. You get a lot of weirdoes in a cab and the girl, while odd, didn't really stand out for the hour. Her face was normal enough, framed by long black hair and bangs falling across her forehead, but her clothes, a white Chinese style shirt with red ties running up the front and long billowing sleeves... well, it was a little odd.
He tsked mentally, Kids and their clothes today. Who'd have thought he would miss the eighties?
He turned his eyes to her again in hopes she may be ready to tell him her destination. From the mirror it looked like she was adjusting something in her sleeve and he could have sworn he saw a flash of metal catching the streetlights. He turned fully around and she looked up and smiled.
Warily, he asked, “So, uh, where you headed?”
The smile slid off her face, “Soun‘s Erotic Euphoria.”
He turned all the way back around and tried to control himself. He licked his fingers and straightened his eyebrows before he asked, “You one of the girls who work there?”
He could barely contain his excitement as he pulled into oncoming traffic. Soun’s girls and the nature of their services were nothing short of famous. He found himself reevaluating the girl behind him. She was cute girl with little make-up, if any, and a simple hair style. An okay figure from where he was sitting, but not exactly playboy material. He decided to try and start a conversation.
“So, you work there, yeah? Is that why you’re wear’en that get-up?”
She seemed to have regained her humor when she answered, “Yes. The uniforms tend to run a bit on the unusual side.”
“You must get paid pretty good to commute from 3rd every day.”
“Yeah, more than I would consider decent for the kind of work I do.”
He found himself wanting to look at her again, but pressed on, “Yeah, you guys are well known for... that kind of work. What exactly does someone gotta do to get in that joint?”
“You hafta be rich... and a bit of power and influence doesn‘t hurt either,” she added as an after thought.
“So, could like, the commissioner of cab drivers in the area stand a chance?”
Akane sighed and shrugged. Like many before him, he had fallen into a line of questioning that made her vaguely disgusted with herself. And to think she used to like striking up conversations with cab drivers.
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
Soun fancied himself an easygoing man. Most of his employees agreed with him. He was about as mild as a pimp, ex-con, entrepreneur could be. There were rumors that he was the success story of an over sea’s criminal rehabilitation clinic. Whether it was true or not remained to be said, but, aside from being very anal about having all unused electrical outlets covered, any employee that sought to defy him was more likely to be met with a fit of tears than bubbling rage. Not that he didn’t have his moments, but those were mostly saved for business lunches (scaring the investors) and large gatherings (company Christmas parties.)
He walked into the lobby of his thriving little enterprise. Newly remodeled to change it up for the customers and more practically, for the new security system his chief-of-security, Akane Tendo, made him install. The gleaming light of the chandeliers sparkled nicely against all the white marble. White leather couches and high-backed white chairs were arranged accordingly, a good distance from the front desk where Akane was currently residing. He watched as she cursed and struggled with her outfit behind the reception desk. He attempted to duck back into the employee's only elevator, but was spotted as he turned.
“Soun!” Akane called with more that a hint of anger in her voice. He cringed, but tried to ease his demeanor as he turned around. He smiled widely and approached her desk.
“Yes, flower?”
She scowled and stood up, “You’re making my outfits too small again.”
He smiled sadly and shook his head, “My dear, you must have put on some weight. Don’t let it bother you, men like girls with a little meat around their waist line.”
She slammed her hands on the counter, making him jump, “That will only work once,” Two weeks of practicing useless katas that would work out her sides only to loose a half an inch; she practically glowed with shame at the memory.
She lunged foreword and grabbed his collar, “Why is the concept of a body guard having to move her body so hard to grasp?”
His face was blank and frozen for a moment, as though he was thinking about how to react. It allowed her to study him up close without all of his usual make-up. He was attractive, even without the normal effort he put into his appearance. Tanned skin, black hair, narrow black eyes, a straight, perfect nose, and a nice, usually grinning, mouth. If he were to shave off that ridiculous porn-star mustache he might have actually been alright. She traveled back up to his eyes, noticing there wasn’t a bit of fear in them, but in the five seconds it took to check him out, they began to well up.
“I’ve let it as loose as I can. I’m doing this for you. I don’t want the other girls to call you homely…” he sniveled convincingly. Akane sighed and let him go. Even though she wasn’t a ‘paid companion‘, most of the regular staff were expected to wear various themed outfits.
Sensing her resignation, he thought he’d push his luck and add, “You’re not wearing your make-up.”
Akane sat back down and opened a notebook under the black marble counter, “No one has come in to do it for me. If you haven’t noticed, I’m here early.”
Soun nodded in acknowledgement. Even if she was a bit more trouble than the average employee, she was dedicated to her job.
She stared flatly at him as he wiped his tears dramatically and began to walk away, ”Aren’t you going to ask me why?”
He shook his head. It probably didn’t concern him.
She walked over to him and thrust the black folder into his chest, “The geniuses you hired in security have somehow, against all reason, blown the system again.” The brainless masses of flesh had broken it five times in the last three weeks. Even after she locked the main breaker, (even after she’d locked the doors to the control room!) they broke in without knowledge and shorted the early warning system.
Soun took the folder and gave her a serious face, “Do what you must,” he said and gracefully darted to the elevator. She stared after him for a moment before clutching the air in front of her and making strangling motions. When she had her fill of that, she turned on heel and marched her way over to the security wing, whipping the key card out from her sleeve upon reaching the door. She slid it quickly through the tastefully decorated lock. A small diamond light beside the door blinked red. She slid it through again; red. Three times, four times, the small light never wavered. She threw her card at the door, “Damn it…!” echoed through the lobby.
One hour later:
Akane was sitting behind the front desk as Shampoo click-clacked her heels through the front entrance. She was covered in a body length mink coat, her shiny purple hair swishing behind her. Shampoo gave her friend a once-over.
“What happen to door?” She asked as she walked behind the desk.
“I have been forced to destroy my own creation for the last time…” Akane replied wearily, but with a spark of madness in her eyes.
Exact same time, security quarters:
Four large, burly men filled the hallway on their way to the restroom. Since being hired together four weeks ago, the quartet had formed a bond. Getting drunk together in the panic room, talking about the particulars of the job, or at least, particular women they saw on the job. The man leading the pack, Micko, stopped abruptly. The others also came to a halt. They all turned to se what he was staring at.
“What is it Micko?” the largest of them, Grunt, asked.
“This door…” he moved aside to let the others see.
‘If you enter this room, I will take enormous pleasure watching
your bodies writhe with pain as I administer the worst
punishment your tiny minds could ever imagine - AT’
Was neatly carved into the steel door.
They slowly pondered the meaning of the words before one of them came to a conclusion.
“This must have been from two-for-one S&M day when they ran out of rooms!” Chubs exclaimed. The others immediately agreed and continued to stare at the door.
Finally, Macko spoke up, “Do you think they left any… things in there?”
“If they did, we’d better check it out. The security wing must remain…secured,” Micko concluded and tried to use his card to open the door. “Denied access” flashed above the door along with some other very colorful words. Chubs shook his head in dismay.
“They were serious… just think of all the dangerous items they might have left in there!” He was echoed with ‘yeahs!’ and vigorous nodding.
Grunt looked around, “I bet the metal frame on that door over there would give us enough leverage to pry open the door.”
“That may take awhile, we’ll have to get started now!”
They moved as one to the frame of the vault’s door.
Akane followed Shampoo to the dressing rooms. The walls were lined with mirrors with circular lights above them. Long shelves followed mirrors around the room and there was make-up still scattered about from the night before. Shampoo turned on half of the lamp lights and left the additional overhead lights off. She drew up two chairs and situated them sideways from the mirrors.
Akane sat down across from Shampoo and sighed, “Do your thing.”
Shampoo smiled and pulled a bag across the counter, then pulled out powder, eyeliner, eye shadow, lipstick, and a couple brushes. She opened up the powder and used the biggest brush to sweep it across Akane’s face, evening out her already smooth skin tone. She drew a thin line of eyeliner around Akane’s eyes and off the edges to give them a slanted look. She then took the second largest brush and brushed red eye shadow over her eyes, following the line of black out of the corner of her eye. A touch of red lipstick applied by the smallest brush and they were done. Akane glared at herself in the mirror, noting she looked much fiercer. The make-up had done its job and made her costume look much less ridiculous.
“I look…kinda evil,” Akane smiled.
“You is, “ Shampoo said giggling and started work on her own hair. Akane watched as she pulled half her hair into a thick elegant knot then pulled a hairpiece out of a drawer and stuck it in front of it. She turned back to her own reflection.
“I like it though. Thank you."
Shampoo nodded as she stood up, “I going to get dressed before makeup. Others should be here now.”
Akane continued to look in the mirror. The growingly familiar girl in the mirror stared back with wide eyes and then a smile. She didn’t mind dressing up as much as she said. She picked out two shiny red hairpieces from the drawer and replaced her simple clip.
As Akane walked through the door, there was already an unusual amount of men standing around her desk. She put on a stern look and approached them, “Can I help you?” she asked.
One of the suited men turned around to face her and gave her a gleaming smile. She didn’t smile back. Once you give and inch with these kind of men, any kind of middle ground is gone. And when they come to a place like this, no matter how high class it was or how strict the standards were, their natural inclination toward women usually wasn’t the most respectful.
The man standing in front of the crowd smiled wider at her response, “We’re here for the tour…sorry, is there someone else we can talk to?”
Akane glared at him, “I handle scheduling,” she lied. She often worked the desk, but strictly speaking, who came and went from the club wasn't really her problem. She heard a few masculine chuckles, but ignored them and walked behind the desk, “My name’s Akane. May I ask what party your with?”
Some of the men in the back of the group were still laughing, but the leader, or more likely, boss, stepped up and answered her, “We’re with Roku and Hashi. I’m Hashi Endo,” he said with a smile.
Ah ha, she thought as she typed it into the system. She blinked at the screen, “You’re very early.”
“Our flight was early.”
She raised an eyebrow, “A rare thing now a days.”
"Hashi-sama! You're early!" Soun exclaimed, his arms spread wide as he exited the elevator.
"I hope that isn't a problem."
"Not at all! Of course, the tour isn't running yet, but you are more than welcome to wait at our luxury bar and restaurant. I'm sure the girls there would be more than willing to cook something up for you."
There was murmuring assent amongst the group, but it turned silent as the front doors burst open.
Ukyo came jogging in, her chocolate brown hair swinging behind her in a pony tail, her long legs exposed in mini red jogging shorts that only covered the essentials. She switched to walking when she clocked the men, but didn't look at them as she sauntered up to the counter where Akane and Hashi Endo were standing.
"I think I might have beat your best time A-ka-ne-chan," she said, twirling her finger in Akane's face.
"You wish," Akane said with a smile.
"You'll see. Tomorrow?"
Ukyo rapped her hands on the counter before walking through an employee's only door. Ukyo was not the most beautiful or feminine of the girls, but therein laid her allure. She was brash and cocky and had a glow of health and normalcy that made her extremely appealing. To know her was to like her. That's why Ukyo had more regulars than even Kodachi, who was a specialist. Well, that and she was still a babe (it was a job requirement.)
Akane had to fight the scowl off her face as she watched the men watch her friend leave. Akane knew that being stared at like a piece of meat was part of the job. It was something that she dealt with on a regular basis, even just working the counter and security. But that didn't stop it from pissing her off.
If only I could get all of them to quit, she wished with a sigh, but of course, that was not going to happen. She had tried to convince all of them on a number of occasions to get a normal job, to want a normal life, but for some reason or another, they all resisted. Until they came to their senses, Akane would protect them.
"I see you were all memorized by our sweet little Ukyo. She's a gem, that one."
"So it would appear," Hashi said, oblivious to Akane's glare. Soun's business voice was stomach turning, but to each their own.
"Akane dear, wont you show them to the restaurant?"
"Follow me," she said, ignoring more remarks of "Gladly," and walked through a set of double doors. They came to a foyer decorated like a traditional eastern harem in bright reds, yellows, and purples and walked through to another set of doors that lead to a dim hallway, with wood paneled walls and photographs of Soun and the girls with their most famous patrons. They single filed through a large round wooden door and into the restaurant. Akane always felt that, while the rest of the place was tacky, the restaurant got it right. The atmosphere was dim and comfortable, with just enough modern features to keep it from feeling like a cliché old world tavern. A girl in black slacks and a white button down came rushing out through a curtain, trying to tie a big red bow tie under her collar as she ran.
"Tendo-san, we're not ready to serve yet," she said in a stage whisper that Akane was sure was calculated. Akari knew she wouldn't lead them back to her unless they had no other options.
"I'm sorry Akari, just do your best."
"Of course. Gentlemen, would you like a booth or a table?"
Akane left, going back to the foyer and checking the security sync on the computer as the girls trickled in.
"Oh Akane," Azusa squeaked as walked in, the layers of her sweet pink lolita dress bouncing as she trotted to the desk, "Widdle Azusa saw something tewwible on her way in," she said, batting her lashes and pulling an tragic face.
"What?" Akane asked, looking up from the screen. Azusa had a tendency to exaggerate. Stepping on a dandelion or the Walk sign turning red before you got to the other side of the street could be considered tewwible by Azusa, but it was her job to listen.
"Widdle Kasumi-chan is outside looking ever so pale. When Azusa tried to talk to her she didn't answer at all."
"Great," Akane muttered and stepped outside, Azusa trailing behind her.
"Oh, Kasumi..." Akane said, spotting the girl not far from the door.
"Akane-chan... I was just feeling a little dizzy and I thought I might wait here until it wore off."
Akane sighed and ordered Azusa back inside before attending to Kasumi. It was dark now and there were a few people gathering to watch the scene. Soun's was a popular stop for tourists, partly because of its notorious reputation, and also because it looked like a mixture of Sleeping Beauty's castle in Disney land and low rent strip club. Neon lights twirled up the spires and glowed along the frame of the miniature castle like a bug zapper fit for a king.
Akane stepped in front of Kasumi and tilted her chin to meet her eyes.
"Look at me. How bad is it?" she softly demanded. Kasumi responded with another bout of shivering, her eyes clenched shut.
"Ok," Akane said, barely audible, and swept Kasumi off the ground in a princess carry.
"Oh my," Kasumi choked out, clutching Akane's neck and resting her head helplessly over her shoulder.
Akane didn't have any trouble carrying the taller girl inside. They were about to open and there were plenty of people around to open doors and punch in the right buttons on the elevator to reach the doctor's floor.
"Doctor Tofu! Are you here?" Akane called into the room that looked more like a cluttered study than a hospital.
"I'm here," a voice said from behind a pile of books.
"Can you help?" she asked, planting Kasumi into a lounge chair.
Scruffy brown hair and large round glasses peeked over the mountain of books, taking in Akane and then Kasumi.
"Just fluids you think?" he asked no one in particular.
"Probably," Akane said.
He disappeared and then stood up and walked to Kasumi with purpose. Akane watched with fascination as he examined her, knowing she could never do what he does. With a pang, she noticed him tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.
"When are you going to start taking care of yourself?" He asked quietly. Kasumi gave him a small, sad smile.
"Well, I'll be going, Doctor. Make sure she doesn't get up before she should. Bye." Akane boarded the elevator without looking back.
I'm too busy to think about this right now, she thought and tried to remember if there was anything else she had to do before they opened.
+ + + + + + + + + + +
Akari's voice buzzed into Soun's office just as he was beginning to doze off.
"Hashi-san's party is preparing to leave the restaurant."
"Thank you Akari-chan. And might I say how becoming you look tonight with your hair down."
"Do you want hair in the food, Soun?"
"No, no, darling. I was just admiring you," Soun said, staring at a monitor that looked into the kitchen. Akari was standing with her hand on the intercom, her uniform of black pants, white shirt, and form fitting black vest complete and resplendent. She tugged on the knot of her bow tie and continued, "I'd rather you admire my cooking."
"That I do as well. Have a good night, little piglet."
Akari smiled at the word that would turn another woman into a murderer. He had truly collected a rare bunch, Soun thought to himself and applied a final layer of mascara before leaving to give the tour. Honestly, he hated those who wished to tour the entire house before getting down to business. The girls had better things and people to do than lay around on cushions pleasuring themselves for the entertainment men who had only paid an entrance fee.
"Gentleman," he said, meeting the group in the lobby, "I trust you are relaxed and ready to take the tour?"
Soun smiled at the general roar of approval and nodded at Hashi's ok.
"Then if you will follow me, I will show you why we entertain the most important people in the world."
He led them to a long hallway full of closed doors. Above each door, there was a small strip of lights either glowing blue or turned off. Soun came to the door labeled Turkish Bath, the strip of lights above it glowing blue. He opened the door and stepped inside, the men following at his heels.
"Tonight, fresh from China, the exotic Xian Pu awaits in the Turkish bath for the man bold enough to take on her appetite."
Shampoo sat on a stool, staring haughtily at the men as though they really had just interrupted her bathing. She sat primly with her legs together, her hair discreetly covering her breast until one of the robed bath "attendants" (girls who work in the house, but did not work in the house) brushed it aside and began lathering her chest and breasts with soap, moving slightly lower with every pass until Soun led the men to the next blue light room labeled Strip Club.
This one was smaller, and lit up in pink and turquoise neon lights. Invisible speakers filled the room with a low, pulsing beat. A foot high stage was erected at the far end of the room with a single empty chair sitting empty in front of it. A spotlight was centered on Ukyo, who hung upside down from a pole, topless, with only a small black leather skirt stretched over her upper thighs. She completed a complicated twist down the pole as Soun spoke over the music.
"Our Ukyo will provide a more than generous private show to any man who enters her private domain."
Ukyo's boots touched the floor for the first time since they entered, spun around and bent over, giving everyone a glimpse of a bright blue thong beneath her skirt. She shot them a smirk over her shoulder as Soun moved them along to the next room. Unfortunately, words died in his throat the moment they stepped inside.
Azusa sat on a girl's lap, her pink ruffled dress pulled down to expose her breasts, her skirt hiked up to her belly button. The girl behind her was strikingly beautiful, with long black hair pulled into a pony tail, and dark make up. From what they could tell, her willowy body was completely bare, but covered by Azusa. The dark haired girl's hands were on Azusa's waist, forcibly thrusting the smaller girl onto her strap on, her supple breasts bouncing with every stroke. Every man in the room was mesmerized, their eyes glued to the rhythm of their thrusting, the swinging of Azusa's tiny pink nipples over her dress.
Soun licked his lips, regretting his vow to never interfere with the girls in any way. He knew Azusa's come face and longed to join in, lapping at her clit as she came. Every man in the room seemed to be lost in similar ideas because no one had said a word or moved an inch since they entered.
Azusa came loudly, crying the other girls name. It shocked Soun out of his reverie enough for him to regain his professional integrity. He opened his mouth, but Hashi Endo spoke first.
"I'll pay. Let's... how do we..."
"I understand perfectly, sir. Please follow me to the front office where we can make arrangements."
They left reluctantly to the sight of the taller girl pinching Azusa's nipples while she whimpered. Soun made a mental note to reward them for going above and beyond.
Akane raised her eyebrows at Soun as they passed through the lobby much sooner than expected. They had put a rush order on the girls to fill the stations. Soun smirked and led the group into his first story office. I guess they'd seen enough.
Out of things to do, she let her mind wander to Dr. Tofu. She wondered if he liked Kasumi. He certainly saw more of her than the rest of the girls, but he wouldn't fall in love with someone who sleeps with people for a living, would he?
Well if he did, he's not worth my time anyway, the stubborn part of her mind insisted while the more insecure part wondered if she wasn't sexy enough. She knew she didn't hold a candle to the rest of the girls in the place, but outside, in a normal environment, she wasn't so bad, right? She smoothed down the hair she worked so hard to grow since she had run away from home a year and a half ago and couldn't help but compare herself to sweet, fragile Kasumi who probably couldn't lift a tea pot without breaking her wrist, let alone practice martial arts. She could see how the doctor could fall for someone so helpless. He was a good person who nurtured people. It was only natural that he would hone in on a fixer-upper like Kasumi.
"What could be distracting one as beautiful as you, Akane Tendo? Dirty little thoughts provoked by my presence, no doubt."
"The only thought your presence brings to mind is 'How will I dispose of the body?'"
"When will you stop denying the attraction between us?"
"When there is any attraction to speak of. He's in with another party right now. Take a seat or go to the restaurant."
Kuno sighed and sat down. Since he arrived on the scene a year ago, Tatewaki Kuno had had sex with almost every girl on the premises, even ones that weren't paid for that sort of thing. His wealth and the fact that he was mostly harmless let him get away with bending the rules a bit. His father was a crazy billionaire who'd been coming to the club on and off since it had opened. Both of them spent tons of money when they were around and gave generous tips to anyone who entered their line of sight. He was even handsome, in the textbook sense of the word. But for some inexplicable reason, Akane detested them more than any of the other regular clients.
Hashi's party stepped out of Soun's office looking nervous and excited. Hashi himself smirked at Akane as he passed by, heading right through the doors like he owned the place. Akane wondered who he ordered, making a mental note to check security at least once. There was something she didn't like about him. The rest of his party trailed behind him, looking back and forth and whispering to each other like kids taking a peek at their first nudy magazine.
"Kuno-chan!" Soun greeted him enthusiastically.
"Soun," Kuno nodded in acknowledgement.
"I hope you haven't been waiting long."
"Not at all. And I've had the charming Akane Tendo to keep me company."
Akane stared straight ahead when Soun looked to her for confirmation.
"To win over our Akane you must have powers beyond a regular mortal man."
"Well, they do call me the Blue Thunder of the New York stock exchange."
"That they do. Come inside and we'll get you settled in."
Kuno flashed a sparkling smile at Akane before disappearing into Soun's office. Akane pretended to vomit and watched a stream of blue lights under her desk turn red. Without any more appointments set for early evening, Akane decided to check the security wing.
Akane made her way through the door she had pried open earlier and walked into the iHall (named for its gleaming white floor panels and walls). The first thing she noticed was the sound. Delicate female voices could be heard through just down the hall, in the control room, but that shouldn't have been possible. The door was sealed tighter than a tomb. The next thing was that she couldn't remember seeing any security outside. She assumed they came in and took their post after she'd taken Kasumi to Doctor Tofu.
But did you check?
"Damn damn damn damn!" She cursed, racing around the corner to find the door pried open by a steel beam they got from God knows where.
"What are you-" she screamed, rounding the door frame to see someone taking Tsubasa from behind in the "Classroom" on the big screen monitor. They had her bent over the desk, their hands invisible under her school uniform blouse.
"You..." she sputtered, trembling with rage.
Macko spoke up first, shifting uncomfortably due to the tent in his pants, "I can explain Tendo-san! We were reviewing the security cameras and we thought Tsubasa Kurenai's cries might indicate danger so-"
He was cut off by Akane's fist in his face. He stumbled back into his friends while she raged, "You're bouncers! Just bouncers! You shouldn't even be able to get back here! I withheld your clearance! You broke my door!"
"All due respect Tendo-san, the door we came in through was already broken."
"Arrrrggggggghhhhhh!" she screamed, and they fled. She stomped over to the big monitor and turned it off, but then immediately flipped it back on. She thought she saw something in one of the small windows. She blew up the picture for the "Luxury Office".
Ukyo sat with her back against the desk on the floor, one hand holding her cheek.
"Where do you think you're going? I paid good money for you."
"You just wasted it pal. We have rules here."
"Rules? This is a whore house," he strode over to her and pulled her up by the front of her frilly maid's uniform. With shaking hands, Akane pulled out a keyboard and typed a command. The door to Ukyo's room flew open with a bang.
On screen, Ukyo smirked. "You'd better leave now before you get the beating of your life... not that that wouldn't be fun to watch."
"You bitch," he said and threw her into the desk. Her head cracked against the wood. He raised his foot to kick.
Akane set off the alarm, but she knew that the two bouncers that were supposed to support the Hall of Desire probably fled the building. The monitor with Ukyo went dim as a red light began to flash in their room and a siren went off, but the man didn't stop. The top of his foot landed against Ukyo's jaw. Akane didn't see any more. Or anything else. Just red. The next thing she knew was happening, Hashi Endo's neck was in her hands and she was lifting him off the ground. Someone was yelling, "Stop! Akane! Don't kill him!"
Someone wrapped their arms around her waist and she lashed out with her foot, kicking their knee out.
"Fuuuckow! Godamnit, Akane," said a voice and suddenly there were hands around her face and she was looking at Soun.
"What?" she asked, her voice mild.
"If you kill him, we won't get any money. Don't you think Ukyo deserves to be compensated?"
"Compensated..." she said and dropped the man.
"Yes, very good. Go check on Ukyo."
"Ukyo," she said and spun around. Doctor Tofu was already there, carefully laying her flat and turning her head.
"Akane, could you help me move her to the stretcher?"
It felt like a dream, picking up Ukyo's limp body and carrying the stretcher upstairs. None of the other rooms had been disturbed; most had red "working" lights glowing above the door frame. Before she knew it she was laying Ukyo on a cold metal slab under an x-ray machine.
"Come on, Akane. You can't be in here while I do this."
Akane reluctantly followed the doctor out, and he placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Why don't you see what's happening down stairs? I'm sure there are some things that only you can do right now."
"Ok," she said, and made her way back through to the Doctor's study. Kasumi was sleeping peacefully, reclining in one of the Doctor's big chairs, hooked to an I.V. She took the elevator back to the lobby, but she wasn't welcome there either.
"Get out of here," Soun ordered in an unusually stern tone, "I don't want you around when he comes to."
"But there's no one here to help with-"
"Just go. I'll call some people and get Nabiki to run the desk."
There was no point in arguing with him. She left and started walking, keeping an eye out for a cab. It was only eleven p.m., but there wasn't an open car in sight. She walked toward Ukyo's apartment, one of the few familiar places she could get by foot. During the day, it was a nice enough area. Ukyo was more frugal than the other girls, opting to save some money by living in a nice apartment rather than a luxurious one. But nowhere was completely safe at night. Not long after she left the club, Akane passed a trio of youths cackling under a street lamp. They cat-called after her and she considered beating them up. After all, she wasn't at work and she didn't have to take it. But considering the night's events, she kept walking, trying to get away from them as quickly as possible. They fell silent after a few blocks, but she sensed them tailing her and she had had enough.
She ducked into a blocked off alleyway and waited leaned against the wall, taking deep, even breaths. Her stalkers appeared at the mouth of the alley, just as she thought they would.
"Hey, missy. I like your outfit," one of them said. Akane rolled her eyes.
"Whatever. Is there something you want?"
"A couple things, actually," the one said, and the other two snorted.
"Well I don't have any money."
"That's too bad," he said, moving closer.
"Yup, so go away," Akane said, pushing off the wall.
"Nah, I think I'll stay here."
"I think she said go away, pal," a voice said from the end of the alley way. Everyone stared into the darkness until a girl, smaller than Akane, stepped into the dim light.
"I don't want any street rat diseases. Why don't you crawl back into your cardboard box so I don't have to mess you up."
The first man was gone before Akane could blink. She looked down to find him on the ground, groaning. The girl stood right in front of her, facing the other two with a grin.
"Why don't you two get out of here while I'm still feeling generous?" she said. The two weren't as big on talking as their friend. They rushed the girl at once. Akane saw the shine of a knife in the street light.
"Watch out," she shouted and jumped in front of the man closest to her. She ducked to the inside of his knife arm grabbed it, bracing the elbow for a break. The man swung with the other arm and landed a hit on to her kidneys. She grunted and followed through with her attack on his arm. The bone buckled and snapped.
"What are you doing, idiot?" the little girl shouted over the cries of her attacker.
"Helping you, idiot!" Akane replied while plunging her elbow into the man's sternum, galled that the girl would call her an idiot when she'd just been punched trying to help her out.
"I didn't ask you to help!" she said, and Akane's attacker, who had stumbled back, howling and holding his arm, went flying into the wall on the other side of the alley.
"They were my attackers," Akane said.
"It's really not cute to be so ungrateful," the girl said. Akane almost decided to swing at the girl when she remembered she had only been trying to help.
She took a good look at her ‘savior’. The girl was probably around her age, but smaller and fuller figured. Her hair looked was almost as long as her own, but tied in a matted braid. Her clothes looked very baggy and worn.
“Um, thanks, I guess.” Akane said as kindly as she could. Too much had happened that night for her to muster up a genuine gratitude.
In the dark of the alley she could still see the girls smug grin, “Your welcome.”
Akane reached out to shake the girl's hand. The girl accepted it reluctantly, almost humbly, just as the smell hit Akane. She knew the smell. Living in city, it was impossible to ignore homelessness and she often gave to the ones she thought could actually use the help. But this little girl was living on the streets? A protective instinct arose in Akane and she tried to fight it.
I don't know this girl. She could be a crazy junkie trying to take advantage of me.
I don't think a junkie could fight like that.
She could still rip me off.
A few seconds passed in unsure silence. The bass of a passing car pounded by. Akane decided to speak up, "Do you... do you need any..."
The small girl stared into the street light, flipping her pigtail over her shoulder, "Look, I didn't help you because I wanted something and I don't need any charity."
It was the girls pride that made up her mind. Whether she liked it or not, she had to say it, "Don't be stupid. Come with me and have something to eat."
The word eat had the girl nearly salivating, but she still showed some restraint, "Are you sure? You don't hafta-"
"I insist."
The girl was already by her side, waiting to be led like a puppy. Akane smiled through the urge to cringe away from the smell and started to lead the way.
They walked back on to the street just as a cab was rolling up. She ran out and waved her arms in the air. The cab pulled in by the curb and the girl followed Akane inside.
"Do you know Three Clubs diner?" Akane asked the driver.
He nodded and drove on. Akane rolled her window down and smiled at the girl who was looking around the cab like she was trapped. The Three Clubs was right next to her building and she knew the owners well enough that they'd let her bring the girl in, but after they ate she had no idea what to do. She probably shouldn't have named a place so close to her apartment.
"What's your name?" Akane asked, embarrassed that she hadn't gotten it earlier.
"Ranma," the girl answered, cocky again for some reason.
"Ranma? Just Ranma? That's an interesting name."
"What's yours?" The girl asked.
"Akane Tendo," she said
"Tendo... that sounds familiar."
"It's the same name as that big martial arts school in Kyoto. No relation though," Akane said.
"Oh! That's right! The Tendo School of Indiscriminate Grappling! My old man took me there once. They've produced some pretty strong fighters. They're always in the final rounds at national tournaments."
"I suppose," Akane said, staring out the window.
"You sure you're not a Tendo?" Ranma asked slyly.
"Why would you say that?"
"Well, I noticed you grappling pretty indiscriminately back there. You practice martial arts of some kind."
"I do," she said, "Kenpo and a few tricks of my own. You too, right? You said your dad took you to the Tendo school? What do you study?"
"Anything and everything. If it has the word martial in it, I've probably studied it."
"Wow," Akane said, even though the girl sounded pretty full of herself already.
Talking had gone a long way to ease Ranma's mind. Akane noticed her begin to tense up again, so she tried to keep the conversation going.
"You're so fast, it's like you teleport. Where'd you learn that?"
"Well, you know," Ranma said, leaning back into the seat, "I picked up a few tricks in China. They have these crazy villages dedicated to developing and protecting martial secrets."
"I know!" Akane said. The girl looked surprised at her outburst, so Akane continued, "I know a girl from a village like that. She was third in line for leadership, but then lost her honor somehow. She actually had to run away when she was only sixteen years old."
"Oh," Ranma said, the wind taken out of her sails a bit, but then Akane spoke up again, "You must have really impressed them for them to have taught you secrets."
Ranma perked up again, "Yeah, I did."
They arrived at the Three Clubs sooner than Akane thought. Akane paid the driver while Ranma stood on the curb, looking out of place. With a few more street lights Akane could see the girls hair was bright red and her clothes were actually Chinese, the kind she wished she could wear to work instead of her tight ornate ones.
Akane was at the door with the handle in hand when Ranma spoke again.
“You really don’t have to…” she said, looking at the ground.
Akane smiled at her shyness. The girl was really a mass of contradictions. “No, really, I insist. While we eat I can pick your brain for new techniques and stuff.”
Ranma's eyes looked hopeful, but she didn’t come any closer. Akane reached out and clasped her shoulder.
“C’mon, it’s dinner, not a marriage proposal," she said, and opened the door to the diner. She waited inside.
Ranma looked through the glass then edged forward while Akane held the door.
The cashier, a young man who looked like he might die of boredom, watched with interest.
"Akane, is that you?"
"Yeah, it's me," Akane said, finally grabbing Ranma by the hand and leading her to a booth near the door. They sat down opposite to each other, Ranma facing the exit.
"Wow, did you go out tonight or something? I don't think I've ever seen you with that much make-up on."
"I know. Does it look strange?"
"No," the cashier said, flustered, "Not at all. You look awesome."
Akane had to smile at his bluntness. Ranma, who had been watching the door, was now looking back and forth between the man and Akane.
"So you don't normally dress this freaky? That's good to know," Ranma said just as plainly as the cashier.
Again, Akane had the suppress the urge to hit the girl. Who was she to comment on what she was wearing when she smelled like a sewer? But then that made her pity her again.
"That's right. Akane is usually a jeans or track suit person. Not those girly track suits either; real ones. Baggy ones."
"That sounds about right. She seemed like the tomboy type, but with the make-up and the fancy outfit I wasn't sure," Ranma said, and the two had a nice chuckle at Akane's expense.
"We'll call you over when we're ready, Takashi-san," Akane said and slapped her menu down in front of her.
"A-alright," he said and walked away in exile.
Ranma was still smiling as she opened her menu.
"Ooo, breakfast food. I want pancakes," the red head said. Akane tsked.
"Don't you think you should get something more substantial? When's the last time you had a real meal?" Akane asked, then wondered if she was being too insensitive. The girl didn't seem offended when she answered.
"Awhile. Weeks, at least. Definitely not since I came to Shibuya," Ranma said, still taking in the menu.
"Oh," Akane said, "Well get whatever you want. Don't worry about the cost."
Ranma looked over her menu, uncomfortable again, "Are you sure-"
"Yes, yes, yes. Let's just hurry up and decide. I'm hungry." Akane said, and hid behind her menu.
"The Chinese techniques we were talking about... remember? You said you wanted to pick my brain?" Ranma said. Akane set her menu down and met her eyes again.
"That's right. Your speed. How do you do it?"
"Well, it's actually pretty simple."
Four hours later it was three in the morning and they were out on the sidewalk in front of the diner, still talking martial arts. The techniques Ranma picked up in China were not simple in any sense of the word. At one point during dinner, when description wasn't doing her moves justice, Ranma called the cashier over to act as practice dummy. Her level of skill was amazing, Akane thought, so far beyond her own it wasn't even a contest. To be female and only eighteen, the same age as herself (she'd asked in the restaurant) it was amazing.
The conversation finally hit a lull and they sank into an awkward silence. Akane didn't want to let her leave, but she had to. Didn't she? It was crazy to let an almost stranger come to her house, especially now that she knew that that stranger could kick her ass. But to never see this girl again? To let her go live on the streets where anything could happen to her? It was obvious the girl had some kind of fall out with her family, and Akane knew exactly how it felt to have nothing besides fear and hope that things will get better. Akane crushed her final doubts and decided to let fate decide.
"Do you have anywhere to go home to? Anywhere that you live, I mean," she said, looking hard at the girl.
Ranma looked a little sad, but smiled anyway, "Don't worry about me. I've been taking care of myself for a long time."
"That's not it," Akane said, "I... Come stay at my place. It's right over there. At least come and get cleaned up. Wash your clothes. If nothing else, take a break from sleeping on the street," she said when Ranma held up her hands.
"There's no way. I could never, I mean, I couldn't put you out like that. I don't even know you," she said, backing up a few paces.
"What have you got to lose? I live alone and we've already established that you can kick my butt several times over. Please. I really want you to."
They both stood in silence again. Ranma was tense and Akane thought she could feel the other girl slipping away. She had almost given up hope, when the girl said, "Are you sure? Not for long or anything. Just... tonight?"
"Tonight or however long, really. I'm sure. Come with me?" Akane asked again.
"...Ok," Ranma said.
"Ok? Great! I'm so relieved," Akane said, skipping over to the girl. "Come on, I live in that building over there," she said, and began walking, checking to make sure the girl was keeping up.
They crossed the street and entered the building. The doorman startled awake.
"Tendo-san, good evening. You're early."
"Evening Saiko-san. This is my friend, Ranma-chan. She might be coming and going a lot so remember to let her up, ok?"
"Ranma-san, welcome."
Ranma nodded to the old doorman and skittered behind Akane into the elevator.
"This place sure is nice," she said when the door closed.
"The building's nice, but the apartments are small. We'll have to lay the futon in the living room for you."
"Anywhere's fine," she said, and Akane could feel tension radiating from her tiny form.
They reached the ninth floor and got off, walking down the hall until they reached 907.
"This is it," Akane said, slipping her key into the door. The light was already on when they walked in.
"Make yourself at home. I'm gonna go wash this stuff off my face. You can hop in the bath if you want. I'll wash your clothes and you can borrow mine in the mean time."
"I've been dying for hot water," Ranma said with meaning. Akane tried not to think about what it must have been like for her all this time.
"Well, you can stay in as long as you want. This way," Akane said, leading the way through a sparse, but tidy living room, down the hall into the bathroom.
"I've only got one bathroom, so we'll have to make due. The toilet is in that room over there," Akane pointed to the next door over.
"Ok, um, can I take a bath first?" Ranma asked.
"Of course. I'll be right in here," Akane said, walking up to the sink, "Towels are in the linen closet. Just toss your clothes anywhere and I'll get you some pajamas when it's time."
"O-ok," she said, and disappeared through the door leading to the tub. Akane heard some shuffling, then the water coming on.
She washed her face of make-up, then lingered, longing for a shower herself, but not wanting to intrude on her jumpy guest. Finally, she decided to make up the futon in the living room, pushing the couch against the wall and leaving a clear space.
"Akane?" Ranma said, appearing in the hall wrapped only in a towel.
"In here," she answered, and stood, "Let's go get you some pajamas."
"Um, Akane, I think there's something I need to tell you."
"What is it?" she asked, passing her in the hall on the way to her room. Ranma followed.
"I... I have this thing, this... kind of secret thing-"
"It's not drugs, is it?" Akane asked, looking up from her dresser drawers to stare at her.
"No, no, nothing like that. It's just... while I was traveling, I got this... curse."
"Curse?" Akane said, pulling out a set of striped pajamas, "Would these work for you? They're nice and soft."
"Uh, they're ok, but I think I'd rather-"
"So what kind of curse are we talking? Like, a gypsy curse?" Akane asked, pulling out a pair of shorts and a tee shirt for herself.
"No. It was when I was traveling in China. My pop took me to these cursed springs and I fell into one. Ever since I- I, I..." Ranma trailed off when Akane pulled her shirt over her head.
"You what?" Akane asked, unhooking her bra and letting the straps fall down her shoulders.
Ranma spun around and ran flew from the room. From the hallway, Akane heard her say, "Jeez! Would it kill ya to be more modest?"
"Sorry," Akane said with a little smile, sliding the pajama shirt over her head, "I guess I've become kind of desensitized to it. What were you saying?"
"Never mind. Could you throw me those pajamas now?"
"Sure," she said, and carried them out to the girl. Ranma could barely meet her eyes.
"Don't worry about any curses," Akane said, "I have very good luck. I was born under a lucky sign."
"Whatever," Ranma said, and walked into the bathroom with the bundle.
The moods in that girl, Akane thought indulgently, and grabbed a spare mattress from the hallway closet. She had unfolded it in the living room and was supplementing it with pillows and blankets when Ranma stepped back out in the striped pajamas.
"Aw, you're so cute. And your hair is so pretty and wavy! I've set your futon out. Are you tired?" She asked.
"You sure seem chipper," the girl said, then softened her face, "You didn't have to do all this."
"I know," Akane said.
"I don't know how to say it good, but thank you."
"Of course! It's my duty as a fellow martial artist to help someone in need."
Ranma watched Akane with a mixture of confusion and amazement. Why was she being so nice? And why was she so happy about helping someone as hopeless and mixed up as her? Of course, she didn't know about the curse, but she couldn't tell her now. She'd probably throw her out still in her fuzzy pajamas.
"I think I'm gonna go to bed. I've had a long day and I'm about ready to pass out. Feel free to use the T.V. or eat anything you want in the kitchen. Just try not to turn it up too loud if you do. Good night, Ranma."
"Night, Akane," she said and watched her disappear into the bedroom.
Ranma turned off the over head light and laid down on her futon, pulling the blanket up to her face. It was so soft and warm. She'd forgotten what it was like to sleep in a bed. Even when she was with pop, she'd never had anything so comfortable. She breathed in the smell of clean laundry and closed her eyes. She was asleep within seconds.
Akane was up late that night. Despite being tired, she couldn't sleep. Just the presence of someone else in her home, even someone she was happy about, threw her off balance. She wondered what she would do with the girl. She couldn't stay indefinitely. What she really needed was a way to support herself. There was no shortage of jobs in the city, but would there be anything she was interested in doing? The little martial artist didn't seem to have many other skills... And then it clicked. She was more skilled then four men put together, meaning she was more than enough muscle to cover the indoor post at Soun's. She sighed with contentment and smiled. Things really do happen for a reason, she thought and fell asleep without another thought. Why should she worry? Of course the girl would take the job, it was only a matter of convincing her. Starting tomorrow morning.
Author’s Note: Hi there! I’ll be surprised if anyone reads Ranma ½ fanfiction anymore, but I thought I might like to try writing, so I went back to my anime roots and just kinda went for it. For those of you who made it this far, thanks for reading and I'd love hear any reviews <3 I'm kind of self conscious about the length of this chapter, so I'd like to know what other people think, lol.
PS: I'm not too familiar with tags so I'll be sure to give plenty of warning at the beginning of each chapter and add as I go along.
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