Asuka\'s Heart of Rage | By : Henryjamesthefith Category: +M to R > Neon Genesis Evangelion Views: 7717 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own NGE and am making no money with this non-profitable story |
Author’s notes and warnings;
If you want a story about Asuka, scarred in childhood, then growing up to do brave, heroic
things to save humanity as well as slowly, ever so slowly open up to those around herself,
maybe even fall in love with a character from the original cast, or any other person at that, and
live happily ever after;
This is not what you where looking for.
This story handles abuse of power, sexual exploiting of the innocent as well as the guilty,
depicts death of human beings as well as the pleasure that was derived by the killer, directly as
well as indirectly. It’s not going to be nice, and full of flowery scenes with bluetits sitting on
This is all about revenge. Revenge at it’s very worst; revenge at it’s very best. This is all about
the inability of our minds to get over traumas that twist our sense of reality.
Its still a work in the making; and thus will take time and effort to complete. But I promise you; it
is something of a terrible fantasy to have, and quite disturbing to find in another.
if you are offended at any of the above mentioned and the warnings contained within the
summary, then I strongly suggest you leave.
If you’ve read through all that and you are still interested, then you’re probably okay with the rest
of this chapter. But; You have been extensively warned!
Asuka’s Heart of Rage
Chapter one; Trials
Asuka woke, suddenly. There was a scream, followed by another, more painful one.
“No sound, remember? I told you, but no. Well, the more the merrier…”
The voice was gruff, unkempt. To little Asuka, it sounded like every evil guy in the stories she’d
been read.
Footsteps could be heard, and she heard another series of screams. Then the steps stopped,
just outside her room.
Her heartbeat rose, and she pulled the covers up over her head, desperately hoping she’d
wake up…
The door opened slowly. She could hear the small squeak the sliding door made when it was
about half open. The sound she’d come to love, as it was always her mamma who followed
shortly after.
But not this time.
“Oh, Asuka, dear little Asuka!” the voice was sheathed in deceit, telling her lies.
The footsteps came closer, and she almost felt his eyes bore into her cover.
“My dear little Asuka. Come on… let’s play!”
She could hear her mother’s muffled screams, hear her frantic struggle behind the wall
separating them.
“mamma, please make him go away! Oh, please mamma!”
She whispered the words into her pillow, her tears streaming down her face as she wept her
liquid fear.
The cover was drawn away and she curled together, hiding her face.
“Oh, little Asuka. Don’t be shy! We’re not going to hurt you, are we?”
She felt the bed settle as the man sat on the edge. She felt a rough hand settle on her
shoulder, and lashed out. Kicking him in the side, she screamed and tried to get away. But the
man just grunted, then laughed.
“Just like your mamma, huh? Well, let’s see just how alike you really are, huh?”
With that, he tightened his grip, almost to the breaking point on her shoulder. She screamed
and kicked, but he easily tore her from her bed and pulled her out of her room.
“Let me go! Let me GO!”
Her screamed words just made him laugh again, and as she desperately tried to get away, he
reached the door to her mamma’s room.
As she looked up, she almost vomited. Bound and gagged, her mother was lying completely
helpless on her bed. Blood, tears and snot covered her face, and the rest of her body was just
as disheveled. Some strips of clothing still clung to her ravaged frame, and made the picture
even more disgusting.
When she saw her daughter, she began to convulse, tearing at her bonds, her eyes alight with
pain, fury, even murder.
Her knees felt weak, and she fell. But the man had other ideas.
“Oh, Sohryu, Sohryu, Sohryu. Your daughter should have been able to get me by now. But no,
you just couldn’t do it, could you…”
He lifted her up, and tossed her onto the woman. Asuka shrieked in pain and wrapped herself
against her mother’s body, crying her eyes out. She felt numb, incapable to do anything else.
Then she felt her hands being bound. In her dazed state, she just managed to see him tie her
wrists to her mother’s arms tightly. The pain was like a dull throb, increasing every minute.
“Now, Sohryu. I want you to lie to her, like you lied to me. I’m going to take your gag off now, so
nothing stupid, you hear? Or else she gets a dose of lead in the head”
She lay still, trembling in anger, weak with pain. As he cut her gag, she fixed his eyes with her
Barely suppressing her anger, she spat the shreds she’d torn out of it at his face.
“You… You sick fuck! They’re going to kill you, you motherfucker! You hear!? They are going to
hunt you down and kill you like the rat bastard you are, Keitaro! You puny little ass-“
He hit her square in the face, laughing as he did it. “You just can’t shut up woman! No wonder
he left you. Ah well”
He cocked the gun again, the golden round spinning into the darkness, and pressed it against
Asuka’s head.
“Now do it. Or she gets it”
Kyoko felt her stomach drop to the fiery pits of hell. There was no getting out. But maybe all
she needed was time.
‘stall, woman, stall! They’ll be here any minute! He’ll be here any moment now…’
Clenching her jaw, she mustered up the courage to betray her most precious gift on earth.
Maybe she’d understand one day. Maybe she would be able to forgive her. If she even let her
touch Asuka again.
She nudged her daughter’s face with her own, trying to get her attention.
Asuka turned her tear stricken face to her mother’s.
“Asuka… everything’s going to be alright…”
She couldn’t be sure if she’d heard her.
“Now get it over with, you sick fuck. Do me and get her out of here”
He slid the gun from Asuka’s head and placed it on the bedside table carefully.
“Oh, you just don’t get it, Kyoko. I think you need to learn a lesson”
He pulled Asuka’s left leg out and began to tie her ankle to her mother’s thigh. Kyoko widened
her eyes in horror as she assumed his reason for bringing her into this.
“Look, Keitaro. You’ll never get away with this! Just get her out of here before you start doing
me, god damnit! I don’t care about myself, but you’re not scarring her more than you already
have! Just let her go!”
He finished tying the ankle, and continued doing the other. At her words, he laughed once.
“Oh, how noble of you. But that is not what I want”
‘Not what he wants? What the hell?’
“What do you mean!”
He finished the second ankle. He patted Kyoko’s thigh and grinned.
“I mean I want to scar her in every way possible. So that your scars will never heal. Because
mine never healed, either”
Kyoko’s frustrated gaze still did not turn to horror, to his disappointment.
“Don’t you get it!? Jesus, woman! I’m going to fuck her, not you!”
He ripped the girl’s pajamas off just to drive it home just as realization dawned on her. But as
she began to writhe and scream, it was already too late.
Asuka woke, screaming into the night air, anguish and pain vivid in her memory. Clutching at her
bed sheets, she let her tears run for a few moments, trying to find her centre again.
She drew in a breath, and let it out slowly.
Footsteps outside! Who-
“Asuka, are you all right?” the voice of her guardian filtered through the thin door.
“Yes, Misato… I’m okay. Bad dream, is all”
“I’m coming in…”
The door slide aside, revealing Misato in her loose jams, an expression of uncertain concern
on her face.
“How do you feel?” she asked.
“I’m all right, Misato. It still hurts a bit, but she said it would for another week or so”
Pushing her covers aside, she pulled herself up against the wall. Gently, she reached down
and adjusted the huge bulge in her pants. Pulling them off, she massaged the huge cock
sprouting from herself.
“Do you feel it already?”
Misato almost blushed at the sight, had she not seen it nearly every day up to now.
Asuka shrugged. “Well… when I pee it feels real good, you know? Like… before… but slightly
And I can feel it grow, sometimes. It’s like when I used to get wet… “
Misato watched Asuka run her hands along the 12 inch flesh tube that hung over her left leg.
So it was finally connected… but not entirely yet. The test today should clarify that, though.
Speaking of which; they’d need the rest for today’s test. Especially Asuka. “Now then, go back
to sleep. You’ll need all your strength tomorrow, remember that!”
Kissing her forehead, she left her to sleep again.
Asuka was still stroking it, feeling slightly hotter than usual. The pulse in it was mesmerizing, the
beat of her heart mirrored exactly. Gliding her fingers over the shaft, she cradled her balls,
feeling their hefty weight in her hands. Her hand traveled deeper, behind the balls, to where up
until two months ago, her pussy had been…
Soft, smooth skin. Then her anus…
She felt her nipples harden, and a soft hiss of pleasure escaped her lips. Slowly, her cock
began to grow firmer. Fascinated by it, she let herself slide down into a laying position, letting it
roll over her belly. She then pulled the foreskin back, revealing its shiny, soft head. Cooing
softly, she pulled the skin back entirely, setting the giant head free to experience her touch.
"Wow.. it's even better than yesterday!"
She clasped the head in her palm, feeling its pressure increase. Gently tracing its girth, she
moaned in pleasure as she felt the heat travel up her spine. It kept growing, until it pressed up
against her breasts. Intense pleasure came from every time she touched it, her breath getting
shorter every minute.
It took her well over an hour to get off, and as it was her first time, she almost screamed in
pleasure had her breath not been swept away by the rush. Arching her back, she dumped
nearly half a deciliter on herself, its warm wetness covering her chest and part of her cheeks.
For a few moments, all she could feel was that warmth, pressing against her chest and running
down her side and face. Never in all her years as a girl had she encountered such an orgasm…
The cock was already deflating, leaving a cooling slick trail against her belly. The puddle on her
chest was growing cold as well, and as she dipped her fingers in it, she couldn't resist a taste
of her juice…
"Weird, tastes like fish…"
But in a good way She thought. Taking a deep sniff of her sperm covered hand, she smiled in
"If this was just a tenth of what she said I would experience, I just can't wait to get to the test
And with that, she drew the covers up and curled up around her cock, cradling it like a doll.
“Good morning, Ritsuko!”
Misato’s cheery voice broke the silence reigning in the lab, and as she looked up, she noticed
a second guest standing two feet behind her.
“Ah, Misato. And Asuka, how lovely to see you again!”
She tilted her head and crossed her arms.
“And how are we feeling today?”
“Umm… okay I guess…”
The redhead seemed to shrink back a bit, nervously staring at her feet.
“Your funeral was wonderful, by the way. Even your class turned up. You had a lot of friends
Asuka still felt uncomfortable. Feigning her death… what a way to sever ties. Although to do so
that drastically was necessary, she still thought it could have been handled easier.
“Well, shall we? We have a big day today!”
Akagi’s voice seemed to fly with joy today, and if Asuka was any judge, it didn’t bode well for at
least one person on this planet.
Leading them into a separate office, she waited for them to sit before closing the door and
sitting behind her desk.
“So. Asuka Langley Sohryu. We’ve gone quite far already, but there is still time to turn back, if
you want. Your file in Germany is still active, so you could return there if you so wished to. So,
let me ask you one last time; do you really, really want to do this? It may be considered
immoral, disgusting, and even sinful by most, but it is necessary to help this world to reduce
what happened to you. You will have to get past some quite disturbing ideas… you will get your
hands dirty. So I ask you; do you really want it?”
Asuka felt the fire in her return, burning brighter than ever. No matter what the cost, she was
going to get revenge. On all the filth on earth, on all the filth in herself.
Taking a deep breath, she stared in Ritsuko’s eyes and said just one word.
Akagi smiled. “Very well. You are now officially dead. No traces, no contacts or friends outside
our organization, affiliations like relatives are now void. You are, quite really alone now. No one
will judge you; no one will applaud you except those trusted by us. And that means only
“As you know, rape, murder, mutilation and such crimes are punishable by death. Since we hit
the second half of the second decade in the 21st century, our crime rates have increased by
over two thousand percent. And there’s no stopping it. Particularly the child abuse situation… is
progressing too fast to cope with under our judgmental system. And the fact that there is little
or no justice in that direction has lead many powerful and influential people to create this
quasi-governmental organization, called NERV. We aim to strike the crime at its core, and
shock all who wish to commit them into understanding the hard way. Because if no one reacts,
it will just continue”
She stopped, sipping at her mug of probably cold coffee.
Asuka shifted in her seat, her expectation quite obvious in her eyes.
“You are the designated Second Child, Asuka. With the Evangel bound to you, you will be part
of a shock therapy that will rock the crime’s heart to the core. But first-“
She set he mug down and stood up, placing her hands on the table firmly.
“-we’re going to need some samples. Tests, tests and more tests. And I can guarantee that
you’ll enjoy every one of them Asuka!”
Knocking the table once, she motioned them out, herding Asuka in front of her like a prized
Olympian veteran.
“I trust you’ve had at least some experience in masturbation by now, right?”
Blushing furiously, Asuka nodded once.
“Good, cause you’re going to be doing that for the next seven hours. I’m going to need semen
samples, as well as biological readings of your body under stress with the Evangel. Your new
glands need evaluation as well, since they’re experimental. Oh, and did I mention it? Your suit
arrives next week! If everything goes ok, we’ll have it fitted ASAP!
Asuka’s heart leapt as she remembered the tests she’d undergone to meet expectancy… and
her cock already began to stiffen, just from the memories.
Soon after, Asuka was led into a small hospital-like room. There was just one gurney and a
variety of surveillance equipment arranged around it, making it look like an intensive care
chamber. However, Asuka and all present knew it was in a way, true.
“Right! Well, Asuka! Now don’t be shy, we need results. And lots and lots of semen. So let’s
get you ready!”
Ritsuko began to fire up the diverse monitoring equipment. Asuka felt slightly nervous, her
hands fidgeting in front of her skirt.
“Umm… how does this go?”
Ritsuko turned around and smiled again.
“Oh, sorry. Well, we set you up and then you get it going here…” she pointed at the gurney.
“We collect, and you have the time of your life.
Asuka nodded, blushing slightly.
After a few moments, Ritsuko held out a small cylindrical object, about 3 inches long.
"Even though you should have an empty stomach, you'll need to seal your anus for this. You'll
be surprised at the mess it can produce. "
Asuka stared first at the cylinder, then the doctor. Slightly worried, she asked the obvious
"What, with that?"
"Yes. Insert it fully, then press this button for five seconds. It'll release a sealant foam, blocking
your anus for as long as we need"
Still suspicious, Asuka crossed her arms.
"You know how I feel about my… you know…"
Looking down sideways, she felt a blush creep over her features.
"Well… if you're comfortable with cleaning up your mess afterwards, leave it. But if you want,
this one will even help the testing experience"
Asuka sighed. Taking it gingerly between her thumb and forefinger, she held it pointing
upwards and studied it. It wasn't that thick, maybe half an inch at most.
"Fine, I’ll do it. So… you going to hook me up now or what?"
Ritsuko winked at her. "No. You're going to do that"
She pointed at the cylinder. Asuka followed her finger's line of sight, and then stared at the
doctor with wide eyes.
"But that would mean I had no-"
"Look, I gave you a choice, Asuka. Isn't much of a genuine one, but you decided to do it, and
we're not about to do anything you feel too uncomfortable with yet. Given your history, I
guessed you'd rather do this by your own choice than having it forced upon you"
Asuka still felt a bit cheated, but consented with a huff.
"Oh all right. Thanks… I guess…"
She turned to her test bed.
"So do I have to do this naked, or what?"
"Well, that or; you get to clean your clothes today. Personally though, I'd take this one on
naked. The sperm tends to stick, if you get my drift”
She gestured to a tube hanging over the chair.
"We'll need to collect three samples of your sperm. This is important! One is the second.
Enjoy your first time. We need your body up to speed, getting the hormones flowing and all
that. Then we need one in about three hours and the last would be when we call it a day. This is
to verify that your testicles are functioning as they should. If you're hungry, there's a meal in the
microwave over there. You can put your clothes in here" she pointed "and if you want to clean
up to eat, there's a shower in here. You won't be able to defecate, but you'll need to pee at
least twice, by my reckoning. Since we need as much data as possible on your body, we'll
need to collect that too. Same tube. Lights, temperature, air-conditioning… anything else, you
can just ask us. We'll be monitoring you, so if anything should happen, we're right there with
Asuka nodded again. Still, being taped while doing this did make her a tad uncomfortable, but
she figured that what she was going to be doing required that she got over that small detail.
Dimming the lights slightly so the glare wouldn’t blind her, she began to strip off her clothes.
Folded, she placed them in to a compartment and sealed it shut. Standing up in front of it, she
glanced at the cylinder on the table top in front of her.
“So I’m going to have to shove that up my butt…”
Glancing sideways at the small camera (thankfully without the blinking red dot), Asuka sighed,
then took a large breath.
“Humph. Well, here goes…”
She reached forward and grabbed it, by the hilt. Somehow, it seemed…
It dropped to the floor, a dullish tinkle resounding from the walls around her. Damn, the thing
was slick!
“Umm… is it still okay?”
She held her fist to her chest, a slightly worried look on her face.
“Of course not! Hell, that thing could survive getting smashed by a car, Asuka. You know,
government over-redundancy and all that”
Asuka blushed beet red. Well, it seemed delicate, right? Right…
Recovering quickly, she bent down and used her whole hand to pick it up. She then slid into the
bed, adjusting her pillows to her liking. She then flopped her tube over to the right and began to
insert it up her asshole.
“It feels real weird…”
It felt like something hot, but not hot. As she said, weird.
After a surprisingly few seconds, the seemingly super lubed probe seemed to recognize its
place. The weird feeling disappeared and it behaved like any other obstacle in her anus.
“Now, the button…”
A small click, then-
Her intestine was flooded with almost instantaneously setting foam. The hardening process
was chemical, so it gave off heat. Enough to warm her insides to a few degrees above normal,
It slowly faded, leaving a wonderful sense of fullness in her abdomen.
“Hah… what the hell…”
Right about then, her penis began to respond to the hormone-induced increase of blood flow
to the mighty muscle. Slowly, it rightened itself up against her belly, pulsing with her heartbeat.
She relaxed and closed her eyes a bit, letting her hands trace their ways over her bulging sac,
then up her shaft until the tip received some attention too. Sighing contentedly, she let the heat
spread over herself, making her cheeks flush slightly with the blood pressure. Inching its way
upwards, the tip of her dick traveled closer to her tits. After a few more moments, it pressed
warmly against her right breast, making her sigh in pleasure.
Her hands began tracing the long, thick cock amazed at its glorious size. She began to knead
the tip with one hand, sending shivers up her spine and soft moans from her mouth.
“Wow.. this is even better than this morning!”
And it was, at least twice as good. Smiling, she began to stroke it. Softly at first, then gripping
slightly harder to get more friction. The foreskin began to slip as precum glistened the
thunderous tip in its soothing, slick moistness.
Asuka began to work even harder, already working up a bit of a sweat. Her hips bucked every
so often, as the pleasure built up energy in her entire body. Already, small strands of precum
oozed down onto her stomach, slowly collecting and running down her waist.
Then, in one fluid motion, she peeled the foreskin down and moaned in pleasure as the thick,
inhibiting skin was taken from over her tip. Every touch seemed to electrocute her, making her
want it even more now. She pressed it against herself and bucked, rubbing it between her
breasts. It sparked an idea, and she tried to push her tits against it, attempting to tittyfuck
Alas, her breast were not sizeable enough to host such a huge member. Leaving off it, she
took up masturbating again, feeling her rush come even closer now. Slowly, slowly, it neared,
increasing her ability to feel every fiber in her body tingle with energy, power…
“Hah… oh god… yes…YES!”
The wave of orgasmic joy crashed over her mind, and her balls contracted to begin pumping
the semen out as fast as possible. Her cock jerked stiff, then sent a smallish spurt flying on to
her chest, followed by a much larger, more powerful squirt of sperm that splattered against her
face, into her open mouth. The next hit the side of her face as she turned, letting it soak her ear
in warm, silky seed. She savored the cum in her mouth, its salty taste a wonderful topping to
her first real orgasm.
Catching her breath, she stared at the cock, still fully inflamed and feeling ready for another go.
Her nipples were coated, each breast having received some of her excess protein, and a
wonderfully warm feeling set her heart alight to reach for her tip once more.
“Asuka. Don’t forget the tube now!”
The voice almost startled her. She’d completely forgotten her peers up to then.
Still blushing, she reached for the thin plastic sleeve, the flexible pipe connected to the tip
leading who-knows where into some machine, probably.
The sleeve slid easily on and hung on her rather loosely. Not quite sure what to do, she just
pulled it taught over her cock, and then returned her attention to her tip. As she let go of the
base, she almost yelled out as it snapped over it, a small hissing of escaping air the only sound
it made as it contracted around her flesh, sealing so tight as if it was another, thin layer of skin.
“Your Suit will be made of hat material. Quite brilliant if you ask me-“
“Yeah, cause you invented it..” Misato’s snort and tease interrupted the bottle-blonde. Not a
good move.
Flying paper could be heard over the comm. System.
“Ahem. Brilliant, because it can transmit, isolate, lube and do anything you want to do with it.
You’ll see why when we get to your first field practice. For now, I’ll just crank up you r sensitivity
a bit. There! Have fun”
The comm. Crackled and Asuka felt her cock twitch, then gasped as the micro-electronic
sleeve focused their stimulating probes upon her nerve endings. She reached out to touch it-
“AH! AAHH!!”
It felt even better! Impossible as it was, it felt better than before!
Unable to contain herself, Asuka just kept jerking off, arching her back as the pleasure wracked
her body with spasming muscles and streaming sweat. Twenty long, almost never ending
minutes, she reached another peak, and sent only very little less than last time spewing into the
cybernetic condom.
Ritsuko sat back, smiling so brightly Misato could have sworn she’d needed sunglasses.
“See? I told you she’d like it! Now, where are those two thousand yen?”
Misato grumbled, then turned away from the professor.
“Oh, fine. You’ll have it by Tuesday-“
"Along with the other fifty thou you owe me already? You should know better than betting
against me!”
Flipping her the finger, Misato just trained her eyes onto the monitor again. Asuka was already
at it again, sighing softly as she caressed the tip of the massive cock.
“All our jokes aside…. Do you really think this will stop people destroying our future?”
Ritsuko took a sip of coffee.
“In all likelihood, society will try to find us, hunt us down and destroy us. Literally. our society is
so riddled with scum right up to the highest of positions that all we can do is work with those
few trusted benefactors. Why do you think we’re based under two billion tons of granite?”
Misato shrugged. It made sense, in a way. But still…
Ritsuko sighed. She knew that look. Her oldest friend was no mystery to her, and she knew
when something was bothering Misato Katsuragi.
"If it makes you feel any better, then Yes, it will stop them. Not right away, but given enough
time, they will learn that our future is off limits. Asuka is their living proof that the future will
supersede them, and maybe, just maybe, they'll realize that fact. Meanwhile, we're just killing
those that know no boundaries. Later, we will be able to strike harder blows to the bastards
responsible, but for now…"
She left the sentence hanging in the air. Missing something, misato seemed to be satisfied. By
now, Asuka was well on her ways to release again. Misato could only marvel at the stamina of
the girl.
“How in the world is this possible, anyway? I can hold out for a while myself, but his…”¨
The huge shaft in asuka’s slick hands just became a fountain of sperm once more.
Ritsuko smiled.
It’s like this; I not only gave her the Evangel; I had to give her several improvements to even
cope with the Evangel. The stress it puts on her body would kill her if not for the implants that
control her blood pressure, hormone flows and energy gaining as well as to her muscles. You
might notice her hips are wider, her claves are thicker than before? That is the result of the
various treatments, with or without medicines, and makes her body capable of supporting such
a grand appendage”
She seemed to shift uncomfortably. Ritsuko noticed that, but chose to keep silent. Instead, she
pulled up the life sign monitors over the main video feed, showing Misato just how different
she’d become.
“Here you can see the heart rate. Slow, for human standards, right?”
It beat a steady 70 bpm. Switching to Asuka's performance once more, Misato’s eyes
widened. She looked like she was running the fifteen mile dash, and sweat was running off her
body as if she was being drenched in a continuous, light spray. Asuka’s breath was heavy, her
cheeks and entire face was flushed red and her muscles under her skin tensing and twitching
as she rocked herself to heaven. And her obvious enjoyment was seeping down between her
legs, the cybernetic sleeve no longer displacing her sperm. It trickled down her balls and
seeped into the linen underneath.
Asuka’s enduring stamina set off something of a spark in Misato, and she almost felt herself up
at the sight.
“Truly, this is a sight to behold, don’t you think?”
Akagi’s voice cut through her daydreaming. It wasn’t as if it was anyway loaded with disrespect
of any kind. After all, it was a huge penis, and she was a woman after all.
She snapped back to reality quickly and gathered herself a bit. ¨
“Well… I’m not sure… I wish we didn’t have to use fourteen year olds to do our dirty work,
The bottle blonde ran her hands through her hair and sighed. Not this again…
“I mean, I understand that it takes a young body and mind to make the evangel work, and that
you did try all you could on adults… but hell, I would do it if I could, you know?”
“Look, Misato; I am giving the kids a chance at not only having the experience of a lifetime, but
actual revenge at, admittedly, not those who scarred them, but at least someone! Come on,
Misato. It’s justice! You know it and you signed up for it! So don’t give me the morals speech,
because those assholes don’t give a rat’s ass about them either. Now be quiet and enjoy the
Turning away, Ritsuko busied herself with the report, furiously hacking at the keyboard as she
contemplated her friend’s moral issues once again.
If you don’t have the stomach, just leave…
She’d shown her around, even presented her with Rei, while one of the first despicable pieces
of shit was being… hah! Processesd. Misato had almost fainted as Rei pulled her cock out of
the bastards bloody ass and jacked off over his back. After that little stunt, she’d ranted and
raved of course. But then Ritsuko had pulled the files on the lowlife. Misato had seen some
sense there, but still insisted it was slightly wrong.
She watched her like a hawk, and if there was any chance of Misato running off, she’d know
before. After all, the organization was still in its budding stages, and if Misato leaked to
anyone… the outcome for all involved would be terminal.
While Asuka kept her speed up, she silently wondered if Misato would cave in someday. She
hoped not. The consequences were unthinkable.
Right; first off, this is going to get bloody from here on. if you looked at the warnings in the
summary, then i can assure you that every single one of them will be apliccable in teh next few
chapters. it may take a while, but I can promise you the fun, blood and guts will be starting net
chapter. I hinted at it with Rei, and you'll get that for real next chapter.
in the meantime, don't hesitate to tell me what you think; my aim in this one is to see how others
react, and I hope you will see as I see.
Yours sincerely,
A/N the second; Somehow the formatting is real screwed. don't know how, but I'm working on it. Sorry!
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