An Uncertain Future | By : Twill Category: Pokemon > General Views: 12871 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
A/N: Just a warning if you're expecting sex be prepared to be here for the long haul. Just did a pretty big workover of this after some advice from a kind stranger. With that I hope you enjoy and please feel free to review or send me a message directly at
The sun overhead shone on the secluded ranch style house that sat atop a large sprawling hill, miles set back into the forest west of Azalea town. Kirlia sat looking towards the solitary grime encrusted window that was the only hint of the outside world. It was dim where they were kept, the dirt floor only adding to the depressing air of their prison. Wes hated them; he hated all of the psychics that he kept here.
“There are no fights today,” Abra said to her, his telepathic voice clear in her mind as he approached. He was walking away from another small group at the other end of the basement. She couldn't make them out clearly in the poor lighting but she knew their silhouettes well, there was rarely anything else to see down here. “Kadabra said there is going to be a few tomorrow though, and a big tournament on the weekend”. She glanced over at one of the three familiar shadows.
“We missed the food didn't we?” It wasn't really even a question, Abra merely nodded in response. Kirlia sighed. The psi pokemon sat down beside her and she shifted her position to lean against him, glad to feel his warmth against her. Wes afforded them no comforts beyond the packed dirt floor and wooden walls. The two of them sat like that for a while and Kirlia's mind drifted to the upcoming fights.
She hated fighting, but Wes was convinced that she would gain the power to see into the future if she got stronger. And though he hated psychic types, insight into the future was enough of an incentive for him to keep her kind around. If there was a psychic to participate in the fights on his behalf, Kirlia would be the one making an appearance. Her fighting abilities were matched only by Kadabra's, and Wes had higher hopes for Gardevoir than an Alakazam, so she was picked for most of his battles when he needed a psychic.
Despite his wish to master the future, Wes couldn't care less about his pokemon as long as they won him more pokemon and money. The underground fights he ran brought in a lot of both, and the fact that they also brought in quite a number of unsavory people didn't seem to bother him in the slightest. That's how she had ended up here...
She had been captured by a different trainer when she was very young. She didn't even remember anymore where she was born, and only the faintest memories of her family. It seemed like a lifetime ago yet it hadn't even been a year, at least as far as she knew. The man who caught the tiny Ralts left her in the pokeball for almost the entire time he kept her. She had only been released once Wes had won her from the man. She didn't know which was worse, the dreamless sleep suspended in the pokeball, or sitting here consciously watching her life go by.
She glanced at Abra. No, she knew which was better, despite all the hardships and misery of this place. She wriggled closer to him. “Abra?” She asked, her voice quiet even though they were talking telepathically. “If we ever get out of here, well, I have nowhere to go. Can I stay with you?”
“When we get out of here,” he corrected her soothingly, “we will be together wherever we end up.” Kirlia smiled and snuggled up against him. However unlikely it would be that either of them escaped this place, Kirlia was happy as she drifted off to sleep against the small fox like pokemon. Abra himself had no illusions of ever leaving this prison they were kept in, but he would give anything to make Kirlia smile, even if for just a moment. And with that, he too drifted off to peaceful slumber.
Kirlia woke to a shifting at her side feeling refreshed. She hadn't been tormented by the dark dreams that usually occupied her sleeping mind, and looking to her side, saw Abra trying to inconspicuously rejoin her. “Sorry for waking you, I tried to not bother you but I also didn't want us missing yet another meal,” he apologized sheepishly.
“Don't worry about it,” she replied with a quick smile, taking the bowl he offered. It was a small thing, but it was the same gesture that months ago had saved her life. The food was the same as it had been for the past four months they'd been here. Truthfully it didn't really taste like anything, but it was dry and just as stale as the miniscule amount of water provided.
They quickly finished their morning meal. The only indication of time coming from the soft glow of the grimy window, and the fact that they had been fed. The light that entered their basement didn't change much other than going from very little light between sunrise and sundown to none at night. It had been disorienting getting used to it and every time she was brought out to fight she was blinded for a few minutes before her eyes could adjust. The only other light that ever touched their dark confinement was when one of the five psychic types imprisoned there practiced their abilities, or fought...
After their meal they had nothing left to do but wait. If Kadabra was right and Wes was running fights, there was a chance one of them would be called upon. It wasn't that often, but even Wes' hatred of them wouldn't keep him from using the psychic types if it meant winning.
Other than waiting there wasn't a whole lot to do. Kirlia didn't like the other pokemon who were kept locked up with her and tended to stay by Abra's side as much as she could. The others weren't cruel intentionally but they had been imprisoned far longer than she or Abra, and had long ago lost hope. Espeon especially seemed to be rather hostile towards her though she had no idea why.
Kirlia and Abra decided to entertain themselves for the time being by practicing various psychic maneuvers. Abra was quite impressive with his teleport ability and had shown her some very useful tricks to help her evade and confuse enemies. Kirlia had more raw power than her friend, but he had much more finesse. They stared at each other, the blue violet glow of their psychic energy playing across the room. She waited for him to make the first move, trying to read his energy and not let him surprise her like he normally did. And then it happened.
He was gone for a split second, but to her psychic eye, he had reappeared in two places. One was a fake and she swung to see him launching a psybeam at her. She went to dodge but a translucent barrier leapt up beside her. Panicking, she teleported out of the way without thinking, and he was ready for her. Psybeams from different directions were already converging on where she appeared. She teleported again into the same situation.
Abra was quick but she was still stronger than him, and she decided to try one of his tactics. She launched herself into a quick succession of three teleports, each time appearing for no more than a second and firing psybeams from each hand. Psychic blasts crisscrossed their impromptu arena, but she realized she had put too much into the attacks, not concentrating enough on her foe.
Upon rematerializing after her onslaught, she felt him, and noticed the paw that touched her back. She knew what was coming. It was a weak attack as they were only sparring, but the psybeam hit her square in the back. The energy from the attack lit up every nerve in her body in a sensory overwhelming jolt. She stumbled trying to quickly shake it off and turning to the victor.
“I can have all the power in the world but if I can't hit you it won't do me an ounce of good,” she said jokingly as she congratulated her friend.
“You're getting quicker though, and we have all the time in the world to practice,” he said with a mirthless chuckle. It was too true. Breathing hard the two sat back down in their corner and talked quietly for a while. Around what they assumed was midday they heard the sounds of fighting coming from above, the battles raged but no one came to drag them above.
The noise eventually died off and Abra had fallen asleep next to her. Kirlia usually joined him in his afternoon nap but despite the all too familiar monotony of her imprisonment, she actually almost felt happy today. Sitting there by herself she drew on her psychic energy and created a slow, swirling disk of blue and violet energies that gave off a soft light. She always enjoyed watching the beautiful colors of her psychic power swirl and shift, she wasn't just a tool of destruction.
Kirlia wasn't sure how long she sat, staring contentedly at the colorful disk floating before her, but a noise from above immediately snapped her out of the trance. She listened to the sounds the creature made as it descended into the basement. It was the sound of only two legs, she sighed as it would be Zoroark bringing their food down. Her suspicions were confirmed as the silhouette of the large maned fox rounded the corner from the stairs and dropped the food off before returning the way he came.
Zoroark held just as much love for them as Wes did, but his feelings were born of his loyalty to Wes, unlike Absol. She glanced over at the sleeping Abra and decided not to wake him; and upon hearing the door above close, she got up to grab some food for them. The sound of the door closing of course also triggered the other group to head for the food.
The others most likely wouldn't try and bully her away from the food, at least not anymore, but she would still rather avoid them. Not caring what they thought, she teleported next to the food on the ground and grabbed enough for her and Abra before once again teleporting back. Only Espeon ever seemed to look for a fight and even then rarely, but they would also occasionally mock Kirlia and Abra for being so close. Not that she cared what they thought or said anyway, but she was more or less in a good mood and didn't want them to interfere with it.
Kirlia sat back down next to her sleeping friend and slowly picked away at her portion of the meal. She finished and closed her eyes, going through the motions she had performed many times before. Kirlia reached out with her psychic energies, trying to feel the very fabric of the world around her. Wes seemed convinced that she would be able to see the future, and if she did develop those kinds of powers then maybe she could find a way to escape, not that she'd gotten anywhere so far. She jumped and let out a squeak as a bolt of psychic energy shot up her arm.
“How are those precognitive abilities coming along,” Abra's voice questioned in an amused tone. Kirlia's shocked face turned to look at him and then to his surprise changed as she broke into a fit of giggles. Abra couldn't help but smile at her. True laughter was such a rare thing where they were, and she did look very pretty when she laughed... Abra blushed to himself and looked down, seeing the bowl of food she had gotten for him. “Thanks,” he said as Kirlia got her laughter under control.
“Mhmm,” Kirlia replied happily as she rested her head on his shoulder. They sat like that for a time as Abra finished off the rest of the food and enjoyed the feel of Kirlia resting against him. Kirlia's good humor seemed to be rubbing off on him as his heart felt lighter than it had in weeks. He could almost believe that they would make it out of this place someday.
Night fell and once again the basement was plunged into utter darkness. After a short discussion the pair resigned themselves to sleep, and for the second night in a row, Kirlia's dreams were a pleasant escape from her true life.
Kirlia woke slowly from her peaceful slumber and let out a choked squeal as she realized what had been tickling her chin. Fear coursed through her as she tried to back away from those blood red eyes now inches from her face. Abra's eyes shot open from the scream and instantly knew its cause. Absol was standing right in front of Kirlia with a wide grin on her face, clearly pleased by the response she had gotten from the frightened psychic type. Kirlia's heart raced as she unconsciously tried to push herself farther against the wall behind her.
“Don't you two just look precious?” Absol mocked, still with a deranged smile on her face. “Unfortunately Master won't let me play with you today, he says he needs you able to fight for him tomorrow,” she continued, her breath hot against the frightened pokemon's face. Kirlia flinched as Absol brought one of her large paws to gently pat her on the cheek. The fuzz between Absol's thick pads tickled her face, but that smile only fueled her fear. “But don't worry, I'm sure we'll get to play again soon, and I think Master won't mind a little teaseing.” With that she withdrew her paw quickly, but not before extending one of her razor sharp claws. Kirlia gasped as her cheek was sliced open, Absol already turning away and letting her tail whip Kirlia across the face as she headed towards the other group.
Abra pulled the trembling Kirlia to him, trying to calm her down. She had brought one of her hands to her injured face and could feel the blood starting to seep out of the wound. She was so stupid, allowing herself to get caught up in her happiness the past couple of days. It had been such a foreign feeling and she had allowed herself to forget.
Kirlia tried to hold back tears as Abra cradled her against his chest but it all rushed back with the helplessness Absol had reminded her of. Tears stung the open wound as they slid down her cheek. Kirlia tried to control her ragged breathing as Abra stroked her head but with little success, crying silently while trying to block out the sounds of the Chingling now being tormented by Absol. The large feline always got a sick pleasure from the tiny pokemon and the noises it made as she batted him around the basement.
Chingling had been the only one of them to every try and fight back, using its powerful sound abilities to try and stop Absol. The poor thing was practically mute now after that. Absol eventually returned back up the stairs, getting bored with Chingling and leaving them in silence aside from the occasional pitiful chime. Kirlia had calmed down a bit and now realized she was still hugging herself tightly to Abra's chest. She pulled away suddenly, her face flushing a slight green color.
“Sorry,” she apologized as she returned to sitting next to him.
“Don't be,” Abra replied.
“No, I'm such an idiot. I-I thought, the past few days, that maybe things would get better, but it won't will it?” She was almost back in tears again. “We're just going to-” She started but Abra didn't let her finish.
“I saw a light in your eyes the past couple of days that I haven't seen since we've been locked in here. Don't let them take that from you. It will get better, and we'll get out of here soon, you just have to bear with it a little longer okay? We will get out of here.” His words seemed to have some effect on Kirlia because her face softened a little. She nodded and forced herself to give him a small smile.
“Thank you,” Kirlia said looking up at him, and he gave her a smile of his own before getting up.
“I'll get us some food, Absol brought it down with her.”
Kirlia tried to eat but she found she didn't really have an appetite. Her face throbbed from the cut Absol had given her and with the mood she was in, just couldn't bring herself to take more than a few bites. She put her bowl down off to the side and decided to steel herself.
Kirlia gently moved closer to Abra, glancing up at him, their eyes meeting. Kirlia blushed lightly at his gaze but held it, her heart racing. After a moment Abra put his arms around her and pulled her close against him. Kirlia shifted in his embrace, trying to get as close as she could, her head nuzzled comfortably against his chest.
Kirlia felt safe shrouded in his arms. She could feel his heart beat against her uninjured cheek and the rise and fall of his chest, a part of the happiness that had been with her the past few days returning.
“Thank you,” Kirlia whispered into his chest, for once not using her telepathy. Abra stroked her head, the moment bittersweet for him. She felt wonderful in his arms, and he wanted nothing more than to keep her safe, though he knew that he had no power to do so. He pushed those thoughts from his mind and just enjoyed the moment.
Kirlia didn't know how much time had passed when she opened her eyes again. She had fallen asleep against Abra's chest and judging by the slow, rhythmic breathing, he too was sleeping. She didn't want to disturb him, and simply laid there with Abra's arms gently draped over her. When his eyes opened she sidled up to him, shifting so she could sit at his side, one of his arms still wrapped around her. Abra used this to pull her in closer and she gave him a brief smile, ignoring the pain it caused to her cut.
Abra smiled back at her and glanced toward the window, light still filtering in through the grime, but only just. “You have to fight tomorrow.” Abra's good mood fading slightly.
“I know,” Kirlia's soft voice replied. “Are you worried about me?” She teased, smiling at him, her mirth not reflected in his worried eyes. Her face softened, “I'll be fine, Wes only tolerates us when he needs the type advantage, and I need to be stronger so that we can escape.”
“Yeah but, just... Be careful. Please.” He had never acted like this before, even with all of the other fights she had been in, but his concern warmed her.
“I will” she replied, nuzzling his shoulder.
When their next meal came, Kirlia went and got if for them, sitting down and handing Abra a bowl. He thanked her but looked distracted as he picked at the food. “Is something wrong?” she asked, looking worriedly at him.
“Hmm? Oh, it's nothing really, I know I don't have any precog abilities yet but... I just have a feeling I can't shake that something is going to happen.” He didn't look at her but she knew what he was thinking about.
“I,” Kirlia said, assuming a mock self-important kind of tone, “have actually been trying to practice my precog abilities and have had a feeling since we woke up earlier. We won't be in this place much longer. I thought it was just wishful thinking but I can feel it now. It won't be long until we both escape this place, and then we'll have nothing to worry us.” She wrapped her arms around one of his as she finished and rested her head on his shoulder.
“Well I guess I have nothing to worry about then,” Abra said as he let himself be comforted by her touch.
“Exactly,” Kirlia mumbled happily at his side, wriggling closer to him. She started to protest as Abra pulled his arm from her grasp but was quickly silenced as he wrapped his arms around her small frame and pulled her close. She sighed contentedly.
“Sleep well,” Abra whispered into the top of her head. She made a small noise against Abra's chest but was almost already asleep. Abra smiled as he glanced down at the now sleeping Kirlia, and with a small laugh at how fast she fell asleep in his arms, quickly joined her.
Kirlia woke early the next morning glad at the comfort of still being snuggled up against Abra but greeted by a much less welcome presence.
“Get up, you fight in an hour,” came Zoroark's voice as she looked up and saw him standing over the two previously sleeping pokemon. “And clean yourself up, you look like shit,” he said, throwing a cloth onto her and walking off. Kirlia pulled herself from Abra as she sat up, taking the cloth.
“I think you look great,” Abra said to her, his voice soothing if a little sleepy. Kirlia felt herself blush slightly at the comment but smiled at him. She ran one of her hands across the cut Absol had given her. It didn't hurt nearly as much as it did the other day but she could still feel flakes of her dried blood on her cheek. She dipped the cloth Zoroark had given her into her water and began trying to wash some of the blood and grime off of her.
While Kirlia cleaned herself up, Abra went over to where Zoroark had left the food and grabbed some for Kirlia and himself. He was worried about her, and the feeling he had yesterday was still with him, though Kirlia did have a point. She was far from helpless, she could handle much more psychic power than he could and she was a good fighter, quick to adapt. Even though they didn't spar frequently, he didn't think he'd be able to keep ahead of her much longer even with his quicker speed.
Whatever happened he couldn't do anything about it, powerless to help or protect her, the best he could do was to keep her spirits up. As he rejoined Kirlia he pushed down the worry he was feeling and tried to sound positive as he placed a bowl next to Kirlia who was still working at cleaning herself with the cloth.
Kirlia ate quickly, not that it ever really took long with the pittance they were fed, and looked at the subdued Abra she sat next to. “I'm going to be fine,” she said softly to him. He looked up from the bowl he had been pushing his food around in.
“Am I that easy to read? I know you will,” Abra replied quickly forcing a grin.
“You don't look like you think that,” she said, and gave him a quick poke in the side. “You've helped me get much faster and I've always been able to hit hard, I doubt they'll even land a blow on me out there.”
“Well then I guess you'll have to prove it to me. Prove it to me that you can win without being touched.”
“Maybe I'll do just that,” Kirlia said poking him once more but this time following it up by grabbing his arm and pulling herself close to him. Abra couldn't help but give a genuine smile at her confidence. They just sat there together until it was time.
“Well, I guess I should get going,” Kirlia sighed, picking herself up as Abra stood with her.
“Good luck.”
“Thanks,” Kirlia gave him a smile and turned to head up towards the stairs. She hadn't taken more than a half step before she was spun around from behind. She gave a surprised squeak as she was thrown into a fierce hug but melted once in Abra's embrace.
“Promise me you'll come back safe.”
“I promise,” she nuzzled his neck and reluctantly broke away. “I'll see you soon.” Abra watched her disappear around the corner as she headed up the stairs to the impending fight. And with that, he sat himself down and did the only thing he could, hope and wait.
Kirlia emerged from the stairway and into the house above. She was forced to squint her eyes at the brilliance of the direct sunlight shining into the room. She didn't care much about getting stronger in battle besides the thoughts of escape, but she did smile however. She enjoyed the feel of the sun on her skin and how it lit up the grass and trees. At least there was something she could look forward to while being forced to fight.
Walking through the house, Kirlia headed towards the back door and out to where Wes had his arena constructed. Abra had explained it to her as she knew nothing of human affairs, but Wes' underground fights weren't sanctioned by the pokemon league, and didn't follow the rules they dictated to keep all parties involved safe.
Fights rarely ended before one of the participating pokemon was seriously injured, and more than one pokemon had died in these fights. She opened the door and stepped out into the fresh spring air, gazing over the crowd gathered around the arena. No reputable trainer would be caught dead participating in unsanctioned matches, but for those who were willing to risk the safety of their pokemon, good money could be made here.
Kirlia walked towards where Wes was standing, the field placed away from the house to reduce the risk of damage. She stopped a ways back not wanting to bother him, he would call her when it was her turn to fight. Zoroark turned and noted her presence. She didn't really know what rules he had for battling since it seemed like truly powerful pokemon never fought. Wes' Absol and Zoroark were far more powerful than any of the other pokemon he had but as far as she knew he never used them in fights.
She didn't really care either and turned to watch the two who were currently battling. A Vulpix and Makuhita were trading light blows with each other. The match must have just started as it seemed they were still sizing each other up. The Vulpix was certainly quick but Makuhita had raw power and endurance, the two seemed fairly evenly matched and from the noise the crowd was making, it was turning out to be an interesting fight.
Kirlia tried to ignore the commands that the trainers were yelling at their pokemon and just focused on the combatants. Vulpix suddenly increased her attack's strength and shot a powerful ember at Makuhita, using its speed to keep away from the fighting pokemon. Makuhita took the brunt of the wild flames but shrugged it off and rushed the small fox.
“Fake out!” Kirlia heard one of the trainers shout and Makuhita rushed in. Vulpix tried to stave off the oncoming pokemon with a quick burst of flames but Makuhita ran straight through them. The attack didn't hit hard but Vulpix flinched. Makuhita took this opportunity to drive his fist into the Vulpix's side, sending it skittering across the ground.
The thrown fox struggled back to its feet but Makuhita didn't give it any time to recover before continuing its offense. Vulpix barely managed to get out of the way of Makuhita's tackle with a quick attack of her own to dodge. Makuhita didn't let the miss throw him off for long and quickly changed directions to begin at the fire fox once again.
Vulpix engulfed herself in flames, a heat haze billowing overhead, as it whipped up a fire spin as a last ditch effort to stop the fighting pokemon. While it hesitated a brief moment, Makuhita still launched himself onto the burning fox. Flesh hissed as the larger pokemon crushed the flame covered fox into the ground, a mixture of dust and smoke rising from them.
The two disengaged, backing off and slowly circling the other, checking the severity of their injuries. They both were breathing hard, each closely eying the other for any opening they could take advantage of.
Makuhita had a number of painful looking burns along its body but if a little slower than when he started, didn't look too bad. Vulpix on the other hand was trying to hide that one of its legs was injured, but Kirlia could see Vulpix reluctant to put weight on it.
“Now!” the trainer at Makuhita's side of the field shouted and it launched itself towards the Vulpix who stood its ground and shot flames at the incoming opponent. Makuhita roared as the flames covered his body but didn't let it stop him from barreling into the fire type.
“Vital throw!” came another command and with that Makuhita grabbed the surprised fox by the throat and violently launched it into the ground where it ceased to move. Makuhita landed a small distance away, pain obvious on his face from the burns, but still standing. The Vulpix's trainer was shouting at it to get up but it didn't so much as twitch.
Makuhita moved towards the downed vulpix to ensure the fight was finished, but the match was quickly called with Makuhita's trainer as the winner. Kirlia would be up next.
She waited for Wes to motion her over before joining him. If nothing else could be said about the man, he knew how to win pokemon battles, and even if he did disregard the wellbeing of his pokemon, he was good at what he did. Kirlia could see the hatred burning behind his cold eyes as he looked at her, but when he spoke it was calm and dispassionate.
“You'll be fighting a Nidorino. He is stronger than you but you will have the type advantage so don't let him get close and end it quickly. Your speed has been improving so don't disappoint me.” He was confident in this fight, she could see it. He was expecting to win without much effort. His expression changed for a moment though, letting some of his hatred show through. “I have a lot riding on this fight, if you screw this up...” He left the threat unfinished but Kirlia didn't need him to complete it, she knew what was on the line for her.
She nodded and followed as he turned his back to her and headed towards the trainer's box at one end of the battlefield. The onlookers hushed as Wes took his place and Kirlia walked out onto her side of the field. Wes' skill in battle was well known by those who frequented his underground fights and he rarely lost. The man who was standing across from him now however was a newcomer, but he carried an arrogant pose as his Nidorino took its place opposite Kirlia.
“Begin,” a voice cried from off to her left and she fell into a fighting stance. Neither pokemon moved. Kirlia stared intensely at the sharp looking Nidorino, who did the same to her. Each of the trainers were silent, allowing their pokemon to do what they felt was the best course of action as well as not revealing their pokemon's attacks. Kirlia could see that the Nidorino was powerful, he stood confident and ready, and he looked quick. Kirlia only stood, allowing her psychic powers to flow from her, trying to sense her surroundings.
They both moved in unison, Nidorino launching himself towards her with surprising speed. Kirlia feigned dodging backwards, what would have been a stupid move had she been planning on committing to it, and she saw the eyes of her opponent light up as he poured on the speed. He was incredibly fast, much faster than Kirlia was expecting but this was just what she wanted.
She stopped moving and put up the psychic barrier inches from the surprised Nidorino while charging a psybeam. He slammed into the translucent purple-blue wall and Kirlia immediately dropped it, releasing her attack. Nidorino recovered from his daze just quickly enough to take the psychic blast full in the face. He was thrown back as Kirlia teleported. She appeared above him, dropping from the sky above him.
He recovered much quicker than she had expected though and spun into an awkward tackle. Surprised she was forced to teleport away to avoid the attack. They had effectively reset, Kirlia stood a distance from him as they both stood still, sizing the other up again. Fire now burned in her opponent’s eyes from the last set of attacks.
Kirlia let him make the first move. The Nidorino charged again, its trainer telling him to use poison sting. The fight would end quickly if she allowed herself to be poisoned. Again she charged a psybeam and prepared the throw up a shield. Nidorino anticipated her trick though and began moving erratically, trying to get her to waste her barrier. He saw the shimmer appear and shifted quickly so he'd hit the barrier feet first. Kirlia released it as soon as she saw she wasn't going to catch Nidorino off guard again and released her attack.
While his momentum had been killed by hitting the barrier, he quickly dodged the psybeam and continued on. Kirlia couldn't keep this pace up; it took a lot to throw up those barriers as well as attacking and teleporting around. Nidorino was bearing down on her again, preparing to envenom her with the horn on its head. He was too quick and she was forced to teleport away. She didn't move far, trying to conserve energy. He turned to stare at her but didn't make any move, they were both breathing hard.
She began to charge an attack, psychic energy creating a distorted haze of color around her arm. She stared at the poison type and was surprised by what she saw. Reluctance and uncertainty. She had never thought about how her opponents felt about fighting. She faltered a second, unconsciously letting the attack she was charging dissipate, suddenly feeling hesitant. And that brief moment of hesitation was all the time that Nidorino needed. As soon as she had let her guard down Nidorino's eyes lit up as his trainer called out for a quick attack.
In her shock at her own stupidity Nidorino turned into a blur. She couldn't do anything, he was too close and she took the hit, air being forced from her chest as she slammed into the ground, the weight of her attacker landing atop her. Wes was yelling at her to get up but she only half heard him, head ringing.
“Fury attack!” came a yell and Kirlia felt her body being pummeled by fierce, quick blows. Her vision swam and she could still barely breathe after being winded from the initial attack. She couldn't hear anything but the blows slamming into her flesh and head. Instinctively she let out a blast of psychic energy at where the Nidorino sat atop her. He had plenty of time to jump out of the way though, and Kirlia felt him push off of her. She immediately teleported away.
Kirlia stumbled as she reappeared, trying to breathe through her pain. “End it Nidorino, horn attack!” The shout snapped her back to awareness of her surroundings but it was too late, she looked up just in time to see her opponent slam into her with the final blow. Pain lanced across her chest as Nidorino's horn sliced a gash into her, and she blacked out as she connected with the ground.
The crowd roared as Wes returned Kirlia to her ball and gave a nod to his opponent before walking off the field. The other man smiled as the crowd cheered for him. The winning trainer's Nidorino slowly walking back towards his trainer, finally allowing his exhaustion to show.
Wes kept a tight rein on his fury until he was back inside his own house, away from the others. He released Kirlia. She fell to the ground after rematerializing in a flash of red light. She gasped as pain washed over her, vision blurry. It took her a moment to regain awareness, eyes snapping open and up as she looked at Wes.
She had never seen him so angry, his eyes drilling right through her with pure malevolence. He advanced on her. The room itself seemed to darken. “You... Do you have any idea how much you just fucking lost me?” He practically spat the words at her. “You worthless excuse for a pokemon, I don't even know why I allow you to live.”
Kirlia was trying to back away as quickly as her injured body would allow, losing to his steady advance. Tears streaked through the dirt on her face, falling to her chest. “I-I'm sorry...” she tried to stammer out, fear all but crippling her and her telepathic abilities.
“I don't want your worthless excuses! You are nothing to me!” he screamed in reply to her pathetic apology and she felt herself on the edge of the stairs that led down to the basement. His advance stopped with him towering above her, merely a foot away. His foot came up and shoved her backward into the waiting darkness. A collision with the stairs once again stole away her consciousness.
Abra had been sitting back against the wall with his eyes closed, listening to the muted sounds filter in through the walls. He hated it. His only information to what was going on was the roar and other sounds from the crowd as time crawled tauntingly by.
He heard footsteps above and the release of a pokeball. His heart sank and he heard Wes' furious voice shouting above. Abra's breath caught and had to fight the urge to rush upstairs, even though he knew that would only enrage their owner more. Something descended the stairs wildly as the door was slammed from above, and Kirlia's limp form was deposited into the dim basement.
Fear took control of Abra as he teleported to her side. He nearly choked when he looked down at her. Bruises marred her entire body and blood was smeared from a dozen or so cuts and scrapes. The worst was the large gash that ran across stomach and chest that slowly oozed blood.
A tear leaked down his face as he knelt down and gently scooped her up, cradling her against him as he walked away from the stairwell and back towards where he had been waiting before. He let out the breath he had been unconsciously holding as he saw her slow, shallow breathing. She was alive.
Abra returned to his spot, continuing to hold Kirlia close to him, hoping that she'd be ok. The other three psychic types steered clear, if Wes was upset with someone, they wanted nothing to do with it, but Abra was willing to take the chance. He stroked her hair as he anxiously waited for her to wake up.
Kirlia groaned as she yet again struggled back to consciousness. Her entire body hurt but she was warm and felt soft fur all around her.
“Hi Abra,” she said smiling weakly up at his concerned face.
“Kirlia you... What happened? Are you ok?” It came out in a rush, his anxiety getting the better of him.
“I'm sorry,” Kirlia's mental voice was faint and weak, she placed her head back against his chest. “I'm getting blood on you.”
“I don't care, Kirlia, are you... Please tell me you're going to be ok.” His concern for her made her happy even though it was probably a miserable feeling for him, his grip on her unconsciously getting tighter.
“I'll be fine, with some rest,” she smiled into his chest, wrapping her own arms into his soft fur. She heard his sigh and he relaxed his tight grasp on her to return to stroking her hair. “I guess I broke my promise,” she said to Abra solemnly.
“You're here now, that's enough for me.” He ran a hand down her back and Kirlia responded by shifting up and burying her face in the soft fur of his neck. Despite the trials of the day, they both smiled, unable to be happier.
Abra's eyes snapped open as Kirlia was torn from his grasp. Kirlia gave a surprised shout as she found herself flung from Abra's embrace and sent rolling across the ground. She looked up, coughing and was filled with dread as she saw Abra stupefied and staring at who had managed to sneak up on them during their reunion.
The look in Absol's eyes mirrored the one Wes had given her as the twisted creature approached, Abra already forgotten. “Well you look quite happy today Kirlia,” the beast snarled at her. “Enjoy fucking over our master's plans today?” Kirlia cowered in front of the insane Absol; Wes wouldn't soil his hands punishing her, but Absol... Absol would enjoy it.
Absol walked up until she towered over the trembling Kirlia, bringing one of her massive paws savagely down on her injured stomach. Kirlia let out a whimper and writhed under the furry appendage, struggling to refill her lungs.
“He allows you to live here, feeds you, and what do you do to pay him back for his generosity? Fucking throw a match? What the fuck was that?” Spit flew from Absol's mouth as she punctuated her words with another blow. The wound on her chest and stomach staining the monster's white paw with her blood, and Absol's face was now inches from Kirlia's own.
“And now Wes has put some of the blame on me for not keeping you pathetic creatures in check. No, he is not happy, and I am not happy, and I promise you, I will make you very, very unhappy.” Absol was practically foaming at this point, and he was beginning to lose control of the tenuous grasp she held to sanity.
Absol snarled and drove one of her claws into Kirlia's shoulder. Kirlia tried to hold it in but couldn't help the cry of pain escaping her lips, tears blurring her vision. Absol twisted the claw around beneath Kirlia's flesh, dragging more screams from the psychic type. Kirlia plead, begging the large cat to stop in between her sobs, but Absol's eyes had glazed, lost in her lust for suffering.
Abra had been frozen where he sat since Absol had shown up. He had to help Kirlia, but any attack he could throw at Absol would be completely useless against the dark type. His mind raced and Kirlia's shrieks tore at his soul. He felt so useless. He stood up, trying to think of something.
He came up with nothing, and with Kirlia's sobs assaulting his ears, he charged at the Absol. He had no idea what he was going to do, but he couldn't just sit back any longer. He let out a yell as he approached and leapt at Absol.
In her bloodlust, Absol had completely blocked out everything but the Kirlia beneath her, but the yell coming from her side brought her back. She whipped her head towards the sound and Abra's form flew at her, his tiny claws raking into one of her eyes. Absol screamed in a mix of pain and rage as she instinctively swatted Abra into the nearest wall. She quickly followed up by darting to the fallen pokemon and picking it up in her jaws.
Kirlia whimpered as the claw that had been tearing into her was ripped out and the pressure holding her down lifted. Kirlia tried to quickly clear the tears from her eyes and see what would cause Absol to scream like that. And what she saw made her soul freeze.
Abra vainly struggled in the jaws of Absol. The white cat's left eye was tightly shut and bleeding beneath the closed lids. Kirlia could hear Abra gasping, trying to breathe through the jaws tightly crushing his chest. “Abra no!” Kirlia's mind shouted to him. Panic and dread freezing here in place.
“Kirlia, I'm sorry. I tried to help you, but it wasn't enough. Get out of here, run away and live freely. Enjoy life doing whatever you'd like to.”
“Abra don't do this, don't leave me!” Kirlia screamed at him through their telepathic link.
“I'll be with you always,” and Abra looked at her, giving her a smile.
“You can't do this! I'll never forgive you!” Kirlia sobbed uncontrollably, tears making her vision blur as she tried to stand, to run to him. Her injuries causing her to falter and stumble back to the ground.
“Goodbye, Kirlia. I love you.” A noise Kirlia would remember the rest of her life followed, it was a sickening sound. Bone shattered as Absol's powerful jaws crushed its prey. Blood slapped the floor wetly, its metallic smell thickening the air.
Kirlia screamed Abra's name as Absol haphazardly threw the lifeless body to the side, gore matting the fur around the beast's mouth. Absol smiled at the sobs that were now coming from Kirlia and turned her remaining eye to look at her, and was yet again surprised.
Kirlia felt a change come over her. Her mind expanded, and power she had never known of flowed into her in a torrent. She began to float a few inches off the ground. She drew more and more of the energy into her, in a fraction of a second holding more psychic power than she ever had, more power than she had ever imagined. Energy arced from her body as if it were electricity, a blue-purple maelstrom beginning to form around her.
Absol stared as the sight unfolded. Energy stormed around Kirlia, the very fabric of reality being warped. The area around Kirlia became distorted as if it were some kind of chaotic mirage. And Kirlia continued to drink in the power.
Her mind protested, a dull pain beginning to form in her head but she pushed it aside and drew it all in. She had the power to remake the very reality around her. The gentle blue-purple haze that her psychic energy usually manifested as whipped around her, though now it was a vivid, blinding light instead of a gentle glow. She took in more, she wanted all of it, she could do anything. She was invincible. And when she filled herself to breaking with the intoxicating power, she realized that she couldn't control it.
She could feel the others with the tendrils of power created by her expanded mind. Absol staring in awe at Kirlia. The three other psychic types cowering from the two of them, pressed as far back as they could get in the confines of the basement. Wes with Zoroark heading towards the basement to see what the commotion was about. A few of Wes' other pokemon who were kept close to the house. A wordless, bestial scream tore itself from Kirlia's throat as she lost control of the intense psychic energy she had briefly contained and focused.
The energy exploded around her and she felt them die. The mental connections to them severed as there was nothing left to connect with, their very essence scrubbed from the world. The psychic types in the corner, the pokemon above, Wes, each of their minds were destroyed instantly by the incredible psychic energy. Even Absol flinched as the blast washed over her.
Her tears stopped but Kirlia's eyes were wide with shock. Bile rose in her stomach at the sheer horror that filled her. She had no idea what had just happened, other than she had just killed everything nearby. With that added atop it all, it was too much for her mind to handle. Kirlia's mind shut down, reverting to a primal state. With Wes' death she was released from the bond to her pokeball, and she disappeared with the telltale ripple of teleport.
Kirlia teleported away from the place she had been kept by Wes, her body moving on autopilot. With the wound Absol had given her shoulder on top of her previous injuries, she was losing blood quickly. That, added the physical and mental exhaustion, she didn't get far. Barely conscious, she had gone as far as her tortured body would allow. After one final leap, Kirlia collapsed to the ground.
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