Subjugation, Adaptation, Revelations | By : Wagamama_hime Category: > Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji ???) Views: 4012 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroshitsuji. I am making no profit, monetary or otherwise, off of this work of fiction. |
Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroshitsuji. I am making no profit, monetary or otherwise, off of this work of fiction.
Rating: Strong M
A/N: Hello everyone! This is my first time writing fanfiction for the public in the last 7 or so years (college and law school kind of got in the way). So, I decided to try my hand at it again and this three-part, strange little “one-shot” is mostly just an experiment of sorts to give me some practice and to see if anyone is interested in reading a lengthier fic (with more plot, I swear, haha). Warnings: This is somewhat of a PWP (plot, what plot?), A/U yaoi/shotacon smut fic, with a rape-scene in the first chapter (this chapter). The first chapter is purely smut; the plot and such will pick up more in Part II.This story is purposefully dark and not meant to be a “romance.” I’m not sure if its content counts as “hardcore,” but for the sake of being overly-cautious I’ll classify it as such. If you can’t handle this type of content, then this story is NOT for you!I’d love to hear some feedback, and more than anything else, whether anyone is interested in seeing any future Kuro (Sebastian x Ciel) stories from me. Enjoy!Part I—Subjugation
-His Hell-
Large blue eyes opened groggily. The small child’s vision slowly focused, but all he could see in front of him was a brick wall and wooden bars. His body felt heavy and sluggish and his head pounded, as if he had been hit with a sledgehammer. He had never felt this way before. However, that wasn’t surprising—he was only twelve years old. He groaned as he tried to stretch his arms, but his attempt to move produced little result and he heard a metallic, jingling sound. He looked up to see that his wrists were bound together above his head by some kind of shackle and the chain was linked to the wooden bars. The boy struggled and realized that it wasn’t just his arms that were restrained. He looked down and a hot blush blossomed over his face. Not only were his calves and ankles tied down, but he could see that he was completely naked. The ropes tying his legs to posts in the floor forced him into a kneeling position and prevented him from drawing his legs together, and the height of the rods in the wall forced his back to arch. “W-what is going on?” he asked, feeling his bottom lip tremble and the threat of hot tears behind his eyes. He was scared and alone, and had no conception of what he was doing here or what was happening to him.Suddenly he heard the sound of a door unlocking and dragging against the rough ground as it swung open. He then heard the sound of slow, purposeful footsteps echoing off the tile floor. The boy strained to look over his shoulder and see who had entered through the door, but it was difficult from his position suspended between the wall and the floor. “Ah, little Phantomhive, you’re awake,” came a deep, velvety voice. “And, oh, what a pleasant view we have here,” the man observed, as he was met with the sight of the boy’s most intimate places spread out before him, like a feast. Ciel struggled against his restraints, feeling extremely uncomfortable and over-exposed, now that this mysterious stranger was in the room with him. He knew immediately that this man was the reason he was here, and that if he wanted any help he wouldn’t find it with him.Suddenly, Ciel felt a cool touch against his wrist. He looked up and saw that the man was standing next to him, stroking his wrist at the place where the handcuffs met his skin. He was impossibly tall, with silky-looking raven-black hair, a strong profile, and pale features. Ciel had never really considered any man he had come across in his life “beautiful” before, but that was the only word he could think of for this man. Despite this aesthetic appreciation, however, Ciel only felt coldness coming from this man—there was something about his eyes, a deep, dark brown that held no emotions at all. And that scared him. “Don’t struggle so much,” the man was saying, a frown clear on his face, “you’re bruising your skin. And I don’t like damaged goods.” “W-what am I doing here? What do you want from me?” Ciel pleaded. When the man just ignored him and walked behind him, out of Ciel’s line of sight, Ciel began struggling more, the rising feeling of his panic causing him to become frenetic. “Pl-please! Let me go! I’m scared!”“Scared?” came the voice from somewhere at the back of the room. Ciel heard a few sounds, like rustling cloth, and the clinking of metal, but couldn’t discern what was happening. “You haven’t seen anything to be scared of…yet.” Ciel swallowed thickly in fear. It was so silent in the room that Ciel was sure the man could hear the sound of his heart beating wildly against his ribcage. Ciel’s ears perked up and his body tensed as he heard the man begin to approach him. Even though it was clear to him that the man had removed his shoes, and thus was making very little noise, there was something about the man’s presence that just filled the room and made Ciel hyper-aware of his every move. “Please, mister! Let me go! I don’t want to be here. I want to go home!” Ciel pleaded, tears starting to drip down his round cheeks. He flinched when he felt a cool touch on the small of his back. He didn’t even bother to struggle to see behind him, already knowing that his restraints prevented his freedom of movement. But that did little to calm the nervousness and anxiety he felt coursing through his veins. “So beautiful.” The man breathed as he caressed the child’s flawless skin. Ciel yelped as he felt the man’s lips press against the small of his back.“No! What’re you doing??” Ciel questioned, feeling the man’s fingers dig into his hips. “Whatever I want, as you’ll soon learn.” The man whispered into the boy’s small ear. Ciel couldn’t prevent the shudder that ran through his body. He gasped when he felt the man’s hand on his naked bottom. The man ran his hand up and down the rounded globes, caressing and squeezing at the pink flesh. He would grab the cheeks, push them together and then spread them apart. The ministrations gave Ciel a strange feeling.“Stop it, y-you…creep! Don’t touch me like that, you’re disgusting!” Ciel yelled at the man.“Sebastian,” the man said as he kneeled behind the boy.“What?” Ciel asked, confused. “Call me Sebastian,” the man whispered, his voice sending chills up the child’s spine.‘Sebastian’ then proceeded to spread the boy’s cheeks until he was staring at the boy’s tiny, puckered entrance. He breathed a puff of air against the pink flesh, which caused Ciel to yelp in surprise and resume his struggling. Wh-what is he doing back there? The boy asked himself in shock. That was a part of his body that he had never paid much attention to in his short years. Ciel’s eyes then widened as he felt the man’s fingers pressing against him there. “No! No! Don’t touch me,” he pleaded but he couldn’t move away; he couldn’t even close his legs to keep the man out.Sebastian smirked as he applied pressure to the soft, virginal flesh. He could hear the boy whimpering in discomfort and protesting against his touches. He then continued pressing with his index finger until he had applied enough pressure to breach the impossibly tight ring of muscle, gaining a pained cry from the small boy.“O-ow!” Ciel cried out, as his insides clamped down around Sebastian’s finger. “Stop! That hurts! Take it out!!”Ciel’s pleas fell on deaf ears, however, as Sebastian indifferently continued to force his finger into the boy’s tight depths. “Nooo,” Ciel whined, tears springing to his eyes. Sebastian shuddered as he felt the boy’s warm insides suck his finger in, clinging on as if it didn’t want to let go. He slowly began to pump his finger into the tight cavern, gaining more squeaks of discomfort from the whimpering boy. As his finger began to become slickened, Sebastian smirked and pressed his second finger against the small hole. In one thrust, he had two fingers buried up to the knuckle within the struggling boy.Ciel shrieked. “Oww! Please, don’t! It hurts!!” the boy cried out, his struggling causing his insides to clench down even more on the man’s fingers. “You better relax, or you’re going to regret it,” Sebastian advised. But his warning went unheeded by the panicking boy. Ciel couldn’t understand what the man was doing, or why he was hurting him like this. He groaned as he felt the man begin to piston his fingers in and out of his body, intermittently scissoring the digits inside of him, causing his insides to stretch uncomfortably. Sebastian watched hungrily as the small pink hole slowly widened under his fingers’ attentions. He pushed and prodded, stretching the tight entrance as much as he could with his fingers. The boy was impossibly tight. Sebastian found it almost unbearable to wait any longer; he badly wanted to bury himself to the hilt inside the boy’s hot depths. He swiftly pulled his fingers from the snug cavern, gaining a grunt and a whimper from the boy. He would’ve loved to have had the boy suck him off—there were so many things he could think of to have the boy do—but right now all he wanted was to be inside him. Ciel trembled at the feel of the extraction. His body felt strange. Although he was relieved that the man had finally removed his fingers from that place, he felt strangely empty there and uncomfortably open. He was half-afraid that his body would never return to normal. He was then jerked out of his musings by the feeling of the man’s cool hands on his hips. “Remember what I told you,” Sebastian said as his fingers sunk into the supple flesh of the boy’s hip, “relax or you’re going to regret it.” Ciel gasped as he felt something hot and thick pressing against his sore and stretched entrance.“W-what are you doing?” he whimpered, trying to pull away.“Fucking you,” Sebastian breathed as he began pushing against the tight ring of muscles.Ciel groaned in discomfort. What is he putting in now? He wondered to himself. Then, as he felt the thing finally make its way inside, a scream was ripped from his throat. It was painful, so painful. And much thicker than anything Sebastian had used before. Tears sprang to the boy’s eyes, quickly filling them and distorting his vision.“O-ow!! Owww! It hurts, it really hurts! Take it outtt! P-pleeaase!!” he screamed, sure that he was being ripped apart by the massive thing inside of him. “Someone! Help! M-mommy! Daddy! Please help me!!”Ignoring the boy’s panicked and pained cries, Sebastian groaned as he continued to push his length into the narrow passage. The hot, wet walls were clamping around him, as if attempting to push him out. Ciel struggled and pleaded as more of the thick length continued to snake its way inside of him. Sebastian, unable to get the leverage he wanted and fighting against the boy’s resistance, grabbed the boy’s leg, easily undoing the ties holding the limb in place, and lifted it. He groaned in appreciation at the beautiful sight of his thick member partially imbedded inside the boy’s plump ass, and struggled to prevent himself from cumming right then and there.Holding on to the boy’s elevated thigh, Sebastian thrust hard, sinking as much of his remaining inches inside the boy’s sheath as he could. Ciel let out a tortured groan. Sebastian then began slow, deep thrusts, but found his movements difficult. Obviously, the boy lacked much-needed lubrication. Soon, however, the way became much easier, and Sebastian could see that his cock had been slickened by traces of the boy’s natural juices and streaks of red, evidence that the boy had begun to bleed. He leaned his lithe form over the boy, dominating him as he used his free hand to caress the small form, tracing the ribs with his nails and tweaking the small pink nipples.Ciel found the pain resonating from where their bodies were joined unbearable. He bit his lip, in an attempt to distract himself but nothing could take his mind off of the man’s brutal assault. As Sebastian’s pace increased and the sickening, sloppy-wet sounds that accompanied every one of the man’s thrusts started to fill the room, Ciel realized that the man was speaking to him. “You’re mine, you’re mine, little kitten” Sebastian panted into his ear. “Just look at how I’m taking you. I own you. Look at my cock buried balls-deep in your little ass.”Ciel gasped and couldn’t stop himself from looking down. What he saw was difficult for his young mind to process. He… that’s his—it’s inside me!? The boy wondered with shock, as he stared down at the thick appendage thrusting in and out of his body like a piston. He didn’t know that a man could do that with another man… A yelp was forced from his lips as the man adjusted his position and hit something inside of him that made him see stars. It was the most intense feeling he had ever felt. He heard the man chuckle and soon he was ramming against that spot over and over again. “Nooo, noooo!!” Ciel pleaded, not sure what would come of these feelings. He was still in so much pain, but every time the man hit that spot it gave him the craziest feeling in his tummy, like it was filled with a thousand butterflies. He was torn between heaven and hell and he was sure he would go insane. It was all too overwhelming.Sebastian’s pace increased as he felt his resiliency slipping. He was close, so close. Ciel could hear the man speaking, muttering things like “Fuck, fuck… oh shit,” in a growl-like voice. As the man’s voice increased in urgency, so did the pace of his thrusts. The boy could not take very much more. His head had become cloudy, and he felt like he was falling apart. Suddenly the man came to an abrupt stop, grunting loudly, and then Ciel felt something hot spurting inside of him. The boy squealed, overwhelmed by the foreign and uncomfortable feeling. But that had apparently been the last straw, as he let out a small whimper and slipped into unconsciousness. Sebastian panted as his body jerked a few more times, allowing himself to be milked dry inside of the boy. He had felt the boy’s body go limp during the final moments and looked down to see the boy’s slumped form, supported only by Sebastian’s grip on his hip and thigh. He groaned as he pulled himself out of the still-tight opening, and watched, slightly fascinated, as his cum began to dribble out of the abused hole and down the boy’s creamy, blood-streaked thighs. He stepped back and stretched, surveying the scene in front of him. Bruises and scratches peppered the pale hips. I guess I was a bit wilder than I had intended, Sebastian mused to himself, but then he shrugged. He would tend to the boy’s injuries later, but for now he would at least release him from the restraints. He didn’t want to add more bruises to the pale wrists and ankles.Stepping over to the pile of clothes he had discarded on the floor, he felt around in his pocket for the keys to the boy’s shackles. Coming around to his front he glanced at the child’s face. It was streaked with dried tears and still flushed a bright pink. He reached up and undid the restraints around the boy’s wrists, grabbing on to the limp form once he was freed from the wall, and easing him down to the floor. He then stepped behind the boy and untied the rope that was still tethering his left leg to the ground. He rolled the unconscious boy on to his side. Aside from what the boy had just experienced, his face looked slightly peaceful—as if he were merely sleeping.Sebastian turned his back on the boy, and quickly re-donned his attire. After such a vigorous ‘workout,’ he figured a nice shower would be just the thing. Glancing over his shoulder at the small form of the boy, unconsciously curled into a slight ball, he couldn’t help but smirk as he thought of all the things he would teach the young Phantomhive, once he had had a chance to properly introduce himself. Later, later, he thought to himself as he opened the door and stepped out, all good things to those who wait.A/N: That’s the end of Part I! Let me know what you thought. This chapter didn’t have much in the way of plot, but as I stated in the beginning, this story will have three parts, so stay tuned to learn more!
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