Spy x Request | By : moviefan Category: -Misc Anime > Het - Male/Female Views: 1932 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I own nothing. |
(A/N: Ok, so, I recently discovered the joys of Spy x Family; yes, I was a little late to the game. Sufficient to say, I loved it, and it gave me the idea for a small plot point I could work with. And wouldn't you know it, it fit perfectly into my lemon writing challenges. This one takes a more comedic route, which actually works out well for the series it belongs to. If you're here for the lemony goodness, read in full, but if you prefer to skip that part, then read up to the first page break and then after the second one, I'm sure you'll be able to piece together what happened during the page breaks. Enjoy.)
Talking: "..."
Thinking: '...'
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
The dining utensils fell from Loid Forger’s hands and clattered in the bowl as he stared dumbfounded with his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide. Sitting across from him at the table, Yor wore a similar expression as the two of them stared at their daughter.
Well, stepdaughter in Yor’s case, and adoptive daughter in Loid’s. Not that Yor was aware of that. As far as she knew, little Anya was his biological daughter with his late wife. A late wife who wasn’t actually dead, but non-existent. His wife being dead was simply the story Loid had fed her when he had gone about building this fake family for the sake of his mission, Operation Strix. A mission that was very different from any other during his career as a spy.
Marry and have a child. That had been his mission. His cover for the sake of getting close to Donovan Desmond, the leader of the National Unity Party, to find out if he had any plans of harming the truce between Westalis and Ostania. The best way to that, he had determined, was through a friendship formed with his adoptive child and Donovan’s second son, Damian. For the sake of maintaining world peace.
Not that Yor was aware of any of this. She believed that Loid was a psychiatrist, one who dealt with the occasional very violent patient. But then, she wasn’t exactly being honest with what she did for a living either. But she couldn’t exactly tell him that she was a master assassin, codename Thorn Princess. But becoming Loid’s wife and mother to Anya provided a good cover to cast suspicion off herself. So they had mutually agreed to getting married, both for their own personal reasons.
The only one who knew the truth about them both was Anya, not that either of them knew that. But being a telepath gave her a particularly unique insight into people’s minds, not that either of her parents knew any of this either. How could she resist getting herself adopted by Loid and then helping to get him and Yor together? A spy for a father and an assassin for a mother, what could be more exciting? Well, except for also having a dog who also happened to be psychic.
Loving the spy life, Anya was very committed to helping her father maintain world peace. And part of that involved earning Stella Stars at her school to help her rise in the ranks. And while she had already earned one, they were not easy to get, and she needed more. So Loid did the only natural thing, he offered her a motivator in the form of an award. It had worked in getting her to pass her entrance exam, which had been how she had ended up with their dog, Bond.
“You can have anything you want,” he had told her if she managed to get another Stella.
Little Anya’s eyes had grown as wide as saucers. “Anything?”
Loid had hesitated for a moment, remembering the time she had asked him to put on an elaborate performance where she played the part of a kidnapped princess and he, playing the role of Loidman, had to rescue her.
“No big rescues or spy missions,” he quickly clarified. “And no more pets. Anything else is fine though, as long as it’s nothing really dangerous.”
Well, Anya had done it. She’d earned another Stella, much to Loid and Yor’s delight. And just like he’d promised, he would get her anything she wanted. But when she had told him and Yor what exactly it was she wanted, the two of them had been stunned into disbelief.
Managing to collect himself, Loid regained his composure and asked, “Sorry, what did you say?”
Looking determined, Anya nodded. “Anya wants a little brother or sister!”
Yes, he had definitely heard right. Her request had just been so unexpected that he had thought that he might have misheard her. And almost against his will, he felt his eyes being pulled towards Yor. She seemed to sense his gaze and slowly turned to face him as well. And while a tint of red filled Loid’s cheeks, Yor’s entire face turned crimson.
Swallowing, Loid turned back to his daughter. “Now, Anya, I don’t know about that.”
“It’s what Anya wants!” the pink-haired girl replied firmly. “Papa said Anya could have whatever she wanted if she got another Stella.”
He sweat-dropped. Yes, he had said that, but it never occurred to him that she would ask for something like… that. “Y-Yes, I did, but…” He resisted the urge to start fidgeting. ‘Calm down, Twilight. She’s just a little kid. She doesn’t fully understand what she’s asking for.’
“Anya knows!” she declared loudly, having heard her father’s thoughts as if they had been spoken out loud. “Anya thought about it for a long time, and this is what she wants!”
Trying to remain calm, Loid glanced at Yor for help. She was still blushing furiously, but seemed to get the message and turned to Anya, giving her a big yet nervous smile. “Um, Anya, why do you want a sibling?”
The little girl beamed. “Because Anya wants to be a big sister, just like Mama! And Anya heard that having a brother or sister is good for kids, and can help bring a family even closer together.”
A reluctant groan escaped Loid as he silently agreed with her. ‘Well, she’s not wrong about that. Studies have shown that having a sibling is indeed very beneficial. Such a close, long-term relationship like that with someone makes for better mental and psychological health, and it makes for better social relationships. And children with siblings also express their emotions better and connect with others better. Overall, it’s been shown that children who have one or more siblings are happier than those without. In fact, it’s better for the parents as well. The risk of death actually decreases by eighteen percent for parents with two children than those with only one. And for someone in my line of work, a lower mortality rate is always a good thing.’
Of course, there were a lot more factors to consider than just that, especially for him. This family, for all intents and purposes, was technically fake, even if it was legal. He was just using them for the sake of his mission. He could admit that he had grown incredibly fond of them though, far more than he thought possible. He’d even go so far as to say that he cared for them more than anyone else.
But still, he was dedicated to his mission of maintaining world peace, and he knew that one day his job would pull him away from all this, even if that day was years from now. When that day came, he fully intended to see to it that both Anya and Yor were well taken care of when he left. Money would be no object. He would see to it that they wanted for nothing; he at least owed them that much.
But Anya didn’t know that. Perhaps he could use money issues to get out of this. “Yes, that’s true Anya. But still, having two children can be expensive, and–”
“Money is no object!” Anya declared, having heard every word that passed through Loid’s head. “Papa was able to make Anya a princess and rescue her for fun. And he gave Anya a BIG allowance so Anya could go shopping with Becky.”
Loid winced at that. She had him there. While she may not have a proper understanding of money, it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that money wasn’t an issue with the way he had been able to throw it around the way he had. To be able to spend so much on a simple game and give her so much cash for a day out with her friend, it wasn’t illogical to conclude that their little family could afford to have a second child. Anya believed Loid was a psychiatrist after all, who made enough to send her to a fancy school for the rich elite. He couldn’t exactly claim that they couldn’t afford a second child in light of all that.
As Anya listened to Loid’s inner thoughts, she turned her attention to Yor to see what was going on in her mind. The assassin was still blushing and sweating nervously with a big, forced smile on her face as she tried to process all this.
‘Anya wants a little sibling. I didn’t even consider that she would ask for something like this. And from the looks of Loid, he didn’t either. But in order to give her that, Loid and I would have to… Loid and I would have to…’
She turned even redder, and a cloud of steam burst from her head. Anya’s eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open at the reaction, and she watched as Yor began swaying in her seat. ‘Mama is broken!’
Loid didn’t seem to notice, still caught up in his thoughts as he tried to look for a way out. He truly was dedicated to his mission, and would do anything to see it through, even if that meant sacrificing his life. In the past, he’d lied, cheated, stolen, interrogated, killed, had physical relations with women, anything the mission demanded. No price was too steep to maintain world peace. He’d married Yor and adopted Anya for his mission, and if necessary, he could have another child for it. That last thought made Anya beam happily.
But still, he didn’t want to go there if he didn’t have to. This whole family situation was complicated enough as it was. He and Yor were in a marriage of convenience in name only; they didn’t even sleep in the same bed. He was sure Yor didn’t see him as anything more than that. He still remembered how he had misinterpreted her having feelings for him. He’d been about to suggest that they get married for real at that time, only to get a solid kick to the chin by her in response. He couldn’t interpret that as anything other than flat-out rejection.
‘Papa is an idiot,’ Anya thought to herself as she stared at him with a blank expression.
She glanced back at Yor to see what she was thinking, but only heard the same three words on repeat running through her head. ‘Me and Loid! Me and Loid! Me and Loid! Me and Loid!’
Not quite sure what that was all about, Anya blinked and looked back at her father, deciding to sweeten the deal. “Anya will be a good big sister. And it can help teach her… sponsi… sponsibe-be… re-responsibity!”
Loid glanced at her, overlooking her mispronunciation. ‘Yes, I suppose that’s true too. Being an older sibling does indeed require a lot of responsibility. Yor herself has demonstrated that with the way she took care of her own little brother. She would provide a good role model for Anya in that regard. And having such an important responsibility would only serve to help her in school as well. She’ll likely take her studies more seriously too since she’ll want to set a good example for her younger sibling. It honestly wouldn’t be a bad idea, and would make the whole family cover even more substantial. But still, it’s a lot to ask for.’
He let out a sigh. As beneficial as it sounded, and even if the pros seemed to outweigh the cons, this still wasn’t something that could be taken lightly. At the very least, they should take more time to seriously think and talk about it before coming to a decision. He had to make Anya understand the full implications of what them having another child truly meant.
“Now look, Anya,” he began sternly, trying to find the right words, “it’s great that you want to be more responsible, but you have to understand that–”
He cut himself off with a gasp as he looked at his daughter. Anya’s eyes were wide and watery, and tears were pouring down her cheeks as her bottom lip trembled.
“P-Papa pwomised,” she wept loudly, her speech becoming slurred from her crying. “Papa shaid Anya c-could hawe whatever she… she wanted if she g-got another… another Stewwa…”
Loid sweat-dropped. He wasn’t good at handling Anya’s tears. Just one look at her sad face made him want to do anything to make her happy. “No, Anya–”
She began openly bawling. “Papa’s a wiar!”
The words ‘Me and Loid’ had still been on repeat in Yor’s head this whole time, but upon hearing her daughter start crying, she instantly snapped out of her stupor and immediately tried to comfort the weeping girl. “Anya, no, don’t cry!”
“Papa’s a meanie! He’sh a big wiar! He pwomised Anya! And Anya worked sho’ hard to get another Stewwa!”
Loid internally winced. ‘She’s right, I did promise. But I didn’t think she’d ask for something like this. I’ll have to be more careful about what I promise her in the future so I don’t find myself in this predicament again. Too late now though. Anya did work really hard for that Stella. If I don’t follow through with my promise, then she may lose motivation to keep trying so hard.’
Anya froze when she heard this, her tears momentarily stopping. But then she decided to roll with it and began crying even louder than ever. “Papa won’t keep his pwomise for Anya getting a Stewwa! Anya is never going to skoowl again!”
A look of horror passed over Loid’ face as his worst fears were confirmed. This was no longer just about keeping his promise, now the mission was at stake. He would never be able to get close to Desmond if Anya flunked out of school or wouldn’t go back. Did this really mean that giving her a younger sibling was the only way to ensure the mission’s success?
He looked over at his family as Yor attempted to console her, rubbing the girl’s head as she spoke soothingly to her. Suddenly, it clicked. If he was to give Anya a younger sibling, he wouldn’t be the only one involved with that. Yor would need to be involved with the decision as well. In fact, the decision would impact her most of all. While he had promised Anya to give her whatever she wanted, Yor hadn’t. And he couldn’t give Anya a sibling without her agreement. If she said no, then Loid technically wouldn’t be breaking his promise, and Anya would just have to pick something else for her Stella reward.
Anya’s tears stopped as she heard this. She hadn’t considered that Loid might be able to pass off the decision like this. If he put the choice in Yor’s hands, then there was nothing she could do about it since there was no promise to be held over her head.
“Mama!” she cried, turning her full attention to Yor and grasping her shirt in her little hand, her eyes full of tears. “Anya really wants a little brother or sister! Didn’t you like being a big sister to Unckie?”
“I…” Yor hesitated, caught off guard by the question. She shyly averted her eyes. “I did…”
Anya turned back to Loid. “Please, Papa.”
Loid’s eye twitched. “Anya, stop crying. If you really want to be a big sister, then crying to get what you want is not a good example to set.”
She immediately stopped, sniffling a few times as her bottom lip trembled. “Anya’s not crying!”
Loid nodded. “Good girl. Now then, you’re right, I did promise to get you whatever you wanted, and I intend to keep that promise. However, what you’re asking for is not just a decision I can make.” He turned his attention to his wife. “Yor, what do you think?”
Yor’s mouth dropped open in shock. He was leaving the decision up to her? But she had never even been with a man before, and now he was asking her if she was willing to give Anya a sibling? Just the thought of what that meant made her feel like she was about to spontaneously combust.
“What do you say?” Loid pressed, certain of what her answer would be after the way she had rejected his proposal to get married for real. “Should we make Anya a big sister?”
Both looking and feeling like a deer caught in the headlights, Yor’s face slowly grew redder and redder. “I… uh… I… I… I…”
Anya tugged on her mother’s sleeve, drawing her attention, and gave Yor a pleading look. “Please, Mama.”
Yor brought her thumb to her mouth and began nervously nibbling on the nail. ‘What do I do? As a mother, I should see to it that Anya has the best and happiest life she can. And yes, I loved being a big sister to Yuri, but still, having a child when I haven’t even had any experience with a man yet… It’s not that don’t want to someday, but this is so sudden!’
She glanced at Loid again. He was staring at her so intensely as he waited for her answer. Her heart raced in her chest so fast she thought she might pass out. And all the while, Anya continued silently pleading with those big puppy-dog eyes of hers.
She bit down on her nail even harder. ‘Oh, I’ve been such a horrible wife! I know that this is a marriage of convenience, but Loid has been so considerate and kind to me. He’s such a wonderful man; I really couldn’t ask for a better husband. And yet I won’t even fulfill my wifely duties with him, or even sleep in the same bed as him. It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that it’s so embarrassing.’
Her eyes darted back and forth between the stony-faced Loid and weepy-faced Anya. Part of the reason she had gotten married was to cast off suspicion. At her age, most women were already married with children, and it was almost considered sketchy to still be single. She’d agreed to the marriage because it worked in both her and Loid’s favor. He would gain a partner to help around the house and be a mother to his daughter, and she would no longer look suspicious for being single at her age. Her marriage to Loid may technically be fake, but it was also legal.
But that had been the initial reason. Things had changed between them. She had grown to care for both Loid and Anya, and they were as dear to her as her brother. She was very happy with her life with them and had thought that things could go on like this forever. But she certainly hadn’t expected Anya to make such a life-changing request. And while it was embarrassing to think about, the thought of having Loid’s child had her stomach doing flips and made her heart flutter, though she had no idea why.
‘Should I do this? It wouldn’t be so bad. Women have children all the time. It’s not like it would change things all that much, Loid and I would just have two children instead of one. Also, this would make me Loid’s wife in more than just name, so that’s a good thing, right? I at least won’t need to worry about another woman who can be a better wife taking him from me. And besides, it’s for Anya’s sake. And if it could help us become closer together as a family…’
When she still didn’t say anything after a while, Loid cleared his throat. “Um, Yor, what do you say?”
Releasing her nail, Yor began shifting about in her seat, unable to meet Loid’s eyes in her shyness. “W-Well, I guess that would be ok. I wouldn’t mind…”
Loid nodded. “Mmm-hmm, there you go.” He looked at his daughter. “So, Anya, it looks like you’re going to have to ask for something… Huh?”
He glanced at Yor as her words sank in. She was red in the face and still looking away from him, but he could have sworn she said that she was fine with it. And based on the joyful expression on Anya’s face, that’s what she had heard as well, and Loid could only stare at his wife, completely dumbfounded.
“What… did you… say…?” he asked, even though he had heard exactly what she had said.
Yor fidgeted some more before turning to look at Loid, finally meeting his eyes. “I said I was fine with it. With us having… another child.”
Loid’s eyes slowly grew wider as he realized that she really did mean it. Color filled his own cheeks as he stared at her, once against taking note of just how beautiful she was. He’d always thought she was attractive, and he held more affection for her than he cared to admit, but had never acted on any of that before out of courtesy for her, and because it was not necessary to the mission. But now…
As Loid and Yor stared at each other, as if the other were the only thing they could see, Anya looked back and forth between the two of them before commenting, “Mama and Papa are flirting.”
And just like that, the bubble surrounding the two popped as they rounded on their daughter. “No, we’re not!”
Yor’s heart was pounding so hard she was certain that it would beat straight out of her chest. After she had agreed to Anya’s request, the girl had declared that she wanted to become a big sister as soon as possible. To which Loid had shyly asked her if they should get started tonight. Unable to find her voice, she had simply nodded.
Which was why she was now sitting on the bed in Loid’s room, the bed they originally only intended to be used for show for when they had company over. She was dressed in only a bathrobe, having come fresh from the shower, where she had washed herself three time and practically scrubbed herself raw in preparation. Now she was just waiting for Loid, who was currently washing up as well.
She couldn’t believe this was happening. She and Loid were actually going to make a baby. The thought filled her with so many emotions, she didn’t know how to process them all. A part of her wanted to flee in terror, but another part of her felt strangely eager. She really didn’t know how to handle this.
Reaching up, she slapped her cheeks. She didn’t why she was so nervous. She was a master assassin. She could kill a man without so much as flinching. So a little sex shouldn’t be a big deal. Sex was a perfectly natural human activity, a healthy one at that. So why was she so damn nervous?
She imagined what she would do when Loid entered the room, and felt her heart go into overdrive. She’d imagined being intimate with Loid before; as his wife, how could she not? And it didn’t help that he was drop dead gorgeous. She’d imagined being held by him, being kissed by him, being… being…
Her face turned beet red and she began shaking her head furiously. Was it normal to be this nervous for your first time, to feel this flustered? Even if it was, she should be more in control of herself; she was a professional assassin after all. There was nothing she couldn’t handle if she put her mind to it… except for maybe cooking something edible. But anything else, she could handle. And technically, she didn’t even need to do anything for this, she could just lay there and let it happen.
The thought once again caused a wave of heat to go through her, and she found herself wondering why she had agreed to this. Or rather, why she had agreed to this right now. It all felt so rushed, she wasn’t mentally prepared. She and Loid hadn’t even kissed yet, and here she was agreeing to have a child with him.
Her fists clenched in determination. ‘Come on, Yor, you can do this. Loid is a great man. He’s a wonderful husband and father. This is for Anya, for the sake of this family. And if you have a child, it’ll decrease the possibility of Loid divorcing you and finding a better wife.’
Her thoughts turned to that white-haired woman, Fiona, and she recalled the fear and jealousy she had felt at the thought of Loid replacing her with that woman due to her inadequacies as a wife. Though Loid had assured her that she was the perfect wife and mother, and that he would never replace her, she just couldn’t shake the feelings of incompetence she got from time to time.
But it wasn’t just the worry of ending up single and being suspected for being a spy again, she didn’t want to lose this happy family life she had, she didn’t want to lose Anya and Loid. And if having another child would better secure her place in this family, then she would do it.
And if she were honest with herself, as nervous as she was, as embarrassed as she was, she found the thought of being intimate with Loid and having his child to be extremely appealing. That thought too had her blushing furiously.
Her gaze darted to the door as she wondered when Loid would come through it. After having put Anya to bed, the poor girl having dropped from exhaustion after excitedly making plans of how she was going to be a big sister to her new sibling, she and Loid had gone to get ready for bed themselves. Only it wouldn’t be to bed that they were going to. Or, more to the point, it wasn’t to sleep. Loid had let her get ready first, and now she was waiting for him to come and take her the way a husband was meant to take a wife.
Just then, the doorknob began to rattle, and a small squeak escaped Yor. Her face turned bright red as she realized that Loid was coming in. And a moment later, the door opened and he stepped into the room. He too was dressed in only a bathrobe, having emerged fresh from the shower, and Yor fought to keep her hands from trembling in her lap as he approached.
He too appeared to be shy as he took a seat next to her on the bed, leaving a few inches of space between them. Neither looked at each other though, both of them supporting a blush on their face, only Yor’s was far more profound. If she didn’t know any better, she would have thought that Loid was nervous.
Loid was nervous. He wasn’t sure why though. Sex was nothing new to him. He’d been with many women. There were several instances where he’d needed to become intimate, even be in relationships with certain women for the sake of his missions. In fact, he’d had to do just that in his previous mission before he received orders for Operation Strix. So he couldn’t figure out why he was nervous now.
It wasn’t inadequacy he was worried about. He knew he was very skilled as a lover, having never left a woman unsatisfied. He had extensive knowledge on numerous different ways to please a woman, even having memorized the entire Kama Sutra. Being able to seduce and satisfy a woman could be a good way to get close to them, and to get them coming back for more, which only served to aid his missions. And not lasting long enough was never a problem for him either. So he most definitely wasn’t worried about his performance or skill.
Maybe it was the thought of becoming a father that had him nervous. A biological father. But that wouldn’t really be so different from being Anya’s father; blood ties alone didn’t necessarily make people family. This child would be no different than Anya, a child he needed to have for the sake of the mission.
‘That’s all this is, Twilight. It’s all for the sake of the mission. You promised Anya she could have whatever she wanted if she earned another Stella, and she did. Now she’s expressed her desire for a younger sibling, and Yor has agreed to give her that. Now it falls on you to give her that so she continues to do well in school. You must do whatever is necessary to ensure the peace between the East and the West.’
Without turning, he glanced at Yor with his peripheral vision. He told himself that, but then why did the thought of seeing Yor pregnant with his child seem so appealing? Why did the thought of being intimate with her make his heart race with excitement?
‘It’s natural. You haven’t been with a woman since Karen, it’s only expected that you would feel some excitement. And you need to provide Anya a sibling in order to make sure this mission succeeds, so wouldn’t you be happy about accomplishing that?’
Somehow though, that line of thinking didn’t exactly line up with how he really felt. He couldn’t put it into words, but then, he couldn’t come up with another explanation for it either. He decided to push these feelings aside though as he glanced at his wife again.
“Yor,” he said, making her jump and sit up straight. “You… um… you look very lovely.”
Her face grew red as she struggled to find her voice. “Th-Thank you!”
He glanced at her again, this time turning to her slightly. He noticed that her hands were now at her sides, and she was clenching them tightly. He carefully placed his hands by his sides too, then began to pinky-crawl one towards her hand.
“You know, Yor,” he told her, “I know we said that we would give Anya a sibling, but if you don’t feel ready yet, we can always wait until–”
At that moment his pinky finger made contact with the side of her hand. Yor cried out and instantly jumped to her feet, her face redder than ever. “I’ll be right back!”
Then she darted out of the room so fast she left a dust trail and a flabbergasted Loid behind. She rushed into the kitchen and pulled open the fridge. Snatching up a wine bottle, she uncorked it and threw her head back, then began gulping down the contents.
She downed the whole bottle in just a few seconds, then took a big gulp of air when she finished, letting her head fall forward. A few seconds passed, and then she hiccupped and lifted her head, her eyes hooded and a drunken flush now present on her cheeks. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and slammed the empty wine bottle down on the counter as the alcohol hit her as hard and as fast as it always did.
“Ok, I’m ready,” she muttered, her speech slightly slurred.
Closing the fridge, she began making her way back to the room on wobbly legs. Loid sat on the bed with his arms crossed as he reconsidered this whole thing.
‘Perhaps we shouldn’t go through with this. Yor is clearly uncomfortable, and I don’t want to pressure her into doing something she doesn’t really want to do. It really wouldn’t be fair to do this to her just for Anya’s sake. I’m sure we’ll be able to find a way to explain to her that…’
His thoughts trailed off as Yor appeared in the doorway. She stood there with her head slightly bowed, her hair hiding her face. She drunkenly stumbled forward, grabbing onto the door to stop herself from falling.
Loid uncrossed his arms as he looked at her in concern. “Yor?”
She pushed the door shut behind her and stumbled over to him, coming to a stop right in front of him. He looked up at her questioningly and she reached out, placing her hands on his shoulders. “Loid…”
He cocked his head to the side. “Um, yes?”
She lifted her head and Loid gasped. His wife had a look on her face that could only be described as seductive, almost predatory. It reminded him of the time she had gotten drunk in order to kiss him in front of her brother to prove that they were a real married couple, only her expression was far more intense now.
He gasped. That was it, she’d gone and gotten drunk again. That’s where she had taken off to. This realization gave him pause. Would it be right to do it with her while she was intoxicated? She had gone and done it herself, having already consented prior to that. He knew she had no experience, and so was shy and nervous when it came to intimacy. Getting tipsy was her way of coping with her nervousness and finding the courage to do things that made her feel shy or embarrassed. But still, it didn’t feel right. Maybe it would be best to put this off for another day.
“Listen, Yor…” he began, trying to find the right words, “maybe we should reconsider this.”
She suddenly pushed him down to lie flat on the bed as she crawled over him. Reaching up, she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear as she continued to give him that sexy, seductive look.
“We promised Anya we would make her a big sister,” she told him.
He averted his eyes as he actually felt intimidated under her intense stare. “Yes, but…”
“We have to keep our promise to her.”
She began slowly leaning in. Loid’s heart, which had already been beating fast since she appeared in the doorway, began racing in his chest as he got a feeling of déjà vu, once again being reminded of when they had been about to kiss in front of her brother. He watched as she slowly descended towards him, her mouth getting closer and closer to his, until their lips were only an inch apart.
“I CAN’T DO IT!!!” she suddenly wailed.
She pulled back, and at the same time, her hand shot forward, and the bottom of her open palm slammed into his chin, knocking his head back and sending his eyes rolling up into his skull from the force of the impact.
‘Yeah, I figured as much,’ he found himself thinking, not surprised by her actions. When Yor found herself getting too overwhelmed, it wasn’t uncommon for her to reflectively lash out.
Covering her crimson face, Yor rolled off him and curled up into a ball beside him. “I just can’t do it! It’s too embarrassing!”
Letting out a sigh, Loid reached up and rubbed his aching jaw as he sat up. “It’s fine, Yor. We shouldn’t have moved so fast. We don’t have to do anything until you’re ready. I never gave Anya a timeframe of when she would get her reward. She’s either just going to have to wait or pick something else.”
He glanced at his wife and saw that she was still curled up with her face covered. It didn’t look like she would be moving anytime soon. He decided to just let her be. She could have his bed for tonight and he would just sleep on the couch.
He got up to leave. “You can stay in here tonight. Please, don’t worry about what happened. I’ll talk to Anya tomorrow.”
He began walking away, but hadn’t taken more than a few steps before he felt something tug on his robe, stopping him. He looked down and saw that one of the ties of his robe was holding him back, and turned around to see that Yor was sitting up and had grabbed it.
“Wait,” she said, her eyes shyly downcast. “I… want to…” She lifted her eyes, giving him an almost pleading look. “I want to kiss…”
Loid stood there, staring at Yor as she stared back at him. Neither moved as she continued to give him that pleading look while countless thoughts flew through Loid’s head. But amongst all these thoughts, two words suddenly popped out of the chaos and took precedence in his mind.
‘Screw it.’
Then, before he could question or contradict his line of reasoning, he turned around and went back to her. He reached out, grabbing her by the shoulders, and she gasped in surprise. He didn’t give her time to react though as he leaned in and kissed her.
Yor’s eyes widened in shock at the feel of Loid’s lips against hers. She sat there, completely frozen in place as she had her first kiss, her mind completely absent of thought. Loid made no attempt to deepen the kiss as he continued to keep his lips pressed to hers. His eyes were closed, so he didn’t see the stunned expression on her face, but he half expected for her to hit him again.
The blow never came though, and he eventually broke the kiss, pulling back to look at her. Yor’s mouth now hung open, her face getting redder and redder as small sounds of confusion escaped her. Then it seemed her blushing reached its peak, and a cloud of heat flew out of the top of her head as it fell back, almost as if she had passed out.
“Yor!” he exclaimed, having never seen that reaction from any of the girls he’d kissed before, and he began shaking her. “Hey, Yor, are you alright!?”
He feared she may have actually passed out, but after a few shakes, she lifted her head. Much to his bewildered surprise, her eyes seemed clear and focused, the blush on her face no longer so profound.
“Loid?” she asked, her voice no longer slurred, but now laced with confusion. “What happened?”
‘Did that sober her up!?’ Loid thought in disbelief.
She blinked a few times, then slowly brought her hand to her mouth, tracing her lips with her index finger. “That was… my first kiss?”
So it seemed she remembered. It wasn’t uncommon for her to forget what happened when she was drunk. But he couldn’t help but feel guilty for taking her first kiss like that while she was intoxicated, even if she had said that she wanted it.
“Sorry,” he replied, averting his eyes as he continued to grip her shoulders. “I shouldn’t have done it like that.”
She ran her finger over her lips again before her hand fell away. Still looking shy, she looked up at him, biting her bottom lip nervously before asking, “Could you… do it again?”
He looked back at her and blinked. She was blushing and looked nervous, but there was a look of want in her eyes. He hesitated for a few moments, trying to determine her state of mind, but she did indeed somehow to no longer be under the influence. He knew that a sudden rush of adrenaline could temporarily bring back alertness and awareness from a drunken state, and that seemed to have been what had happened with Yor. He wondered how long it would last.
In any case, she seemed to be in a rational state of mind right now. And she was asking him to kiss her again. So, reaching up, he cupped her cheek, making her jump slightly, and she once again took on that deer caught in the headlights look. He pushed onward though, leaning in very slowly to give her time to pull away if she chose, half expecting her to reflexively hit him again. She didn’t do either, but when he got close enough, she suddenly squeezed her eyes shut.
His lips met hers in a sweet and tender kiss. He felt Yor tense up against him and felt her lips tremble against his, but she didn’t pull back, nor did she, thankfully, hit him again. He didn’t push for more and simply continued to gently press his lips against hers as he waited for her to calm down. And slowly, he felt her grow less tense. When he did, he began to lightly move his lips against hers.
They kissed like that for a short while before Loid pulled back and stared at her. She slowly opened her eyes and stared up at him as well, her eyes shining with emotion. He affectionately caressed her blushing cheek with his thumb, admiring the softness of her skin. Her lips parted slightly, and he recognized the subtle gesture as her desire for him to kiss her again, even if she didn’t actually say it with words.
He leaned in again, a little faster and more confident his time. She responded more quickly and less hesitantly this time, and he applied more pressure, kissing her a little harder. Her hands came up in response, grasping the front of his robe as she kissed him back, moving her lips against his in an imitation of what Loid was doing.
Inside, Yor was all a flutter, her heart beating so fast it was as if she had run a marathon. She couldn’t believe that she was sitting here kissing Loid. It felt nice, very nice. And while she was still a nervous wreck, she decided that she liked it, a lot. And even though her shyness was screaming at her to flee, she did her best to ignore it as she focused on the feel of his lips against hers.
She wasn’t the only one who was nervous. For some reason, Loid’s own heart was rapidly pounding in his chest. He didn’t know why he felt so anxious. He’d slept with several women for the sake of his missions, so why did kissing Yor make him feel so on edge? Was it because this was this was for the sake of the mission? No, he’d done far more than kissing for the sake of a mission before. And also, he never enjoyed kissing those women quite as much as he enjoyed kissing Yor.
He began reexamining his motivation. His logical side told him that he was indeed doing this as part of the mission, but he couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to it than that. Loid could admit that he wasn’t good with dealing with emotions, not his own anyway, which was ironic considering he was posing as a psychiatrist. In order to be the best spy that he could be, he’d cast aside his own wants and desires long ago in order to do whatever was necessary for world peace.
That didn’t mean he still didn’t have them though, even if he didn’t understand or recognize them, and they would sometimes slip through the crack in the emotional wall he had built up. And that seemed to be happening more and more since he began this mission, particularly when it came to Anya and Yor.
The real issue though was his own misinterpretation of his own emotions, and how he would sometimes do mental gymnastics with himself to make it seem like the things he wanted were really just for the sake of the mission rather than simply being things he wanted. It was easier and more convenient that way, allowing him to chalk up the things he wanted as mission necessities rather than face his own desires.
Was that what he was doing here now with Yor? While it was true that he needed Anya to do well in school, and that included keeping his promise to give her what she wanted as a reward for her success, in this case becoming intimate with Yor to give Anya the little sibling she asked for, how much of that was really for the sake of the mission as opposed to him just convincing himself that he was doing this for the mission?
He cared about Yor a great deal, though he hadn’t put a name to his feelings. He also found her to be very attractive, and did indeed desire her, he could admit that much. But he’d found other girls he’d slept with to be desirable as well. For some reason though, it felt different with Yor. It felt… more, though he couldn’t put his finger on why.
He pushed these confusing thoughts aside as he focused on Yor. She was kissing him back without hesitation now, which he took to mean that she had grown more comfortable. He decided to try and take things to the next level to see how she would react and opened his mouth slightly, grazing the seam of her lips with the tip of his tongue. She didn’t seem to notice at first, but when he did it again, she gasped in surprise and pulled back, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open.
“L-Loid!” she exclaimed, blushing horribly. “Was… Was that your tongue!?”
He resisted the urge to laugh at how cute she looked with that look of surprise on her face. “Yes, Yor. Don’t you know what a deep kiss is?”
“D-Deep!?” she cried, her face turning even redder. “You mean like a… French kiss?”
He wobbled his head. “That’s another term for it. Would you like to try it?”
“T-T-T-T-T-Try it!?” Yor stuttered, her nerves going haywire.
She felt herself overheating again, and couldn’t seem to be able to speak. Instead, she closed her eyes and gave him a nod. Loid moved in again and kissed her once more. It started out as a normal kiss, but after a few seconds, he began to gently coax her mouth open. Instead going along with it though, she kept her mouth tightly shut, feeling too embarrassed to follow through.
Loid pulled back and gave her an encouraging look. “Open your mouth, Yor,” he told her gently.
Then he kissed her, and once again attempted to coax her mouth open. Yor was still holding onto his robe, and her grip on it tightened as she slowly parted her lips. A few moments later, she felt Loid’s tongue slip inside her mouth and make contact with hers. She whimpered and gripped his robe even tighter in response. She would have pulled back, but Loid’s hand had moved to the back of her head to prevent her from doing so. She squeezed her eyes shut in embarrassment instead as Loid’s tongue rubbed sensually against hers. He explored her mouth, running his tongue over the top and along the side of hers, trying to encourage her to join in.
Yor’s head was swimming. Loid was kissing her, really kissing her, the way two lovers would kiss. It was embarrassing to think about, but it also felt amazing, sending shivers of pleasure through her whole body. Loid’s tongue continued to rub against hers, trying to get her to participate, and she shyly brought it up to tangle with his. It sent an erotic thrill through her and she let out a light moan as she subconsciously pulled him closer.
When they came apart, Yor found that her breathing had grown heavier. Loid’s breathing seemed to have sped up as well, and he too had a flush on his face, but neither were as much as hers. Loid was watching her intently, and it was clear that he was concerned with her comfort.
“How was that?” he asked.
Her lips were still tingling, and she nibbled on her bottom one. “It felt… nice…”
He raised an eyebrow. “Nice?”
Averting her eyes, she shyly nodded. “Can we… try again?”
Trying not to chuckle, he gave her a smile and kissed her again. This time she opened up to him right away, without any coaxing from him. She was still slow and hesitant to respond to his invasion, but soon her tongue was engaged with his. She slowly seemed to grow more confident though, and her hands released his robe to slowly slide up to his shoulders.
She didn’t even seem to be aware of her hands’ movement, but eventually they circled around his neck, pulling him in closer. Loid deepened the kiss further and Yor moaned into his mouth, now gripping the back of his robe. Sitting down beside her one the bed, Loid’s own hands went from her shoulders and went around her back, pulling her closer.
They continued to kiss, progressing further with the more Yor got comfortable, and soon were engaged in a heated make out session. This proceeded for the next few minutes before Loid decided to move things along. Carefully, he guided her to lay down, and he went down with her, not breaking their lip contact. Yor was so lost in their kiss that she didn’t even seem to notice the change of position.
Breaking the kiss, Loid rose up and moved partly on top of her. Yor ’s hands hung onto his neck as he hovered over her, and she looked up at him with eyes full of longing. “Loid…”
“Yor,” he whispered back.
He leaned down, but this time he didn’t go for her lips. He instead nuzzled his way between her shoulder and head, pressing a kiss to her throat. Yor’s eyes widened in surprise and she tensed up again, having not expected the action, or how good it would feel. She ended up tightly gripping his robe again as she squeezed her eyes shut.
“L-Loid!” she cried out when he began sucking on her pulse point and clamped her mouth shut so as not to release any of the embarrassing noises that wanted to escape her.
Her hands released his robe and grabbed his hair instead. She gripped his hair tightly, and Loid wasn’t sure if it was due to her embarrassment or from enjoyment; probably both. His scalp began to hurt though as she squeezed a little too tightly, and he reached up to take hold of her wrists, bringing them down to the bed beside her head.
Rising up, he looked down at her, and Yor’s eyes cracked open to gaze at him. “Loid,” she said again, her voice laced with desire, but also small traces of fear.
“Are you ok?” he asked her, and watched as she bit her bottom lip to stop it from trembling before giving him a nod. “Do you trust me, Yor?”
He felt a little guilty asking her that in light of all the lies he actually was telling her for the sake of his mission, but that wasn’t the type of trust he was talking about anyway. He was asking her if she trusted him with her body, and to that, she gave him another small nod.
“I trust you, Loid,” she told him, though she still looked nervous.
He considered her for a few seconds, as if to determine if she really was ok with all this, then leaned down and kissed her again. He then moved away from her lips, placing another kiss to her cheek, then on the side of her face by her lower jaw before moving down to her neck again, and then lower still to her collarbone. He still held her wrists pinned to the bed by the side of her head as he nuzzled the top of her robe open, exposing the upper part of her cleavage.
Yor tensed up again as she felt the top of her robe part. Her hands began clenching and unclenching beside her head as Loid continued to hold them down, and little whimpers began escaping her as she felt Loid begin to press feather-light kisses over her newly exposed skin. Slowly, he parted the robe more and more, but not to the point of where he would actually expose her breasts.
Placing one final kiss to her cleavage, he lifted his head and looked up at her. “May I continue?”
He emphasized his meaning by releasing her wrists and taking hold of the seam of her robe. With her hands now free, she brought up an arm and draped it over her face, covering her eyes.
“Mmm-hmm,” she shyly uttered with a nod, unable to actually form real words.
Loid once again waited a few seconds to determine if she really was sure, then began to pull her robe open. Yor tensed up again and began trembling with nervousness, but did nothing to stop him, even as her hand itched to lash out and strike the source of what was making her so nervous.
Loid continued to open Yor’s robe, the knot in the ties doing nothing to prevent him from doing so. He pushed the material aside, and soon Yor’s full frontal area was exposed. She was still shaking, but her hardened nipples pointing to the ceiling were just one of the many indications of her arousal.
“You’re beautiful, Yor,” he found himself saying, and he meant it too. Normally the compliment would be automatic, something he would say by default when seducing a woman for a mission. There was no need to pretend here though as he admired his wife’s slim, toned form. Definitely the body of an athlete, but he knew that already with the way she showed she could fight. Not to mention play tennis, or at least serve the ball.
Still keeping her eyes covered, she asked, “You… find my physical form pleasing?”
He did chuckle then, having remembered her asking something similar when they first met. “I do, very much.”
He then leaned down and placed a kiss on her flat stomach. Yor jerked in response at the unexpected contact, arching off the bed. Loid let out another chuckle as he lifted his head and placed a hand on her belly, caressing it gently. Her stomach may be flat for now, but if things went as planned, in a few months, it would begin to swell with his child. Strangely, he found himself very much looking forward to that.
Moving farther up her body so he was hovering over her, he gently placed a hand over her breast. Yor tensed up again and began to tremble, not removing the arm that was draped over her eyes. Her other hand was gripping the sheets in a death grip, but Loid didn’t need these signs to tell him that she was nervous, and so he did his best to make sure she was comfortable.
He began gently kneading her breast, and Yor bit her bottom lip again as a whimper threatened to escape her, pressing her arm harder against her face. Loid continued to caress her breast, reading her body language as he patiently waited for her to relax. She slowly became less tense, but her shaking continued. He focused on pleasuring her, and teased her nipple to an even harder point. And once he had it good and hard, he bent down and took the small nub in his mouth.
A surprised cry escaped Yor as she once again arched off the bed. She released her bottom lip and now simply kept her teeth clenched as Loid sucked at her. He didn’t neglect her other breast though as he placed his hand over it, gently squeezing and massaging it. The whimpers began slipping past Yor’s lips as she began squirming around on the bed beneath him, rubbing her legs together as her arousal built up.
Loid continued to suckle at her nipple, running his tongue around it and gently taking it between his teeth. He gave as much attention to the other one as he could with his hand, gently tweaking and flicking the hard nub before switching his mouth over to it. He listened as Yor’s breathing increased and he felt the tension leave her body more and more as she grew more comfortable under his touch.
Removing his mouth from her breast, he moved further up her body. Yor tensed up again as he came to a stop over her. He reached up and took her wrist, trying to move her arm away from her face. She resisted a little, but eventually allowed him to take her arm away. He saw that she was squeezing her eyes shut as tightly as she could though, as if to make sure there was no chance she could see him.
A sigh escaped Loid. She really was on edge, but he’d had experience with girls like this. He truly wanted her to enjoy this experience, especially for their first time together, and it was also important that she became comfortable being with him intimately since it would likely take several tries to get her pregnant. He liked that idea for some reason, even though, for the sake of the mission, it would be better to give Anya a sibling as fast as possible. But maybe even after they accomplished that, she would still be open to intimacy between them.
Bringing up his hand, he covered her eyes for her. He then leaned down and kissed her tenderly. It took a few seconds before she responded, but then she was kissing him back. He felt her start to relax further beneath him, and could feel against his hand that she was no longer squeezing her eyes so tightly. He kept her eyes covered though as he moved away from her mouth and began kissing her neck.
Yor’s breath hitched as she felt his lips against her neck. She was no longer clenching her teeth or biting her lip, and instead her mouth was slightly parted as she panted softly. She had indeed grown more comfortable beneath Loid’s touch, and was no longer shaking so much. And as Loid began moving down her neck to her breasts again, he removed his hand from her eyes. She didn’t open them, but she didn’t squeeze them shut either as she began squirming around again. And as Loid began suckling at her breast again, her hands came up to tangle in his hair and hold him against her chest.
That was a good sign, Loid noted. It let him know that she enjoyed what he was doing and didn’t want him to stop, even if the gesture was subconscious on her part. Now it was time to move things along. And so he began to kiss his way lower, moving from her chest down to her stomach. He noted that as he got closer to her bellybutton that her stomach seemed to clench every time he pressed a kiss to her skin, and he smiled at the realization that she was ticklish, deciding to file that away for later; he liked the idea of teasing her with it.
He kissed his way further down to the apex of her legs, which she kept tightly closed as they hung over the side of the bed. Loid rose up in front of her on his knees and gently placed his hands on her. He gently attempted to pry them open, but she refused to budge. He didn’t force the matter though as he looked up at her.
“Open for me, Yor,” he coaxed, but she just shook her head in response, once again squeezing her eyes shut. He just smiled, finding her shyness adorable. “Yor.”
She covered her face with her hands. “It’s so embarrassing.”
He resisted the urge to chuckle so he wouldn’t embarrass her further. “Yor, look at me.”
He waited for her to respond. After several long seconds, she slowly raised her head and opened a small space between her fingers, allowing her to peak through. He gently stroked her leg as he gave her an encouraging smile.
“You don’t have to feel embarrassed,” he told her. “I promise you’ll enjoy this. I’m going to make you feel good. Do you trust me?”
She continued to stare at him through her fingers for several long moments before she very slowly removed her hands from her face and gave a small nod. Loid gave her another smile before looking back down at her legs and attempted to pry them open again. He was still met with some resistance, but this time her legs slowly parted. Yor had closed her eyes again at this point and let her head fall back, unable to bring herself to watch, but she still opened up to him.
Her trembling had started up again, but Loid could tell that a good deal of it was due to arousal. He leaned in and rubbed his cheek against the smooth skin of her inner thigh before pressing a kiss there. A breathy sound escaped Yor, and he continued kissing along her inner thigh, making his way down her leg. He rose up, cradling her leg as he kissed his way down its length, over her inner thigh, her calf, her ankle, all the way to the tip if her toe. He then set that leg down on one side of him and picked up the other one, repeating the process in reverse as he kissed his way back up to her thighs again, then set that leg down on his other side.
He now stood between her legs, keeping her open and exposed. Remembering that her stomach was ticklish, he bent over and pressed a kiss directly over her bellybutton. Just as he expected, he felt her stomach clench at the contact, and he couldn’t resist smirking. He teased her further by tracing his tongue around her bellybutton, and Yor’s back began rising and falling off the bed as she twisted side to side.
“Loid, stooooop!” she cried in a childish voice, trying to hold back a laugh.
He let out a chuckle at her reaction, deciding to tease her more later. He instead stuck his middle and index finger into his mouth, getting them good and wet; he knew better than to stick anything dry into a woman. He then brought his hand between her legs and ever so lightly ran his two wet fingers over her slit. Yor immediately jerked at his touch, her back arching so far off the bed she practically did a sit-up.
“L-Loid!” she exclaimed. “What was that?”
“You mean this?” he asked, running his fingers through her folds, finding them completely soaked.
She began shifting left and right. “Yes, that! What is it?”
He chuckled; she was just too cute. “What do you think it is?”
He then stuck his index finger inside her, causing her hips to rise off the bed. One of her legs suddenly flew up, reflexively aiming to deliver a kick, but he anticipated this and twisted out of the way, having known first-hand how her self-defense lessons could kick in.
‘Thought so,’ he couldn’t help thinking, proud of himself for having successfully anticipated and dodged her attack.
He placed his other hand on her stomach to keep her down as he began moving his finger in and out of her. Yor began jerking in time with his movements, but he continued to hold her down as she began letting out little whimpers.
“Loid! Loid!” Yor cried out. “Oh my God, are those your fingers?”
He let out another chuckle. “A little different from your own?”
Blushing, she turned her face into the mattress. “I… I don’t know… I’ve never… never…”
He froze, unable to believe what he was hearing. No, it couldn’t be possible. She was in her late twenties. Still being a virgin was one thing, but to have never…
“Wait, Yor,” he said, not knowing how to ask this without embarrassing her, “have you never touched yourself before?”
Just as he predicted, her face turned bright red. She wouldn’t look at him, but she furiously shook her head in answer.
Loid stared, completely dumbfounded. “Then… have you ever had an orgasm before?”
She once again covered her face with her hands as a cloud of steam rose from her head. “…No.”
He couldn’t believe it. He didn’t actually think it was possible, but there was no reason for her to lie. But then he remembered. “But at that party, with your friends, Camilla said that you used to give private massages. What was that about?”
Yor was so shocked by him bringing that up that she brought her hands away from her face and looked down at him. “I… that… No, that wasn’t what you think!”
Whenever she got an assassination mission, ‘massage’ was the codeword for a job. She had struggled to come up with an excuse of what to say to explain that, but before she’d been able to think of anything, Loid had come to her defense, claiming that he found it admirable that since she had lost her parents and been the one taking care of her little brother that she had been willing to do whatever was necessary to accomplish that. But she had never actually given him an explanation after that since the subject had never been brought up again.
“S-See…” she stammered, clawing at her brain for a reasonable explanation. “I… I said that I took classes in self-defense! W-Well, they also included lessons in how to massage the arms and legs for when a person injures them. It was just remedial massages I gave! I actually,” she shyly looked away, “don’t have any experience…”
He blinked up at her, taking this in. ‘I see. Yes, I suppose it makes sense. With self-defense, learning how to treat things such as sprains, fractures, breaks, and other injures would be beneficial since there’s a chance you could get hurt. And specific massages help to sooth the pain and loosen the muscles and joints to aid in recovery. Using these skills to treat others would be a useful way to make some money on the side. I could see where the misunderstanding came from.’
It seemed that when she said that she had no experience, she really meant that she had no experience, as in none at all. He could understand her being too busy raising her brother all by herself to have a relationship, and so having never had a lover, but to have never even masturbated before? That was… he didn’t know. Sad didn’t seem like a suitable enough word. No wonder she was so shy. While he found her determination to use all her skills and resources to raise her little brother to be admirable, it seemed she had neglected herself. The poor woman was sexually repressed.
At the same time, he couldn’t help but feel a surge of… pride? Was that what he was feeling at the prospect of being the first one to ever touch her, even before herself? It sent a wave of possessiveness through him that he couldn’t explain and felt out of character for him. At least he thought so. But it also made him all the more determine to make, not just their first time, but her first time extra special. He would show her exactly what she had been missing and then some.
He glanced down to his finger that was still inside her, and then began moving it in and out of her again. Yor threw her head back and cried out. He could feel how tight she was around his finger, which made sense since he now understood that she was a virgin lacking any kind of sexual experience whatsoever. He couldn’t hold back the shiver of anticipation he felt at the thought of feeling that tightness wrapped around another part of him.
He continued to tease her, stretching her out a bit and causing her to grow wetter. Embarrassed by the sounds she was making, Yor slapped a hand over her mouth to silence herself. She still let out a muffled scream though when he added a second finger. Her other hand kept gathering more and more of the sheets in her grasp. Despite Loid’s attempts to keep her still, her hips continued to rise and fall off the bed, no match for the strength of her well-toned legs.
Loid wiggled and curled his fingers inside her, causing Yor to squirm. He made sure to pay special attention to her clit as well, making her let out a surprised yelp each time he grazed it with his thumb. He was searching for something though, feeling along her inner walls for it. Strangely, even though she claimed to be a virgin, he found no traces of her hymen.
‘It must have torn on its own at some point in the past,’ he eventually concluded. ‘Yor does have self-defense training. I’ve seen for myself just how skilled she is at it. Intense, vigorous physical activity can indeed cause a woman’s maidenhead to tear, even without them noticing. That’ll at least make our coupling a little easier for her.’
But it hadn’t been her hymen he had been looking for. After a few minutes of searching though, he found it. One of his fingers grazed over an area inside her that had her hand falling away from her mouth to grab the sheets as she let out a scream. Loid couldn’t hold back the smile that spread across his face at her reaction.
“Loid, I… What was that?” she asked, sounding shocked.
“That,” he said proudly, “was your G-spot.”
“M-My what?” she stammered, seemingly having trouble forming words, and he wondered if that was due to her body’s reaction or the alcohol taking affect again. “But I… I thought that was a myth.”
His smile widened. “Tell me, does this feel like a myth?”
He rubbed the spot again, and Yor’s whole body arched off the bed as she inhaled loudly. When she came back down on the bed, she yanked the sheets high into the air before letting her arms drop again.
“No,” she finally answered.
Chuckling, he went back to pleasuring her, consistently returning to that one spot inside her that made her jump or cry out, usually both. He kept this up for the next few minutes before pulling his fingers out of her, his hand sufficiently wet with her juices. Yor fell still against the bed, breathing so heavily her whole body moved with each breath. Loid stared at his wet hand for a few moments before bringing it to his mouth and wrapping his lips around his middle finger.
Yor’s taste exploded against his tongue, and he closed his eyes as he savored it. In the back of his mind, he noted how this was unusual behavior for him. While he had gone down on plenty of girls in the past, it had always been for their pleasure. And while he had enjoyed it well enough, it had always been due to him needing to him have physical relations with the women for their enjoyment, not his own. Yor wouldn’t be taking any physical pleasure from him cleaning her juices from his hand; she didn’t even know he was doing it, and would most likely die of embarrassment if she found out. He had chosen to do that on his own out of his own desire to taste her.
Pulling his finger from his mouth, he returned his attention to the task at hand. He’d sufficiently riled Yor up with his fingers, now it was time to take things to the next level. He reached around her legs and grasped her hips, spreading her legs wider as he lowered his mouth to her.
Yor was still breathing heavily as she tried to process what had just happened to her. Loid had done something with his fingers, and it had felt good, very good. She’d never felt something so good. It felt like something had been building up, but she didn’t know what. She hadn’t wanted him to stop though, and had been disappointed when he did, but was too embarrassed to ask him to continue.
Suddenly, she felt him grip her hips, and before she could ask what he was doing, she felt something press against her. She lifted her head to see what he was doing and was both shocked and mortified to see his head between her legs and his mouth on her; that had been what she had felt.
Instantly, she turned beet red, feeling as if she would pass out from embarrassment. “Wha…? L-Loid, what are you–”
Suddenly, she felt something else against her, something that had her head falling back and her body rising off the bed. It felt like his fingers, but different, very different in fact. Nothing like his fingers actually. And it was better, much better. But it wasn’t until she thought about his head between her legs and his mouth so close to her center that it finally hit her, and her embarrassment went through the roof.
“L-L-L-L-L-Loid,” she stammered loudly, “was that your tong– Ahh!”
Her question trailed off into a scream as he completely sealed his mouth over her slit and she felt what she assumed was his tongue slide up into her. It ran along her inner walls as his lips moved against her folds, almost as if he were open mouth kissing her nether-lips. She jerked about, but he firmly held her hips to his face, preventing her from escaping. If it wasn’t the intensity of what she was feeling that was causing her to try and flee, it was the embarrassment, but all she seemed capable of doing was writhing about.
Loid feasted on Yor as he listened to her consistent cries, wary of her legs on either side of him. They were currently kicking at the air, and occasionally her thighs would squeeze his head in a death grip, displaying the strength in them, but at least they weren’t sending him flying. He pulled Yor even closer, allowing her legs to hang over his shoulders, and reached around more with his hand to spread her wider.
Yor was practically wailing as her legs kicked up and down. Her hands were currently by her head, gripping the sheets. Loid looked up the length of her body and observed as her head turned left and right in her pleasure. The sight of her in such rapture made him smile against her. He didn’t want to toot his own horn, but he knew that he was quite a skilled lover with his hands as well as his mouth, not to mention other parts of his anatomy. Yor had experienced the first, and now she was experiencing the second. He very much enjoyed seeing her in such ecstasy.
Yor didn’t know what was happening to her. Whatever Loid was doing was driving her crazy. Her mind was going fuzzy, making it hard to think straight, and she didn’t know what to do with her hands other than pull at the sheets. She didn’t think she’d ever felt so embarrassed in her life, nor did she ever feel so good. She couldn’t seem to suppress the cries that continued to escape her, or even close her mouth for that matter.
As Loid continued doing whatever it was he was doing, she was too embarrassed to put it into words, she felt like a knot had formed in her stomach that was tightening further and further. Whatever had been building up inside her from his fingers was building up even faster now. Something was coming. She didn’t know what it was, but it scared her with its intensity, and she began rocking back and forth on her shoulder blades as her back arched higher.
“Loid!” she cried out, her hands coming down to grab his hair. “What’s happening?”
Loid removed his mouth from her, partly to answer, and partly because she was pulling so hard on his hair. “It’s ok, Yor. Just let it happen.”
She wouldn’t release his hair, and so he replaced his mouth with his two fingers again, rapidly thrusting them into her. He could tell by her body’s reaction that she was close, and he was determined to get her there. Yor’s hold went from his hair to his arm as the hand at the end of it continued to pleasure her.
“Let what?” Yor practically wailed. “Let what happen?”
“You’re about to have an orgasm, Yor. Do it. Cum for me.”
“C-Cum…? I’m going to… I’m going to…”
She let out a scream as the knot in her stomach burst, making her feel as if an explosion had occurred within her and her hips rose off the bed. Loid felt her inner walls clench and unclench around his fingers as she released a rush of liquid. He kept up the motions though, wanting to draw out her orgasm as long as possible. Yor’s hips remined up in the air the whole time, occasionally humping against his hand with movements that seemed out of her control. He truly hoped he made her first orgasm memorable, but from her body’s reaction, he didn’t think he needed to worry about that.
Yor’s hips finally dropped back down on the bed, causing Loid’s fingers to slip out of her. She was breathing heavily, her eyes shut in bliss, tremors shaking her body. She’d let go of her hold on the sheets, and her arms now rested at her sides. She had gone completely limp, her head lolled to the side as she panted. Her mind was completely blank, and she was full of a feeling of happiness and serenity.
Loid felt a great deal of satisfaction settle in his chest as he observed the hot mess he had reduced Yor to. That satisfaction increased as he thought of how he was the first person to give her an orgasm, even before herself, which he still couldn’t believe. But this was still only the beginning. He had to remember that the main goal of this was to give Anya a sibling. He’d somehow forgotten that as he’d gotten caught up in pleasuring Yor; that wasn’t like him.
‘Don’t forget, Twilight,’ he told himself, ‘this is for the sake of the mission.’
Standing up, he leaned over the bed and scooped Yor up bridal style. He then gently adjusted her position and laid her back down in the middle of the bed; he didn’t even think she noticed. That just made him smile though as he reached for the ties of his robe. It was time to move on to the main event.
Undoing the knot of his robe, he let it fall to the floor. He then crawled up onto the bed, hovering over his wife. She still had yet to acknowledge him, but he didn’t think that was intentional on her part. It almost looked as if she were asleep, but he could tell by her breathing that she wasn’t. He let out a light chuckle and reached out, gently stroking her cheek.
“Yor,” he said softly, grazing the side of her jaw with his thumb.
Her eyelids flickered, as if she were only now coming out of her blissful state. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up into his smiling face. She blinked a few times, trying to gather her thoughts, and then what had happened over the past several minutes started coming back to her.
Embarrassment hit her full-force, only now without the distraction of Loid pleasuring her. Her mouth dropped open in mortification, her lower jaw trembling as she blushed crimson. It was in that moment that she suddenly realized that not only was Loid hovering over her in bed, but that he was completely naked. It was more embarrassment than she could take, and her fight or flight instincts kicked in. And in the case of an assassin, her reaction was the latter.
“NOOO!!!” she wailed.
Her leg instinctively came up, but Loid had anticipated this, having remained to her side rather than over her, and he was able to successfully block the blow, even if it still hurt. But then she suddenly threw a punch that would have resulted in a nasty uppercut. Fortunately, he was able to block this too, catching her fist in his hand.
‘Saw that coming,’ he couldn’t help thinking. ‘I figured this would be her initial reaction.’
She looked like she was on the verge of screaming, so he effectively silenced her by placing a finger over her lips. Strangely, that seemed to pacify her a bit, and she didn’t lash out at him again.
He offered her a smile. “There’s no need to be so embarrassed. I told you, you’re beautiful, Yor.”
Her face turned red all over again, and as he removed his finger from her lips, she turned into a stuttering mess. “B-B-But, L-L-L-L-Loid, you’re n-n-n-n-na-na-na-nak–”
He let out a chuckle as he lowered her fist back down to the bed and slowly leaned in, bringing his lips close to hers. “Would you prefer that I put my robe back on?”
Her eyes seemed to grow wider and wider with the closer his face came. “Th-That’s n-n-n-n-not what I m-m-m-mmm!”
He silenced her with a kiss as his lips finally reached hers. Yor’s eyes were wider than ever as Loid’s tongue entered her mouth again and she realized she could taste traces of herself. She blinked a few times, but as Loid continued to kiss her, her eyes became less and less wide until they drifted shut.
Feeling her starting to relax against him, Loid determined that she wouldn’t suddenly attack him again and moved so he was fully on top of her. He continued to maintain space between their bodies though as he checked to make sure she was comfortable, but it seemed she hadn’t even noticed his change in position. She seemed to be completely caught up in their kiss, and so he pushed onward, slowly lowering his body down into hers.
When the lengths of their bodies came in full contact with each other, she gasped into his mouth. He pulled back and looked down at her to make sure she was still alright. Her cheeks were red and she was worrying her bottom lip, but she offered no words of protest. Instead, she slowly reached up with shaking hands and grasped his face.
Pulling his head down to her, she kissed him, initiating contact for the first time. Loid increased the pressure of his mouth against hers, noting her progress. She then surprised him by parting her lips without any coaxing from him, inviting him inside. He accepted her invitation and deepened the kiss, causing her to moan against his lips.
She released his face as her arms hesitantly circled around his neck, holding him close. He could feel the sleeves of her robe against him, reminding him that she was still actually wearing it. He wanted to remove it so he could have full access to all of her, but it didn’t seem like she would be releasing him anytime soon to allow that.
He instead decided to focus on moving this along, and pressed a leg between hers, easing them open. They slowly parted, allowing him to push his knee up against her center. Yor briefly broke the kiss to let out a loud gasp, but then immediately sealed their mouths together again. He applied more pressure with his knee, making her shiver, and then began working his other leg between hers. She opened to him more until she was cradling him between her thighs. His hardened length remained trapped between them, pressed against their stomachs, and he had to resist the urge to not grind against her.
Yor was lost in a sea of sensation as she held Loid close. His lips moving against hers, their tongues sliding over each other’s, her breasts rubbing against his well-muscled chest, and not to mention the hot rod of flesh she felt against her stomach. She knew what it was, but tried not to think about it, finding the thought too embarrassing. She felt a wave and arousal flow through her when she realized that it would be inside her soon, that Loid would be inside her soon. Just thinking about it made her want to flee in embarrassment, so she instead focused on how good it felt to be kissing Loid and feeling him against her.
When she had first agreed to become his wife, she had been relieved when he had said that it would be in name only. True, she had found him to be extremely attractive, but the thought of being intimate with a man had made her want to die of embarrassment. He’d quickly alleviated those concerns though by informing her that he expected no such thing from her, that they wouldn’t even need to sleep in the same room unless they had company over, purely to keep up the illusion that they were a real husband and wife. Which, technically, they were. Being a sham family aside, they were legally married; they just didn’t do all the things married couples did.
Things had changed for her though. She’d grown to care for Loid a lot, as far more than a friend. She’d also found herself becoming more and more attracted to him over time. And now they were going to give Anya a younger sibling. Yor certainly hadn’t seen that coming. In fact, in the back of her mind, she actually thought that she might die a virgin.
And then Anya had made her unexpected request. And she and Loid had agreed. She still couldn’t believe she had agreed to this. Not just to having a baby, but to what was involved with making one. But be that as it may, the thought of having Loid inside her sent an eager thrill through her, and the thought of having his child filled her with a surprising level of joy.
If only she could get over her embarrassment. She was very much enjoying all the things Loid was doing to her, but they also made her want to cocoon herself in the blanket and disappear. She tried to push away the feelings of discomfort, but they kept coming back to her. Loid naked in her arms, her completely exposed beneath him as they made out. How could she not be embarrassed by all this?
She instead thought back to what he had done to her with his fingers and mouth. While that had been gravely embarrassing as well, the pleasure had outweighed the embarrassment. She’d never had an orgasm before tonight, never so much as touched herself. Was that really so strange? Loid had seemed surprised when he had found out. But whether it was strange or not, one thing was for sure, she had certainly been missing out. And as embarrassing as it was, she was eager for more.
Yor was responding well to him, and Loid took it as a sign to continue. He felt an eagerness in himself that wasn’t wholly related to the mission or the pleasures of sex, and it seemed to be related to Yor in general. It was like his body was demanding that he claim her, her specifically.
‘It’s for the mission,’ he reasoned with himself. ‘Yor is my wife, so of course I would feel this for her specifically. It would be strange to feel the need to procreate with another woman.’
That sounded logical enough to him, so he stopped dwelling on these strange feelings. He broke he kiss and looked down at her questioningly. “Yor, are you ready?”
He wasn’t surprised by the blush that immediately colored her cheeks. She had a nervous frown on her face as she stared up at him, her hands clinging to the back of his neck, but then she closed her eyes and rapidly nodded her head. He chuckled, finding her response adorable, and lifted himself up a bit to reach down between them and take hold of himself.
He found her entrance and pressed his head against it, causing Yor to tense up. He didn’t enter her yet though and merely ran his tip against her slit. He applied just enough pressure to cause her nether-lips to part, and he ran his head and length between them, coating himself with her wetness. Yor shifted underneath him, her breath hitching every time his tip ran through her folds, as if she expected him to penetrate her at any moment.
When he determined that he had prepared her as best as he could, he once again placed himself at her entrance. He paused here and looked down at his wife again. “Yor, are you aware that your hymen is gone?”
Her eyes popped open. “Huh?” His words registered to her and she went crimson. “Huh!? B-B-But I never…”
“It must be from all your self-defense training. I’ve seen what you can do, so it’s not surprising.”
Yor felt so overheated at this point that she felt like she was about to pass out, and dizzy swirls began spinning around in her eyes. “Wh-Wh-What does that mean?”
He chuckled lightly and placed a kiss to her hot forehead. “It’s nothing to worry about. It’s just going to make this hurt a little less.” He frowned. “But I’m afraid it will still hurt since it will still be your first time. Since you’ve never been with a man before, there will be some stretching.”
She bit her lip, looking just as nervous as ever. But then she swallowed, giving him a nervous yet determined look. “Ok, do it.”
He nodded. “Would you like me to do it fast or slow?”
If possible, she blushed even harder. “I… I don’t know! Just do it!”
Deciding to get it over with quickly, he leaned down and kissed her. Once he felt she was significantly distracted, he pushed his way all the way up inside her. Yor cried out into his mouth, her eyes flying open as she felt her inner muscles become stretched out by his invasion, just as he said. Loid kept his lips firmly pressed to hers as he took hold of one of her breasts and began caressing it, attempting to distract her. He felt her nails dig into the back of his neck, but he ignored it as he focused on soothing her.
Yor’s whole body was tense beneath him, and he knew it would only make her adjustment to him more difficult. So he broke the kiss and began gently stroking her cheek. “I’m sorry, it couldn’t be helped. Please try and relax though, it’ll be easier that way.”
She took a few deep breaths, her eyes still as wide as saucers. “I’ll… I’ll try! Sorry!”
He continued stroking her cheek as he fought to keep still. It wasn’t easy, he had underestimated how good it would feel to be inside her. Somehow, it felt… different than it did with other women, and not because she was a virgin, or because he wasn’t using any protection this time; something he had always used with other women. No, as illogical as it seemed, something was telling him that it was because it was Yor specifically.
Yor was going through her own series of dilemmas as she adjusted to his invasion. Yes, it had hurt when he had entered her, but she’d felt worse pain from injuries she’d received during her career as an assassin, and the pain was fading quickly. Currently, she was having a bigger issue dealing with the embarrassment she was feeling. She actually had a cock inside her. She had Loid’s cock inside her. She could feel him filling her, stretching her out, twitching with every beat if his heart, and it was, quite possibly, the most embarrassed she could ever remember feeling.
But then there was the knowledge that it was Loid who was filling her, and she was unprepared for the level of happiness she felt at the thought that it was making her feel emotional to the point where tears threatened to creep up in her eyes as she was filled with a sense of completion. And somewhere in the back of her mind, the word ‘finally’ ran through her head.
The pain was fading fast, and at this point was nearly gone. The same pleasing sensation she had felt before from when he had used his fingers and mouth on her was quickly replacing it, only more intensely. She shifted underneath him, causing his length to rub against her inner walls, and she shuddered at the feeling of pleasure that raced through her.
Suddenly unable to control herself, she wrapped her arms and her legs around him tightly as she hugged him to her and called out his name, her voice cracking slightly with emotion. Loid let out a surprised gasp at her sudden need for contact. Her strong legs locked tightly around his waist, pushing him even deeper into her as her arms crushed him against her. An affectionate smile made its way across his face as she buried hers into his neck, and he gently stroked her hair.
“Yor,” he whispered her name in her ear, “may I start moving?”
He couldn’t see her face, but he could just imagine her blushing at his question. She didn’t answer with words though, and instead simply nodded against him. Still finding her shyness adorable, he began to pull his hips back, going slow in case she still needed time to adjust. She began whimpering as he moved, her hold on him tightening, but it didn’t sound pained. And when he pushed back in, a gasp escaped her.
He gave a few experimental thrusts until he determined that she had sufficiently adjusted to him. He then began to set a rhythm, moving his hips at a slow and steady pace. Yor’s arms and legs continued to squeeze him, coiling around him like vines, her nails digging in every time his hips met hers, her breaths escaping her in heavy pants. He continued like this for a time as Yor laid underneath him, accepting him into her body with every thrust.
“Move with me, Yor,” he told her gently.
He heard her whimper again at that, and a few moments later she said, “I don’t know what to do.”
Loid had to resist the urge to chuckle. She almost sounded disappointed in herself. But as a virgin, it made sense that she wouldn’t know more than the basic idea of sex. “Try and match my rhythm. Raise your hips to meet mine. When I pull out, squeeze your inner muscles, and relax them when I push back in.”
Yor was very glad he couldn’t see her face right now, because she was sure that it was redder than it had ever been in her entire life. She wanted to please him though, the same way he was pleasing her, so the next time he pulled out, she did as he said and worked her inner muscles to clench around him. She heard him groan in response as a delicious shiver ran through her, so she assumed she did it right. And when he moved to push back in, she relaxed around him as she lifted her hips up to meet his.
With Yor’s participation, the two of them moved together, quickly falling in sync with each other. Loid gripped her shoulder with one hand while cradling the top of her head with the other as he thrusted into her. Yor responded to each of their meetings, her crossed legs squeezing and her arms tightening every time his hips met hers. She breathed in his ear as their bodies rubbed together, her pants slowly evolving into moans.
She couldn’t believe she was actually having sex with Loid, and it was incredible. If she had known that sex would be this good, she would have worked through her shyness and embarrassment much sooner, but she had been too focused on her work, too focused on raising her little brother to try and form any romantic relationship or even get a lover. But with this act though, she now truly had one, a relationship and a lover. She was becoming Loid’s wife for real in all things, the two of them finally consummating their marriage. And she found that she couldn’t be happier.
Loid’s head was filled with thoughts of Yor, of how good she felt, of how she clung to him, of how she panted and moaned in his ear. She was very responsive to him, urging him on with her body as she matched his thrusts. She seemed to have adjusted to him completely, no longer showing any signs of pain. He was glad, he’d hated having to hurt her.
A part of him still found it hard to believe that he was with her like this. While he’d found her to be beautiful since the very first moment he saw her, he’d been focused on his mission. He’d needed a wife, and Yor had fit the bill, though she had been the one to proposition him about getting married. She’d needed a husband, but he knew that it would just be for show, a marriage of convenience.
That had been fine for him. He knew their marriage was born out of necessity and mutual benefits, not love. As such, he didn’t expect her to perform any wifely duties in the bedroom; that wouldn’t have been fair for her, which was why he had made the separate bedrooms arrangements. After all, he didn’t need to be in a physical relationship with his wife for the mission to succeed.
And then came the time she had displayed jealousy and insecurity over Fiona. At the time, he had thought that she had developed real feelings for him that she was expressing in her drunken state. So he had suggested that they get married for real. He’d received a powerful kick to his chin in response, to which he had taken as rejection and misinterpretation of her feelings.
Thinking back on it now, he’d liked the idea of them getting married for real. Not that they weren’t already, but he liked the idea of them fully accepting their roles as husband and wife, even having a wedding and exchanging vows. He hadn’t realized it at the time, but her rejection had hurt, he’d just been a little distracted by the pain in his chin to notice the pain in his heart; that and because he’d lost consciousness shortly after receiving the blow.
But now he was here like this with Yor, inside her, the two of them attempting to conceive a child together. And she was eagerly responding to him, accepting him into her body and returning the pleasure he gave.
Her moans were getting louder, and she was squirming around more. As an expert on the female body, he recognized the signs of when one was getting close to orgasm. He could feel the way her inner walls convulsed, drawing him in deeper, and he increased the speed and strength of his thrusts. Yor’s limbs continued to constrict around him, squeezing him to the point where her embrace was crushing him. He relished in the way she clung to him though as he drove her towards her second orgasm.
Yor didn’t know what was happening to her. Her head was fuzzy and she felt like she was going to go crazy. The pleasure was ever growing, greater than before, and all she seemed able to do was cling to Loid as she let her instincts guide her body. Her senses were in complete overload, and she felt as if she might explode. Another orgasm was building up, even stronger than before. The intensity of it actually scared her, making her feel like she was going to be washed away.
“Loid… Loid…” she panted, nuzzling the side of his face. “Please, kiss me.”
He obliged, lifting his head before lowering his lips to hers. She opened up to him and they kissed deeply, Loid’s tongue mimicking the actions of his lower body. Yor brought up a hand to the back of his head to keep him there as her cries were muffled by Loid’s lips. They were coming out faster now, and she practically mashed their faces together as she kissed him in desperation.
She tore her mouth away and emitted a few more cries before her climax hit. She felt as if she had been hit by a powerful tsunami that sent her flying through the air and deposited her in a hurricane of pleasure. Her back arched off the bed as she thrust her hips up at him, screaming out her orgasm. She hugged Loid against her as her body began uncontrollably jerking against him.
Loid grunted loudly as he felt Yor climax around him. He had to fight to stop himself from spilling inside her, not wanting this to end yet. He instead wrapped his arms underneath her arching back and buried his face into her neck as he listened to his name pass her lips as she screamed.
Her scream eventually died off, yet her body remained tense and jerking for a long while afterwards. When she eventually did relax, her arms and legs dropped from around Loid as she settled back down on the bed. A smile spread across Loid’s face as he looked down at his wife in her post-orgasmic blissful state. Eyes closed, mouth open and panting, a sex flush spread across her face, her body glistening with sweat in the moonlight shining through the bedroom window, her hair a disheveled mess as it stuck to her face and shoulders. She truly was a sight to behold. If they ended up having a girl, he hoped that she would take after her mother.
Which suddenly reminded him of the whole reason they were having sex in the first place. They were supposed to be giving Anya a sibling. And while they were doing that, he’d forgotten that they were doing that and had simply been making love to his wife. That was so unlike him. He was Agent Twilight, he never lost sight of his goal.
Pulling out of Yor, he gathered her up into his arms and lifted her into a sitting position. Yor let out a small groan as her eyes flickered open and she stared at him as if in a daze. Loid moved in and pressed his lips to her neck, causing Yor to let out a sigh as her head fell back. The robe that was still draped over her shoulders fell down her back, and Loid ran his hands down her arms, freeing each one from the sleeves, leaving her completely free and open to his touch.
Yor’s arms came up to wrap around him as she enjoyed the feel of Loid kissing her neck. He gently laid her back down, then kissed his way down to her chest, taking a nipple into his mouth. She moaned in delight, still seemingly caught up in orgasmic bliss as her hands tangled in his hair, massaging his scalp.
Rising up, Loid smirked down at her before suddenly flipping her over onto her stomach. She gave a surprised yelp as he did so and glanced over her shoulder at him. “Loid, what are you doing?”
He ran his hand down her back. “We’re meant to be giving Anya a little brother or sister,” he explained as he gathered her up and moved her onto her hands and knees. “This is the best position to achieve conception.”
Yor’s face went red and she turned away from him, feeling flustered and shy all over again. She felt Loid move closer and get himself into position, feeling him press against her entrance. For some reason, this position felt extra embarrassing.
“L-Loid, I…” she muttered.
He paused, looking down at her in concern. “Yes? Are you ok?”
She blushed some more, not quite sure how to voice the issue. “Y-Yes, I’m fine…”
Loid gave her a few seconds to continue, but she didn’t say anything more after that and hung her head in preparation. He looked back down to his member in his hand, rubbing the head against her slit a few times, making her shiver. He slowly inserted the head, then took hold of her hips. He heard Yor suck in some air as she held her breath, and he smirked at that before pushing his way inside.
The breath Yor had been holding escaped her in a gasp as her back curved and her head shot up. Loid smiled as he gently stroked her hip, holding himself deep inside her. He let her acclimate to the position for short while before slowly pulling back and then pushing into her again. Yor inhaled as she felt him fill her, grabbing handfuls of the blanket in the process.
He started out slow, giving her time to get used to this new position, and then slowly began picking up speed when she showed no signs of pain or discomfort. Whimpers and other sounds of pleasure began to escape Yor as he moved within her. He gripped her hips and moved them in time with his thrusts, causing loud exhales from his wife each time he slammed into her.
“Push back against me, Yor,” he instructed after a couple of minutes. “Match my thrusts.”
An embarrassed whimper slipped past Yor’s lips as she blushed again. She did as he said though, pushing back at him as he pushed forward, and the result caused her to let out a loud moan. She heard Loid chuckle behind her as he pulled back again, and she once again pushed back to meet him, letting out another moan.
And so they began a motion of rocking back and forth, pulling towards and pushing away from each other. Loid kept hold of her hips, guiding her movements as Yor met his thrusts, her breasts swaying beneath her in time with her motions. Pleasured sounds continued to escape her as she scratched at the mattress beneath her hands, hissing when he pulled back and moaning when he pushed forward.
Yor’s long black hair swayed over the length of her back, and Loid reached up to brush it aside. He then began lightly grazing his nails down the expanse of her back, from her neck to her tailbone, then starting at the top again. Yor shivered in response, and her arms shook as they seemed to grow weak. She fell face-first onto the bed, burying her face into the blanket as her rear remained in the air. Loid leaned over her more as he practically mounted her and continued to drive into her at a more downward angle, causing Yor’s moans to come out faster.
Yor felt as if her face were on fire. Actually, her whole body felt that way, like she could just melt into a puddle, but her face especially burned with embarrassment. As pleasurable as this position was, it was also a lot more embarrassing. She felt like she was some kind of animal being bred by her mate like this. Which, technically, was true, but it was embarrassing all the same, even more so than when she had been on her back with Loid on top of her. It just felt like too much too soon.
“Loid,” she moaned into the sheets before biting down on them and speaking through clenched teeth, “this position is really embarrassing.”
He paused in his thrusts, looking down into the flushed face of his wife. Her cheek was resting against the mattress, redder than it should be, her eyes closed, the blanket between her teeth and clenched in her fists. Yes, he supposed this could be rather embarrassing for a first-timer; sex was embarrassing in general for virgins, and his wife did always seem extra shy and bashful. Perhaps he should have eased her into this some more; he did not want her to be uncomfortable with him after all.
Leaning down, he pushed aside her hair and gently spoke in her ear. “Would it make you feel better if you were in control?”
Her eyes snapped open and she glanced up at him, releasing the blanket from her teeth. “Huh?”
He gave her an understanding smile. “It might make you more comfortable if you were on top.”
“On… On top? What do you mean?”
“Like this.”
He wrapped an arm around her middle and pulled her up. Yor let out a surprised yelp as she was pulled upright with her back against his chest. He shifted behind her, getting off his knees to sit down and straightened out his legs so they were between hers. She now found herself straddling him as she faced away from him.
Loid laid down as he settled Yor over him, placing his hands on her hips to steady her. “There, how’s that? This way you’re on control, and you’re facing away from me so it’s less embarrassing.”
No, it was still very much embarrassing. The thought of controlling their sex was mortifying. And sure, while not looking at him was less embarrassing, it still was in its own right, especially when she knew that he was looking at her and while couldn’t see him.
“B-But… what do I do?” she stammered, keeping her hands up since she didn’t know what to do with them.
He chuckled. “Whatever you want. You’re in control now. Take your pleasure.”
“Take my…”
Steam escaped her as her bottom lip trembled nervously. She glanced down her body to where she sat on bended knees, Loid’s legs sticking out in front of her. He was still inside her, she could feel him pressing against her womb, penetrating her deeply from this new angle. He’d told her to do whatever she wanted, but she didn’t know what to so. Did she just… start moving? Move how?
Letting out an uneasy whimper, she made a small forward motion with her hips, and a wave of pleasure raced through her. She did it again, more firmly this time, and shivered in delight. She shifted above him, and even that made her tremble as she felt her husband’s length move inside her.
Behind her, Loid nodded. “Yes, that’s good, Yor. Keep going. Do whatever feels good for you. Experiment a bit.”
She blushed some more, but slowly lowered her arms to rest them on her legs. Nibbling on her bottom lip, she began to slightly rise and fall on him. The movements sent delightful sensations racing through her body, and she heard Loid let out a pleased groan behind her. She took that to mean that he was enjoying what she was doing too, so she continued with the rising and falling motions.
Letting her eyes drift shut, it wasn’t long before she stopped chewing on her lip and was panting once more. She gripped her own knees as she rose and fell on Loid, her movements now faster, harder, more sure. Loid allowed her to have full control, just as he said, but continued to keep hold of her hips. He matched her rhythm, pulling her down on him when she let her hips fall, and started letting out groans of his own to mix with the moans Yor had begun letting out as they shared in the pleasure.
Leaning forward some, Yor continued to move up and down on him, finding that the mere changing of the angle brought her new sensations of pleasure. She was breathing harder now, her moans coming out faster. Her hips almost seemed to be moving on their own, and she was helpless to stop it. The embarrassment was still there, but it took second place to the pleasure once more.
Loid proceeded to let out low grunts and groans as Yor practically bounced in his lap. Yor did seem to have become more comfortable in this position, and he sat up and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against him and latching his lips onto her neck. His one hand grabbed a breast while the other moved down between her legs.
She cried out as he began massaging her clit, her arms rising up from her legs to hang in the air on either side of her. Her cries grew louder as he sucked on her pulse point while kneading her breast and rubbing where they were connected. All the while, she kept moving in his lap, and he began thrusting up into her.
It felt like Loid was everywhere, completely surrounding and consuming her, filling all her senses. Almost instinctually, she found herself reaching back to tangle her hands in his hair, and she turned her head back as far as she could to find Loid’s lips and they began kissing. She felt him attempt to deepen the kiss, and opened her mouth to engage her tongue with his.
She found that he was right, she did feel less embarrassed not looking at him, but she found that she wanted to. She wanted to see him, to take in his handsome features, to see the expressions on his face, to watch the looks of pleasure that passed over it. Releasing his head, she whispered his name and moved her hand down to his chest, pushing him to lay back.
Letting his hands drop, he laid down once more, wondering what she would do. Panting heavily, she lifted herself off him and turned around so she was now facing forwards, then sat down on him again in a squatting position.
“I want… to see you…” she panted, her voice heavy with desire.
He nodded at her. “Whatever you want.”
She bit her lip again, her embarrassment returning in full. In this position, she was completely exposed to his gaze, her whole body on display. She resisted the urge to cover up as she shyly turned her head to the side and closed her eyes.
Loid took note of her shyness and caressed her hip. “Are you ok?”
Keeping her eyes closed, she nodded. “Yes, I’m just embarrassed.” She opened her eyes and looked down at him. “But I want to do this.”
With a shaking hand, she hesitantly took his member in it. She ran it up and down his length a few times before rising up and placing him at her entrance. Squeezing her eyes shut, she let out a whimper as Loid groaned underneath her, and she began slowly sinking down onto him. She kept going until her hips met his, then let out several deep breaths before looking down at him with hooded eyes.
Giving her a smile, he reached up for her. Yor took his hand in hers and leaned forward so she could place it against her cheek. Loid stroked her smooth skin with his thumb and she smiled before turning her face into his hand and nuzzling her palm. Then she leaned down so she was lying completely on top of him and kissed him.
Loid’s arms came up around her in an embrace as they kissed, and he began soothingly running his hands up and down her back. Yor’s own hands gripped his shoulders as they leisurely kissed. She felt Loid begin to slowly raise and lower his hips, making shallow thrusts into her. She began sliding on top of him as well, her breasts rubbing against his chest. Loid’s hands moved lower still, and he began gently kneading her rear.
Breaking the kiss, Yor let out a sigh as she turned her head to expose her neck. A smile spread across her face as Loid took the hint and began kissing the area. She let out a loud gasp as he sucked on her pulse point before pushing herself up to sit up again, resting her hands on his chest.
Still looking shy, she opened her eyes to look down at him as she huffed and puffed. Loid caressed her hip as he gave her an encouraging smile before taking note of the look of embarrassment on her face. “Are you ok like this?”
A small squeak escaped Yor as she looked even more bashful, and her nails briefly scratched into his chest. “I-I’m fine. It’s just… you can see all of me… in this position…”
He smiled at her again as he ran a hand up and down her leg. “I like looking at you, Yor. I… find your physical form pleasing.”
A small, humorous smile grazed Yor’s face as she realized he had intentionally used her own phrasing. “I find yours pleasing as well.”
His humor helped her feel a little less embarrassed, and she relaxed some more. She took a deep breath before closing her eyes and then slowly began moving her hips. She rocked against him in a slow, steady pace, keeping her hands on his chest for balance as she moved.
A few seconds later, she felt Loid’s hands move to her hips as he began helping to guide her movements and set a rhythm. He silently encouraged her to move faster, and she sped up her hip movements. She could feel his length moving within her, rubbing against her inner walls, and she soon resumed panting and moaning as waves of sensation raced through her.
For a time, she continued to ride him, listening to him release the occasional groan as his grip on her hips tightened every now and then. It was mostly the sound of her own moans and heavy breathing that filled the room as her breasts bounced in time with her movements and her hair danced around her. Her own fingers occasionally dug into his chest as well, causing him to release a grunt, though none of them sounded pained.
“Yor, open your eyes,” she heard him say. “Look at me.”
Feeling shy, she briefly nibbled on her bottom lip before remembering that the whole reason she had assumed this position was because she wanted to look upon him. She slowly opened her eyes and looked down at Loid as she moved on top of him. She immediately felt her stomach twist in further desire as she took in his handsome face. He was sweating just as much as she was, a sex flush coloring his cheeks as he too panted, and he was watching her with intense, hooded eyes that were clouded with lust and desire.
Once her eyes were locked with his, she found that she couldn’t look away. Her hip movements seemed to increase as she began moving more vigorously on top of him, and her breathing grew heavier and her moans more profound. With the increase of her speed, Loid seemed to become more vocal as well, his facial features seemingly becoming more strained.
He suddenly released her hips and lifted himself up. He placed one hand on her lower back as he propped himself up on his other arm. Thrusting up into her, his own movements became more aggressive as she rocked against him, keeping his eyes locked on hers. Yor was overcome with the urge to kiss him, but couldn’t seem to stop moving her hips. She instead placed her hands on his shoulders for leverage as she thrusted herself against him even harder.
They continued on like that until Yor felt the build-up of an orgasm. Closing her eyes, she began moving even faster and harder against him, trying to reach that exquisite finish. She began not so much rocking against Loid as she was bouncing in his lap as she felt herself getting closer and closer.
If her increase in speed and movements weren’t indication enough, Loid recognized the other telltale signs of her body that let him know she was getting close. That was good, because he was getting there as well, and he wanted her to reach orgasm again at least once more before he did. Not just for both his satisfaction and hers, but also because of practicality since he knew that the rush of fluids her body produced would make it easier for his individual sperm to swim up into her and find one of her eggs to fertilize. That was, he reminded himself, the whole reason they were doing this. Which also reminded him that they had changed positions from the one he knew was most suitable for conception, but he couldn’t bring himself to have them stop long enough to get back in that position.
“Loid…” Yor panted, her voice almost beginning to sound hysterical. “Loid…”
He sat up further until he was completely upright and pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her and placing his hands on her rear to help push and pull her against him. Yor’s arms went around him as well as she hugged herself to him, resting her chin on his shoulders. Her mouth hung open as her moans became more like cries that began to gradually rise in volume.
“Loid!” she called out, chanting his name in an ever-increasing volume. “Loid! Loid! Loid!”
“Yor!” he found himself grunting out as well, her name falling from his lips without him even meaning to say it.
“Loid!” she cried out again, even louder. “Tell me… Tell me you love me… I… I just want to… to hear it… Say it, please…”
“Yor,” he grunted again, his own voice coming out a little unsteady. “I… I love you…”
He felt her arms tighten around him almost possessively when he said it, and she began riding him even harder as she practically screamed in his ear. “Loid… I’m… I’m going to… to cum… Oh, I’m cummiiiiiing!”
Her nails bit into his back as Yor shoved her hips against his. Her whole body began to convulse as she hugged herself to him with all her strength. Loid could feel her inner muscles work over his length as her body tried to milk him of his seed. He held her to him as he thrusted up onto her, attempting to reach the same paradise with her. All thoughts of the mission disappeared from his mind entirely, as did the whole reason for their copulation, as he strived for nothing more than joining his wife in bliss.
Shortly after she had reached orgasm, he found himself falling over the edge as well. He let out a low cry of his own as he thrusted inside her as deeply as he could and released his seed. Yor was still going through the last remnants of her own orgasm as she felt his member begin to spurt inside her, and a tingling warmth began to spread throughout her. She understood this to be his seed, and an embarrassed blush darkened her already flushed face further at the thought of him cumming in her and the purpose of it, causing her to whimper in response and hug herself to him even tighter.
Loid held her just as tightly as the last few spurts escaped him. As his orgasm subsided, he began to relax, and his hold on Yor loosened. She continued to cling to him though, and every few seconds a small tremor went through her. He could feel her heart racing in her chest as their torsos remained pressed together, his own heart still rapidly beating as well.
That had been… intense. Sex had never been like that with the other women he had slept with. It felt so much more… intimate. Was it because this time it had been with the intent to impregnate? That seemed like the logical conclusion, but for some reason, that didn’t feel accurate. It did, however, feel like it was somehow related to Yor.
Which suddenly reminded him, this had been her first time. And while losing her virginity had undoubtedly hurt, he felt that he had made it as painless as possible for her. He also certainly hoped that she had enjoyed it, and she certainly seemed to. He hadn’t been able to go all out and show her the full extent of what sex had to offer since it was her first time, but he had made her cum twice during the actual sex and once during foreplay.
Yor’s hold on him slowly relaxed and she slumped in his arms, now resting against him. She retracted her arms, letting her hands slide down Loid’s chest to rest against his pecs as she turned her head to rest it on his shoulder. Her heavy breathing slowly evened out, though she still took and released long breaths of air as she snuggled against Loid, feeling as if she could comfortably fall asleep right here just like this.
Loid soothingly ran his hand up and down her back before bringing it up higher to begin gently stroking her hair. “Are you ok, Yor?”
It was several long seconds before she responded in the form of a small nod as she let out a content, “Mmm-hmm.”
Her response made him smile. “You’re officially no longer a virgin. So how was your first time?”
He once again had to wait a short while before she reacted, and when she did, she lifted herself off his shoulder, and Loid saw that she had tears in her eyes and a happy, blissful smile on her face.
“It was amazing, Loid,” she said, reaching up to wipe her tears. “It was so beautiful.”
More tears filled her eyes as she wiped them away, and they began running down her cheeks. He gave her another smile as he reached up to wipe her tears away himself, then leaned in to kiss her tenderly.
When he broke the kiss, Yor let out a small laugh as she reached up and tried to wipe away more tears that fell. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m crying. I just feel so emotional right now.”
Loid resisted the urge to chuckle as he held his wife in his arms. “It’s perfectly alright. Be as emotional as you want.” He tucked a damp lock of hair behind her ear. “You still look beautiful.”
Her bottom lip trembled as she smiled, and another light laugh escaped her. “I’m glad you find my physical form pleasing.”
This time Loid did chuckle as he leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers. “And you know what else? This means we’ve finally consummated our marriage.”
A smile spread across Yor’s face as her tears stopped flowing, but her eyes continued to glisten with moisture. “Yes, I guess we did.”
They stayed like that in each other’s arms for the next few minutes, basking in the afterglow. Eventually though, Yor glanced down between them and rested her hand on her stomach, knowing that somewhere inside her, Loid’s sperm were swimming around, seeking out an egg to fertilize. For some reason, that didn’t seem so embarrassing anymore, and she felt an indescribable level of joy at the prospect of becoming pregnant with his child.
“Did we do it?” she asked, a hint of eagerness slipping into her voice. “Do you think I’ll get pregnant from this?”
Loid looked down as well and placed his hand on top of hers over her stomach. “It’s possible, but I’d imagine it will take more than one time. But even if you do get pregnant from this, it’ll still be some time before we find out, and when we do, it’ll still be nine months before Anya gets her sibling.”
Yor’s smile grew wider as she started feeling existed. “If it’s a boy, I want to name him Loid Jr., after his father. If it’s a girl… well, I guess you can pick the name if it is.”
He chuckled. “I think we have plenty of time before we need to worry about names. Let’s at least wait until we find out that you’re pregnant first, then we can start picking names.”
Yor nodded, though she couldn’t help but to still feel eager. She moved her hand away from her stomach to wrap her arms around his neck again, but kept her forehead resting against his. She was still facing down though, and her gaze zeroed in on their laps to where they were still connected. The sight was still embarrassing, but not as much as before, and it was accompanied by a feeling of happiness and excitement that caused her stomach to tighten.
“Hey, Loid…” she muttered shyly, her eyes glancing at him before darting away, “do you think we could… do it again?”
Her words surprised him in light of the embarrassment she had displayed at previous acts of intimacy or even affection, yet they also caused his cock inside her to stir back to life.
Smiling, he gave her a kiss before replying, “Yes, I think that can be arranged.”
As sounds of pleasure filled her parents’ bedroom, the glass of water that Anya had gotten up to get fell from her hand and splashed across the floor at her feet as a look of shock and horror fell over her face. While the door was able to suppress the sounds coming from inside the room, it did nothing against her telepathic powers.
Mortified whimpers escaped Anya as thoughts and images of what was going on through the heads of the two occupants in the other room flooded her own mind upon getting within close enough proximity for her telepathy to pick up on them.
“Mama…” she muttered, her eyes wide and blank and her face devoid of color, “and Papa… are…”
When she had asked for a little sibling, she certainly hadn’t expected this. The image in her head of a stork delivering her new baby brother or sister was shattered along with a part of her innocence. And once she snapped out of her stupor enough to regain mobility in her legs, she mechanically began making her way back to her room, leaving the spilled glass of water in the hall, having forgotten about it completely.
She didn’t return to her bed as her feet instead took her over to Bond, who was curled up asleep on the floor. Anya flopped down face-first into his fur, waking him, before rolling over onto her back and resting against him as she stared up at the ceiling with a blank look on her face.
“Mama and Papa are flirting…” she said emotionlessly, not knowing how else to define what she saw.
Bond let out a low grumble and turned his head back to lick her cheek. As he did so, Anya gasped as she received a telepathic image that she picked up from him as he experienced a psychic vision of the future.
It was the sight of Yor lying down in a hospital bed. And in her arms, she held a newborn baby boy with a crop of black hair wrapped in a blanket. She looked happier than Anya had ever seen her before, with tears of joy pouring down her cheeks. Loid was there too, standing right by her bedside with his hand on her shoulder, also looking happier than Anya had ever seen him as he stared down at the newborn with unshed tears in his own eyes, eyes the same color as the baby’s.
Anya was there as well, only she was a little bigger, maybe a year older than she was now. Loid proudly had his other hand on her back as she happily leaned over the bed, reaching out towards the baby as it grasped her finger in his little hand. And openly weeping in the corner, looking both happy, furious, and heartbroken all at the same time, was Yor’s brother, Yuri.
The vision ended, leaving Anya stunned by what she had seen. She blinked a few times before turning to the Great Pyrenees. “Bond, was that… what’s going to happen in the future?”
The dog, predictably, didn’t answer, and instead let out a yawn before laying his head back down and seemingly falling asleep again. Anya continued to stare at him for a few seconds more before a look of acceptance crossed her face and she laid back against his warm body and stared up at the ceiling, trying to process everything that had happened in the past few minutes.
“Ok,” she said, trying to focus on the vision she got from Bond rather than the one she had received outside her parents’ room, “I guess Anya can put up with it. But no more going past Mama and Papa’s room at night.”
(A/N: And we end on a both humorous and wholesome note. Poor Anya, but hey, you reap what you so. At least she's getting the little sibling she wanted, and it looks like Loid and Yor are starting to realize their feelings for each other. I must admit, it was a little weird trying to make a lemon story comedic. I'm not sure the comedy mixed well with it, but hey, this is why we practice, to see what works and what doesn't. I hope you enjoyed it all the same, and I'll catch you next time.)
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