I Want a Cute Girlfriend! | By : DevilnBlue Category: +M to R > My Hero Academia Views: 680 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia. I do not own Nisekoi Boyfriend. Both creations belong to the creators and publishers that created them. This is purely fanfiction. |
Hello everyone, it’s Hopeless Blue Kiss here with a new fic for you. I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think with your review.
I Want a Cute Girlfriend!
Chapter One
“I am here!”
A kindergartner dressed from head to toe in superhero rain gear chirped those words out proudly in his squeaky, pubescent voice. His unruly, evergreen curls spilling out from the safety of his bright blue and red All-Might rain hood. His adorable little nose and cheeks flushed a rosy pink, highlighting each sun-kissed freckle.
“Muwhaha, evil doers beware for All-Might Jr. is here!” He continued to declare, whooping, and hollering as he ran across the wet grass of the playground with his All-Might action figure swooshing through the air in his firm grip. His bright red rainboots with the official All-Might logo squeaked distinctly as he ran across the lawn and nearly tripped once or twice, misjudging a wet spot in his haste to live out his superhero fantasies.
He faintly recalled his mother fretting and calling occasionally out, “Izuku, sweetie, please calm down…”. But he ignored the naysayer that would dare try to tamp down his wild imagination and enthusiasm. It deserved to roam free like an unleashed dog lapping up freedom beyond its gated backyard.
The five-year-old would laugh and giggle, dancing from her reaching hands as he scaled up the jungle gym and struck a dramatic pose once he reached the top. His action figure on his hip as he surveyed his domain and searched for any damsels in distress for the budding hero to save. Of course, to the average person the only thing of note out there was a bunch of toddlers making lumpy sandcastles with the rain saturated sand; a baseball game practice happening on the far right and a few nannies and mom’s gossiping and tucking into their coffees and teas, murmuring happiness that the rain was brief, while rocking strollers in the public park. It was so boring, and mundane until...
“Hey, Kacchan you came back!” The greenette shouted out gleefully. He scrambled down from the jungle gym refusing to heed the startled squeak of surprise from his fretting mother worried he’d slip. Instead the young child climbed down like a little monkey and made a beeline to the small, blonde newcomer. His arms thrown out wide as he quickly wrapped his thin, little arms around his most favorite person. He clung harder when she immediately started complaining as he rubbed his chubby cheek against her. She sounded disapproving but she soon gave in and hugged back one handedly while petting his curly head indulgently.
Izuku didn’t remember exactly what the girl looked like. Just the ba-thump feeling of his chest when she smiled and the colors of red and gold shining brightly in the sun when he looked at her. Even her voice was muted as if he was trying to look and hear her from under the water. She always came to him when he needed her most, wearing another one of the cute outfits her mother made her. He almost cried in joy when she grabbed his hand and called out to him to whisk him on another adventure.
“Midoriya… Midoriya…”
‘No, she calls me Deku’ he faintly remembered, frowning at the wrongness of the name.
“Mr. Midoriya, I hope my lecture isn’t bothering your sleep, is it?” The teacher asked tersely, hands braced on the textbook he slammed on his own teacher’s desk to wake up his sleeping student. The instructor then pointed at the eraser board with the textbook pages that they were supposed to be following along to. His weighted gaze didn’t leave Midoriya until he picked up his book from the desk and began to fumble for the right pages. His dream that he was reluctant to part from, all but forgotten.
“I… I’m so sorry Aizawa-Sensei,” Izuku choked out. He blushed profusely as he sat up straight and sheepishly covered a yawn. His blush had him resembling a human strawberry the way his freckles stood out pronounced against his rosy, round cheeks. He buried his warm face further in his textbooks, determined to follow along and hide his shame. But that couldn’t distract from the snickers and jeering around him about how he had boldly slept in class.
The only reason he had nodded off like that was because he stayed up so late pouring over the latest updates of a few of his hero Mangas before tuning into the one hour All Might Special that the United States premiered at 8pm eastern standard time. Sure, he could have recorded it because of the obvious time zone difference; but he didn’t trust his DVR to start recording at the exact time with the necessary subtitles and capture everything. Plus, he knew the nerd community would be spoiling things left and right on the social media websites he frequented as the narrator revealed never seen clips and interviews from the creator of the All Might cartoons, Toshinori Yagi. It was a rarity that the creator was able to speak for half of the tv segment considering he was reported to finally be in remission after his decade year fight with stomach cancer.
Midoriya’s eyes were still slightly puffy and itchy from lack of sleep, but it was totally worth it to see what capers his favorite hero All Might character was up to thanks to Toshinori continuing the long-running manga series.
“Now that everyone is awake, I would like you to…” droned on the teacher. Midoriya was on autopilot after that as he quickly jotted down the notes even as he wondered want social media sites he should hit up for the latest gossip about last night’s special and any good gifs he could make. He was so lost in thought that he clearly couldn’t see the red garnet eyes that captured every moment that Midoriya made from his soft muttering to himself to the bounce of fluffy, green halo of curls.
Izuku was realistic enough to know his lot in life. Many who saw him had described him as plain looking and forgettable. His only unique attributes were that his nose and cheeks were kissed by the sun with freckles and his hair was as wild and curly as seaweed. He had a baby face that refused to let go of the last of his baby fat and he hadn’t had a growth spurt since Middle School making him shorter than most of his mal peers.
He knew he had slightly above average grades because he had no real social life to distract him from being studious. He was an introvert that soaked in time spent alone reading and watching his favorite superheroes in anime and black and white mangas. He was the extra in every main character’s hero/romance story. An NPC seat filler that made an appearance once to help the protagonist before fading into the background by the much more compelling plotline created by the main characters. He accepted his fate. His friends the anonymous weebs on social media that gushed over the same things he did and occasionally went on hero quests on online games and comic conventions.
If he was lucky enough, Izuku would go to college on a little scholarship that would help to not burden his single mother and get an office job somewhere as a corporate slave. Maybe meet a girl who could tolerate his habits and have two kids and a yappy dog in some suburban neighborhood. It was very from the exciting hero life he thought he would lead, but that was just life sometimes.
“Oi, that hurts!”
Izuku had once again been lost in thought, eyes glued to his phone’s group chat and hadn’t seen the blonde classmate that he had bumped into in the hallway. He quickly bent down to pick up the backpack he had dropped when he had collided into the blonde, an apology stuck like toffee in his throat.
“Hey, shit for brains, did you ever try looking when you walked?!” exclaimed the frowning blonde when he didn’t get an initial response from the greenette.
“I… I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to!” Izuku explained even as he fished in his backpack for something to appease the taller, blonde teen. He only briefly glanced at the teen. However, it was clear that the blonde teen looked like the perfect example of a main character with his classic heartthrob looks and bad boy aura that would attract any schoolgirl. Izuku couldn’t help but feel inadequate next to the taller teen and wanted to disappear from his gith as quickly as possible. “Please, I have this extra All-Might keychain charm that I got from the vending machine. I’ll give it to you.” Izuku readily pressed the chibi sized All-Might charm into the other boy’s hands.
“Huh?” The blonde looked at the charm, a bit confused. “Wait, what are you doing? It makes it look like I’m bullying you or something. You were the one who bumped into me. I just wanted an apology,” the blonde argued, frown deepening. His garnet gaze already snagging on many individuals that had paused in going to class to see the commotion in the middle of the hallway.
“You aren’t?” Izuku asked, cocking his head cutely to the side like a befuddled dog. It didn’t seem like the right thing to take back the gift once given, but he was at least happy that the situation was easily resolved. “I mean of course you aren’t,” he said nodding his head in the affirmative. He waved off his blasé words resulting in a glare.
“Don’t you ever pay attention to anyone or—” The blonde began before he was cut off by one of his friends.
“Hey Bakubro, don’t worry about Midoriya. We don’t register to him. Let’s go already. I’m starving and you know all the good sandwich choices go quickly,” a teen with red dyed hair shouted out, waving to his friend with a big toothy grin.
“Yeah, Bakugo, lets go. I’m starving. My stomach is seriously starting to talk to me,” a blonde with slightly brighter hair with black streaks said, dramatically draping himself across the irate friend.
“Get the fuck off ME. You weigh a ton!” Bakugo said pushing the other blonde off him roughly only for his other friend to brace his friend before he fell as if he anticipated it. “Shitty hair, Pikachu don’t you see I’m having a serious conversation here!” the blonde gestured to the befuddled greenette. “Tch, whatever. Hey nerd, just watch where you are going next time,” he said calmly.
“O…okay,” Midoriya nodded in agreement. He was just relieved that everything was resolved. “I…I’ll be going now,” he squeaked out before he quickly rushed off to his next class. Garnet eyes following his departure.
Today was more excitement than he had expected with the teacher scolding him and running into the ‘Bakugo’ guy who was friendlier than he first thought. He was already prepared to wind down from the tense day with a new manga series he found at the bookstore after school and maybe a nice hot bath. He smiled wistfully knowing that since his mother normally worked the night shifts as a nurse, he could expect an already plated homemade meal for dinner in the fridge and blissful silence.
Izuku was so unaware of his surroundings that he didn’t realize that there was a teenage girl next to his door. Not until he was standing at the front of his own door mat. His keys were already in his hands, poise to open the door when his eyes snagged on the bright colors of her skirt and slowly drew up to drink in the beauty that sat to the side of him.
The blonde looked like she fell right out of a fairytale to sit so prettily near his doormat. She was simply enchanting wearing a Gothic Lolita black dress with orange butterflies that swirled up one side of the dress from bodice to skirt before settling at the hem. Half her hair was pulled into two messy blonde buns with monarch butterfly clip in the center of each bun holding them in place. Her curly bangs nearly obstructed sleepy garnet eyes that stared at him curiously from the lush fan of her lashes.
“So, are you just going to stare or are you going to acknowledge me?” the sleepy murmur came from the blonde girl. Her long legs drew up closer to her chest, ballooning out her full skirt, black mary jane ballerina shoes gently scraping against the pavement. She rested the side of her golden head on the folded hands rested on her knees, her big garnet eyes looking askance at the greenette. “I hate being ignored,” she breathed out a little softer as if not meaning for him to hear that last bit. But he did.
“Huh?” Izuku squeaked out intelligently. His face already reddening at being so close to such an attractive girl. He had never really talked to a girl outside his mother and he didn’t really know what to do in this situation. “Eh, um… you’re talking to me right?” the greenette said weakly pointing his trembling finger to himself. His green eyes darting around the are around them to see if he was somehow blocking the main character to this unfolding love story.
“You really don’t see anyone when you go into your little worlds, do you I-zu-ku-kun?” the blonde playfully dragged out the last bit of his name. Amusement clear in her voice. “My eyes are only on you. No one else. So… Do you remember me? Maybe if I call you, ‘Deku’.”
Izuku frowned, not sure why such an insult was so familiar. He wasn’t a Deku. He wasn’t ‘useless’ or ‘powerless’. Sure, he wasn’t one to try hard, but he didn’t think she was trying to be purposely mean by saying that to him. The blonde beauty really looked hopeful as if that insult would rattle some hidden meaning deep within his memories, but he was coming up blank. He thought of all the classmates he knew, but the ones he even bothered to pay attention could never hold a candle to the beauty before him right now. But he didn’t want her to seem disappointed. He frowned deeply wondering if maybe he had seen her outside of school at the bookstore he might have frequented, but no. He doubted that he could forget someone as breathtaking as her.
“Oi, are you hard of hearing? Or is it that you really don’t remember me?” She said pouting cutely as she stood up, brushing her puffy petticoats of any dust. The blonde girl towered a good foot or so above Izuku but he didn’t mind. He liked tall girls too. Especially ones that smelled nice with a woodsy scent instead of that fake, cloying, flowery perfume most girls’ wear.
Izuku could only nod hesitantly. He didn’t feel right lying to her, but he wanted her to stay and not be disappointed in her. The changes of him meeting such a beauty that gave him one iota of thought was too low a percentage to risk it.
“Thank fuck,” the blonde sighed out in relief. She took a step back from the greenette, smiling coyly when Izuku looked sadden that she was no longer close to the shorter teen.
“The truth is I like cute shit like this. I like girl stuff ribbons, lace, and skirts. At first, I really hated it and fought my hag of a mother about it. But if I’m honest with myself, I like feeling pretty when I wear this,” the blonde teen confessed, voice vulnerable in her honesty as she toyed with the edge of her dress. “So, what do you think? Do you… Do you fuck… Do you like me wearing shit like this?”
Izuku couldn’t help but eagerly nodded in excitement in a subject that truly interested him. He fumbled in his bag, dropping his keys in his eagerness to draw outa magazine he purchased showing a girl dressed in cosplay on the cover. “You… you don’t look weird at all! The opposite really. Clothes like yours are cutesy and Lolita, right? Some people might not appreciate the look, but I’m not some people. I really like it because it can transform someone’s whole look. It reminds me of cosplay and because I’m a nerd I can appreciate the time and energy it takes to make an appearance look ‘moe’. Plus, you look good in that. It really suits you and… and I think you look cute,” Izuku spluttered the last part, blushing profusely.
His eyes darted from her to the dogeared copy of his cosplay magazine that he had proudly displayed as he began his muttering rant. He couldn’t help muttering when he was truly passionate about something. But it was so embarrassing because he didn’t know when to stop until someone told him, or he ran out of oxygen. Things like this was the reason he kept mostly to himself so he didn’t embarrass himself in front of others.
“Damn Deku, I don’t think I ever heard you talk that much. But thank you, I thought you would appreciate my outfit,” confessed the blonde as she took up one of his hands. The blush high on her cheeks as she looked at their joined hands, toying with the fingers as she continued. “I really wanted to hear you say that… that I was cute. It’s been so long… and so I wore my favorite outfit just hoping you might.”
Idea suddenly dawned on Izuku. It hit him so hard, that he let his magazine book to slide out of his fingers. “You like me, don’t you? That’s why you’re here, right? You’re so cute and I know you are way, way out of my league, but I would be so happy if you would give me a chance,” the greenette gushed.
“Huh, what chance?” the blonde asked, slightly bemused, and embarrassed by what seemed to be a confession unfolding before her.
“Please be my girlfriend?!” Izuku said loudly and boldly. He was shaking with both excitement and anxiety at blurting that out, but he wanted to cease his chance. He didn’t know what she liked about him, but he would take it.
“Are you fucking with me? Are you really for real?!” the blonde girl explained, utterly shocked. She didn’t expect the little shit had it in him. She honestly never thought when she was getting ready to come cover to Izuku’s home that he would confess like this.
“I… I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have bothered yo—” Izuku began to mumble his apology. Head hung low, he snatched his hands back and buried his hands on his face. He had no right to be a main character. He was close to tears in not being taken seriously. He was like Icarus flying to close to the sun only to get burnt. Izuku just wanted to escape into his house and away from this embarrassing moment.
“Hey… no, don’t do that. Don’t shut me out. Eyes on me, okay? I just… shit, you caught me off guard. Isn’t there any girl at school or something that you like?” the blonde asked soothingly. She slowly coaxed Izuku’s hands down, almost cooing at the way those big green eyes shimmered with unshed tears at his fear of rejection.
“I… I never thought about the girls at school either romantically or sociably. I mainly stay to myself and I’m usually okay with being an ‘extra’. I don’t need to notice anybody because no one bothers to notice me. I just drift and do my work at school. But you… you came here and you are the cutest thing I have ever seen. If you were my girlfriend I’d… I’d tell you how cute you are all the time. Five… no twenty times a day because you are so cute,” Izuku rambled anxiously, not quite meeting the blonde’s garnet gaze.
“Shit… well, I wouldn’t mind…You… You better not disappoint me.” the blonde teen trailed off. Her face was just as hot and pink as Izuku’s was as she squirmed on the spot as the shorter boy looked at her now with such intensity.
“You’re so tsundere, I love it,” Izuku let slip then covered his mouth. “I’m sorry, I’ll make sure to be the best boyfriend ever,” he declared puffing out his smaller chest and thumping it hard before wincing at hurting himself.
“You’re such a nerd, Deku. Let’s exchange emails and we can start thinking about planning our first date later,” the blonde offered.
“What should I put down as your name?” Izuku asked after accepting the stranger’s email.
“I guess some people choose a different name when they cosplay. So, you can call me ‘Kacchan’. I have a soft spot for that name,” she confessed, unable to get rid of her stubborn blush.
“Kacchan,” Izuku said in the affirmative, nodding his head as he typed I the cute name. It to sounded somewhat familiar, but he didn’t know from were. “Le… Let me walk you home. I’m your boyfriend,” Izuku insisted, shoving his cell phone in the bag, before also, picking up his fallen keys and books.
“Don’t worry Deku. I am capable of walking home alone just fine. Just make sure to check your messages when I text you,” she called over her shoulder brightly before waving and walking away.
“O…okay Kacchan! Good night!” he called out excitedly, flushed, but happy. He slowly moved to pick up his apartment keys and put them in the door, thrumming with so much energy. He could fight a whole horde of 2D villians on one of his MMORPH games right now; he felt so full of life.
‘I have a girlfriend,’ he thought excitedly, beaming down on his phone.
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