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Reviews for Porcelain Dreams

By : LotornoMiko
  • From Scorpinac on January 28, 2010
    Yes, well, with no prior experience with death or dying, of course it wouldn't affect Lotor the way he wanted it to! On the other hand, some of how he taught Lotor makes a lot of sense to me, the exceptions being the unnecessary abuse. Out of curiosity, just how old will they be by the time Allura is sent away? Well, until chapter 13, then. Laters.
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  • From Scorpinac on January 25, 2010
    Well, at least she's finally improving, and it was rather sweet of Lotor to hug her to help her calm down. Yes, their school life should be interesting, such as it is. And I can't say I'm looking forward to Lotor experiencing his first kill, but it's not like it can be avoided, can it? I'm guessing the impending sword lessons factor into it. I just hope Allura isn't present when it does. At least the teacher/tutor seems nice enough, and I almost pity that poor maid, forced into stalemate and then blackmailed, what a drag. And until Zarkon showed up, the birthday party was cute, too. Well, until chapter 12, then. Laters.
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  • From Scorpinac on January 18, 2010
    Well, at least she finally said something... As to Lotor's future, I find it hard not to imagine grown up Lotor killing with ease. But with this reality, we'll see. I'm guessing we're gonna go back to him and Allura next? Well, until chapter 9, then. Laters.
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  • From Scorpinac on January 17, 2010
    Yeah, sounds like Zarkon's at his usual viciousness to me. As to the whole Voltron good guys being so goodie two-shoes they'd sacrifice the whole planet for just one person, that was actually a grating problem in original Golion that always bugged me, and came up more than once, the prime on being in the final episode when the team decides to just stand there and let Lotor melt Voltron in the hopes he'd let Sven/Sho go alive, which of course only ended in both their deaths anyway(fell in the water, my ass! Would've killed them anyway even if they had!) I'm sorry, but the moment Lotor took Sho hostage, Sho became expendable, and they should have just shot through him and ended it right there(course then the dubbers would have had a much harder time lying about their fates.). It is interesting to note that the Vehicle Voltron never once had a monet along those lines, thankfully. So, I'm presuming Allura will start talking again soon and maybe even smiling? Well, until chapter 7, then. Laters.
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  • From Scorpinac on January 12, 2010
    Wow, I actually almost feel sorry for Haggar... Almost. And more cuteness from young Lotor, aww. That was sweet with the "teddy-robeast". And Lotor using a night-light, a rather interesting image, yet cute all the same. Yeah, it gets both better and worse all the time, cause frankly I can't simply imagine any King willingly doing that for his child, the sense of duty to the kingdom would come first. Unless Alfor's playing a massive bluff of some kind. Well, until chapter 6, then. Laters.
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  • From Scorpinac on January 07, 2010
    Frankly, I'm surprised you can keep that many stories straight in your head at one time. Oh, well.

    Yeah, rough before better, kind of goes without saying while Zarkon's still breathing, don't it? As to Haggar, well, seriously, how much could her appearance have really changed in just five to ten years worth, I think she looking pretty much like we've always known for multiple decades, really. So don't worry about it. I just hope Allura begins to open up soon. I also had a brief flash in my head of Lotor getting her some underwear and pants he'd outgrown, then summoning the palace tailor to get her some proper "girl's clothes", hehehe. Just a thought. Oh, well. Until chapter 4, then. Laters.
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  • From Scorpinac on January 04, 2010
    Tut, tut, starting a new fic when you haven't finished writing "Divine Misunderstandings". Naughty, naughty. Still, though, Lotor as a little boy seems interesting and funny, though Allura all traumatized like that is rather disturbing. On the other hand, I can just imagine Zarkon's face when he got the report - "SHE DID WHAT?! Wait, child...? GAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" And he proceeds to storm off to her private rooms. Hehheh... I predict a shouting match while Lotor somehow comforts Allura and maybe actually gets her talking. And in the near future a..."younger" Haggar, and possibly even some of the other Doom regulars. Well, until chapter 3, then. Laters.
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