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Reviews for Tear You Apart

By : Duomi
  • From ANON - Lady Gaia on March 27, 2008
    Love it! Kira finally has the Death Note back! Yea! Criminals beware! I'd say that Ryuk likes Light but refuses to admit it. Hey, maybe they should get on the air and announce what Kira wants to the world. He should also mention that he has L, the greatest detective in the world, on his right side and a God of Death on his left that likes him. That should get even more people to join in once they realize that Kira has a God of Death on his side. I'd say that announcing who the Kira's are on air was a mistake once people see how Light and Misa are. Not to mention the only people they have been killing have been criminals that deserve to die. I hope L and Light win! They're my favorite characters. There's no way that Near can win, he's just a kid compared to L and Light joining forces. Not to mention they no longer have the Death Note with them. So HA! HA! HA!
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  • From ANON - WM on March 27, 2008
    Well, first of all, you and Hellagoddess = hilarious.
    You two keep pimpin' each other out, I'm just laughing at how cute that is. LOL.

    Anyhow, geez, I totally did not see this happening. Ryuk just giving Light the notebook? It almost seems a bit too easy.
    What in the world is L going to do now? Hrm, well, I suppose it's not like Light actually knows L's name so L is not exactly in danger. XD But he must feel a lot more threatened now that Light's got the notebook in his hands.

    L needs to stop biting his damn thumb or I'll charge into your story with a box of bandaids. D=

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  • From Hellagoddess on March 25, 2008
    Ooh new chapter! Sad that there is no L/Kira/Raito ( knwo what I mean lol), and just near and mello :P I liked Matsuda in this - and i love the fact that he's still kind of attached to Raito - him almsot leaping up to give Yagami-san a hug at the end was priceless, made me grin :P You've got Near down really well, and I like that you didn't just chuck him in there by himself and he's got his henchmen with him too :)

    *hugshugshugs* For your starting authornote - sorry for all the stress it's caused you - I can't believe it swelled up into such a giant thing :S

    You're comment about Mello and his choice of firearm made me smile too - it's amazing how much we like to dip into the personality of these people and they're not even real and yet some of us can pick excatly what their reactions would be to any given situation (or the reactions we'd LIKE them to have *wink wink* lol)

    Keep up the awesome work and thanks for keeping me company on my LJ :P
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  • From ANON - WM on March 24, 2008
    Lol, that kidnapping scene is way cute. I really do like Matt (Ok, who am I kidding? Everyone likes Matt) LOL
    Anyhow, I'm quite interested in the way you're characterising this "restrained Kira" since this was never explicitly mentioned in the manga.
    I love the idea of "Kira" battling with "Light" (and perhaps even losing himself slightly).
    His feelings for L could either explode or subtlely leak out. I think either way, it'd be rather amusing to see it unfold. :D
    IDK, omgoodness *flails*
    Next chapter please!
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  • From ANON - WM on March 24, 2008
    Omgoodness, I will not even deem it necessary to comment on your insertion of BR into this fic. :P
    SHUYA (dies) is NOT hot. D:
    (and he makes for a pretty shitty Light) :(
    (Although Kenichi is love as L - hee hee) ^^

    I must say, I've never found any attachment for Near. I dislike the boy. Mello is a tad crazy but he is alright.
    I'm interested to see how this story is going to develop. Onto the next chapter it is. XD
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  • From ANON - Zannie on March 24, 2008
    Thanks very much for telling me who it's by. I'm really enjoying this story too so far, but would Mello really kidnap a kid? Wouldn't it be easier to kidnap one of the actual members? Like Matsuda, he just can't keep his mouth shut. Poor Matsuda, I think he's just really unluckly. Does Mello have that scar thing on his face in this story?

    Update whenever you can.

    Oooodles and noodles
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  • From anapana83 on March 24, 2008
    Sounds interesting so far. I didn't expect to hear so much from Near and Mello. I'm glad you've a made a sequel. Good luck on this one!
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  • From Dotowe on March 24, 2008
    I love you too! Lol, actually, I wouldn't change a single thing with Mello in this chapter. I was giggling so hard during that last section with Yumi, Matt and Mello. "Yeah, I noticed. Tell him glaring will give him wrinkles," he told Yumi. She brightened and opened her mouth, and he held up his hands hastily. "I was joking! He might shoot you. Seriously. Try flattery. It's always better to be nice to people you don't like; it throws them off." He grinned at Mello. "He's never learned that. I think trying to be nice to his enemies would kill him." That was hilarious. "I want the nice kidnapper back!" Tooo funny.

    Hmm, I can't wait for you to finish the book and share your thoughts with me. I'm ecstatic that you're reading it.

    I like the clarifying of the Death Note being a weapon. For shinigami, I always thought of it as a tool for their existence; sort of like a what a baseball bat is for a baseball player. But for a human, it is definitely a weapon that, really, no one should have. And, even if I do get Matsuda's point, that if it had to belong in anyone's hands, that it he would rather it be in Light's...I still view the Death Note the way Eistein viewed harnessing the atom and the nuclear bomb. Really, some things are better left undiscovered. And its all a big "damn shame".

    I love Aizawa's reaction to Near and his passe, but moreso, I love what you are doing with Mogi. That he is this silent presence and that he seemed to have always somewhat suspected L's secret involvement with Light. I remember nodding to myself when I read that. That was a stroke of brilliance by you and I give a handful of kudos. You really do write amazing characters.

    I also like the comment about Near's "chronoligical inability to look anyone in the eye". Despite the seriousness of the subject matter you covered in this chapter, you wrote with a sly, tongue-in-cheek narrative that made it feel a lot less suppressive than it could have been. Another handful of kudos. I really enjoyed this chapter, despite the ultimate lack of L and Kira presence. I know how difficult it is to keep a reader interested when you're covering your bases in other parts of the story with other characters that's not the main two. I did that a lot with Never A Memory and used to yank at my hair when readers would pout and demand that I write more of what was going on with Harry and Draco. It was very frustrating. But you're handling this exceptonally smoothly and its still every bit as entertaining as when you're narrating Kira and/or L.

    Looking forward to chapter four!


    P.S. I'm sorry you had flamers. It's really a shame that some reviewers do that. And good on you for scolding them.

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  • From amenochikara on March 23, 2008
    Hehe- very cool. I love the section where Near talks about L's attraction to Light and everyone's reactions. The line "What other explanation would Aizawa offer for the security footage?" Is just priceless. I could just see Near sitting there, playing with his blocks, twirling his hair, and watching LxLight p0rn stoicly. Ahahaha. =3
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  • From sharingan on March 23, 2008
    I'm excited to see the sequel to your last story already well on its way. I really do like the L/Kira dynamic far more than L/Light; it's just so much more interesting when each is aware of the other's identity, and ideals and schemes clash. L has made a very interesting decision, in voluntarily choosing to save Kira's life, and I hope we find out a bit more about that - not just his feelings, but his reasoning, since he will undoubtedly continue to give the situation a great deal of thought.

    As for Kira, I am not convinced Light and Kira are two separate entities. I agree that the Death Note more probably magnifies aspects of the wielder's personality, or rather, that it grants the wielder a greater range of opportunities than he would have had without such an object within reach. But such a change doesn't change who the wielder inherently is, it merely enables him to act in a way he couldn't previously have considered. I don't know if that's irreversible, but I hope it is. Kira is far more interesting than Light, and I would rather see him stay.

    In the last story, I also found it a nice touch that you actually switched from referring to him as Light once he recovered his memories, which might be strange since I still devotedly subscribe to the theory that Light is Kira and Kira is Light. But to hear him actually referred to as Kira is unusual, and I feel that your usage of the name, as well as L's eventual shift in referring to Light as Kira or Kira-kun, emphasizes the change in the story and in Light's mind.

    I'm never certain how to feel about Mello and Near. I dislike that they take attention from L and Kira, even in canon. However, I really do like the plot idea here, where the two of them take on L and Kira, even if the sequence of events should logically culminate in L and Kira's victory. Somehow I don't think things will be that simple, and I look forward to seeing how you plan to handle it!
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  • From ANON - Lila on March 23, 2008
    To be honest i saw this story and decided that i would not read it because i did not understand that it was the sequel to goodnight moon...Anyway after realizing my blonde moment because i noticed hello the authors name was the same i immediately began to read it :)...Anyway i guess i was slightly spoiled with goodnight moon what with ten chapters already done for my enjoyment...I check almost everyday for updates is there a certain day that you update or do they just go up every week on random days? So anyway back to my review of the story thus far...I love the development and i see Matt being the nicer of the two "kidnappers"...I love the bit where Matt tells her about Mello's short comings with being able to complement his enemies or people he doesn't like...cute...I am grateful about the hope L received on Kira still being attracted to him (Fangirl squeal here). Anyway great start love it can't wait to read more of it. XD...T_T i deligently await the next chapter...:)
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  • From ANON - Lady Gaia on March 23, 2008
    I love your story! I hope that L and Light can escape them. I hated how both of them died, I cry every time I see them die. I couldn't decide who I liked more because it was fun watching them battle back and forth.
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  • From GreatestHits on March 20, 2008
    Thanks for updating so fast! "She feels no pain." - That part made me tear up. I feel sorry for Misa. (Hey, wait, what about Nori!?) This is an incredibly belated time to comment on this, but I love the fact that Light doesn't dream. It's such a creative conceptive, and it makes his genius much more tangible than flowery vocabulary.
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  • From Fukuro on March 18, 2008
    Also, I must say that one of the top 3 reasons I loved GM was the distinction between Light and Kira, and inherently creating two personalities~ I'd always considered Light and Kira to be seperate, and you're the first (and only, to my knowledge, but then again I only read on author I've read to make the distinction. You do it very well too~ :3

    ILY. ♥
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  • From Fukuro on March 18, 2008
    I love Goodnight Moon and I love this too, so far~ *o*

    I loved Misa's reference to Shuuya in Battle Royale~ Isn't that the same actor who played Light in the DN movies too? XDDD
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