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Reviews for AnK - Black Moon Rising

By : ElegantPaws
  • From barrie18 on June 26, 2010
    Words are power. They not only define who we are, but how we are dealt with. But words can also change meaning. The term Sir Am began as a term, not only of respect, but also to establish subservience to another. Now as Katze opens himself up emotionally he willingly hands himself over and the term Sir Am changes its meaning to a lover’s playfulness. This time his mind and body are in equal agreement as he hands his very soul over to Sir Am.
    There are only truths here. If there are secrets then as of yet they do not recognize them even within themselves. The kiss. . .I guess it really comes down to definition and acceptance. If Raoul had been told about it, and not seen it in his mnds eye, he would view the whole thing differently. But for reasons of his own, Admon gave him a ‘gift’ of truth. And Raoul is wise enough to know that one day Katze might recall that he did actually kiss the android and find himself technically caught out in a lie.
    This kiss was not a ‘kiss’ in Katze’s mind. It was a battle of wills. To give in to it would have led to his seduction. By conquering it, he kept his anger and it became a ‘fucking’.
    A strong moment of further understanding between these two.
    And just to jump to the very end, we do discover as Katze now claims in return, that yes, along time ago, Raoul did have it off with Sir Up His Ass, only it seems it was up his ass at the time......and although I can’t see this coming back and biting him in the ass ......the marvellous part is, he sees, feels and knows the difference between a ‘fuck’ and ‘making love’. I’m hoping that from this point on they are a united front, because what ever trouble is ahead, they need to stand firm and together as a single unit.
    As to the rest of the chapter.....

    The Irrational one is as clever as a fox. Numbers isn’t just his forte. He see’s and puts it together with ease. Guy for all his bluster, is an emotional human being. Whereas Katze kept his feelings under lock and key, Guy’s explode. He was hurt by losing Riki, and it is only now when he finds himself attracted to Donny that he is becoming more stable. And yet that underlying hurt is still there. Oddly enough, we accept a Blondie’s emotional explosion, because they don’t know how to handle things. But are humans really all that much better at it?
    Donny, well business before pleasure, and of course his rejection of Guy wasn’t a rejection. Once again, it was suppressed anger. The idiot almost had himself taken out by the one Blondie who hates his guts more than anything in the world. If I had to liken the feeling, it would be a mother smacking the child, while at the same time kissing him because he is safe, but just about did something stupid that would have caused great harm.
    They too are finding each other, and hopefully whatever Sid is about to tell his brother isn’t going to tear this most fragile of relationships asunder.
    With Riki and Iason, well it’s about time they took it to the next level. And by that I mean, they are for once meeting not on the bed, but in the mind. Your Iason loves, but could not get it past his set in stone brain, that not only is Riki fire, but also ice in his core. He knows how to think and strategize, he too sees and understands. In his own right he too was a leader, because Iason grabbed him. And although, Iason knows he walked back into Dana Bahn, out of love, he never really believed that Riki would now have his back as well. This realization once again changes things. He hears what Riki says, and understands that Riki ‘sees’ as well. Furthermore, he knows that Riki sees him and knows what goes on inside of his head. Besides a lover, a pet, he now has a friend and an ally ....Powerful stuff indeed.
    And lastly a quick reflection on Admon. His mind is a puzzle to me. Because of the syntax used, he speaks in riddles and one has to read oh so carefully to try and find who he thinks about and the why of it all.
    Fact one...he can hear in a sense Jupiter. He knows that Iason is being summoned. Does Jupiter hear him? Or his sister for that matter? Do we cheer him on in what ever is planned or do we want him disposed of. Jupiter for all ‘she’ is, (and yes, I still see her as a she, because she is more a manipulative bitch than a male would be.) still is order in this world. It is a harsh world, but there are laws. People, even in the slums do live and survive. Would the change be better or worse? What was Niiro’s agenda in their creation, but better yet, what is their own agenda now?
    Niiro is coming to the end of his usefulness. Considering through most of this tale Admon was longing for his return, this in itself shows that for all his reasoning, Admon is also a creature of emotions unlike his logical sister. This is the hurt coming through, that his former Master did not call him to his side straight away. And even bedding Katze didn’t bring what he desired. I don’t think he would be fool enough to try and seduce Katze again , at this stage. And yet for whatever his agenda is, he needs Katze for success. And as we now are aware, Raoul is along for the ride as well. And there is still the puzzle of the box to be solved. Well I don’t know how or why, but if there is a puzzle to be solved, I would bet on the Mongrels to be the one solving it. . .
    And just to close, it would seem that Nii Nii was also in the car when Admon was dropped off. And Admon took great satisfaction in seeing the anger and hatred the former Master has towards his new one. Oh yes, Nii Nii knows what is going on in that room upstairs, and it is killing him, but what else did Admon see there that can be used to ‘bring the house down?’
    Oh yes, powerful, emotional, everything here to keep us going until the next chapter, and you kept our three couples in a relatively safe place when it comes to their loved ones. Now that is an achievement in itself. :)

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  • From Savagehunger47 on June 26, 2010
    Yay! i'm so happy that Raoul's didnt punish Katze in a hurtful way...well on that didnt leave him bleeding anyway ~.^

    I love how Katze told Raoul that the reason why (one of the reasons) he cheated was because he needed to win. that i can understand after seeing Katze's past. When you've been on the loosing side your whole life you dont wanna go back.

    Admon! ok last chapter i had wondered what was up with his sister and him. it had seemed that they had a kinda psychic connection so she should have known when Admon slept with Katze and betrayed the Nirro now it looks like the both are going to turn sides and go to Katze because he is "The One"...i dont think this transfer will go well with their creator at all.

    CAnt wait for the next update!
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  • From Savagehunger47 on June 26, 2010
    Chap 29

    Ok you cant but seriously HATE Niiro in this chapter >.< it amazes me how much hatred he has in him or is it just the shear disregard he has towards Katze himself? I can understand that know one would bother helping Katze after all to everyone he isnt really considered as anything but a piece But i also think its funny in a way because doesnt Katze have a uncanny resemblance to the Ruby? enough that if someone were to come to Amoi with know knowledge of the workings of their civilization they might come to the conclusion that they were father and son or even brothers. Seeing them do that to Katze isnt it like seeing himself in his place?

    This is another great insight in how long Raoul had been keeping his eyes on Katze. If not for his rescue those drunkards might have egged each other on to do more then humiliate him and then to stop him from taking his own life and even imparting words of strength to keep him going is it any wonder why our redhead loves the Blondie.

    Guy...dude that boy's ability to keep breathing is amazing. He needs to bottle that up and sell it which brings the question of Admon but thats like a whole new can of worms.
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  • From ANON - Anise on June 24, 2010
    (30) At least the chapter ended on a much nicer note and really I get the feeling that there are a lot of things that Niiro misses. After chapters like this I can't help but wonder why Raoul was ever friends with this man, even if they do have science in common there's just so much about him to dislike. And I can't decide if Guy has perfect timing or the worst timing, he helped delay for Katze but then of course he pisses Iason off, so not always the best outcome.^^

    When you start off a chapter like this you think Iason is going to step in and defend Katze but of course as you keep reading you get the feeling it was less about standing up for Katze and more about being angry that people who are guests in his home would treat his property that way. Poor Katze being subjected to that, it's worse than if they had used him as their own punching bag. It's bad enough what he's already had to go through and to have to endure this life of servitude but to then have to deal with these kinds of indignities, it's no wonder he feels hopeless. I did find it interesting that Iason told Raoul to deal with Katze, I would have thought he would tell Katze to deal with the mess and Raoul would accompany him back to the party. Although definitely a good thing Raoul was there to keep an eye on him and isn't it funny that even back then Katze treated Raoul with a certain familiarity or lack of respect (not certain which term is more appropriate).

    Despite everything that happened it seems that Katze can't help but look back at Eos, it's nice that Raoul is getting to see and experience all those different sides of Katze :) Kato as always was a little doll, I'm a little surprised though that he would have let Raoul in on such a secret as the books, hopefully that trust Katze has in him is warranted. But it is nice to see that in his own way he's trying to help Raoul understand or get to know Katze better. You know despite all the intrigue and mystery of what's going on the emotions and feelings always stand out, nothing can beat the relationships between all of these guys :)

    Great chapter (and not just because it was long ;) it was faced paced with a lot of interesting things happening :) Of course maybe it just felt like it went along at a fast clip because I couldn't stop reading wanting to find out what happened next ;) It's a good setup for the things to come, tomorrow morning will definitely bring some interesting conversations. Can't wait for the update ^_^
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  • From barrie18 on June 21, 2010
    It’s impossible to review a chapter in sections when the present infringes on the past giving it a different meaning as to what we first see and understand or think we understand. Once again it is what is left unsaid, where the truth lies. So instead of doing this orderly I’m afraid this review is going to be a hodge podge of analysis.
    What is going on here? And who knows what? It would seem that Iason, Raoul and Sir Up His Ass are in on the same deal. This was more that pique on Iason’s part. He just banished the Ruby to a planetoid...permanently....and for what....insulting his Furniture. Of course you could say he insulted the House of Mink, but that I think would be stretching it a bit too far. No this was a case of getting Niiro out of town so he could continue to do what he’s doing. But how long did this banishment actually last? Were there others after this initial one? Because if there weren’t then where and when did Raoul do that painting? Did he go off planet for a visit? Wouldn’t Jupiter question his going off planet unless it was for official business? Is that when the eye change took place? And once more getting back to that painting, is it even of Sir Up His Ass? I always thought that Raoul did this more with Katze in mind, as the Elite sat there posing, now I am beginning to think that though everyone thinks this was done to ‘honour/remember’ the banished Ruby, I am beginning to think it was done with Katze only in mind and no model at all. Everytime Raoul past and present looks at Katze he sees Elite qualities. This to my mind, until proven different, is a portrait of an Elite Katze.

    Now down to the underlying story we don’t know. Who are Katze’s parents? I can’t recall if they are mentioned in this story at all, but somewhere along the line, someone saw and recognized who Katze ‘is’ and took him in and raised him accordingly. So jumping ahead...(why does this suddenly feel like an episode of Lost ) Kato reveals that Katze is a descendent of the first, and to keep it simple, lets just call him ‘her’ High Priest. Luckily the genetic mix not only kept the Bloodline, but the brains and compassion as well. Sometimes the latter two get lost in the mix of time...hell look at earth’s royal families. So Katze is a triple deal. Brains, compassion and bloodline.
    So Katze was educated and in search of ‘something’. And yet, as Raoul puts it, he chose to be a Furniture. Lady, you are too conniving, he chose to become a Furniture, because he knew he had to explore in areas outside of Ceres to find what ever ‘it’ is. He chose to sacrifice his manhood, his very nature to do what he could for his ‘cause’ and his ‘people’.
    At that moment, where he is publicly ‘shamed’ in front of all those stuck up Elites, is his breaking point. His mongrel background has to be suppressed to keep up the farce, but the Id broke free (remember this Katze though highly trained is still young, and emotions are hard to contain in youth,) demanding vengeance on himself for not being himself. Oh yes, definitely more here under the surface than what’s on top.
    Katze survives only because of Raoul’s kindness. And while Raoul sees all around him, it appears that he only truly ‘observes’ when it comes to Katze.
    Once again jumping to the present, Raoul is wearing a robe that pleases him. He knows his reaction is ‘childish’ and yet it would seem that even Elites need to know that they too are cherished. Even though Katze in his mind bid Raoul farewell, he still bought a robe that would suit ‘his’ Blondie in case he ever turned up again. Amongst all the chaos and pressure of the last few days, he still found time to go shopping,( even if it was on line, it still takes time) . And because it was bought with love, not as a reward, the weave etc are unique and more in keeping with emotion. It is a gift meant to show Raoul he matters to the Black Market Leader. This robe is the equivalent of Riki going back into Dana Bahn. Both instances, show the respective Blondies that their ‘loves’ do care about them.

    But wait, Kato still has more to add. . .because he loves Katze, and wants him to be happy, he cheerily hands over information to Raoul to help him win over his Master. Katze’s likes, dislikes, preferences, curiosity. Raoul might pretend not to be interested, but in truth he is taking it all in, coming to better understand the man he loves, and more importantly how to make him happy. The revelation on Katze’s heritage also alters the playing field. Raoul might be beginning to think of Katze as a ‘man’, but now he knows that his bloodline makes him an Elite amongst his own people. And lets face it, in Raoul’s, world where haircolour determines your place in life, the knowledge that his lover is no common mongrel also changes things. Riki and Iason will never be true equals, in your world, because Riki is a self made man, but still a lowly mongrel/pet. Katze and Raoul are now not only equal in mind, but equal in heritage and blood.
    I could ramble on about Admon and where he stands in all this. Or where the loyalty of the terrible twins really stands and why. I could go on about why Admon warned Iason as he did and Iason’s reaction to it all. I could even go on about Nii Nii and how I liken him to Loki the Norse God. And there is also the curious side conversation that Iason has with Katze. Yes, he did advise Raoul, (and yes, we both know to what I’m referring). But if I go in any of these directions my review will equal your chapter in length.
    But I can’t let go of the end. Katze has the final shot at Nii Nii. Katze is the one who is going home to Raoul. . . and he can afford to throw that in the ‘prick’s face.
    And when the two lovers finally meet in Katze’s room, Raoul who earlier in this chapter was planning to wear the robe, while berating the mongrel for his behaviour and showing him what he would be missing out on, has done a complete turn around. They can both say ‘fuck now’ argue later, but it begins with the most intimate of gestures, the kiss. Raoul hesitates when he thinks Katze kissed Admon. But as anyone in the ‘business’ knows’ kissing is not done to clients. You can screw someone’s brains out, but kissing is considered the ultimate act of intimacy.

    Oh yes, Raoul, Katze is yours, but in the same breathe, you are just as much his, why else would you even think of rectifying his need to possess what he thought he would never have again.

    Yes, you left us in a good place....and although it is selfish of me, I hope you update soon. . . but then as I said before it is only because this is a great tale that I am impatient for more . So really the fault is yours for creating so rich a tale. :)

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  • From Sheleeta on June 21, 2010
    Those in power, who think they know everything always do miss just one important thing. I look forward to more being revealed. -S
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  • From ANON - Hespera on June 20, 2010
    Hey, dear author, that was quite a nice catch! I don't know about the rest, but all I can say is 'Katze loves Raoul, Katze loves Raoul, Katze loves Raoul' , and I think I'll go writing this on the mirror in the bathroom with the lipstick :))

    Really, it was not that hard, even if implied, and finally said by Kato, who is such a dutifully little servant. Oh, I so loved the interaction between the fancy guest and the old Furniture, it was hilarious!!!!

    So, the boys have long past history together, as Raoul cared about Katze. Uh, that was really ugly, what happened with poor Katze at that party, nasty guests, they should've been castrated, too, and exposed, just to learn how it feels ... But I loved how Katze tried to clinge on the last thread of pride, and his reactions were so human, they made my heart bleed. Luckily, Raoul was there, to catch him, so to speak, even though he did it so Elite like. Katze appreciated. Of course he did. That is why, and maybe it was then when Katze fell for Raoul the first time ...

    I so love it how Katze puts it bluntly that he only wants to fuck. Even Raoul has to agree, and I, personally couldn't agree more.

    Eat your heart out, Niiro!

    Until next time, have a nice life!
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  • From Savagehunger47 on June 15, 2010
    I loved Raoul's interaction with Kato and the difference that you see Raoul treat him as a furniture and how he treated and treats Katze when he was a Furniture especially with with the line...

    "He was clearly at the end of his usefulness. It really would be best to put him down"

    One would have also thought when Iason scared Katze's face and he lost his beauty that should have been it for his usefulness as well (not counting the whole hacking thing)Beauty is important to Elites isnt it?

    That music box. we've hear alot about it and how Katze has been searching for it as well but what is the importance of it? well i must be big if Katze is looking for it even if he doesnt quite know himself.

    the ending also reeeaalllyy make me wonder is Admon is more then who he is. That and i hope Iason totally reams Niiro and we get to see it :)

    Cant wait for the next update!
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  • From ANON - Anise on June 14, 2010
    (29) Seems Kato's been around Katze for way too long :) I love how it seems Kato is almost humouring Raoul, you almost expect him to start saying 'yes, dear' in that indulgent tone that husbands and wives use on each other :) Raoul has been dealing with furniture (and especially Katze) for so long that he must know how smart they are (his runs around poisoning people after all) so chances are if he feels that he's been used than chances are, he has been ;)

    That second part is interesting all around, Niiro seems to have a bit of a sadistic streak and he also seems to be able to put Raoul out of sorts. It's a little odd that Niiro holds this information over Raoul's head since it would probably hurt him just as much. Though he does seem to be someone who plays fast and loose regardless of who's in the crosshairs but all said he must have some self-preservation since he's lasted so long. I couldn't help but wonder why Raoul would go and get Iason and not deal with the situation himself, he is the 2IC after all.

    I noticed here that Niiro's eyes were still grey, I wonder why he changed them? I know Raoul said something about it earlier and I think he just put it down to experimenting but after this and seeing that Niiro didn't like Raoul's attention on Katze instead of him I wonder if he didn't change the colour to more resemble Katze or more specifically a certain role. And the fact that he wanted to perform studies on Katze seems rather ominous but at least we finally got a bit of a hint about certain samples.^^

    And we end with a bit of mystery, it felt like we were starting to get some answers and now I think I may have more questions but I've always said that I love a mystery :) Great chapter but I don't think I'm looking forward to the next one with that reference to tissue, problem is even with the threat of tears I couldn't stay away from the story if I tried :)
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  • From Sheleeta on June 13, 2010
    Another very well written chapter, and yet the plot thickens again. Tears... that scares me. :)
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  • From barrie18 on June 13, 2010
    There is a vast difference between a gentleman and a gentle man....Blondies are gentlemen....perfectly mannered but with a cold air and a manner that looks down upon the rest of the universe. Katze rescues an old Furniture and gains loyalty beyond the call of duty. Raoul only sees an old relic that should be gotten rid of. He fails to see the faithfulness or the service that is even extended to him as Katze's 'lover'. But in a glimmer many many chapters past, we are told that Katze worries about the people under his care..."Whole family units dependent on his life, living and dying under Tanagura’s radar with some semblance of freedom; This and only this was why he remained seated, desperately feigning calm."

    He does what he has to, to protect his people....a gentle man in deed who can take a stand even though it rips him apart....who keeps his pleasures secret so that no one can touch him. What more do we have to learn as we discover who Katze really is.

    I didn't think Raoul would have any great sympatica for want of a better word towards Kato. The aged are not part of the Elite scene. We never see an old Blondie, nor do we know how Blondies die, or if at a certain age Jupiter sends them to an incinerator and burns them away, only to recycle the ash for future use. So why should he be understanding towards the old man. But he does have enough sense to realize that in a way by wanting to see Admon's room, he has given the old man what he wants. Someone with enough power to explore and perhaps discover what lies there, and not bring down Katze's wrath on him.

    As to the party....ah Niiro is a jealous bitch....even then, although he probably thought he was being clever and sharp in what he said to Raoul pertaining to the young Furniture. But the very back bone that drives Raoul crazy in the present is the one thing that Raoul would want him to have at that point. But the truth be told in that past moment, Katze was doing what he had to do. A Furniture can not cause a scene at a party and embarrass his Master. Better to suffer the indignities for the moment and be done with it. And Raoul cannot interfere directly, how would that look....protecting a Furniture that is not his own. But it is suitable it would seem for an Elite (Niiro) to stand back and watch. Does the Ruby even realize at this stage that he is jealous....note at this stage his eye colour hasn't been changed.. . .

    As to the end of the chapter....the music box, Kato's reaction, Raoul's reaction, and it would seem that even Admon who is far away is connected to the moment. A pivotal point to the plot, but to what end?

    Hopefully the next chapter will have Raoul and Katze at least in the same room talking reasonably to each other if nothing else.....:)

    Once again, a chapter that gets me thinking. . . .

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  • From ANON - Anise on June 05, 2010
    (28) Sadly this outcome doesn't surprise me, I had been thinking that there was a very good chance of Raoul reacting with violence since the elite really aren't used to controlling such strong emotions. When they're suddenly faced with those emotions they do tend to lash out, they remind me of children. Although it is amazing how quickly things can change from violence to Raoul suddenly apologetic and helpful, like they can just put aside what happened. I loved Katze's reaction, he just let go on Raoul without holding back or checking how he spoke :) You can tell how mad he was simply because despite the business he's in I don't think he's given to swearing much but when your that pissed off I don't think you care.

    And comparing Raoul to a child is actually kind of funny later on when Katze was taking Raoul by the hand and trying to drag him out like some sort of recalcitrant child ^_^ But dear lord boys, brilliant move, assault a blondie by knocking him out cold *facepalm* you're so going to pay for that. I loved that Katze had that moment of wanting to hit Donovan back, seems Raoul isn't the only possessive/protective one^^

    When Guy is alert he can be rather perceptive (frightening thought ;) although I get the feeling that if anyone were to look closely at Ajna they might not so easily be taken in. I said it before, she always seemed a little off in the way she acted. It's like she's studied how to act in a book but has no actual experience so nothing seems entirely genuine. Admon though is still a bit of an enigma, he's supposed to be working for Niiro but I wonder how much he truly cares about what happens with 'The Plan'. I hope Katze's right about him not necessarily wanting to bring him any harm, for some reason despite everything I don't want him to be all bad.

    Gotta love Iason, he does have his moments (and very good timing^^). I wonder if Niiro realizes that he's in for a rough ride, the fact that Iason just took the ex-furniture's side over that of the elites must speak volumes (although it is Katze). I'm guessing Iason isn't at all pleased about Niiro and his shenanigans. Not wanting Raoul there is interesting though, wouldn't Iason be expecting him there unless he also wanted him gone too, but why? Things to ponder and wonder about till next chapter :)

    I have to say you made me work this chapter, I actually had to look up Diaspora and now I'm trying to figure out how it relates to the story plus there's also your reference to rectification. When you put them together all kinds of interesting ideas start popping up ^_^

    Another excellent chapter, I can't wait for more Iason I didn't realize just how little we've had of him till now. He's not my favourite character but he does certainly add something to a story :) Definitely looking forward to the confrontation between Iason and Niiro, next chapter's going to be good, I can already tell ;)

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  • From ANON - Hespera on June 05, 2010
    U-hu ... quite the long chapter, but I liked it a lot. I must say I was very impressed with Raoul. I was expecting to see Katze turned into minced meat, but Sir Am's not your average Blondie, it seems. Equally surprised I was with Katze's confession ... he spilled it out, although one could have never expected that he would admit the truth, that it was Raoul he wanted, and not Admon. Grace to Admon, Raoul had the live feed confirmation ;)

    Now, Sir Niiro is going to get it good. Apparently, he is not as good as he thinks, but this is how things happen when one is over-confident. I am very curious to see what Iason will have to say about all the tantrums he thrown at the Auction. Katze is so cool, putting Niiro in place like that.

    I am so glad that Niiro's plan, which we don't know exactly what it was, failed. Ajna did not succeed seducing Guy, and maybe it didn't help that she is so much like her brother, that the mongrel did not want her, after all, despite the seduction plan she was putting in motion. The only regret I have is that I didn't get to see Donovan getting it good from behind :D Guy can be so uncouth when he's himself, hi, hi.

    I cannot wait for the next installment, it was one hell of a ride, and all worth it.

    Until next time, have a nice life, dear author!
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  • From Savagehunger47 on June 05, 2010
    Oh Raoul will be so pissed at Katze. Not only did he see with his own eyes, from the eyes of the one held, but he was also pistol whipped by Donovon and taken away when he made clear that he wouldnt leave. Lots to answer for.

    Now what did the Ruby do to get a personal visit from Iason? i'm guessing the way the chapter ended it wasnt to kick back talk about old times and have a few drinks and not saying hello when he first arrived to the Queen couldnt have gotten have gotten him in so much trouble. The sands in his hourglass looks like its almost up. Cant wait for the next chapter!
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  • From barrie18 on June 04, 2010
    I don't know whether this is a review or more an

    First, lets establish the rules...This is Amoi, not politically correct Western Civilizations, where violence happens behind closed doors This is Amoi, where such behaviour is the norm. . .So Raoul's actions are 'acceptable' and even understandable....once again in this universe. Donovan is upset by the damage to Katze's face, but not really irrate. He is most matter of fact about it. Truth be told this behaviour was not so far out of place so long ago in our own world .....before we became so politically correct....Infact, it would seem that it is only extreme uncontrolled violence that is looked down upon by the Blondies. Once again I am basing this on Raoul's reaction towards Iason after his treatment of Riki, a pet. It was the extremism that was the fault not the actual deed. But once again, this is Amoi.

    Raoul realized what he did within seconds and stopped, unlike Iason, who's emotions take over completely as he goes in for the kill. So Katze is right and wrong at the same time. Raoul has the temper, but when it comes to Katze, he also has the restraint, that Iason lacks. The proof is, is that Katze is still standing and not only standing, but ripping Raoul to shreds....verbally.

    Even though he was not a willing participant to Nii Nii's little wandering hand, the guilt was there when Katze called him on it. Oh yes, Sir Am should have pulled away sooner rather than sitting there like some awkward teen, not knowing what to do...And of course when does 'sex', stop being just 'sex' and something more? Raoul can consider Katze his possession, and therefore as his, should be his alone. You can say the same thing applies to pets. However, both Raoul and Iason need to know that 'their' mongrels care for them. Iason who should be more secure in that knowledge, to put it plainly isn't. His actions still show a basic insecurity/ Admon is right in may ways. in his analysis of Raoul's actions.

    Now what about Admon....I like Katze's idea of a serpent. Who's side is he really on? From the beginning, he always indicated that he would serve Katze loyally until his 'true' master showed up. Well he is here, but were his actions here only to save his own skin, or to give Raoul something to work with. Is he loyal enough to Katze, that he gave that knowledge to Raoul, knowing that it shows that his 'plan' to seduce failed miserably, and confirmed for Katze where his heart lie. That sex was now more than just sex.

    Hell, even Guy knows the difference. We can drool and ogle all we want, but in the end we want to be with the one that makes it beyond just sex. The Irrational One, might bed hop, but just the fact that Donnie came to mind, shows where his emotions lay. And because his emotions are involved, he wasn't seduced by the 'bitch' sister. If anything, the hormones turned off, and the logic no one believes him capable of came into play. Sad though that he was left thinking, that no one thought of him as a prize catch except for Riki, and that was by default.....It would seem that he too isn't quite sure of Donovan's feelings, although he would like to be.

    Infact I would say that emotion wise, the two couples parallel each other, the deviation being how they handle it, so it becomes a case of nature vrs nurture. The mongrel couple deal in a manner we recognize and understand. The Mongrel and the Elite, struggle to find balance due to their different perspectives of the world.

    One last thing, for two people who are at odds with each other, both Katze and Raoul are very protective of each other. Katze can't get Raoul away fast enough, and his reaction to Donovan's clunking the Blondie on the head, well that really says it all. It is on par with Raoul squeezing that pastry to bits as he watched Katze being threatened by Iason before intervening.

    So they are moving closer to the truth of their feelings....the only question is how will the truth affect or be affected by Sir Niiro's evil plan? Will Jupiter be the winner or are they both losers and a new day about to take place on Amoi?

    ::sigh:: next chapter please:: ::winks::
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