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Reviews for AnK - Black Moon Rising

By : ElegantPaws
  • From LuvLotsaYaoi on May 02, 2010
    I totally loved this chapter, as always. But now I am totally confused on what is going to happen to the Star-Crossed Lovers. I am also beginning to hate Admon and Niiro. I already didn't like them for what they were doing to Katze, but now they are messing with both him and Raoul (after all that they have over come none the less). Yes this was a very llllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg chapter, I had to take a break half way through because my eyes started crossing while reading (which never happens). It would be nice if you had more chapters like this length because we have to wait for the next chapter and it wouldn't seem like such a long time if breaks needed to be taken while reading. I look forward to next chapter.

    Until then {^.^}
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  • From Sheleeta on May 02, 2010
    I am completely enthralled with your writing and the character development from the first chapter to now. I look forward to when the next chapter is ready.
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  • From barrie18 on May 02, 2010
    Because of all the star crossed lovers.It's hard to talk about this chapter, when my mind is screaming....don't do it... please don't do it.....and yes, I think you know just what I'm on about.....let Admon get thrown into the Chimera's cage and away from Katze.....PLEASE!!!!!

    Aside from the above rant, the rest of the chapter reminded me strongly of A Midsummer's Night Dream. . . just b

    Sir Niiro is worse than any Blondie. Too full of himself, self righteous, and even though pompous is not the right word, his attitude towards everyone else is just that. He is too busy looking down and applauding himself for what he 'sees and understands' to grasp what the true picture is. He and Jupiter are more alike than he would want to acknowledge. Opposites side of the coin perhaps in what they want, but their attitudes are very similar. This is no savior, but someone who would think himself a demi-g-d.

    Ajna is clever....more so than her twin it would seem. She is not as attached to her master as he is. . .And takes the physical hit when she points out that Raoul might have moved on in his feelings. .. .but then again, I doubt those feelings ever existed except in Niiro's mind. I cannot believe that if Raoul really had feelings about him that he would have let him leave so easily. . . Even if this painting was done with 'love' as Katze' believe's, I still maintain until you prove me wrong, that physically it may have been Niiro, but Raoul was seeing Katze in his mind. . .

    Katze and Raoul...sigh....they are getting more and more starcrossed as this story continues. Katze feels he is the replacement for the Ruby, and because of 'who and what' he is, is not even putting up a fight.....Instead, he is drowning his sorrows at a bar, asking for trouble. . .

    Raoul....sadly, the man never learned to talk Mongrel.. . In Elite fashion, he has told Katze his feelings. He has claimed him, been claimed by him, desired him, protected him, told him his feelings (although in Blondie) and Katze still believes that when Sir Niiro shows up Raoul is going to fall into his arms. Well only if you 'fall' first my dear Kat.....(give him some coffee and sober him up...please or have Donovan nearby )

    Admon, damn him, is as bad as his Master. Sir Niiro can do no wrong, and to get back in his good graces will do anything. Bedding Katze wouldn't be a hardship, but I imagine that doing it so his beloved master can claim the Blondie would irk. It hasn't quite registered with him yet, that his beloved Master doesn't give a rat's ass about him. His twin does though, and she has been set on Guy by the Ruby.

    Sir Niiro admires the genetic make up of the 'mongel' species while at the same time looking down at him. Is it a lame hope that he has miss read the 'mongrel' nature' and that Guy won't prove the weak link, in whatever he is planning? Will the fact that he is emotionally involved with Donovan being the saving point for the Irrational One?

    So with all these star crossed relationships,whether real or imagined, you can see why I keep going Midsummer's Night Dream, although it might turn nightmare before you're through.

    So now what? Scared to see what you do next. . . please don't ....
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  • From ankfanforever on April 23, 2010
    Oh, so much time has passed, I'm in the middle of the duration of feeling guilty. Luckily, you have not been as busy as me to write, and you have updated your wonderful story, that I now enjoy to the maximum. I can't believe even Easter came and went since I last dropped by.

    I see how deftly you have introduced a hot het scene to an audience in love (and maybe too used to for their own good, or should I say mine?) with only male on male action. But, more than the hotness, it is the mystery surrounding Katze's birth and place of origin that makes for great secrets revealed. Plus, now we get it why Katze loves his chocolate. He takes after his mom, after all.

    On the other hand, that was pretty funny, with Deek putting something in Katze's coffee (good thing it was not a laxative or something, - evil laughter), but that only gives Raoul the great chance to cater to Katze's indisposition, with a firm hand.

    Yet, what the hell they were doing to Katze? Sir Niiro tries to stand up for him, apparently, but the other guy is certainly a total jerk. With Katze remembering bits and pieces, and with the arrival of Sir Niiro upon us, this is nothing but a promise of more interesting encounters and events.

    Donovan is such a hard man! I could not believe reading that scene! Raoul must have been out of his mind completely! But, still, that's hilarious, and, seeing what the aftermath of that confrontation meant, with Katze sucking off Raoul, that really left me all hot and bothered. Not to mention the allusions made by Admon to clarify for Donovan why those two take so long preparing.

    Looking forward to whatever is next.

    Have a nice life, dear author!
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  • From ANON - Anise on April 14, 2010
    (24) Love Donovan all the more, how could you not when he's willing to stand up for a friend and to a Blondie no less ^_^ And Raoul almost seemed befuddled by Donovan's actions. He may be able to understand loyalty as I'm sure he feels that to Iason or Jupitar but that deeper feeling, I don't think he's quite able to grasp that yet. Even Raoul would have to see to some degree just how serious Donovan was being about that threat, it was no empty promise and for a 'mere' mongrel to be willing to go up against him would be nothing short of shocking for him.

    I also can't help but wonder if part of Raoul's reaction has to do with what Donovan said to him as much as he was shocked by Donovan standing up to him. Especially the part about hurting Katze, it's always a big deal in a relationship when you realize that what you do can and will have an affect on the person you're with. Of course Raoul still referred to Katze as his possession but I'm sure he'll get there eventually :) It must also gall Raoul to no end that Donovan will obey Katze no questions asked but doesn't seem very willing to acquiesce to him in anyway when normally everyone stands on their head to do what a Blondie says. I kind of love that about him :P

    And of course as always they solve everything with sex, honestly I'm going to be shocked if they ever get anything done or out of the house for that matter ;) I wonder if having Sir Niiro back will help Admon get over his little obsession with Katze because it's becoming rather unhealthy if he's spying on them having sex. Course now that we see Sir Niiro, he seems to just stand out in everyway possible from looks to the fact he's running around with a bald Karin, definitely doesn't conform to the norm.

    Things are about to get interesting, I can't wait to find out how much everyone knows or suspects and I'm really looking forward to Admon seeing Niiro and his Karin. Another great chapter EP and you know I'm going to be looking forward to the next one ^_^

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  • From Savagehunger47 on April 12, 2010
    Wow!! Please feel guilty all the time! I loved the unedited version.

    I feel dark clouds forming over Katze and Raoul. Did they come back because of implant came out? or was it just time to see how their experiment had progressed so far?

    What ever it is i cant wait for the next update:)

    Thank you!
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  • From barrie18 on April 12, 2010
    Admon scares me. I freely admit it. Because my overtired mind, can't decide if what he is 'thinking' is precognitive or wishful thinking. We know he can 'read people', and through this has seen a part of Katze's past, but the future? And that scares me because Ai No Kusabi is not about 'happily ever after. . .

    Does Katze sense something...or is this once again Admon reading things, but giving it his own definition, because how honest is Admon to himself? We know what he says, and how he feels. We know he is jealous of Raoul and that could also give a different meaning to what he 'see's' which would suit him.

    He has said before that he cannot 'read' Raoul....and so once again can he be happily thinking the Elite doesn't understand what Katze craves in that personal moment. And yet in earlier chapters the Elite is so linked to Katze's feelings that this 'reading' of Admon's just jars.

    So just to jump for a moment, the Master has landed, Sir Niiro is here and he brings with him a 'consort', a new improved version of the android who waits for him on Amoi. Which the superceded model appears to know nothing about.....and considering Admon's (it always seems to come back to him) possessive streak (and yes, I do believe he has one, as does the Lambda) I wonder if this is will be the crux in the matter that could shift things in favor of our heroes. After all Sir Niiro is still an Elite and for all his cleverness, I don't think he would take into consideration the loyalty of his minion or his feelings, and Admon does feel...

    Whatever does happen, I think the biggest surprise is going to be when Donovan and Raoul stand together to protect Katze. Because their standoff here proves them to be of equal measure in that regard to the mongrel. Now the only question is how do you throw the Irrational One in the mix, because sometimes, logic just doesn't do the job. . .

    Please forgive my overtired ramblings...but as I said earlier, Admon scares me, and I am really trying to talk myself into seeing his analysis of things as a self satisfied rand, rather than the dark foreshadowing that it seems to be...

    Even unedited....brilliant as usual....and I don't know whether to dread the next chapter or look forward to it.
    Take care :)

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  • From Sheleeta on April 12, 2010
    Ooo... all giddy. Just leaving us hanging. I'm looking forward to more. Keep it coming.
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  • From LuvLotsaYaoi on April 06, 2010
    Can you say OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Talk about a turn of events, are we reading about some yummy and delicious between Katze's mommy and daddy? Better yet just how old is Katze anyway, I thought he was like 23 not 8023? Its obvious he is been tracked, but why and why was Raoul's lover the one to do it? IS eek in for some serious discipline because he tried to harm Raoul's new love (although the blondie won't admit that)? What does Admon freaking out and repeating the perfect conditions to create Amoi have to do with Katze being sick, and Katze's parents (if they are his parents)? And are commander Katzen & doctor Radulf about to warp back to the time that Katze is in now?

    Enough questions, I really loved this chapter. My dear EP you have managed to turn AnK into a mystery story (as if that was even possible). You have accomplished the 1 thing I could never in a million years see as happening given the strait forwardness in the OVA and more or less the Novel. I am dying to know what will happen next. Til next time {*.*}
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  • From ANON - Anise on April 05, 2010
    (23) That was quite a lot of science at the beginning there, either you did a fair amount of research or you're a bit of a science geek yourself ;) either way it's always nice to see an author take the time to do the little extras. You could have just skimmed over what Lambda was doing and really who would have known but I love that you take that extra bit of time.^^

    Loved Mr and Mrs Wolf they have a real ease between them, they seem like a really great couple :) Seeing what Katzen was expecting Amoi to become I wonder what she would think of it now, I have a hard time thinking this is what they were trying to achieve. On a side note during that first part of the story at the beginning of one of the paragraphs you used Katze when I'm sure you meant Katzen, sorry I can't remember exactly where but I thought you would want to know.^^

    We keep getting hints of Katze's past, little bits of information and yet it seems like we don't know anything. Well to be more precise we don't know enough, either way it's driving me mad I want to know more :) It's amazing just how well Katze is becoming in reading Raoul but Raoul isn't so bad at that game himself, they've become very in tuned with each other. Katze's demand for chocolate was too funny and Raoul was being rather indulgent it was very cute, must be driving Deek mad *snicker* at least he redeemed himself a smidge by bringing hot chocolate without even being asked.

    I love how part of the connection between the beginning and the end was made by chocolate (well and redheads & doctors)^^ But of course we can see that the connection is much more than that, it brings me back to the whole soulmate idea which after this would seem to be possible. The idea of their souls being reborn to meet up that much later and under such a different circumstances is very appealing I admit. But this is a universe of science and part of me wonders if Katzen's DNA or that of her son's didn't somehow ended up being used on Amoi and passed down but how would that have even occurred. Such an interesting history you've got going on here, can't wait to find out more ^_^

    Happy Easter hun! Hope you had a wonderful holiday *hugs*
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  • From Sheleeta on April 05, 2010
    Agh! More, more. You're writing is amazing and the back story you created was so very believable. Kudos...
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  • From barrie18 on April 05, 2010
    Shades of 2001 and "Hal"......the beginning of this chapter makes the mind boggle as we are given history with blank spots. Why did she do it? And we know the she I'm referring to ....because no way did this "Shiryu" just walk out of a space ship...Lambda opened that door and gave a push, but why....that is more the question.....

    According to Kazen, 'she' is almost sentient in her ability to think and reason. She will grow and learn, while her creators are off to do whatever they do. . .But, she will be 'alone' until her charges are more of an age. . .Perhaps she is more sentient than her creators are aware of. . . and lets face it, if she can think, feel, or reason, one of things 'humans' don't like is being alone......So somehow, I don't think Katzen and her crew are going to be leaving orbit sometime soon. . . . . .

    Therefore the next question is..... did Lambda separate Katzen and Radulf. Because at this point, I am willing to bet that Radulf is the genetic make up of the 'first' Elites eventual Blondies, and Katzen is the mother of the mongrel race...... . .although, upon a second reading perhaps it is Katzen who is the 'code for Elites' and Radulf the father of mongrels......

    However, back in the present...more questions.....What other incident was there that Katze was in this 'state' ? Raoul knows, he was there, who else was?

    Again, in Katze's memory, he thinks of an implant near his head...the one that probably just fell out of his nose in the present, a Sir Niiro implant ..but he hears himself referred to as the First One's derelict progeny.. . .Now the First One would be Katzen but then my mind goes off into StarTrek mode, and I keep thinking it seems that Katzen gave birth to her off spring, and then ......don't even want to go there......but......why then is he described as 'derelict progeny'.....surely there had to be others that weren't considered 'derelict', lets say the ones who would become Elites........Because why else would there even be any knowledge of the 'First One". Notice again... not 'a' but 'the' this entity a title of sorts and singular.....when Katze awakens, he refers to them as First Ones, as a whole unite, but here Sir Niiro is only concerned with the One.....

    As to Katze and Raoul....The Cat is still trying to set boundaries for himself within this new framework. Raoul is correct. It would be easier for Katze to cope if he truly believed the worst of Raoul. But even though he will hiss and attempt to scratch, he really misses the mark by revealing the truth each time. He wants Raoul to prove him wrong, otherwise why tell him the truth in the first place.

    And much more honest can he be.....he tells Katze straight out, he has wanted to bed him for the last 5 years....and Katze is so wrapped up in his discomfort that he misses it....or appears to miss it. . .who can tell with a Cat..

    Lastly we come full circle so to speak...Deek observes from a distance, and the connection is made between that old table and his Master's care of the Mongrel.....brilliant....

    Hope the next chapter isn't too far away, and noted that no longer is the story set to 25 chapters ::evil laugh::
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  • From Savagehunger47 on April 04, 2010
    Yay! I love how you portray Katze and Raoul. Cant wait for more :D
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  • From Avernion on March 28, 2010
    Yes. You are perfectly right. That is a very evil end for a chapter. Very, very evil indeed.
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  • From ANON - Anise on March 21, 2010
    (22) When Admon said that 'the ties that bind are ancestral' was that his convoluted way of calling them soul mates or is it more complicated than that, or have I missed the meaning entirely (always a possibility ;) Also I'm left wondering just how many Admons there's been and what's happened to them all, his role in everything gets more interesting every time we learn something new. Isn't it funny that it was actually Guy who figured out what Admon was doing first, now what to do with that information.

    As to your Jupitar, despite images of it looking human it is still a machine with no real feelings and really no way to understand the deeper human parts of us. Sometimes I think we may forget that because it presents itself in a feminine way or does things like the imagery but no matter what there really are limitations, I felt reading this you hadn't forgotten that this is a machine and not some benevolent god :)

    Raoul and Iason honestly couldn't have been more terrifying if they had been screaming at each other, that cold and calculating would be terrifying. And to see Iason actually lose control just speaks to how putout he must feel right now, I wouldn't have wanted to be in Katze's spot not being able to do anything but unable to leave either. On the plus side Katze and Raoul were allowed to leave together and there was a promise of things to come between them, I don't know who I want to win that chess match more ;)

    As for Riki and Iason when you read chapters like this it almost makes it understandable why they had to die at the end of AnK. In the world they live with the personalities they have you can't help but wonder if they ever could have lived happily together, everything about them is tragic. Course this is fanfic and lucky for us readers, the writers can have anything they want happen ^_^

    To end on a much happier note, all your furniture have such personalities, Cal was so cute and easygoing I loved the interaction between him and Katze :) And it's funny that you should mention the number of chapters because honestly I had been wondering for awhile now if you'd be able to get everything in 25, I guess we'll have to wait and see :) That was a ridiculously long review, if not so well written but another good chapter and as always looking forward to more ^_^
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