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Reviews for Do you remember?

By : ankfanforever
  • From ANON - DTE on August 29, 2009
    What a twist! Cant wait to read more.
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  • From ANON - jishe on August 28, 2009
    Oh!!! I forgot something! I got the feeling that this fic isn't going to be very i correct? Did you write it some were before and i didn't see it? OoO''''
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  • From ANON - jishe on August 28, 2009
    O MY GOD....that was...unexpected...for real... I
    Ok, time to clap my cheeks and think straigth. As i said, jupited is just mind-fucker...altrough i should say you are the one, because is your are Jupiter!!! XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDX (No kidding)
    Thanks for not killing Katze, i like him (fics and anime).
    Don't you draw? It would be a hell of a gif (for you, for us fans) to see some pictures of, for example Riki on his stunnig clothes...thet will be nice. I don't offer myself because i just CAN'T draw a person.
    The thing with Iason and Raoul's past was a nice idea i believe you get from the anime, after all it's was ovbiosly they had something, someday. But the idea of the memoru erase, and the suicide and the depresion...that was good...specilly because if i was iason, i'll start thinking about Raoul and: "OMG, poor of him...and he loves me...he is alone...he is unhappy..."...i maybe i'll have second thoughs about the hole situation and...i don't know...
    And Riki? Maybe he doesn't love Raoul, but he start to feel something for him...even pitty, that's important, and maybe he wont' like the idea of letting him alone (of course, he first will run to iason, but then...he will think...).
    Mmmmm, i lot of stuff came to my mind with this chapter, but i don't know english enough to express should learn spanish...jijijiji.....
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  • From barrie18 on August 28, 2009
    Well that was 'unexpected'. . . rofl

    Now my problem is I have an evil mind. . . . so I really can't decide if you are serious or not. Is Jupiter telling the truth. . .or is this the beginning of some other dire plan. . .no matter which way you go, it will be enjoyable, but I'm still seeing that threesome. . .Unless. . . Katze is there, perhaps Katze is the catalyst to get Raoul and Iason to become friends again and in the process, they find each other . . (Hey Katze needs some love to :) ) And I can't see Riki moderating between the two of them.

    Raoul's behaviour in the first part of this story was 'not normal' is the best way to describe it. But then he is still recovering from the rape, and after Jupiter's revelations, his behavior does make sense. Curious though that Riki reminds of Iason. . .although Riki is really his only connection with his former lover, so yes it does makes sense that he would want him now because he can't have the other.

    As to Iason. . .the one thing I did note as I glanced through the first chapters again ( big grin) is that until Raoul interested Iason in 'sex' again', Iason was really happy not to be going anything. It was only when that urge was reawakened that things got out of hand.

    And no wonder he had at that stage visions of two bottoms pointing up at him. . rofl. . . seems not everything was forgotten even from the first mind wipe.

    Well, I really can't second guess where you would be going next with this. . so I'll just wait and be surprised.


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  • From ANON - DTE on August 27, 2009
    That was AWESOME! This story gets better and better with every chapter, this last one definitely has me on the edge of my seat. Please update soon.
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  • From ANON - jishe on August 26, 2009
    Jajajaja, i knew it!!! (God, i like to say that!)
    Iason is just iason, he will get nuts, it was SSOOOOOO obvious....he just didn't get the chance to reduce Raoul to a simple mass of limbs and organs because he wasn't there when he get to te house (or apartment)...
    Now the thing or more like the questions i have: What the hell it's Jupiter plannig? Why did she specifically told Raoul to take care of Riki? What for? What is she seeking for? MMmmmm....really suspicious....
    And the other thing: what about Katze? Is Iason really going to kill him or he will reconsider his help in not letting him kill Riki? Mmmmmm....another stuff to drug my brain with during boring classes...XD

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  • From barrie18 on August 26, 2009
    Rofl. . . you are truly evil lady, truly evil. After reading Jishe's review yesterday, I went sh*t, she wouldn't would she. . . yes it is an alternative but. . .. and you did. . .

    Yes, I can understand in a way why Iason went to kill Riki first, as he really has stopped thinking with his brain, and letting the hormones rule. No logic there at the moment at all.

    Maybe that's the problem for Jupiter. . .she knows that if she lets her Blondies have sex and get emotionally involved, they forget how to think logically. . . rofl Damn, she has some re programming to do when creating her Blondies then.

    It seems that no matter what, Riki wants to be with Iason, and poor Raoul (well is he really 'poor' Raoul since he seems to have caused most of the problems here) has lost the plot completely. . . raping Iason indeed. Just remember who opened that can of worms by trying to pretend that he and Iason were already lovers. . .

    Raoul is on a revenge kick now, so either he ends up dying or Riki, as he seems to be the only one using a brain at the moment, is able to change him. Although even looking through the conversation with Iason, it seems he already had a few screws loose before he was raped, so I wish Riki luck on that one. . . especially even if he convinces Raoul, Iason is another issue entirely. . .not exactly Mr. Forgive & Forget now, is he?

    And once again, where is Jupiter? She must have a clue as to what is going on, it's Jupiter for heavens' sake. I don't know if she the solution, or a further catalyst to destruction at this point, but I can't see Iason marching back to Raoul's for quickie with Riki anytime soon. So would he risk everything in his hormonal mind and march in to Jupiter's sanctum to have it out with her?

    Oh, you've topped yourself here, so you are really going to have to rack your brain for the next bit my friend. . . .Can't wait to see what happens next. . . hope we all find out soon :)

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  • From ANON - DTE on August 26, 2009
    It looks like things are getting complicated. Great chapter, please update soon.
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  • From ANON - jishe on August 26, 2009
    OMG!!!! It finally happen!!!YES!!!! (Jishe is making a little dance of victory....)
    KKKKKIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I' SOOOOO happy!!! Not for Raoul (he is dead...T-T....tell him not to worry, i'll take care of him >///< )but for Riki...wait a minute. He said (Iason): "I'm going to kill him" means Raoul, rigth? He could not possible be angry with Riki?! I mean, he is the poor and "inocent" pet in this crazy fic of yours!!! Now, i'm scared, i don't know what could you be thinking...mmmm..... I'LL BE WATCHING YOU!!!
    PD: I'm really, really happy!!!
    PDD: But, what about Jupiter? This was and experiment of her or what the hell?
    PDDD: And what with the "recently in love" Raoul?
    PDDDD: CONTINUE SOON!!!!! ...please...
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  • From barrie18 on August 25, 2009
    When you move a plot along, you really move a plot along. . . rofl

    I disagree with you. . .you have been very good about dropping hints, Iason's headache's, his first dream about Riki, these showed that the memories were still somewhere there. But it seems seeing Guy was the catalyst that broke the memory barrier. . . and Iason is on a rampage.

    Now is he going to burst in on Raoul and 'kill' him before the poor man has a chance to say a word, or is he going to take the higher road. . .that "REVENGE IS A DISH BEST SERVED COLD" otherwise why would he warn Katze about saying anything to Raoul in the first place?

    The scene between Raoul and Riki was pretty much expected, although you really didn't answer the last question posed in the previous chapter.

    Raoul is very confused at the moment and you are doing a great job showing how shaken he is. However no matter how the plot turns out, I have a horrible feeling that somewhere along the line this is going to turn into a 3way relationship, with Iason, just as Riki says, seducing Raoul to become his. . . and I've just never been crazy about 3somes. . . rofl. . .

    As to Jupiter, well, so far she has been pretty much out of the picture. But considering that she has a finger (synapse in her case) everywhere, wouldn't she be watching her two problem Blondies very carefully to see whats brewing.

    Now just one other thing. . .what is the time frame here? Iason was in an accident and this gave Jupiter the chance to wipe his mind? This isn't a Dana Bahn aftermath? Because from the sound of it Guy has two arms. . .

    Hope RL continues to go well for you, because I really need you to update as soon as possible rofl. . ..

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  • From ANON - DTE on August 25, 2009
    Aha! Now Raoul knows how it feels. Maybe this will get him to change his tune. Great chapter, please update soon.
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  • From ANON - jishe on August 24, 2009
    Well as you said Iason it's completly sex charged!!! OoO'''
    And the last part with Raoul asking for Riki's "help" i see that coming, it was pretty obviously because...who else?!!! Not Iason of course...
    The thing with the headaches and the probability of memories coming back and the fack that he felt better "after" just because he was with riki and that he want him SOOO badly...mmmm i don't know...what if he just get's content with that, i mean, with taking him againg as his pet and have sex all the time and the same stuff like the very begining? Aftel all, he just recently got his mind erased because of that and probabily also had some mind blocks...Jupiter wouldn't be stupid to let him became what he used to be, specially having Riki so close...It's really suspicious that she let Raoul keep him knowing that Iason may see him very often...
    I don't know, it just my "complot-review" XDXDXDXD
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  • From barrie18 on August 24, 2009
    Damn Hespera, you've opened up more problems now. . . And the only one who is 'happy' is Iason. . . he doesn't have a care in the world at the moment. . . Can you give him a little jolt soon. . . a stray feeling, memory, even finding something in the penthouse that should have been removed before he came home from the mind wipe but wasn't.

    Iason's and Riki's bedroom antics was in its own way tragic. Riki knowing, Iason blank and yet their bodies responding to each other as always. So somewhere there has to be a memory lurking to break that damn block.

    But so far, all Iason knows is a strong sex drive. And yet, wasn't it like this in the beginning between them as well? It took a while for him to 'fall in love' with his pet, even though the sexual attraction was there. At that time, wouldn't he have also spoken about taking his pet out, of putting a gold collar on him with his initials. Wouldn't Riki in some sense feel that he's done this before and perhaps take hope in it.

    As to Raoul and Riki, damn. . .more problems. . .Raoul really doesn't have a clue as to what true love feels like. Riki can make 'love' to him to use the general term, but that isn't being in love with him and doing the act with him. Riki can have sex with him and give him 'pleasure' but that is not how true love feels.

    The only way for Raoul to see it in a sense is for him to 'watch' Riki and Iason in action.

    And just to get back to basics. . .what is the deal with Jupiter? Raoul can't just hand Riki over to Iason. . .and it would seem no one can take Riki out in public, because as far as anyone is concerned Riki is dead. . . and it looks like all of Amoi has been told not to say a world to Iason about his past actions. . .

    Well can't wait to see where you go next. Hope RL is treating you well and that you update soon

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  • From ANON - jishe on August 22, 2009
    OMG! Poor Raoul..but well...he kind of..deserve it....Sorry my beautifull baby Raoul, but all of that was just your fault, nobody else to blame, just you. Of course that doesn't mean i'm happy. That must hurt a lot taking in care who was the seme and being the first time ann all...T-T
    The part at the Laboratory, pretty nice!!! They are both starting to "like" each other more that they should but...i'm not angry for that!!! The problems is that maybe after the rape (because it was that) Roaul will end a to say it...scare of other to touch him? Or maybe not. Afte rall, he is a big boy and, he already knew (thank's to Riki) the pleasure of sex, just that he tried to bite more than he can.
    aAnyway...the next chapter promises a lot of "fun"!!!!! Continue soon!!!!
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  • From ANON - DTE on August 22, 2009
    Very hot scene. Please update soon.
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