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Reviews for Do you remember?

By : ankfanforever
  • From ANON - DTE on December 29, 2009
    I've always wanted to read a story where Riki somehow manages to escape from Iason's clutches. I'm glad that you're still continuing this story, an I'm excited to see how Riki's escape is going to hit Iason and the story events. Please update soon.
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  • From ANON - irmina on December 08, 2009
    Just found your story. It's really great, i love i! I love that Iason got his memory of Riki back, and it's kinda nice that Riki was with Raoul for a while and that it provoked Iason's memory to return. Now that Raoul is going to officially unite with Katze, is Iason going to make his relation with Riki official, too? Look forward for the next chapter
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  • From ANON - Yuki on November 10, 2009
    Is Iason avoiding Riki?I don't see any love in them anymore?Why Iason is being like this?
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  • From ANON - DTE on November 10, 2009
    Katze has Raoul wrapped around his little finger. Sweet! Wedding! oh no it looks like Katze and raoul's happiness has effected Riki's and iason's negatively. great chapter, cant wait to see what happens next.
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  • From KotoriSensei on November 09, 2009
    Jajajaja, i know it's not the best to laugh after "that" end, but just until now i get the title...jjiji "Look, Ma'.." Jajajaja, and it really coincide with the content. I'm happy for Raould (my raoul...hey, it was a long time ago since i wrote that for last time) and Katze. They make a nice couple in all kind ofn way...too bad for Iason, not for Riki, for Iason, because he is in a BIG trouble now. He just has an greedy boyfriend on his hands and it won't stop..until he get what he wants... Of course, i'm totally on Riki's side!!!!
    I'm imagine the next chapter: Iason looking advice for Raoul....jajajajajaja, sweet revenge!
    About Jupiter watching Romeo and comments....OoO''' XD
    And...there was something else...i just forgot. Sorry.
    Anyway, thanks for the new chapter. Sorry againg for get lost, it won't happen againg. And i'll be waiting for your the next chapter of your bestseller!!!!

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  • From barrie18 on November 09, 2009
    You love causing problems don't you. . rofl. . .

    First the two Cats. . . any my bet is on the little one. . .there might be some compromise in the future ie use of the bed.. .but seating arrangements when awake. .. another issue entirely :)

    Next Riki and Iason. . .

    Oh, dear. .. Iason . . .can go and scream at Raoul. . .you idiot, all you had to do was screw him not marry him. . . Now I'm in hot water because of you. . .

    Riki. . . They are going to have a ceremony, why aren't we? Why do I have to get stuck in a cock ring etc etc

    But more the issue. . . .Riki though a mongrel is kept as a pet. . would Jupiter be happy to see her best legally bound to a 'pet'.

    Katze is a mongrel, and ex furniture, but he was never a pet. He is now working with Iason in a business capacity. . .not quite a free agent, but still not a pet, a keep sake, a sex performer... etc etc.

    It was probably easier for Jupiter to move a bit for Raoul as Katze though a mongrel, is still not classifed as a 'pet'.

    No wonder Jupiter ran off to watch Romeo and Juliet. .. she's anticipating trouble. . . it would have been better if she asked to watch 12th Night or A Comedy of Errors. . .rofl

    Raoul still has that bit of insecurity about him when it comes to love and romance, even the way he goes to 'mother' to talk to her, shows the little boy hidden deep within.

    Iason. ..well no matter how he feels about Riki, in public he is the supreme Blonide, and although he doesn't mind parading his mongrel around. I don't know how happy he would be if Riki were his equal inside the house as well as out.

    Riki. . probably off to Katze to piss him off as well. . .How would you like it if I tell Iason to reinforce your vow prickhead. . .so don't go talking bonding ceremony around me :)

    A great fun chapter, but as I've said, you have created more problems for our boys. . .and isn't it fun

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  • From ANON - ayaslight on November 01, 2009
    really enjoyed this
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  • From KotoriSensei on November 01, 2009
    Oh!!! You are mean! How could you leave it like that!!! T_T
    Well, i can say a lot because i like the last one on comment...but soryy! I read it yesterday but i was SOOOO taking pictures at a cosplay event here at my city...jijiji.
    Anyway...Riki just misses a pair of wings and a diaper an he will be cupid!!! And of course the bow and the arrows!!! Jajajaja, Nice idea that of the cat...nothing like havind one of them to understand how insignificant we are...specially when they look at you with those eyes...believe me...i have one.
    So..are we getting close to the end? I mean...Katze already cofess his love...and aparently (my impresion) Raoul might like it...and answer the same back...If don't....mmm....well, happy because the fic will eep going a little longer, eh? XD
    See you soon!!!
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  • From barrie18 on October 31, 2009
    Well this was certainly an epic chapter, with so much happening on many levels. I liked Riki's touch of giving Raoul a cat, the man would never have learned on his own, and advise isn't the same as practical hands on experience. And of course as in RL, the pet trains the owner. I'm just wondering if the human cat and the pet cat will get on, as they are both laying claim to one particular Blondie. . rofl

    So what now? I'd imagine that Katze and Raoul still have a few things to settle between them. . after all a 'humping' does not a relationship make. . . :)

    I think we can all say this story didn't take the direction I thought it would. . .but it has been fun, watching it growth.

    Don't know if you are coming to an end with this or your head can find another angle to explore. . .but whatever happens. . .its been fun :)
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  • From LadyIkari on October 31, 2009
    Rauol vs a cat? Wonderful!!! I loved it!!! Even though I would never imagine Rauol talking to a cat that easily, but it is nice to see him acting so weak. It is kinda of refreshing. I want to how Iason managed not to appear in this chapter. I thought he gave Rauol the pet. I cant wait until the next chapter!! Keep up the good work. You are an awesome writer!!! One of the best I have read in a while!!
    BTW, Thank you for the mention in your acknowledgments. That really made my day!!! Until the next chapter!!!!

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  • From ANON - DTE on October 31, 2009
    Cute and sweet chapter, like the cat idea, (it's so cute) it's like giving Raoul a mini-Katze to get accustomed to not bossing around and allowing it/him run free (you can't boss a cat, believe me I tried). Enjoyed reading this chapter, Please Update soon.
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  • From barrie18 on October 29, 2009
    I guess everyone is entitled to an opinion... how ever there is constructive criticism and all out bashing. I consider what Abraxas has written is the latter and not the former.

    Anyone who writes fanfic, as far as I'm concerned has guts to put it out there. This is after all for fun, not profit as is stated in each story. No one here is a professional, so bravo to all the brave souls who put their stories here for our entertainment.

    I won't go into details defending this story, because there are enough positive reviews that already do that in their praise.

    I for one would rather go by the old maxim, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.. . .

    And as far as I can tell, there is not one positive statement in that 'review'. ..

    Another maxim. . .don't like.. .don't read. . . .

    and if one does need to express their dissatisfaction, then their is a more 'polite' way of doing it.

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  • From ANON - Abraxas on October 29, 2009
    @ Orant mihi:

    The fact that someone gives the author's stories a 3-star-rating doesn't make them a "hater" and nobody here is "lowering the rate". The world isn't divided into black and white, "haters" and "admirers", you know. There is also a major difference between constructive criticism and negativity. The fact is: There are several things that are seriously wrong with this story as well as the first one the author wrote.

    1. There are so many spelling and grammar mistakes in both stories it is borderline painful. This particular issue has improved somewhat and the style changed as well lately which led me to believe the author found a beta at last. But if you read the first chapters of this story... it is an insult to the English language. English isn't my first language (it's my fourth, actually), but I would never butcher it like that.

    2. The storyline of both stories is all over the place. There is no apparent concept there AT ALL.

    3. The author, on several occasions uses dialogue straight out of the original OVA without a specific disclaimer. That is called plagiarism.

    4. The characters are so OUT of character in regard to the novel and the original OVA it is a mystery why the author even bothers to call this "Ai no Kusabi". She could have labeled it OOC, I suppose, but the thing is: The actions of these characters make no SENSE whatsoever. It's like the author had an idea here and there and just threw it all together without thinking it through, without contemplating where she was going with this story. She also doesn't seem to know one iota about the original story beyond the anime. Both her stories are a complete travesty of what Reiko Yoshihara's classic work is all about.

    5. Not only did the author use lengthy parts of the anime's dialogue without an explicit disclaimer. There are also, repeatedly lines and phrases that don't sound like here at all. You can tell by the constant deviation from her style throughout the first few chapters. Again, this is plagiarism.

    If you REALLY want to read good Ai no Kusabi fanfiction, read Ainzfern's beautiful stories at or check out Lena's fantastic collection on .

    THAT'S how you write good Ai no Kusabi fanfiction, not the bullshit this author has come up with. She has a 3-star-rating, because most people here feel that this is by far the best rating she deserves for it. Plain and simple. So the the next time you feel like calling someone "haters" you may want to take into consideration that people here DO know what they are talking about and thus rate a story accordingly. And before you ask: No. I didn't even rate this gunk, so I am not one of your "haters".

    No response required. I only come here once a year anyway so I won't bother to read it.


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  • From barrie18 on October 17, 2009
    The best thing about this chapter is the new direction it took in giving the Blondies specific flaws in their make up. And that flaw also explains why Jupiter did what she did. So her Blondies were not so perfect after all and had to be kept apart for a very good reason. . .

    Of course the howling and only having sex at the full moons, gave me pause when I next expected to hear about them turning into werewolves (rofl) but the effect is still the same. They are not as controlled as they would like to believe they are and are affected by the moon's cycle, when it comes to Blondies mating with Blondies.

    So all in all finding that Iason has a serious weakness here , and needs Riki for stability adds to his dimensions as a character.

    As to Raoul and Katze. . .

    Well my eyes did pop when I realized what was going on under the desk. . . but what do you do now?

    You can't have Raoul, go back to work or hide out to hide his pain. If you remember that is what happened after the Riki/Iason incidents and why Katze what sent to him in the first place.

    So either you have him run back to Riki, with his tail between his legs,
    or, talk to Iason for more male bonding (how much exactly does Raoul remember?)
    or. . .Have Riki take matters in his own hands straight away. He's no fool. And he knows exactly what would have happened when Raoul and Katze left and what the outcome would be. He did warn Raoul. . remember? It might be an idea for Riki to talk to Katze and explain to him about a few new Blondie traits he just found out about.

    Then let Katze, take control. . . Let him go and control Raoul, and explain a few things to him about relationships and straighten him out once and for all.

    Or does Raoul do what all children do. . .Run to Mother to make it better. . . .(damn, why do I see Jupiter, looking at him going. . .are you stupid?)

    Can't wait to see what direction you will take, or if your head comes up with something different again.

    Your characters in this chapter especially Iason and Riki went in a new direction with more depth to their make up. The story so far has had many twists and turns, and not the expected straight line, the beginning implied.

    Can't wait to see the next twist in the tale.
    :) Hope it's soon

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  • From ANON - DTE on October 17, 2009
    If Raoul and Iason were like dogs and Katze is so much like his name(cat) then maybe him and Raoul will never get along. Was ver curious about Iason's and Raoul's dark history together. Great chapter, cant wait to read more.
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