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Reviews for AnK - Black Moon Rising

By : ElegantPaws
  • From barrie18 on December 18, 2009
    The mood in this chapter has changed the game plan. . .This really has been a case of lets get down to basics. .

    To start Raoul is a prick. . .he might dress it up with Blondie manners and Elite style, but he is a prick. And a jealous one at that. . .

    Admon is a curiosity. . .from the harsh basics of what is going on in the bedroom, we are taken for a few brief seconds to the mystic again. He is tied in with Katze, but being an empath also aware of Raoul, realizes what they both need but is he truly a willing participant in trying to get them to surmount their 'issues' or is this just a stray thought of wonder of how it can be done. That line alone can be read in two different ways and as I've said Admon is a puzzle in himself.

    Then back to basics. . .Who is Raoul playing a game with Katze or himself? He knows what he wants, and yet he goes out of his way to make sure that Katze pushes away from him. Part of the game. . .or part of the contradiction, that he too like his friend Iason Mink, desires a Mongrel.

    Katze, sigh. . .his role. . .not a cat, nor a mouse, but a mongrel (dog) snapping in fear and getting the worst end of the deal because of it. Even his so called obedience is a defiance. It really is a strange game these two play with each other.

    And the past revealed. . . who was the mysterious voice that Admon recognizes. . .one would think as it is a medical procedure, it is Raoul, but my gut. . .is going for Iason. . .something else was done to Katze. . .this was not just a castration. And perhaps this something else is what Raoul is picking up on when he recognizes certain attitudes that are particular to Elites. . . oh yes someone is up to something here, and I'd say Jupiter also has a hand in the mix.

    Do Blondies get drunk? Does alcohol loosen their tongues and leave their brains a gear behind? Because Raoul is being more than generous. . .Just as he 'bound' Katze to him by being his 'first', he very obliquely offers himself up to Katze. . .to bind and be bound in turn. . .

    I could go on and on here. . .but I will close once more turning to the mystic. . .in our midst. . .what game is Admon playing. . .and what role did/does the Ruby play because even though he is not present, his presence is starting to grow. Admon is willing to protect Katze until he is ready. . .ready for what? ready for who? and the
    'he' in question. . .well I think Old Master is lurking somewhere.

    And now that a bond has been created between our two protagonists, is Admon's goal to destroy it? Because once again Admon's thoughts end in a puzzle.

    Hope to see the next chapter up soon. . .:)

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  • From ANON - Anise on December 09, 2009
    (14) Gotta say not the least bit surprised that Raoul had never left because really it seems like you’re intent on torturing Katze ;) Although I got to ask am I the only one who finds it interesting that for all Raoul’s supposed high class he’s still willing to hang around a Ceres club just to get to Katze. And with everything that Katze’s had to deal with it was nice to see Iason say something on Katze’s behalf since he can’t himself, although I don’t think I should be surprised, Iason has always understood Katze’s value.

    Going back to the beginning I have to admit that I was kind of expecting Raoul to show some sort of recognition of Admon, now I can‘t wait to find out about this Ruby. Also this idea Raoul has of fear being better than respect, I wonder if that’s just in regard to Katze or if it’s for anyone of a lesser station. It’s actually kind of an interesting take since normally I don’t think of Blondies actively trying to instil fear it’s usually just a by product of who they are and what they are capable of.

    And of course Riki, it’s kind of nice to see him start to let go, maybe he’s going to start to really move on himself, of course not before he pushes Guy of the deep end it seems. It’s amazing how Riki can seem both hard and vulnerable at the same time, his life is not an easy one and a lot of those hard times seem to be self induced.

    ^_^ Finally got a chance to read and review, sorry it took so long to respond to this I don’t know what happens come December it’s like the hours in the day just disappear. I can’t wait for the next chapter, whatever happens between Katze and Raoul I’m guessing it’s going to be intense. And I know it’s a little early but in case I don’t get a chance to say it later I hope you have a really wonderful holiday :)
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  • From ankfanforever on December 05, 2009
    I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! He, he, I was soooo suspecting that Raoul found his way into Katze's bedroom to wait there for his prize ... and I was not disappointed, which, of course, makes me feel pompous for being able to read something ahead in the course of action the characters take, seeing that your story is so rich in twists and turns.

    I am very curious about the significance of smell in your story. Admon's scent gets on Raoul's nerves in the same way it got on Guy's nerves, when he felt it on Donovan. Yes, it is true that Guy saw Donovan and Admon together, and there was no supposition there, but Guy has no sensitive nose, such as Raoul. Or is it that Raoul's sensitive nose got so offended because Admon's scent is truly powerful? Admon is a very interesting character, and, since he is all yours, I have no map in reading his reactions or actions, like I'm striving to do with the others I'm already acquainted with. It especially intrigues me that he says that he lives to serve, like this is some kind of determination, or destiny, without his choosing. Belonging to the One, that Katze realized to be the same with the mysterious Ruby in the picture Raoul has, meant exactly what? Did it ingrain into him submissiveness, no matter what floats his way? Or is a strange call, behind that picture, that attracts Admon closer and closer, while compelling him to serve whoever acts as his temporary master?

    Riki was crying in the rain ... But was it all because of Iason, or the night out and the craze along with it had also something to do with Guy having another? Despite his bad ass attitude, I find Riki here to be convoluted and with mixed feelings. Obviously, Donovan is right: Riki should let Guy alone, with all the consequences, because he doesn't want him anymore, not that he truly did, from what I gather. Maybe I'm a little too infatuated with Riki and Guy's relationship, in general, and I'm reading too much here, but I think that Guy, besides being the 'ex', also represents something else to Riki. And by that, I mean that Guy is more things to Riki, like freedom, or the feeling of belonging to a familiar place in the world.

    It was a long chapter, but an exquisite one, to say the least! I smiled when Raoul groped Katze at the door, he obviously can't keep his hands off! While Raoul pretends to be straight-laced, he is sooo NOT. It's kind of funny how Iason puts him to his place, showing who is really in charge, and how much he did read into Raoul's reactions regarding Katze.

    And the mysterious object is coming into play again ... what mysteries await us?

    Raoul is jealous. That's final. I don't know exactly why Katze would not dare, at least, inside his mind (sort of a simulation game), to play scenarios how it would be to have the mighty Blondie by the balls, but I guess he is too scared for that. As for the fact that he fears himself ... bingo, Katze dear is afraid to fall for such a creature as Raoul is.

    I hope, dear author, that Raoul and Katze won't drain you of all your energies. After all, you are the one that need yourself the most. :) And us, of course, so we could be able to read more wonderful stories coming right of your beautiful mind.

    Until next time, have a nice life!
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  • From barrie18 on December 05, 2009
    Once again, a chapter where one has to think to understand what has taken place here.

    Why am I not surprised that Admon discovers that Raoul is a latent empath. . And just for the record Admon, my guess is Raoul is not aware of it. Blondies are a very reserved group and I doubt they would sit down and discuss abilities or attributes. If he is aware of it, he would think it is something any Blondie can do, not even realizing that this skill makes him the skilled scientist/doctor that he is.

    What is more interesting is Raoul's desire for Katze to fear him rather than respect him. Once again, I would say it is more a control issue. Raoul desires him, wants him, and fears going down the same path that Iason did with his Mongrel. And Riki never really feared Iason, therefore he was never really controlled.

    It's interesting that even though later on we see that Riki is just as convoluted in his reasoning as everyone else is in this world. Even though he is controlled, it is only to a point. A very fine point, but still a point. Whatever Riki's feelings are towards Iason, he is not being totally honest in his own emotions, even though he realizes that Iason's own behaviour has changed towards him. As Donovan said, he chose it. . .and any freedom he has is an illusion granted by Iason, but for whatever reason he accepts it, almost regretfully.

    However, what is more interesting to me is Admon's reading of Katze. . .Katze fears himself. . .Katze is more honest than most in this story. He realizes that it would be easy for him to fall into a relationship (if you want to call it that ) of fear and desire with Raoul. He could very easily loose himself in having Raoul rule over him in that destructive cycle.

    Which is why I can see a battle brewing between Admon and Raoul for Katze's very soul, and heaven help me, I find myself baracking for the green eyed devil who needs to find some self honesty at some point in this tale if he too is to find some salvation.

    As to that very pointed dialogue between Sir Am and his Excellency. . .oh Raoul, we all know what mongrel you were referring to when you spoke to Iason about this passive aggressive attitude, but once again, we all know which Mongrel Iason was referring to when he replied. Oh Raoul, the boss man knows what he is talking about as he has not only dealt with it, but is still dealing with it. . .Raoul Am, your self denial is big time. And it is going to bite you in the bum big time soon.

    You don't care what kind of attention Katze pays you as long as his attention is on you. . .His concern for Iason, jarred you, demanding you catch his attention even if it is a cold glare.

    Sir Am, you have it bad. . .

    And lastly (although I could find more to analyze as once again the chapter is rich in meaning)is the curious case of Admon's vision.

    I don't recall Katze being in extreme pain when he visited Raoul's apartment, so is this a mixed vision. A combination of something in Katze's memory and Raoul's. . .Something that also concerns the mysterious Ruby? So that memories overlap and give Admon a false image?

    And of course there is the mysterious box that Raoul has gotten to work again with those oh so clever fingers of his. . .I'm sure that it too will play a part as the story develops.

    Once again, thank you for a wonderful chapter, that gives these brain cells a good workout.

    Hope the next chaper is soon :)

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  • From Avernion on November 19, 2009
    I really like this story. Raoul is cold and burning at the same time. I like that. Katze is very emotional and icy cold and broken at the same time. It's difficult to put those characteristics together and get a nice result, but you do it more than fine :3 I can't wait to read about when they walk out of the elevator. Dum dum duuum. >:3
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  • From ANON - Anise on November 17, 2009
    (13) This chapter just seems like one big setup for things to come and I’m definitely leaning towards dread for this meeting. I can’t believe Katze brought Admon with him - for a genius he sure can be dumb sometimes. If he keeps doing things like this he’s never going to get a moments peace, of course while this may or more likely definitely stir things up, it may also have the bonus of starting to get us some answers *fingers crossed* There’s so many things going on right now and Admon is quite the little mystery all on his own. And on a side note, you almost can’t help but wonder if Admon can actually compel people to do things besides the pheromones, he certainly gets his way an awful lot. I don’t actually believe that, I think he’s just an expert manipulator but it is interesting to see everyone just fall under his spell ;)

    I wonder if Katze feels sometimes that he never really stopped being a furniture, especially when you have to deal with Riki on a regular bases, can’t wait to see if he helps or hurts the situation. And Riki was great in this he’s such a little brat, he’s fighting so hard against what he wants and feels and I wonder how long it’s going to take for him to admit to himself what he wants. Course it seems most of the guys are in some form of denial or another.

    Last couple of things, loved the dialogue between Raoul and Iason at the beginning there, made me think of stuffy old English lords. And Donovan and Guy still frustrate me to no end because they obviously like each other, they just need to get over themselves and admit what they want (and stop playing games would be nice too) ;)

    I’ve given up trying to come up with short reviews and just go with whatever happens to pop into my head :) And I also wanted to thank you for the email it was sweet that you took that time to respond even though by that point you didn’t have to, it was nice to know I hadn’t been forgotten *hugs* This chapter definitely makes me anxious for the next update, it’s going to be eventful I’m sure ^_^
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  • From ankfanforever on November 16, 2009
    He, he, Riki! Riki! Riki is the best! He is just ... such a mongrel, I love him, I'm mad about him! I have just one question, though ... Won't Iason mind Riki sniffing around gorgeous males, such as Admon? I bet Riki's ass would do be in a lot of trouble for less. I just loved the scene with Katze and him. And Riki is really, really smart. Now that he knows who fucked Katze, what would he do? From what I've seen, there's no lost love between him and Raoul, and that's very cannon like. By the looks of it, he doesn't think that it's such a great idea for Katze to get involved with that Blondie. Is he sensing some danger for our lovely redhead?

    I guess I surprised this time by not starting with my favorite couple, Guy/Donovan, but I liked Riki so much, especially since it's his first appearance in your story. Such a great debut! Hm, so Riki doesn't mind Guy fucking someone else ... he seems very ok with it, but will he let Guy know about it? Is he ever allowed to talk to Guy? Because I understand that distance is advised, and Katze is watching over things.

    Now Guy is really dumb. How could he?! His mind is really in a turmoil, if he doesn't get it! And Donovan is such a teddy bear here! I would have snuggled him so close! But, I guess they're males, and snuggling is out of the question, and something better and hotter could have happened ... Damn you, Guy! You better prepare for some protection, 'cause Riki dearest doesn't seem so interested in caring for your ass anymore!

    I hope that he will begin to see things clearer. Or maybe Donovan will have to chain him to a wall and fuck him into oblivion, until he understands that he is so much liked. But that's just my take, I cannot wait for you to surprise me with more twists and turns!

    A lot of strange things are happening, especially between Katze and Admon. Admon knows Raoul, but he is such a liar, and Katze knows. Do I get the wrong feeling that Raoul and that ex-Master of Admon are overlapping at some point? You have me on the edge of my seat, dear author, and I cannot wait for more!

    I must admit that Katze's decision to take Admon with him is very surprising. Is he trying to use Admon's skills to get a glimpse of a particular Blondie's thoughts? Yet he knows is a mistake, and there is, of course, the matter of what the Karinese and him shared, that painful memory ...

    Iason knows! I have a great laugh! Will Raoul get a little chiding, like a little child? "I know who you fucked last summer ... " or something like that!

    Great chapter, great chapter, I have no words to say everything ... especially since I only read the story twice, and, with you, I really need to take my time to get the grasp of things.

    Thank you for this exquisite piece, and I beg you to keep writing!
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  • From ANON - barrie18 on November 14, 2009
    A very auspicious beginning. . .we start where we finished last time. . and more confusion is added to the chain of events.

    There is a connection between Katze and Admon. One that according to Admon shouldn't exist. . .between him and a mongrel. So is there something more to Katze's past than even he is aware of?

    And Admon knows Raoul. . .but does he 'know' Raoul or know 'of' Raoul. Two very different things. We know he is lying, but in which direction.

    There is still the mysterious previous Master that Admon still acknowledges and wants to get back to while currently acknowledging Katze as his new master.

    "His Master had appreciated this simple task that had sensual qualities all its own. It was part and parcel of their nightly ritual, their secret and their unspoken form of communication. It had taken a year to bed his Master with mixed results. In the end he wasn’t wanted, another was. He stood in lieu, but this was acceptable. He benefitted with safety, sanctuary and a purpose beyond the usual Pets of his Master’s station, who had only the choice of performance."

    If that doesn't scream Iason, I don't know what does. The only thing I can't work out is, is Admon still working for Iason behind the scenes, or is this his own agenda we are seeing, in that strange mind of his that works on so many different levels at once.

    He knows who the Green in Katze's mind is, but does he know who the "vibrant' personality that has popped into the picture is? Interesting conundrum happening there, if I am on the right path. :)

    Interesting to is when Admon moves away and takes his pheromones with him, it is Raoul, who takes precedent in Katze's mind, as he immediately realizes that Red is not Raoul's colour. . . even though he will be 'drinking the stars' tonight with Admon.

    A very curious phrase that too. Is it a real one related to wine, or one of your own creation? Either way, here it takes on many different meanings again.

    Enjoying a magnificent wine with your senses, or two lovers drinking of each other. The stars the complete sensory overload of not only the physical but the mental as well.. .

    The phrase again is used later between Raoul and Iason. With Iason the master of all things sensory, not pleased with Raoul's expression.

    And things don't seem as settled as we thought. Jupiter may have let Iason have "his dark Mongrel", but it seems she still doesn't quite understand it. Rather like a possessive mother, delving away, trying to find the source of the attraction.

    But stil there is more here than meets the eye, almost a by play of Guy and Donovan. It would seem Katze and Iason are almost on the same page when dealing with their right hand men and possible relationships that could cause problems.

    Riki, well Riki is the breathe of fresh air at the moment. He is not dressing things up, or putting colours to things. He is as straight shooting as they come, without an agenda. . .at the moment. . . Once again, if I am right on one thing. . .then Riki might look at things differently as well in the future.

    Guy and Donovan. . .well Admon is correct. Guy is the Erratic one. And Riki is right too. If Donovon took him on as a pairing partner, it would give him more balance. But Guy is too angry at the world to deal with it in straight terms, and in the end the anger is what is going to destroy any hope he has of happiness.

    Katze is right of course about 'clouds'. .
    How does one know happiness if they don't experience some darkness in their lives. At the same time, how does one recognize 'love, affection, a real feeling', if they've never experienced a purely pheromone produced one, one based on lust and crude want rather than heartfelt desire and wanting.

    After his drinking of the the stars with Admon, will Katze, recognize the difference and see it for what it is, as easily as he recognized earlier that Red is not Raoul.

    And once again, that very curious last paragraph. A challenge has been issued. Raoul is probably the one who is seeing green, but then again a Blondie's pride is a curious thing, and even Iason might not be too pleased to see an Ex Pet taken with his Ex Furniture.

    Once again, it was a chapter where one has to look closely to understand the depth of what is truly going on here, and even then, the clues we think we see, might just be us over thinking as well :)

    Hope the next half of this comes soon. It will be interesting to see who is drinking stars with whom. ..

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  • From KotoriSensei on November 14, 2009
    Hi there! As ai tell you before, i didn't understand a big part of the words or more like the ideas, but that was perfectly clear!!
    I love Riky! He is just hilarious!!!
    Hope to see you soon. It's really.....INTERESTING your fic, for say the least....
    See you.
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  • From ANON - Anise on October 05, 2009
    (12) Well that ending was very interesting, I can't help but think that learning about Admon's history will help to answer some of Katze's questions, not only about that Ruby but Raoul too. I came to the conclusion that Raoul's Ruby is the master that Admon is waiting for and since Katze had seen the picture and can't help but be thinking about it it drew a strong reaction on both their parts. Of course that's just a guess for all we know Admon could have been Raoul's pet, whatever the connection it seems fate is rather insistent about throwing Raoul at Katze whether he wants it or not, poor boy could this day get any worse. Okay yes it can, he does have to talk to Raoul at some point which is going to be challenging on it's own but if Katze continues to be distracted he could find himself in a bit of a mess.

    And speaking of bad days we have Guy who again is just so frustrating, it's like he can't just stop and think about what's being done and said around him. He's all emotion but I think sometimes we forget just how dangerous he can be especially if you become the object of his interest - psychotically inclined, is putting it mildly. But I do like that show of trust in Donovan that Katze showed by giving him a chance to see if he can get through to Guy but I don't know that Guy can change his ways. He reminds me of an abuser, the chance of them finding a relationship and not resorting to old ways is slim at best, it's entirely understandable why Katze is wary.

    On a nicer note I loved how you weaved Katze's ponderings about the flower into what was actually happening and the symbolism of that really stood out to me, it was amazingly good.^^ But I think that Kato might be slightly horrified when he learns about what happened to his flower seeing as how much effort (and money) went into that surprise. Again though the connection between Kato and Katze was wonderfully shown there, it definitely seems like one of Katze's less complicated relationships (at least he has one).

    Another wonderful chapter, it's such a fascinating and complex story with so much going on all around, makes for really great drama. Although since one of the main themes of this seems to be obsession it can't help but be complicated. I always love seeing new chapters from you and I just can't seem to stop myself from rambling on endlessly about what you write. And apparently I'm getting worse since I even had to divide this into paragraphs, short and concise don't seem to exist in my world :) I think I have typed more than enough for one night and I can now go and try to wait patiently for the next chapter, I'm sure it'll be just as good as all the others ^_^
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  • From barrie18 on October 03, 2009
    The chapter opens with a rare fragile flower, with a speculative Katze admiring it and trying to work out what the colour would be called. A colour within moments revealed to represent passion, beauty and hate. A colour that also represents the colour of life in some or death in others depending on where the fluid is. . .in the body or pooling on the floor. . .

    A flower that is crushed and destroyed in the middle of the chapter by someone who in his line of work should really know better than to get involved with a Cere's weed.

    And lastly, the chapter ends with a dark flash, a quick reference to another sort of flower, also Ruby in nature, that was delicate evoked emotions we are still not aware of and ultimately destroyed.

    Once again, I find myself lost in the imagery as you mix colours and circumstance to get your points across.

    So Admon is an empath. .. but is he also something more? Something even he is not aware of? The last scene between him and Katze. . .what took place was. . .(your words) 'unexpected' almost clairvoyant in nature. . .channeling? Is this a lost memory of Katze's that has now come to the surface because of the "Ruby" on the wall, that Raoul knew and apparently admired?

    And who is the mysterious Master, who might or not return? And what effect will he have on Katze. Because all things seem to play around him. . . There is something more here than meets the eye. As with all your characters Admon is more than he seems and we have to sit back and wait and see exactly what his purpose is.

    Green as we know is Katze's hidden colour. .. a sign of rebirth in spring, of new beginnings, but also the shade of someone's eyes, who sees the world in a very rigid way.

    Conflicted as always, Katze's quick introspection of Iason and Raoul, and the obsessive nature of the boys with their toys. . . and the quick fury afterwards. He is not a toy, but is being treated as one and because it is a Blondie Elite he can't do a thing about it.

    On the otherhand even though he looks at Guy as a loose canon, Guy at least gets to stand up for himself, ready to die on the spot.

    “Never mix business with pleasure, particularly with maniacs with control issues who are just as likely to kill you as fuck you with equal indifference.”

    “Like you, Boss?”

    These prophetic words tell the whole story in one swoop. The innocent jibe that was read the opposite to what he meant. This time Katze is the one being played. . and he knows it.

    The two relationships, almost opposites of each other compliment each other. Because if we can understand the dynamics of one, then the other is made clear as well.

    But there is always balance in the world and when one goes up, another goes down . . .equilibrium is very hard to achieve at the best of times. So I can't help but feel if one couple succeeds in finding a peace within themselves, the other couple must falter and fail. . .

    But that is a long way away, and in the meantime there are more questions to ask, more answers to seek, and hopefully soon more chapters to read. . .:)

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  • From ankfanforever on October 03, 2009
    Oh, my, thank you, thank you, thank you for this! I don't know about others, but me, I feel incredibly spoiled with this last chapter! Guy and Donovan, yay! The best, the best, the best! So, Guy is more than a little bit dense, and he doesn't get a clue that actually Donovan is trying to save him from a terrible fate, seeing that Katze has strong intentions about him, if the 'little drama' continues. I hope that he understands from Donovan's kisses, that there could be another way of doing things. That was incredibly hot, the scene in that cell, ... Guy just wanting a good long fuck before kicking the bucket, so to speak. I especially loved how you showed his feelings when he was taken by Donovan the first time, the fact that he felt lustful over the big hung male pounding his body ... He tries so hard to deny it, it makes me smile like crazy! Where will they go from there? Donovan will want him alive and kicking, but how about Katze? He truly sees Guy as a liability, and he seems unwilling to give him too much room to play his madness that once took Iason and Riki down.

    It was especially rewarding how Guy reacted in jealousy, feeling the scent of that pet on Donovan, knowing that 'the little shit' sucked off Donovan, seeing it, and yet not even guessing that Donovan could not help but think of his mad gray eyes, while releasing in that skillful mouth ... Katze is right, indeed: Guy wants Donovan, but he seems to be too stupid to acknowledge his own feelings about this. I just hope that he will realize in time - and that he is given the needed time - to see that Donovan really wants him, and that he wants Donovan, and that they can hit it off.

    How Guy meditated about his wretched life on the brink of 'supposed' death - as Donovan doesn't get down there to take him down - oh, that was good. 'No more hunger, no more pain ...' I feel like walking in Guy's shoes in scenes like that, and I guess that makes you a wonderful writer.

    Now, I seem to talk only about my favorite couple, and ignore the rest, but I will talk about them as well. After all, you wrote 22 pages, and you deserve much more appreciation than I could give through this humble review.

    It was much more than a nice touch to point out some little things, like the flower, Katze's reaction, and Kato's secret smile. Clearly, the servant knows how much his boss actually appreciates real beauty, so he knows that Katze won't really mind spending some on such - apparently useless - items. And Katze loves the color... How could he not? After all, his mind is driving to that Ruby, and his conclusion is only natural about the name to give to that particular color.

    So, Admon is Karinese. I learned from the book what a Karinese is and I love how you use this here. This is, indeed, an intriguing character, meant to play an important role. Yet, Katze is so strong, and worthy of my - and anybody's - admiration, as he knows well how to protect his thoughts from the invading Empathe. And the fact that Admon knew that Donovan was thinking about Guy during climax ... he, he, nice touch indeed. What would be his role from now on ... that depends on your imagination only, and I cannot wait to see where this is going.

    A great chapter, long and rewarding, and we didn't even get the chance to see much of our favorite Elites. I bet they will make their part as soon as the rightful owner of this incredibly beautiful universe - meaning you - finds it right.

    I may sound like a suck up, but what can I say? Your story is just incredible! I've never thought that I would find my favorite AnK story to be one where Riki/Iason don't have an important part. You changed my ways, lady! You have all my respect.

    Oh, I guess it was a long one. And I still don't think I said enough to complement you for the joy you brought for me. You are the best writer in the fanfiction universe I've ever had the chance to stumble upon.

    My humble thanks are not enough, yet I beg you to accept them.

    Until next time, have a nice life!
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  • From ANON - Anise on September 01, 2009
    (11) 'A game with rules only the Elite was apparently privy to.' That right there kind of says it all doesn't it, must be hard for Katze who's used to making his own rules for the most part.
    It's amazing just how much story we got in one chapter, Donovan is becoming even more interesting with the hint at some sort of real family, plus his relationships with Guy and Katze and the conflict of that. Then you have Raoul and his weird little fascination with Katze and all things related, even if it's just a music box. Even Deek in this, at first he just seems irritating until the whole two beats thing, at least he has a personality, can't help but wonder where in the world they've all picked that up.
    I wonder considering just how much Katze is aware of what's going on with the people around him and in his club, if it was really just a coincidence that Guy saw what happened with the pet. And even the pet knowing that this was it, he knew first hand that there could be a lot worse things than being in the employ of Katze. I wonder if Katze ever thinks that he should just take the pretty pet for himself and be done with the Blondie, of course he probably wouldn't be nearly as interesting as Raoul but definitely an easier companion. Wonderful chapter, I really liked all the different aspects of it, definitely worth the wait :) Hope RL is doing better ^_^
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  • From ANON - jishe on August 30, 2009
    Hello there! I must confess something. English isn't my mother languaje and your fic use very...complex languaje..or more like the words, it's the ideas and phrases you write that are sometimes, very hard to read. But, the little bit i get, it's really interesting to say it? Profound...maybe?
    The fact that i keep reading even if i don't undestand half of it, say it!
    Keep on going! I really like your fic.
    See ya!!!
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  • From ankfanforever on August 30, 2009
    Oh, I feel so rewarded. For sure, you know how to make a girl like me really, really happy. Thank you, thank you! I know that Donovan-Guy pairing is only secondary, but I like it so much, the way you added all these new twists. It gives me the thrills, the way you show that nothing is private. Katze knows where Donovan was, what he had done, with whom. He also knows Donovan is thinking about someone else when the new pet is taking care of him. Deek, Raoul's Furniture, tries to fish for info so he can gossip. Kato has also knowledge about his Boss' habits and Katze teases him about his obsession with food. You are really good at what you do, and your way of telling the story is indeed, unequaled. They all look so bare, in front of our eyes, and I guess that is why I keep reading and reading again your story. When a new chapter is up, I always read it about two or three times before posting the review.

    So Raoul has his hands on some interesting device? How will he use it against Katze? Or this is not the point? Will Guy recognize Donovan's genuine interest in him or is he ready (again) to throw everything off the window? And we haven't seen anything of Iason yet, and I read here that Raoul has to go visit him.

    Keep it up, I can barely wait for more.

    (My email is, in case you want to drop by :))
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