Drogons Rebirth | By : Xyaqom Category: -Misc Anime > AU - Alternate Universe Views: 1592 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: You must be 18+ to read this story. I do not own To Love Ru or any of its characters. I also do not make any money/profit while I make this story. |
Note: Hey guys, it's me again, Xyaqom. I'm really sorry for forgetting to launch last month's chapter last month. I could've sworn I did. Here is Chapter Thirty-Four Of Drogons Rebirth. Axel has nothing to say for this chapter, so I'm in charge of the introduction. However, Axel still wrote the majority of the chapter.
Warning: This story is NOT for readers under the age of eighteen. The story will have coarse language, violence, nudity (including the private parts), and sexual scenes. (Including sex scenes). The story will explain a character's surroundings in great detail, especially with a person's body. If you are not over eighteen or do not like these things in a story, please do not read this book/story. You have been warned.
Chapter Thirty-Four:
September 28th, 2017:
Returning Home:
2:00 PM:
The rest of the trip to Stonehenge was long and uneventful, as Shiro and Christina said nothing to each other on the way there.
"God, Cassandra, must be worried sick about us. We have no phones to contact her, my clothes were left behind, and I'm worried that this truck will have enough gas to get us to this location!" Said Christina as she was driving.
"We could always just steal another vehicle." Shiro chimed in from the passenger side.
"I thought you wanted us to stay low and not cause a commotion!?"
"Only until once we get to Stonehenge." Shiro shrugged nonchalantly. "It's just a suggestion. Not asking to commit to anything."
"I'd rather keep a low profile, thank you very much. Getting these clothes and this truck was already bad enough!" Christina exclaimed.
"All I'm saying is there's not much to worry about." Shiro replied.
"And why do you say that?" Asked Christina.
"Because we're here." Shiro pointed to a large, unique structure of stones that formed a half-circle.
"Holy shit, we are!" Said Christina, realizing they had arrived and cheered.
"Hey, eyes on the road!" Said Shiro as the truck went off-road.
"Oops, sorry!" Said Christina as she shifted the truck back on the road.
"Look, I'm excited that we made it here, just don't have us killed before we can approach the Stonehenge."
"Oh shut up. It was just a little off-road. It's not like I flipped the damn thing over."
"Oh, please don't," said Shiro with his face pale.
Meanwhile, Cassandra, Alyssa, and Puck were at Stonehenge, waiting for Shiro and Christina. Cassandra was pacing around the hedges, worried sick about Shiro and Christina.
"You know, pacing around like that isn't going to make them come here any faster," said Puck.
"Well, what do you expect me to do? I'm worried sick about them! It's been six hours since they vanished out of thin air! What if one of those assassins killed them? What if they're dead? What if-"
"I think you're overreacting, Lady." Puck told her.
"And what makes you think I am?!"
"Because they're here," said Puck as he saw the pickup truck pull over, and Shiro and Christina climbed out of the truck.
"Christina, Shiro!" Cassandra said, happy to see them again, and ran to them to hug them, making them both fall over.
"Ah, Lady Cassandra," said Christina.
"Boo- I mean, Cassandra," said Shiro, feeling her breasts pushing against his chest.
"Oh God, thank God you two are okay. I was afraid for the worst," cried Cassandra, with tears running down her face.
"It's okay Lady Cassandra, we're okay. Shiro and I are safe," said Christina, comforting Cassandra.
"Shiro, what happened? You and Christina just vanished out of thin air," said Alyssa as she approached the duo, "And why are you cosplaying as a farmer Christina?"
Even Cassandra noticed, "And why does it smell like you've been in a barn?"
"I'm not cosplaying! It's just an outfit that I found, so I could cover myself up," said Christina, her face blushing red.
"She robbed them from a poor farmer," Shiro explained nonchalantly.
"Shiro!" Christina cried out.
"Christina, how could you? You know better than that," said Cassandra.
"I'm sorry. I didn't have a choice. I was practically naked when Shiro and I got teleported into that open field two hundred miles away from here," said Christina.
"Correction, you were topless. But you were still wearing your panties," said Shiro.
"Oh yes, that reminds me," said Alyssa as she pulled out her purse, "Christina, you left your clothes behind when you teleported away from us," said Alyssa as she gave Christina her clothes back.
"Oh, thank you!" As Christina grabbed the clothes from her, "I'm going to change into them right away, so no peeking!" Said Christina as she glared at Shiro.
"You're acting like I haven't seen you naked before," said Shiro, which made Christina blush and Cassandra and Alyssa confused.
"What do you mean by that, Shiro," wondered Cassandra.
That's when Shiro realized that he almost gave himself away when he said he had seen her naked before, instantly remembering what happened between him and Christina the night before and what had happened with the three girls.
"Oh, you know, Christina was practically naked when she got teleported in with me, so… You know… I don't think I need to go into the details," said Shiro, trying to cover his slip-up.
"Didn't you say that she was topless, not naked?" Asked Alyssa.
"Can we not discuss my nudity, please?! Shiro already saw too much of me when we got teleported, and I'm sure by now he's had his fill," said Christina as she scooted to the back of the truck, "Now excuse me while I change!"
"Man, she must still be embarrassed at the whole event," Alyssa muttered.
"By the way, Shiro, how come you didn't lose your clothes when you got teleported in?" Asked Cassandra.
"Because I was the intended target for the magic that teleported me. Christina was unfortunately next to me, causing a disruption within the spell. We were lucky to have her clothes be the only thing affected by the spell," Shiro explained while chuckling nervously.
"It's not fair, I tell you!" Said Christina from behind the truck while changing into her clothes.
"Nothing much you can do about it now, we're here, and you got your clothes back," said Shiro.
"Yeah, but I still don't like that I had to lose my clothes in the first place," Christina exclaimed.
"Okay, that's enough, all four of you. Let's hurry up and do this thing," said Puck.
"Wait, don't you want to know what happened to Shiro and Christina?" Asked Alyssa.
"What's there to ask? They made it back all right at the end of the day? Isn't that enough for you?" Cassandra was going to say something, but Puck cut her off, "If we just stand here and let Shiro explain to us what happened on his side of things, we'll be here all day. I'm just thankful that he's back, safe, and sound. Now let's get going," said Puck as he headed over the hedges.
Cassandra was about to say something when Shiro touched her shoulder. "Don't worry about it. Let's just go," he said.
"But Shiro…"
"Don't worry about him. He's always been blunt and to the point. Besides, I think his patients have run thin enough as is," said Shiro as Christina, now wearing her street clothes, left behind the truck.
"Plus, the less we have to talk about that experience again, the better," said Christina, making Cassandra pout in defeat.
Shiro, Puck, and the girls soon approach the Stonehenge.
"Alright, kid, we're here. Now what?" Asked Puck.
"Now, we gather around in a circle. We're going to be using our energy as well as all the energy in the area as a conductor to open this portal," Shiro explained.
Shiro held out his hands for the other to grab. Cassandra took his left, Puck took his right, Christina grabbed Puck's right hand, and Alyssa took her right, linking back to Cassandra.
Alyssa pouted as she wanted to hold onto Shiro's hand. Shiro sweat-dropped. He didn't even need to open his eyes to feel Christina glare from across from him. Things were awkward as they stood silent, waiting for Shiro to proceed.
"Right then, here we go," He muttered. Taking a deep breath, he began to concentrate.
Cassandra was a normal girl. By no means could she fight on her own? She was not attuned to Ki, nor was she attuned to Aura. But it didn't take a genius to figure out when something was affecting her body. She shivered and whimpered. From her left, she caught a glimpse of bluish energy flowing from Alyssa into herself. And it traveled all the way to Shiro. Was this the Aura, this energy Shiro was burrowing from them? Is he using it to open the portal? Then, this had to be magic in its purest form.
Her vision turned hazy, and everything around her turned white. When she came to, she shook her head. And saw a cloaked figure carrying a basket around its arms. He passed the basket to an elderly man, who looked disappointed at the cloaked man. The cloaked figure turned towards the door, not before glancing back at the basket. A pair of small toddler hands reached out towards it, and a soft giggle could be heard from the basket. Her eyes widened when the cloak caught a child and held it closely. The figure placed the child in a crib next to a second baby, and Cassandra's eyes widened when she saw the child with a familiar set of white hair.
"Shiro!?" Cassandra exclaimed. This scene was all too familiar. From all the drama shows she used to watch, she could tell this was a private moment she wasn't supposed to witness. She knew Shiro was an orphan. But to see it play out in front of her was something different. She froze stiffly when the figure glanced in her direction. She swore she saw its eyes glow red briefly before she snapped back into reality.
Alyssa wandered through the grassy hill with curiosity in her eyes. She made a portal to Mundus with her friends at Stonehenge merely moments ago. Now, she found herself alone in an area she was unfamiliar with. Was Shiro successful in opening the portal? If so, was she Mundus? Then where were the others, she wondered? A few kids ran past her, two boys and one… girl? She could honestly tell as that person wore a mask obscuring her view, but with her petite frame compared to the other two boys, she could only take a wild guess.
But nevertheless, they didn't seem to notice her. So she followed them to a secluded forest area. She arrived at an open clearing, where they sat around a tree stump. She noticed one of the boys had a familiar set of white hair she knew all too well.
"Shiro," Alyssa exclaimed as her eyes widened and her friend appeared as a child. Despite calling his name out loud, the children didn't react to her presence. The white-haired boy, Shiro. She assumed, passing around some cups to his friends. The other boy had a glass of Saki and poured it into the cups.
"You know what adults say. When you share Sakazuki, it is a pledge of loyalty—a special bond that's greater than family by blood." Shiro explained as he raised his cup to the air, "No matter where we are or what we're doing, we will always be family."
"Family, huh, That's something I can get behind," the masked person said, raising their glass. "I will become the greatest of the Holy Knights."
"I want to be a great scholar!" The other boy declared.
"And I want to…."
Before Alyssa could hear Shiro proclaiming, she briefly felt dizzy. Before everything faded to black, she woke back up to reality.
Fire, what could only be described as a blazing hellscape, was all Christina saw for miles. The last thing she remembered was holding everyone's hand. Shiro, using their energy, was opening a portal to Mundus. Did it work? Was she on Mundus? If so, why was she alone? Funny enough, despite the intensity of the flames, she wasn't hot or cold. In fact, she still felt the breeze of wind from the open air, as if she was still at Stonehenge.
"W-what, where am I?" Asked Christina as she looked at her surroundings. She could tell the architectural building was not from Earth. She blinked for only a moment. A white blur shot past her at a blazing speed. Dodging left to right and ducking underneath, a volley of energy blasted hurtling toward him. One managed to strike him in the back of the leg,
"Gah!" The white-haired boy gasped out in pain. He skidded across the field, clutching his right leg. Christina ran up to the boy as the rest of the energy flew past her. She was shocked when she saw the familiar set of white hair she knew all too well.
"Shiro!?" She exclaimed. He didn't seem to acknowledge her presence as he turned to voice laughing out loud.
"Ho ho ho ho, you're still alive, I see?" Said a voice.
Shiro gritted his teeth as he lifted his head and saw who was before him. The person behind him was 5'2 feet tall, weighed about 110 pounds, and wore the same armor the other aliens were wearing, but the center of the chest area was red, unlike the other armor. He has a purple skin-creature, with two black horns on his head and a long red tail with a black spike on the tip. He was also wearing black shorts. He was also wearing what seemed to be two white gloves and leg guards. Also, he was barefoot and only had three toes, unlike the usual five.
He then points at Shiro, saying, "Let's fix that."
The unknown creature shoots a pink beam at Shiro, but before it can reach him, a green barrier manifests in front of Shiro, protecting him from the blast.
"What the hell?" Asked Shiro, shocked.
"Now what!?" the creature exclaimed. Surprised and irritated that his beam didn't kill Shiro, he wondered who could've interfered with his killing spree.
"Your reign of terror has gone on long enough, you foil demon!" Said an elderly man.
Shiro turns around, shocked and relieved at the person who saved his life, "Gramps!"
"My child, you must flee here immediately," The elderly man turned to face Shiro sternly.
"Grr!" Shiro winced in pain. Christina knew that look. He wanted to argue, probably to stay and fight. She watched as he shut his eyes with a pained expression.
"Come now, as if I would ever let any of you escape," The Alien creature smirked and charged up an energy blast from his fingers.
"Gather and Converge, spirits of the divine heaven, grant us your blessing with seven layers that cover the world! Rho Aias!"
"I've learned this little trick from one of your people." The alien snapped his fingers, and the ball of energy floated away from him and multiplied several times. "Volly."
Next, a huge energy blast bombardment followed by explosions soaring toward Shiro and the elderly man. A bright light shot forth from the elderly man. Seven petals sprouted out of what looked to be a shield that covered the area.
"Gramps?!" Asked Shiro in shock.
Shiro hid behind the shield as the Volly of energy blasts dashed to Shiro and the old man, Despite the shield blocking the attacks. It was slowly tearing through its layers.
"Ohoho! Is this the best you can muster? Eventually, your shield will break, and I'll have you eliminated!" Laughed the alien.
"My boy, it's time for you to go! It is too dangerous for you here! I'll hold him off as you make your escape," said the old man.
"But Gramps! Where can I possibly go?!" Asked Shiro.
"Fear not; I will send you to a planet far from here!" The elderly man started to chant while Shiro began to glow white. Before the old man could finish the chant, he was suddenly shot from behind, almost hitting him through the heart.
"Gramps!" Shouted Shiro as the old man fell to the ground. Shiro looks over and sees that Chrome shot the old man, holding a bloodied Leon by his collar, "Leon, no!"
"Shiro… run…" Leon croaked, barely clinging to life.
"Today, the famous mage family dies out," grinned Chrome as he powered up a blast at Shiro.
Things weren't looking good. Leon was almost dead. The elderly man was dying, and the shield protecting them was about to shatter due to the alien's attack. Terror and despair were starting to take Shiro. He thought for sure this was the end for him.
However, little did Shiro and Chrome know that the elderly man was barely alive, and he was finishing the chant under his breath so that Chrome or Shiro couldn't hear him. Mere moments before Chrome's energy blast hit Shiro, where the energy blast was one inch away from piercing his heart, he suddenly vanished, making the beam hit nothing but air.
Christina was shocked by the events that transpired, but before she could say anything, her vision began to blur, and her head began to ache before she knew it. She opened her eyes again and was back with everyone on earth.
Christale City is a large city surrounded by a large lake. It is long and stretches 43 km from east to east and 21 km from north to south at the longest points. The perimeter is 180 km. It is the largest city in Ontario, Canada, with a population being over three million. Although Christale City is well-respected, it is very expensive to live in depending on where you're living. Christale City is split into five parts: Oakville (Peal), Bael (Durham), Elm (York), and Rowanville (Halton).
Rowanville is located in the far west of Christale City. Rowanville is a hybrid between a suburban and a city. It has its days of being busy and chaotic. But most times, it is quiet and peaceful. It is where you can buy some food and go to the beach.
Baellville is located in the far east of Christale City. It is a place for sightseeing for tourists for historical attractions.
Elmville is located straight north of Christale City. It is the main place for entertainment. Music, sports, games, shopping, you name it! Elmville has it all. Bring the whole family!
Oakville is located northwest of Christale City. It is a residential district of the city. Also known as the suburb district. Oakville is the least expensive district to live in, where most families are.
Christale City is located in the southern part of Ontario. It is a beautiful place to live, surrounded by lake-side views stretching for miles.
Walking downtown Rowanville was often a pastime Puck used to do in his time off. However, he noticed his neighborhood was a little more baron than usual. The street was usually bustling with people and pedestrians crossing the intersection. Shops he was familiar with were no longer in the place he remembered. He continued walking down a familiar path that led to his favorite greenway area. Now, this time, for sure. He knew something was off. The path to his left was scorched, and trees were burnt and torn off. Against his better judgment, he wandered off course to investigate the incident. And to his shock, he found a white-haired young boy. His clothes were torn up and shredded. His robe was burnt and full of holes. And his left leg had a gash wound and was bleeding heavily.
He kneeled on his leg and ripped a cloth from his long-sleeved shirt. He remembered this day all too well. This was the day he first met Shiro.
"W-Where am I?" A young boy asked.
"Don't talk. Save your energy, kid. I'm taking you to the hospital," he grunted.
"A hospital," The boy whimpered, "No please, that's the first place they'll look for me."
"Are you being chased?" Puck's eyes glanced around his surroundings.
"No, Yes… maybe…. I'm not sure."
"That's not very helpful, kid." Great. He found an injured kid who looked like he'd been through a war. And potentially has pursuers after chasing him.
"Do you have any family in the area? A place to stay?"
"I… I don't…." Shiro's face flashed through several emotions instantly, from rage to sorrow to depression. He remembered his gramps on the verge of death and his bloody and beaten brother in the clutches of Professor Chrome. His adopted family was gone, his home was gone, and his Plant was overtaken. "No, I don't have anywhere else to go. I don't have anyone else to turn to. I'm too weak to protect ANYTHING!" Shiro cried out.
Puck was stumped. There was a crying boy who poured his heart out to him. And couldn't find the words to try and comfort him. Even to this day, Puck never knew the full story of events that took place on Mundus. But for Shiro to still carry this burden means he never overcame his issues. It reminds him of his younger days with his protégé. He was hesitant to take in another so soon. But this was a chance to not only help someone but maybe change himself as well.
"You can stay with me then," Puck spoke softly.
"H-huh?" Shiro hiccuped as tears ran down his cheeks.
"This is a ONE-time offer, Otherwise, you can find a place to live on your own." Puck scoffed. "And good luck trying to Afford anything in this city. So how about it, Kid?" He offered his hands. "Better than living in an orphanage I'd say."
'The day I extended my hand to him, I like to think I saved him from himself. Shiro was an emotional wreck. I hate to imagine what he would have grown up to be if I didn't help him. Or worse, ignored him. I like to think I made the right choice at the end of the day.'
Before Shiro took the younger Puck's hand, Puck's vision faded to white. He opened his eyes again and saw he was back with everyone on earth.
The summoning of the portal was a rather simple yet tedious method. The Stonehenge was an active generator that drew Aura from around the area. But that same generator can only contain so much energy before it disperses, recycling it back to earth before gathering a new batch of energy. That's why it was apparent that they arrived here before that happened.
Generating link between worlds: Confirmed.
Establishing a connection: Complete.
Setting destination: Highland Region, Ostia.
Is this information input correct: Yes/No?
Ostia, Shiro's lips frowned. He wasn't quite familiar with that part of the region. Wasn't there any other portal active at the moment? Glenwood, Tristan, anything?
Error: The data input has been corrupted.
Well, fuck, if that was the only active portal. There wasn't much choice for him, closing his eyes and he nodded with a small humming noise….Yes
Setting course to planet Mundus Magicus. Destination: Ostia.
Generating user portal. Link… open.
The portal itself was a large green circle with a blue tint. A beam shot through the air, and several magic ruins circled around the pillar of energy.
Shiro's eyes swelled with joy. Tears leaked in the corner as he wiped his eyes and stared at the portal connecting to his home. That's when the other began to stir awake. He noticed that they drifted off while he performed the spell. He had a feeling he knew what they saw.
"W-What was that!? Shiro, what is that!?" Cassandra exclaimed. She rubbed her eyes from waking up, and her jaws dropped in awe, staring at the portal connecting to the other world.
"It's pretty," Alyssa muttered. The sight of the portal also gobsmacked her eyes.
"This is the portal, I assume?" Christina's face was blank, but her voice had a mild hint of excitement lingering.
"… That's correct," Shiro muttered. He was finally going to return home after all these years. He should have been feeling excited, but he felt more anxious than anything.
Things were progressing too smoothly.
"Alright, we only have a few minutes to decide. There's no turning back after this point. Is everyone ready?" Shiro asked as he turned around to face the girls. They all nodded except for Puck, who remained silent. "Hmm, what about you, Puck, you coming?"
"Naw," said Puck as he shook his head, "I'm sitting this one out."
"….What!?" Shiro exclaimed.
"Kid, let's be honest. I'm in over my head here. All this talk about aliens, mages, and different planets, it's too much for me to comprehend. I can't fight against people that wield magic. I'll just be another body you'd have to protect," Puck reasoned. "The last thing I want is to weigh you down."
"What do you mean, 'Weigh me down'? You never…If I hadn't met you all those years ago… I… I don't think I'd be here."
"Look, kid, I know what you're trying to say, and I appreciate that. But as I said, I'm in over my head here. I've been thinking about this for quite a while now, and I've made my decision. Besides, I have no idea when you guys will come back, I can't have Anna run the diner by herself. She'll likely crack under pressure. I think it's best that I stay behind."
Shiro was going to say something but wasn't about to get emotional. He did his best to keep his composure.
"Well then, I guess this is… Goodbye then," Shiro turned away as his voice cracked.
"It is…For now. Puck nodded. "But I know you'll come back one day,"
"Of course I will!"
"And will make sure he keeps that promise." Cassandra chimed in, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We'll all come back alive, together."
"Cassandra!?" Shiro exclaimed.
"Yeah, we didn't make it all this way just to turn tail and run," Alyssa cheerfully interrupted.
"Plus, we're wanted criminals. There is nothing to go back to," Christina stated. Everyone had sweat dropped at her rather than a blunt attitude. Shiro tearfully wiped his eyes and composed himself.
He didn't deserve this kindness.
"Right, we've come this far. But I'll protect you girls no matter what. That's a promise I'll keep, till the day I die."
"Well, pass me the keys to that truck if you are planning to leave," Puck grunted. "And if you do come back alive, I'll be sure to throw a nice big party to celebrate… Shiro's treat."
"You stingy old man!"
Christina then tossed the keys to Puck, and he caught them with no effort.
"Anyways," said Shiro, trying to keep his temper in check. Are you girls ready?" asked Shiro, ready to enter the portal.
"Yes," said the girls, and they stepped into the portal.
Since Christina was a child, she has been fascinated by traveling through space, like the astronauts she once saw on TV. Now that she was leaving Earth for Mundus, her inner child dream shone through. She was feeling giddy and bundling with excitement. But the travel itself was so short, almost instant. One minute, she was on a rocky hill with greenery. The next, she landed on a cold marble floor inside a building resembling a station.
"Ow, did we make it?" Some of them managed to land safely, Like Christina and Shiro. Cassandra rubbed her eyes. On top, she saw Alyssa lying across from her, like a cross. She saw numerous expressions on her friend's face ranging from Gobsmacked, flabbergasted, and baffled.
"C-Cassandra." She stuttered. "Look over there!"
"Okay, but could you get off of me first." Cassandra groaned, "Please."
To her credit, Alyssa had the decency to look away, flustered, and help her up off the ground. Cassandra could finally see the view that left Alyssa a stuttered mess.
"What the hell?!"
What they saw was once a large, active city with a large mountain and hill off to the distance. Now, it seems nature has taken over, as there are green lushes on the once stainless steel buildings and animals walking through the once-busy city. They then saw what looked to be birds as large as men flying around the buildings, trying to snatch away bugs that were as large as men, too.
"Welcome to Ostia," The girls saw Shiro leaning over a big statue of a wizard holding his staff up proudly. "The city of trades is often referred to as the major capital Mundus Magicus. Once held a population of over sixty-seven million creatures from across the universe."
"I have to say, I'm surprised that the planet looks the way it does. Considering everything," said Alyssa as she looked around.
"Yeah, I thought we were going to be stepping into a baron wasteland," said Christina as she looked around.
"Trust me, this comes as much shock to me as anyone else," Shiro glanced at the corner of his eyes and saw a shadow shimmer behind Cassandra. "I thought for the longest time my home was destroyed since…." his voice grew silent as he recalled that traumatic event. "No, never mind."
"Shiro?" Cassandra worriedly stretched her arms, But Shiro suddenly grabbed them and pulled her forward. He spun around and slammed his foot into the person's neck.
"Gah!" The mysterious assailant coughed out blood. He held a familiar knife, wiping his mouth off his black sleeves. "How do you keep finding me, you twit!"
"Your magic reeks of blood and gore," Shiro spoke calmly. "I can practically smell you coming from miles away. I don't think any kind of body odurent can cover up your stank, Chao!"
"What are you? An Inu now?" Asked Chao as he got up
"What's an Inu?" Asked Christina.
"Basically, a humanoid dog." Shiro explained, "But that's not important right now. What do you want, Chao!"
"Is it not obvious? I'm here to kill Cassandra!"
"Over my dead body!"
"Well, well, well, If that's how you feel, I'll be more than happy to oblige," said another man.
Shiro and the girls turn their heads to see…
"Lex?!" Said the girls, shocked to see him after a year.
Lex was 5'10" and weighed 157 pounds. He had blond hair down to his neck and red eyes. He wore a dark blue business suit, pants, and black dress shoes. He also carried a walking stick with him, just to show how fancy and rich he was.
"I'm honored that you girls remember me. I was beginning to wonder if you girls have forgotten about me," grinned Lex.
"Trust me, we wish we could forget about you!" Christina said with venom in her voice.
Geese, if Shiro annoyed Christina, her blood was boiling with Lex around.
Lex then turns to see Shiro and glares at him.
"And you must be Mashiro Yuuma. Cassandra's new employee. Even after all these years, you still managed to be a thorn in my side," glared Lex.
"I'm sorry. Do I know you?" Shiro looked confused, as if Lex knew him personally, making Lex fall to the floor.
"What?! Seriously?! You don't know who I am?!" Lex asked as he quickly got back up.
"I mean, I know OF you. I know you're Cassandra's ex-boyfriend, and that you screwed her and her father over by stealing a big chunk of their wealth. But other than that, I know nothing."
"Seriously?! That's all you know of me?! Nothing before that?!" Asked Lex.
"Nope," he shook his head. I'm sorry, but I can't say that I do."
Lex soon regained his composure and dusted himself off. Shiro needed a refresher: "Very well then, allow me to formally introduce myself. My name is Lex Malgrid."
Shiro's eyes widened. Something about that name shocked him. However, hearing his name triggered a forgotten memory covered in recent events.
"Wait, now I remember you! You're the mage turned necromancer after turning a student into a zombie!" Shiro exclaimed.
"That's what you remembered?! It wasn't intentional! What part of that do you not understand!" Lex exclaimed, "All I wanted was results, and I ended up saying the wrong phrase. Therefore, that student turned into a zombie! That's it! I tried to plead my innocence to the professors. But they were convinced that I did this out of malice!" Lex snapped, "And because they weren't willing to listen to reason, they banished me!"
"And because they banished you, you saw that as reason enough for you to contact Caleo and wipe out our society, right?!" Asked Shiro.
"Caleo wasn't supposed to kill everyone. He was only supposed to intimidate everyone into submission. But obviously, he had other plans," said Lex with a hint of regret, "However, there was one person I wanted him to kill throughout all this, and that was you!"
"Me?! You wanted him to kill me?! Why? What the hell did I ever do to you?!"
"Do you not remember?! When the time came for the old man to pick one child to be his student? Three students were on his list, you, Leon, and me! Obviously, Leon was the obvious pick, but he already had a teacher to study under. So Zenrus only had one choice. Everyone was certain that I was going to be his apprentice since I was a straight-A student. But Lord and behold, out of all the children he could have picked, he picked you! A D-grade student! A nobody!" Lex exclaimed.
Even Shiro had to admit he was surprised that Gramps had picked him over all the other students. But Lex was holding a grudge against him for this long?
"You've made millions of people suffer just because of the grunge you have against me?" Shiro glared at him. If only looks could kill, he'd burn a hole through Lex's thick skull. "I swear, I'll make you pay for all you've done."
"And what do you think you can do against me? A D-Grade Student? You couldn't even beat Xyaqom, so what makes you think you can beat me?" Asked Lex.
"I beat Chao, twice! That's gotta count for something," said Shiro.
"Correction, you lost to Chao the first time, and Xyaqom beat him at your second encounter," said Lex.
"Can we not talk about that?" Asked Chao, still feeling embarrassed that he had easily lost to Xyaqom.
"Technically, you have no wins against Chao," said Lex.
"Yeah kid, learn your place," said Chao.
"I still kicked his ass, and I'd do it again," said Shiro proudly.
"Well, regardless of how you feel, I'm not here to fight you today. I'm here for a different reason," said Lex, holding his hand forward.
Shiro and the girls ready themselves, preparing themselves for a fight.
"Συγκεντρώστε και καταναλώστε, Πνεύματα του αιώνιου ύπνου. Ας πέσει η καταστροφή μπροστά στον εχθρό μου, Καύση τον παράδεισο από πάνω: Κόλαση φλόγα!
Gather and consume, Spirits of eternal Slumber. Let disaster fall before my enemy. Scorch the heaven above Hell blaze."
A red beam shot past Shiro and the girls at a blazing speed from Lex's finger. Thinking he was aiming for them, they were surprised when it landed behind them instead, directly underneath the teleportation device. Shiro's instinct kicked into overdrive as he felt a huge energy pulse rising. Acting, he tackled Cassandra and shielded her from the ground.
"GET DOWN, NOW!" Shiro exclaimed.
Following Shiro's example, Christina shielded Alyssa and protected her from a large explosion that erupted from the ground. A large puller of lava erupted from the ground like an active Volcano, swallowing the teleportation device whole, slowly evaporating it and reducing it to ash. That was their only ticket back home.
"NO!" Shiro and the girls cried out after seeing the teleportation device destroyed. Shiro slammed his fist to the ground, filled with rage.
"Lex, you bastard!" He yelled out.
"I could just finish you off right here and now." He flipped his hair with a vicious smirk on his face. "But where's the fun in that? I decided that watching you suffer and squirm is a far better use of my pastime."
Shiro gritted his tears as Leon suddenly appeared behind Lex with a cold, stony expression.
"The ship is ready to depart, Sir."
"Is that so," Lex snickered. "Very well, let us depart. We're done here anyway."
"Leon! How could you work for that bastard?!" Shiro cried out. "He's the one responsible for the death of so many innocent people. Our gramps died because of him. Doesn't that mean anything to you!?"
"Answer me! Damn it!"
"…I will only say this once, your one and only warning," he responded stiffly. "Don't interfere with our job. Otherwise, the next time we meet, I will kill you."
"Then look me in the eyes and say that to my face!"
"…" Leon didn't even respond, nor did he look back toward Shiro. Instead, he turned to face Lex with a blank expression. "Let's go."
"Ha!" Lex wheezed, "Well I hate to say, 'I told ya' so' but that would be a lie. Whether you die out in the wild or die by my men. It's a story worth telling."
As Lex ascended toward his ship, he glanced back toward the group one last time.
"Oh and Cassander, don't you forget about my offer. I'd hate to break you before I take what's rightfully mine."
"Drop dead!" She exclaimed.
"How classy of a response." Lex sneered. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind."
Lex vanished into his ship and took off at a blazing speed. Leaving Shiro's group defeated. Stranded on Shiro's home planet with no way back to Earth, how will our heroes survive and find the greatest treasure in the universe?
Find out next time on Drogons Rebirth!
To Be Continued…
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