Drogons Rebirth | By : Xyaqom Category: -Misc Anime > AU - Alternate Universe Views: 1529 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: You must be 18+ to read this story. I do not own To Love Ru or any of its characters. I also do not make any money/profit while I make this story. |
Note: Oh boy, here we go! Operation Book Snatcher is about to begin. Will Shiro and his new team be successful on their mission to steal the Maxwell book? Find out in this chapter.
Also, before we get started on this chapter, I would like to thank Axel Emiya for helping me put this chapter together. So go check out his stories after you are finished reading this chapter. Also, be sure to check Alvin D-Rod and his stories out. We'll both really appreciate it.
With no further ado, let's get started on this chapter.
Warning: This story is NOT for readers under the age of eighteen. The story will have coarse language, violence, nudity (including the private parts), and sexual scenes. (Including sex scenes). The story will explain a character's surroundings in great detail, especially with a person's body. If you are not over eighteen or do not like these things in a story, please do not read this book/story. You have been warned!
Chapter Five:
September 12th, 2017:
An Unexpected Battle With A Former Assassin:
It was at 9:30 pm in Christale City. I wish I could say all was peaceful and quiet, but I would be lying and delusional. The alarm went off at the Christale City Museum; someone had broken in. Police cars all gathered around the place, blocking off all possible exits. The Christale City police chief, Johnathon Livings, stepped out of his car and spoke through his radio, making it loud enough for everyone to hear.
Chief Livings is 6'2 feet tall and weighs 180 pounds. He has black hair slowly turning grey, a mustache, and a goatee wearing black glasses and a tan trench coat with his business suit underneath.
"This is Chief Johnathon Livings of the Christale City police department. We have the place surrounded. Come out with your hands above your head! Or else we will storm the place and drag you out!" Then, after a few minutes of silents, "Okay, you leave us no choice."
A few police officers were about to storm the place, but the museum's right side exploded, creating a huge hole before they did. And when that side of the building exploded, someone came flying through that hole. That man was wearing a leather jacket, leather pants, and boots. He was 6'0 feet tall and weighed 200 pounds, ripped. He also had short spiky black and red eyes. Shiro was responsible for that all, wearing all black, but his face uncovered.
"Did you like that Xyaqom? There's more than that came from. Believe me, you do not want to mess with me. I may not be the strongest of my kind, but I am not to be underestimated. And to think, I always heard that you were this big bad, powerful assassin. But after fighting you, you're not all that tough. I don't understand why so many people in the universe were so scared of you. You can't even defeat me, a Magicus. Once word gets out that a Magicus defeated you, you will become a laughing stock in the whole universe!" He then lets out a victory laugh.
Xyaqom gets back on his feet, "You do realize I've been using less than one percent of my power, right?"
Shiro becomes shocked when he hears this, "Wait, what?!"
Before Shiro could do anything, Xyaqom whips Shiro in the face with his black dragon tail, and when he does, time freezes.
"Yep, that's me, Shiro Yuuma, getting the lights knocked out of me by a swing of a tail. You're probably wondering how I got myself into this situation. Well, to answer that question, I'm going to have to go back about four hours ago, when this whole thing started."
Four Hours Ago:
It has been four hours since Shiro met Cassandra and her friends, and Shiro and the girls are seen at Cassandra's place, going through the blueprints of the museum for Operation Book Snatcher.
"Okay, so how are we gonna do this?" Asked Shiro
"Alyssa?" Said Cassandra.
"As you requested, my lady. A complete layout of the museum," said Alyssa as she gave Cassandra the layout and blueprints of the museum.
"That was fast!" Said Shiro.
"Very good, thank you, Alyssa," said Cassandra.
"You're welcome, my lady," said Alyssa.
"So, how are we going to do this? How are we going to go in and get out?" Asked Shiro.
"Well, after careful investigation, we understand that the front entrance is sealed off when the museum is closed. So there is no way we can enter the place while it's closed. However, if we stay in the place as customers an hour before it closes and stay there when it closes, we'll be set," said Alyssa.
"And how do we stay in the museum after the PA tells us to leave?" said Shiro.
"Simple, we will hide in the bathroom," said Alyssa.
"Won't that be the first place the guards check?" said Shiro.
"Do you have a better suggestion?" Asked Cassandra.
"Ugh! Just take some tear gas with us just in case," said Shiro as he tossed the girls a few flask bottles.
"Where did you even acquire these?" Asked Christina as she was eyeing the flask.
"The convenience store," he nonchalantly answered.
"I'm sure they don't carry tear gas in stores," said Cassandra, not believing him.
"That's what makes it convenient," said Shiro.
Cassandra sighs, "Okay, Alyssa, can you think of a different place rather than the bathroom?" She asked.
"There's always the personal locker room in the back. We can hide there till closing," said Alyssa.
"That's not that better, but I guess it's better than the bathroom," said Shiro.
"Okay, so we hide in the locker room until closing. How do we get the book?" Asked Cassandra.
"You're asking me!? This is your plan! I should be following your lead!" Shiro retorted.
"I was asking Alyssa," said Cassandra, glaring at him.
"Oh..." Said Shiro, and he lowered his head in embarrassment.
"Naturally, as her secretary, I'm in charge of all in-house affairs, including scheduling, meal times, paperwork, and organizing black ops operations," said Alyssa.
"Wow! Mad respect, senpai!" He said to Alyssa, 'One of those tasks is seriously out of place!' Said Shiro in his thoughts.
"We also have to keep in mind that even if we get past the security, merely removing the book from its place might trigger the alarm," said Alyssa.
"Does anyone have a fake book we can use?" Asked Shiro.
"Not on me, but I can give one of my school books," said Cassandra.
"Do you want CPD after us? We need a spare, a clean book that hasn't been touched by hand. Anyone should be fine," said Shiro.
"I guess we can buy one at the book store. But we'll have to wear gloves so that our fingerprints don't go on them," said Cassandra.
"Before we begin our Operation Book Snatcher!" said Alyssa.
"Still a terrible name," Shiro chimed in.
"I'd like to direct Shiro to our dresser room for a change in wardrobe, my lady?" Asked Alyssa.
"Can I ask why?" Asked Shiro as he raised an eyebrow.
"So that we can figure out what you should wear in our mission tonight," said Alyssa.
"Wonderful idea, Alyssa; we can't exactly pull off a heist in normal clothing," said Cassandra.
Alyssa giggles, "Thank you. Now Shiro, follow me, please."
"Sure, lead the way," said Alyssa.
Alyssa then started leading Shiro to the dressing room, and when she opened the doors, the dressing room was revealed to be as big as Cassandra's bedroom.
'Honestly, why am I not surprised,' asked Shiro in his thoughts.
"Now then, what can we have you wear?" Asked Alyssa.
"Oh, how about this! I bet you'll look astounding in this!" Said Cassandra.
Cassandra pulled a strange outfit that consisted of a black ankle-length tailcoat, a high-necked waistcoat with gold accents, black pants, brown-black winkle pickers, and a pair of red gloves. His mask is a black and white, birdlike domino mask.
"Isn't that just a cosplay outfit?" Asked Shiro as he raised an eyebrow.
"Is it not good enough?" She looks away, looking sad," I picked it out for you."
"Don't cry! I love it! I'll wear anything you pick out for me!" Said Shiro, not wanting to make Cassandra cry.
"Then off you go to the fitting room. We'll have your outfit tailored to size before the mission starts," said Cassandra.
"Okay," said Shiro.
Shiro then went to the changing room to try the outfit on. The outfit was a bit tight on him. This outfit was made to fit Cassandra, of course. By it did make him look good, though.
"In the end, I accepted without complaints, though I guess it does look good on me. I had no idea she was a fan of this series," said Shiro.
Cassandra knocks on the door from the other side, "Is everything okay in there?" Asked Cassandra.
"It's a bit embarrassing," he said as he stepped out of the changing room, "Well, how does it look?"
Cassandra claps her hands as her face lit up with a light blush, "My very own wild card!"
Shiro blushes, "I'm sorry... wild card? I think you're giving me too much praise."
Cassandra shakes her head, "Nonsense! I'm sure you have many hidden talents even you're not aware of; I think you'll fit the bill quite nicely. Well, what do you girls think?"
"You look great," said Alyssa.
"Yeah, what she said," said Christina in an emotionless tone.
"I see... Then I guess I'll play my part up to your expectations," said Shiro.
"Excellent. Alyssa, be sure to tailor the outfit to fit him comfortably," said Cassandra.
"Yes, my lady," said Alyssa.
"So what you are girls gonna wear for the mission? It's only fair I get to see your costumes," said Shiro.
"I got just the thing," said Cassandra.
Cassandra then pulled out a costume and went into the changing room. After a few minutes of changing, Cassandra looked like the Black Widow from The Avengers comics, with the costume showing off half of her cleavage.
Shiro sees her outfit with a blush on his face," Oh, I see... an interesting choice indeed," said Shiro.
Cassandra giggles, "Thank you."
"You'll have to wear a black hat to cover your hair, my lady. Your blond hair might give us away," recommended Alyssa.
"Is that so? Shame, but I guess I'll have to bear with it for now," said Cassandra.
"Um, anyway," he looks at Alyssa and Christina, "What are you two going to wear?" Asked Shiro.
"I'm going to support you guys behind the scenes. I will hack into the cameras and warn you guys about upcoming security guards," said Alyssa.
"It's a bit embarrassing, but I supposed if it's for Cassandra's sake," said Cassandra.
Christina then pulled out a costume and went into the changing room. After a few minutes of changing, Christina came across a modern-day black leather outfit almost strikingly similar to Cassandra's outfit, except she was armed with a rifle.
"Well, how does it look?" Asked Christina, a little embarrassed.
"BDMS senpai," said Shiro.
Christina points her rifle at Shiro, "Do you want to get shot?"
Shiro starts sweating buckets, "Wait, that's a real gun! I... er, you look lovely in that outfit... please don't shoot me!" Shiro begged.
"Don't worry, it's not loaded. We always unload the guns before we put them up on display," said Christina as she lowered her gun.
"Well, that's good... I guess," said Shiro, trying to calm himself down.
"Still, I wouldn't make Christina angry if I were you; she has quite the temper," said Cassandra.
"I've noticed," said Shiro.
"Naturally, I'll be protecting Cassandra at all times. You'll have to handle things on your own," glared Christina.
'I'm flying solo. Geese, way to vote confidence in me,' said Shiro in his thoughts
"Anyway, we should take these costumes off. We don't want to get them dirty and prepare dinner for tonight," recommended Alyssa.
"If that's the case, I should get going. Don't wanna bother you girls any further," said Shiro as he headed out.
"What are you saying? You're our honored guess. It would be rude to send you off on an empty stomach," said Cassandra.
"Eh? Are you seriously offering dinner? To me?" Asked Shiro, surprised by the offer.
"Of course. You are our guest. If my father ever found out that I invited a guest over and didn't offer them dinner, I would never hear the end, " Cassandra said.
"Oh, if you say so. Thank you for having me," said Shiro.
"It's our pleasure," said Cassandra.
Shiro and the girls took off their stealth costumes, put on their normal clothing, and headed over to the dining room to have dinner. While heading to the dining room, Shiro noticed that the mansion was surprisingly empty. No one was in the mansion but him and the girls.
"You know, this place is surprisingly empty for a million-dollar mansion. I see no Butlers, no maids, nothing. Where is everybody?" Asked Shiro.
Cassandra was surprised that Shiro noticed, "Oh, I'm surprised that you noticed. Um... I... I decided to give them the day off."
"Really? Everyone?" Asked Shiro in shock.
"Yes. They've been working very hard since their first day, which was long ago, so I decided to give them the day off," said Cassandra.
Shiro was not buying this one bit. He knew that there was something that Cassandra wasn't telling him. However, if he wanted to stay on their good side and not hurt his chances of getting paid a lot of money for this job, he would have to keep his mouth shut... For now.
Later that evening, after dinner, Shiro and the girls started the operation Book Snatcher. Arriving at the museum, Shiro had snuck through a ventilation shaft; he spotted two security guards patrolling the area.
"Only ten minutes left until closing time," said Guard #1.
"Yeah, we should probably tell the visitors that the place will close soon," said Guard #2.
"Yeah, or else they'll be locked in with us until morning," said Guard #3.
"Be sure to check the bathrooms; most rascals like to hide there," said Guard #1.
"Like that's not the first place we'd check," said Guard #2.
'I knew it, called it!' Said Shiro in his thoughts.
The security guard went into the girls' bathroom and opened and pulled open one of the stalls, only to see Cassandra, wearing a pink t-shirt and a purple mini skirt, pulling her panties down and about to sit on the toilet.
"AH!" Shouted Guard #2 when he saw Cassandra sitting on the toilet.
"Hey, you pervert! Get out!" Said Cassandra.
"I'm really sorry, ma'am. The museum is about to close soon, and I was checking to see if anybody was inside the bathroom," said Guard #2.
"You couldn't knock on the bathroom door before you entered!" Shouted Cassandra.
"I-I would, but the kids like to not say anything when they're hiding in the bathroom," said Guard #2
"Well, don't just stand there. GET OUT, LET ME USE THE BATHROOM, AND LET ME USE THE BATHROOM IN PEACE!" Shouted Cassandra.
"Yes, ma'am, sorry, ma'am," said Guard #2 in a panic.
Just then, a dart is suddenly shot into his neck. The guard was about to turn his head to see what got his neck, but he soon began feeling drowsy and fell to the ground, falling asleep.
"Nice job, Christina," said Cassandra to Christina.
Christina was revealed to be at the other stall next to Cassandra, armed with a dart gun.
Shiro pops his head out from above the ceiling in the girls' bathroom, "What the- What happened to "Hiding in the locker room?!"
Cassandra points at Shiro, "Eck! A second pervert!"
"I AM NOT!" Shouted Shiro.
"Is everything alright over there?!" said Guard #3.
"Tch, we'll have to rendezvous later. Quickly hide the body and find someplace to hide," said Shiro.
"Where can we hide him?" Asked Cassandra.
"Give him to me. Then, I can hide him inside the ceiling," said Shiro.
Guard #3 knocks on the bathroom door, "Hey, is everything alright?"
Shiro yanks the body upon the ventilation shaft with a quick teamwork effort, leaving the girls alone in the bathroom.
"Um, yes, I'm just washing my hands," said Christina as she was running the water to literally wash her hands.
"Okay. We will be closing in less than eight minutes, so finish what you're doing and head out," said Guard #3.
Shiro then sighs and thinks to himself, 'That was a close call. Will we really be okay working like this?' He then gets a whiff of the guard next to him, 'My God, dude, when was the last time you bathed?'
After A Few Minutes Of Waiting:
"Attention, all visitors to the museum. The museum will be closing in less than five minutes. Please finish what you're doing and make your way to the exit. Thank you," said the PA.
"There's our cue. Okay, let's do this!" He then looks at the unconscious guard, "Well, it's been nice knowing you," He starts crawling to the book.
"Shiro, can you hear me?" Asked Alyssa from Shiro's earpiece.
"Loud and clear. How does it look down there?" Asked Shiro.
"Surprisingly, security in the place is pretty light. However, the security guards around the book are a different story," said Alyssa.
"What do you mean?" Asked Shiro.
"I mean, there are like seven other guards around that book. They don't want it to get out whatever is contained in the book," said Alyssa.
"Seven Guards... How troublesome. Still, we need to take out the cameras before dealing with them," said Shiro.
"Currently working on it. I'm currently uploading a virus to their computer system," said Alyssa.
'A virus!? Amazing! Is there anything she can't do?' Asked Shiro in his thoughts, "Okay, on my signal, kill the lights and the cameras. Christina, can you cover my back?" Asked Christina and Alyssa
"Yeah, where are you right now?" Asked Christina.
"On top of the book. Okay, I see the guards... on my count to three, got it?" Asked Shiro.
"Got it!" Said Christina and Cassandra.
"One... Two... Three!"
Just then, the lights turned off, confusing the guards. During the confusion, Christina rushed over and punched the guards while Shiro came down from the ceiling and snatched the book, but not before replacing it with a book they bought from the bookstore. After snatching the book, he quickly went back to the ceiling before the guards could figure out what was going on. After the guards that surrounded the book were knocked out, Christina ran to hide while other guards from around the corner came running to the book's location to see what the whole commotion was about.
"What the hell is going on here?" Asked Guard #8.
Sadly for the guards, Shiro and the girls were already gone. Soon, Shiro and the girls meet up at the dinosaur scenery part of the museum.
"Hehe, too easy. You were amazing out there, Christina!" said Shiro.
"Yeah," said Christina.
Just then, the alarm started going off.
"We can't linger much longer; we'll meet at the rendezvous point," said Shiro.
"Alyssa, what happened? I thought you uploaded the virus into the security computers?" Asked Cassandra.
"I did. But I just found out that the book's pedestal had a scanner in it. Constantly scanning the book to make sure it's there. When Shiro removed the book and replaced it with ours, the scanner noticed that the same book wasn't there, and it triggered the alarm. Also, the scanner is hooked up to a different computer, not the security computers," explained Alyssa.
"Damn it!" Shouted Cassandra.
"Come on, we need to get out of here before the police arrive!" Said Shiro, holding the book close.
"I don't think so," said a voice.
Just then, a man came down from the window ceiling. The man was 6'0 feet tall and weighed 200 pounds, ripped. He had short black spiky hair and red eyes, and he was wearing a black leather jacket, pants, and boots.
"Shit, it's Xyaqom!" Shouted Cassandra in a panic.
"Wait, who?!" Asked Shiro in disbelief.
"Shiro, be careful. That's Xyaqom. The most dangerous man was alive. Rumor has it that he was once a galactic assassin before he came here to Earth," said Alyssa in a panic.
"Galactic assassin? Wait, I think I know who he is now," said Shiro.
"I'm not sure how you kids managed to get in here, but I'm getting you out. Rather you like it or not," said Xyaqom.
"Girls, get out of here!" He throws the book to Cassandra, "I'll take care of him."
"But how will you escape?" Asked Shiro.
"Remember, I'm the wild card. I'll manage... somehow," said Shiro, unsure if he could hold Xyaqom off.
"You don't even have a plan, don't you?" Asked Cassandra.
"Just leave already!" Shouted Shiro.
Cassandra and Christina attempt to make a run for it, only for Xyaqom to suddenly appear in front of them, making them fall back. Shiro was shocked at Xyaqom's speed; he was so fast that you couldn't even see him run to the girls.
"You're not going anywhere," said Xyaqom in an emotionless tone and glared at them.
"Emittam o nox spiritus impetus: Gravitas impetu spiritus!" (Send forth, let the night spirits attack: Force Gravity!)
Shiro used a Spell that sent a force of gravity towards Xyaqom, catching him off guard and sending him flying into a skeleton T-Rex, making all the bones fall on him.
"Go, get out of here!" Shouted Shiro to the girls.
The girls nod and make a run for it. A dark red aura burst out where Xyaqom was, and all the dinosaur bones that fell on him went flying all over the place. Shiro even had to duck under one of them just to avoid getting hit by one. Shiro was starting to get nervous about this, as he was feeling evil energy from him and was not happy.
"So, you're one of those magic people, huh? I thought you guys were extinct," said Xyaqom in an emotionless tone and glared at them.
"Well, as for survivors go, I'm not aware of any besides myself," said Shiro.
Xyaqom grins, "Well, then, if you're not careful, you might join your kind," Which makes Shiro gulp.
"Shiro, can you hear me?" Asked Alyssa from Shiro's earpiece.
"Yeah, I can hear you, but I'm kinda busy now," said Shiro.
"Shiro, you need to get out of there and join Cassandra and Christina; the police are on their way right now as we speak!" Said Christina.
"I know. But if I leave to join them now, Xyaqom will follow me, and I'll just lead him to our hideout. And if that happens, we're screwed. So our best chance is for me to keep him busy as long as I can!" Said Shiro as he reaches for his earpiece.
"But Shiro..."
"Just do one thing for me. If I don't make it through this, if Xyaqom manages to get a lucky blow on me, tell Cassandra: Thank you for the opportunity," said Shiro.
"No, Shiro, don't say that!" Shouted Alyssa.
Shiro then takes the earpiece out of his ear and crushes it.
"Okay big guy, let's dance," Said Shiro.
Battle Start:
Xyaqom then dashes towards Shiro, but Shiro quickly summons a wall from the floor, blocking Xyaqom from him, and he jumps back a few feet.
'From what I've heard about Xyaqom, he is incredibly dangerous up close. Plus, he can use his tail for extra distance. So if I can keep my distance and not fight him up close like an idiot, I should be fine,' said Shiro, trying to stay calm.
Xyaqom then punches the wall, shattering it into tiny pieces.
'Yeah, that's my head if I get caught with his punches,' Said Shiro in thoughts and gulping.
"Just give up; you don't stand a chance against me," said Xyaqom in an emotionless tone and glared at him.
"Yeah, you're probably right. But as the wild card, I gotta put in the effort to at least try! He then claps his hands together, "So go ahead and try to stop me. Gather, and strike my enemy, 101 spirits of lightning. Magic Arrows, Series of Lightning. 101 Sagitta Magica!"
Behind Shiro were 101 small balls of lighting. He fired all of them at once towards Xyaqom. Then, while Xyaqom was busy dodging everyone with ease, Shiro placed a gem on the ground while he was distracted.
"First set," said Shiro, 'Even if I don't beat him, I have to distract him long enough for the girls to escape,' said Shiro in his thoughts.
"First set? What do you mean?"
"You'll know soon enough," said Shiro.
Xyaqom charges, ignoring the remaining arrows as he dodges them effortlessly. Xyaqom attempted to slash Shiro several times, transforming his arm into a blade. However, as luck would have it, Shiro narrowly dodged them.
Shiro grits his teeth, "Come forth from the void, O Lord of Thunder, and cut down my enemy! Axe of Lightning!
With two fingers swiping down, Shiro summoned a massive amount of electricity, while the range was somewhat limited enough to push Xyaqom several feet away from him and place another gem down while he wasn't looking.
"Second set!" Said Shiro, 'Come on, just a little more. Geese, how tough is this guy?' Asked Shiro in his thoughts.
Xyaqom quickly got back and started breathing fire from his mouth at Shiro, "HE CAN BREATH FIRE?! SHIT! Limes Aerials!" (Boundary Wall of Air!)
Acting fast, Shiro summons forth a wind barrier protecting him from Xyaqom's fire breath. When the fire cleared, Shiro saw Xyaqom dashing towards him with his arm blades, ready to cut his head clean off, but he quickly managed to roll out of the way.
"It's over," said Xyaqom glaring at Shiro.
Shiro smirks, "You sure about that? Third set complete!"
"What!?" Asked Xyaqom.
This time Shiro dropped the third gem, letting Xyaqom finally notice he fell into his trap.
"Activate magic restraint! Runic binding seal!" Shouted Shiro.
Three invisible chains captured Xyaqom holding him in place. These chains were bonded through, so sheer force couldn't break them. To say the least, Xyaqom was trapped was an understatement.
"You're too freaking strong! Of course, I can't beat you head-on! But then again, whoever said I was fighting you to win?" Asked Shiro.
"Damn it. I should've known when you were avoiding me this whole time!" Said Xyaqom.
"Now then, if I leave you be, you'll just follow me. I have to pay you back for the trouble you cost me tonight. So spread forth and extend the aid of the magic circle. Capture targets one through ten. Lock-on. Release Spirit shackles!" Shouted Shiro.
Shiro's aura flared through the roof as roughly ten magic circles targeted Xyaqom. Shiro knew at his base the spell wouldn't even scratch Xyaqom; he doubted even tripling his strength would be enough to put him down. But, at the very least, he'll walk away knowing he can at least hurt him.
"Veniant Spiritus Aeriales Fulgurientes! Cum Fulguratione Flet Tempestas Austrina! Jovis Tempestas Fulguriens!" (Come, spirits of air and lightning! Let the Southern Storm Blow With Lightning. Jupiter's Lightning Storm!)
Shiro summoned his most powerful attack. A massive gale storm of destruction fueled by the power of both wind and lighting, his most powerful long-range lighting attack. It was powerful enough to blow a massive wall on the right side of the museum. Xyaqom came crashing through the hole and landed on the ground outside of the museum. When Xyaqom landed on the ground on his back, he grunted. Not because he was in pain, but because Shiro was starting to get on his nerves.
Shiro came out of the hole and walked towards Xyaqom, standing over him in victory.
"Did you like that Xyaqom? There's more than that came from. Believe me, you do not want to mess with me. I may not be the strongest of my kind, but I am not underestimated. And to think, I always heard that you were this big bad, powerful assassin. But after fighting you, you're not all that tough. I don't understand why so many people in the universe were so scared of you. You can't even defeat me, a Magicus. Once word gets out that you were defeated by a Magicus, you will become a laughing stock in the whole universe!" He then lets out a victory laugh.
Xyaqom gets back on his feet, "You do realize I've been using less than one percent of my power, right?"
Shiro becomes shocked when he hears this, "Wait, what?!"
Before Shiro could do anything, Xyaqom wipes Shiro in the face with his black dragon tail, sending him flying headfirst to a tree, knocking him out cold.
Xyaqom gets back up and dusts himself off, "Should've used half a percent right from the start." Xyaqom then walked over to Shiro and dragged his unconscious body to the police.
"Shiro, can you hear me?" No response, "Shiro?" No response, "Shiro?!" No response, "SHIROOOOOOOO!"
Mission Failed... We'll Get Them Next Time...
To Be Continued...
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