Drogons Rebirth | By : Xyaqom Category: -Misc Anime > AU - Alternate Universe Views: 1529 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: You must be 18+ to read this story. I do not own To Love Ru or any of its characters. I also do not make any money/profit while I make this story. |
Note: Hello, everybody; it's your host, Axel Emiya, speaking today. Are you enjoying Drogons Reboot so far? Allow me to finally introduce myself. I'm sure you've heard my name thrown around a few times before by Xyaqom. I work primarily as a beta reader in the background for Drogons alongside Xyaqom's other works. But today is a special occasion. As of today, I'll be taking over writing the Shiro Adventure story arc.
It's only natural. Shiro is my OC. I would understand the character the best. But worry not. I am an experienced beta reader, but I'm also an Author. So, only expect the best stories from me. Now, what does this mean for the future of Drogons? Xyaqom will still be writing the main story arc of Drogons Reboot. That has not changed, so rest assured that Drogons will continue as planned. I hope we all get along.
As for Shiro's Adventure story arc….. with this chapter, we're nearing the end of Act One. The next chapter will begin Act Two, the race for the ultimate treasure... Who will come out on top? The future is filled with endless possibilities.
Without further ado, let's begin this chapter.
Chapter Twenty:
September 23rd, 2017:
In The Afternoon:
Unexpected Visit:
After his brutal battle with the would-be assassin, Chao, Shiro stirred from his slumber. He covered his eyes, blinded by the light emanating through the windows. He found himself in some sort of medical room, where he was lying on a bed and was hooked up to an IV machine. His body was also covered in bandages.
"I-I'm alive?" Shiro groaned. He flinched in pain when he tried to sit up. "Ah! Pain! It hurts! Yep, definitely alive."
"How disappointing." A gruff voice spoke with disappointment.
Shiro's face turned sour as he saw the person he wanted to see the least standing in the corner of the room.
"You took the words right out of my mouth," Shiro said, narrowing his eyes, "Xyaqom."
Xyaqom scoffed and stood up. "You're lucky that I was in the neighborhood when you caused that explosion. I thought of letting you bleed out, but my girl wouldn't have any of it."
"Oh, how generous of you." Shiro scoffed, "I suppose that I'll owe you one later... Where are we anyway?"
"My girl's Infirmary," Xyaqom replied.
"I see... Cassandra and the others, are they safe?" Shiro asked.
"You mean Cassandra Winterson?"
"Yeah, the very same."
"She wasn't around when we found you; she was probably back at home doing whatever rich people do in their spare time. It was just you." Said Xyaqom.
Instead of looking disappointed, Shiro felt relieved.
"I see... Some protector I am. I did throw her around a lot; I guess I'll have to apologize later. I'm glad she's safe." Shiro smiled.
Xyaqom grinned.
"Of course, noticing that you just gave me her name, I have a good feeling that she was one of the girls you were working with on the night of the robbery."
'Shit!' Shiro wanted to scream. But he had to keep a cool head. "Come on, are you still sour that I got away with it? Just take the L already. If you want to settle things, It'll have to wait till later.
Xyaqom waved. "Oh no, I'm not going to fight you. Killing you would be too easy. I think you deserve something worse than that."
"Like what?"
"I'll give you a hint. Johnathan and his men are probably paying Cassandra a visit right now as we speak." Xyaqom spoke with a smirk.
"What?!" Shiro sat up straight. "But how?
Xyaqom showed Shiro the wire attached to his chest. "Johnathan was quite sour that you managed to get away with the crime, even more so than me. You see, my face is literally a transmitter. By simply saying Cassandra's name, you just gave Johnathan and his men a lead to put you and your girlfriends away for life."
Shiro tensed as he heard a ringtone. Xyaqom pulled out a phone. And smiled as he read the screen. "Oh, what do you know? He and his men are heading over to her place right now. Plus, I've given him the unedited footage of the robbery that night, and your little lawyer was also thrown to prison for tampering with evidence. And I know now that the camera was all an illusion made by you during our last exchange. Once I realized that you were talking out of your ass this whole time, I gave the evidence to Jonathan. I told you before, Shiro, don't fuck with me. But since you didn't take my advice to heart, everything is crashing down above you. You have five minutes before the police come knocking here."
"...Pfft!" Shiro remained calm after Xyaqom spoke, but he couldn't hold a straight face for long before he broke out laughing. "Hahaha!"
"What's so funny!?" Xyaqom asked.
"Sorry," Shiro spoke with a grin. "It's just amusing that you think you're a step ahead. The girls are probably long gone by now."
"What makes you say that?"
You're an ex-assassin." Shiro raised an eyebrow. "Why would you stay at the place you'll most likely be targeted at? I had a reliable friend move them to a more... secure location."
"What?!" Xyaqom shot up, "When did this all happen?!"
"Before you found me yesterday."
Xyaqom was going to lash out at Shiro due to frustration but managed to calm himself down.
"No matter, I can just bring you in; John has been itching to get you behind bars. Now, will you come quietly, or will I have to torture you?"
"That's fine. I'll turn myself in…."
Xyaqom raised an eyebrow. "Really? Just like that?"
"Yeah, just like…." Shiro nodded. "However, It'll be on one condition only.
"Do you really think you're in a position where you can negotiate?" Xyaqom scowled.
"I'm making your job much more comfortable by turning myself in. Do you really have a reason to refuse negotiation?"
Xyaqom sighed. "Fine, what's your condition?
"I won't turn myself in unless I kill a certain man." Shiro's eyes narrowed. "After that, I don't care what happens to me."
"A certain man? And who would that be." Xyaqom asked.
"The man is known as the destroyer worlds; they call him Emperor Caleo Ardeo."
Xyaqom coughed into his hands. "Caleo? How do you know that name?"
"He attacked my homeworld and burned everything with his flames…." Shiro clenched his fist. "I have to make him pay with my own fire. I won't serve anytime in jail until I kill him with my own hands."
Xyaqom shook his head, "Even if I were to say yes and let you track him down, you most likely wouldn't be able to find him. His home planet is currently unknown. And even IF you managed to track him down, you wouldn't stand a chance against him."
"It's suicidal, you say. It's impossible, you say. And who the hell decided that!" Shiro roared, pointing his fingers at Xyaqom, "Listen, the world is filled with impossibility. The real magic isn't about Spells or incantations, no! It's all about the miracle that we can achieve with it, making the impossible possible. That's real magic. I would be a failure of a mage if I wasn't 100% sure I could pull it off!"
"Well, you better hope that lady luck is smiling upon you when you confront Caleo. Because you're going to need her." Xyaqom scoffed.
Just then, Xyaqom's wife, Rosaira, walked into the room. Rosaira was about 6'0 feet tall and weighed 175 pounds. She had reddish-brown hair that went down to her shoulders and green eyes. She was wearing a pink t-shirt that showed off half of her G-size breast/cleavage and a lab coat over it. She walked in, carrying a tray filled with medical supplies.
Rosaira smiled. " Ah, it looks like you're awake!"
Shiro eyed her breast. "Holy crap! Your boobs put Christina's boobs to shame!
"Hey, her eyes are up there, pervert!" Xyaqom scowled.
"Relax, it's not like I was perving on her; I only made a statement of fact." Shiro waved off Xyaqom and bowed. "Anyway, you're the one that saved me, right? Thanks, you have my deepest gratitude."
"You're welcome. It was the least I could do." Rosaira said.
Shiro simply nodded and turned to Xyaqom, "So do we have a deal or not?"
"That sounds interesting; the fact that you know where Emperor Caleo is makes you a very dangerous kind," A disembodied voice called out.
A shadowy figure snaked his arms around Rosaria's waist, locking her arms in place. And planted a knife to her neck. This assassin, Shiro, instantly recognized after all he had fought him.
"You're Chao!" Shiro proclaimed.
"Rosaira!" Xyaqom shouted.
"Xyaqom! Help!" Rosaira cried out.
Chao grinned and held out his hands. Xyaqom froze in place. He couldn't move.
"What the hell!?" Xyaqom grunted. "I can't move!?"
"Hey, now, big boy! Let's not get too hasty. Right now, I'm three seconds away from slitting her neck. And trust me, I'm not cleaning up the mess when that happens."
Xyaqom growls at Chao. "What do you want?!"
"Isn't it obvious? I want the information the kid has on Caleo Ardeo. It's every assassin's dream to kill a big name like him."
Shiro scoffs. "Over my literal dead body. I'd rather soon rot in jail than tell you anything. Caleo Ardeo is mine to kill."
"Pfft!" Chao laughed. "A shrimp-like you killing Caleo? If you couldn't even hurt Xyaqom or me back then, what makes you think you can kill Caleo? I'll tell you, YOU CAN'T!"
Shiro sighed and shook his head.
"You know I keep hearing that it's too impossible for this or impossible for that. But, Xyaqom, he's right on one thing."
"And what's that?" Xyaqom replied.
"I definitely can't beat him the way I am now; I've used too much energy during our last fight," Shiro winced, "But you got the stamina to spare. I'll lend my aid and support to you; however I can. He's no ordinary assassin; he's a mage. And the only way to beat a mage is with another mage. However... I'll only work with you just this once under one certain condition."
"Let me guess, you want me to let you go, Scott, free?"
"No... maybe." Shiro shamelessly avoided his eyes. "I want you to never interfere with my business ever again. Until the whole thing with Caleo Ardeo settles. Then we can pick up where we left off."
"Normally, I would say no, but since Rosaira's life is currently hanging in the balance, I'll make an exception," Xyaqom grunted.
"Good," Shiro nodded and stepped forward. "I'll lead the charge. I trust you won't stab me in the back when I'm not looking?"
"Just save Rosaira, and I'll look the other way," Xyaqom whispered to Shiro. "Any ideas on how to beat him?"
Shiro glanced at Rosaria and then Xyaqom. "To be honest, he's a tricky one, that guy. So it's not a guarantee. But I do get an idea."
"Please, do tell."
"It might involve risking her life."
"That's the opposite of what I asked for!" Xyaqom spat.
"Nothing life-threatening," Shiro waved. "I swear. I'll make an opening and distract him for a bit. Then, while you take the girl to safety. I'll hold him off as long as possible.
"Fine." Xyaqom scowled.
"Ha! So you couldn't beat me by yourself and had to enlist the aid. How pathetic can you be!?" Chao taunted.
Shiro shifted to his battle stance.
"You know what I can say; it's my survival instinct. Naturally, I'll do whatever it takes to survive."
"Even if it means sacrificing others to get what you want?" Chao asked.
Shiro neither confirmed nor denied his statement.
"Whatever it takes," Shiro whispered. He plants his feet firmly on the ground. "Grasp the earth, Grasp the world—instant movement technique."
"That's-" Chao was surprised and caught off guard when Shiro disappeared and reappeared in the blink of an eye, right in between him and Rosaria. Shiro reared his fist back and struck Rosaria in the stomach.
"Rosaria!" Xyaqom shouted.
"Counterflow: Reversal Vortex!" What happened next surprised everyone. Even though Shiro hit Rosaria, Chao got sent flying instead. In fact, Rosaria didn't even feel any pain from Shiro's attack. Whatever kept Xyaqom in place lifted as Chao lost concentration.
"Gah!" Chao coughed out blood. 'Flash Stepping, again! But how did I get hit!? He struck the woman for sure, yet I'm the one who received the blow!?'
Chao was baffled; he couldn't comprehend what had happened.
This was a Reversal Vortex—an original move in the counterflow series developed by Shiro. Most energy flows in a particular direction, depending from person to person. Clockwise or Counterclockwise, it's like fighting a whirlpool for control over said energy. Changing one's flow of energy requires a lot of concentration and focus. Rosaira's energy became the receptacle to his attack as Shiro changed the nature of her energy to flow with his energy. All he had to do was discharge that excessive energy for a surprise attack. It's simple science, really.
Shiro rubbed his head. "Sorry for the rough treatment. He would've been more on guard had I attacked him directly. Also, sorry again for this…."
He trailed off, grabbing her shoulder.
"No problem, But are the plants-Eck!" Rosaira wanted to thank Shiro. But he struck her neck, knocking her unconscious.
Shiro threw her in the air towards Xyaqom.
"Take her and get out of here! I'll hold him down for as long as I can! Get going!"
Xyaqom caught Rosaira's bride style, turning to get her away from the Frey. He turned back and shouted. "I'll be back!"
"You better!" Shiro watched them leave before turning back to Chao, cracking his knuckles. "Now it's just you and me."
Chao laughed maniacally. "Over and over again. I put you down, and you keep standing before me. I've never had such an irritating time killing someone before."
"Better get used to it. Until my last breath, I'll keep fighting until the bitter end." Shiro held up his fist, ready to fight.
"I'll be more than happy to abide by that train of thought." Chao scowled, disappearing into the shadows.
Chao reappears behind Shiro suddenly with his trusted knife, aiming for his neck. Shiro twits around and slams a foot in Chao's face, kicking across the room. Chao growls and dashes toward Shiro. Shiro grabbed two scalpels and crossed, slashed, parrying Chao's thrusts attack.
'His movements are getting sharper.' Chao noted. 'Is he learning as the fight drags out? He's an amateur at fighting, yet he's matching me blow for blow. He's making up for his slow start with some unorthodox battle instinct.'
'Left, Right, Trust, Parry, and Counter.' Shiro watched the Chao movement, and everything seemed to slow down as he focused. Chao was an assassin down to the bond. He left no wasted movement that Shiro could take advantage of. 'Watch his hand movement, then counter when the opening opportunity presents. One wrong move, and my life is over before I even get my revenge.
Chao is thrust down with a vertical slash. Shiro parried with his left scalpel with a quick horizontal sweep.
Shiro slashed with great force with the right scalpel, only to be parried by a second hidden knife that Chao had stashed away.
"No way!" Shiro exclaimed. "A hidden weapon!"
"It was a nice attempt. But a scalpel is shorter than a knife and leaves many openings to take advantage of. Too bad you left yourself wide open."
"Damn it!" Shiro cursed.
"Now stay dead!"
Chao gripped his knife and attempted to stab Shiro, but instead of the knife meeting with Shiro's flesh, Chao was suddenly kicked in the face by a foot, sending him flying to a wall.
"Erg! Your luck is stupidly insane!" Chao growled. He paled white when he saw Xyaqom floating down.
"Yeah, I don't think so." Xyaqom scowled.
Xyaqom dashed towards Chao and punched him, sending him flying through the next three rooms.
Shiro coughed and groaned into his hands. "It's about time. Be careful, though. He's a mage, just like me. He still has some tricky magic up his sleeves.
"Damn you! Xyaqom. You'll pay for that!" Chao cried out.
"Now that Rosaira is safe, I can fight you without holding anything back." Xyaqom crossed his arms.
"Without holding back, you say?" Chao grinned, "Good advice. Then try this on for size!"
Chao threw several smoke bombs. Both Xyaqom and Shiro were shocked to see Seven Chaos standing before them when the smoke died down.
"That's Impossible!" Shiro exclaimed.
"What's wrong!?" Xyaqom asked.
"Cloning yourself requires you to split your magic every single time. And yet, those clones have the same energy as the original! This type of magic can only mean one thing!"
Chao smirked. "That's right, I specialize in Shadow magic. I control all the shadows that light casts over. And, at no additional cost to my magic, I can create an indefinite amount of clones to suit my needs.
"Careful, those clones are just as real as the original!"
Just then, one of the clones charged after them. Xyaqom transforms his arms into blades and slashes the clone to block it with his knife. The exchange of several slashes and thrusts countered and parried each other. A second Chao clone joins the fray. Xyaqom dodged and blocked both clones, slightly annoyed that he couldn't grasp an opening. Two more clones sneaked behind him and attacked as soon as they saw an opening. Xyaqom grabs the two clones by the wrist and slams them into clones sneaking.
"Tch," Xyaqom clicked his tongue. "Damn it! I can't tell them apart!"
Two more of Chao's clones lunged Xyaqom from the air, not giving him any breathing time. The last Chao had snuck behind from the shadows, ready to strike him. Shiro appeared behind Xyaqom, kicking the real Chao in the face.
"Gah! But how!" Chao howled. Then, Holding his face in pain.
"You fight dirty like an assassin should," Shiro smirked, "But that pride as a mage that you refuse to throw away. That's your weakness. It's easy to guess you're the real one, aren't you?"
Chao growls in response and sinks into the shadows. Shiro looks around, failing to sense Chao. He glances over to Xyaqom.
"Shit! He's hiding again. You handle the clones; I'll find the real one among them."
"Got it." Xyaqom then powers up. "Okay, you bastards, come get some."
Xyaqom and Shiro were standing back against each other, surrounded by a small army of shadow Chaos.
"You would think after making so many copies of himself, he would have been weakened," Xyaqom scowled.
"Heh," Shiro chuckled. "It's almost cheating how much he can spam this move. The real one is among them somewhere."
"Xyaqom, this fight doesn't concern you," one of the Chao clones spoke, "Why don't you be a good little boy and just walk away?"
"You're outta your mind if you think I'm going to just walk away after what you tried to do to Rosaira!" Xyaqom roared.
"I'm an assassin; it's what I do!" Chao countered. "It's a shame you seem to forget that you were once the same as me. Don't pretend to be some kind of hero of justice.
"I think you forgot what an assassin is." Xyaqom spat. "The only time I killed people was when they had a price on their heads. You seem to enjoy killing random people for enjoyment."
"That's the joy of being an assassin. You get to go around killing a bunch of people whenever you like. Going to a group of people and killing them and bathing in their blood." Chao grinned.
"That's murdering, you psychopath! Not assassination!" Xyaqom countered.
Chao laughed. "So hypothetically, a criminal that doesn't have a price on his head can get away with murder even if you know he's the scum bag. He gets to live while you only kill the one with prices on their head. How very hypocritical of you. We each have our own reasons to kill. Right or wrong, none of that matters. We kill to seek justice!"
"Do you think taking innocent lives is justice?! I think you have your priorities mixed up." Xyaqom sneered.
"There's no such thing as innocence!" Chao scowled. "If everyone was innocent of any crime, they wouldn't have any need for an assassin like us. If they were innocent, then you could've lived a normal life. If they were innocent, I wouldn't be here right now!"
"I get that much, but you're going around killing people who have done nothing wrong!"
"Oh, but they have," Chao grins, "They just don't know it. And that's the worst type of people, people who have committed crimes they don't even know about."
"You're insane!" Xyaqom shifted into his fighting stance, "We will stop you!"
"In a hurry to die? Very well, I'll make this quick." Chao and the shadow versions of him rush toward Xyaqom and Chao; Shiro dodges and ducks under Chao's attacks, and Xyaqom turns his hands into bunkers to block the shadow Chaos' attacks.
"Why are you so obsessed with killing me?!" Shiro asked in a frustrated tone.
"Why? Because you stopped me from killing Cassandra, that's why!" Chao shouted.
"So she really is your target!"
"That's right!" Chao lunged forward. "She has something that my employer wants! That's the nature of our business, kid!"
Chao used his knife to try to slash Shiro. Using his Aura, Shiro barely managed to dodge the thrust attack. He reared back and twisted to his right, and slammed his elbows on Chao's face, making him go flying across the room and dropping the dagger in the process. Shiro quickly makes his way to grab the dagger. Before he could grab it, a hand shot up from his shadow and grabbed his arms. A face emerged with a grin. It was a clone of Chao. It had his own version of the knife he was trying to grab. Chao tried to slash at Shiro's neck but was flung away by another clone crashing into him.
"Oh no, you don't," Xyaqom scowled. Whipping his hands, having fought so many of Chao's clones. "Your fight is with me."
The real Chao snuck behind Xyaqom from the top ceiling. He attempted to lunge at Xyaqom with his knife. "Why don't you just roll over and die already?!"
Xyaqom nonchalantly ducked to leave out of the way without a care in the world. Allowing Shiro to fly in with a strong right kick to Chao's face. Sending him crashing through the wall.
"You first!" Shiro sneered.
"This guy is surprisingly resilient," Xyaqom noted. Blocking several attacks from Chao's clones.
"The problem is with my current condition. I can't land a solid hit to knock Chao out." Shiro huffed, exhausted and out of breath. "We'll run out of energy if this keeps up."
"Then let's remove these pesky clones first. We'll deal with Chao when the time comes," Xyaqom said.
Shiro was not doing so well. He was no fighter, and he was already hurt, to begin with, with cracked ribs and everything. How he was still alive was a miracle at this rate. Xyaqom huffed and kept up the effort of battling the clone of Chaos. These guys were relentless. They didn't give Xyaqom a chance to attack; all he could do was dodge or block their attacks. Two of the shadow Chaos appeared from beside him, about to stab him on both of his sides, but Xyaqom thought quickly and turned both of his hands into bunkers to block their attacks, but this left him wide open for the third Chao, who was charging in for the kill. Quickly remembering that he had a tail, he quickly uses it to wrap around the feet of the shadow Chaos holding him down and uses that shadow Chao as a shield, making the shadow Chao that was about to stab Xyaqom accidentally kill one of his partners, shocking him.
Taking advantage of their shocked state, Xyaqom turned his right foot into a blade and stabbed the shadow Chao that was beside him in the gut and quickly turned his right hand into a blade to stab the Shadow Chao that was about to stab him in the head, taking out the shadow Chaos. Now, it was time to deal with the real Chao. The real Chao was facing off against Shiro. Both fighters were breathing heavily and extremely exhausted. But neither wanted to give in.
"Amazing," Chao laughed maniacally. Then, he launched with his knife in hand. "You truly are a worthy opponent for my Kramabite."
"Until I can kill Caleo Ardeo," Shiro slid underneath his attack and delivered a swift upper kick, sending Chao flying up. "I REFUSE TO DIE!"
"Krk!" Chao coughed up more blood. Then, before catching his breath, Shiro appeared on his right and unleashed severely heavy punches. One, two, three. Each strike was harder than the last. And then, the last hit, Shiro charged his fist with a bluish Aura. Chao looked around desperately, trying to find a shadow to hide in. 'It's no good. He's got me trapped. I can't dodge in mid-air!'
"Counterflow! FULL BURST!" Shiro twisted and punched Chao right in the face, delivering a deadly blow. As he slammed the poor assassin down to the ground, he created a small explosion enough for even Xyaqom to be impressed by the attack. Only the two occupants were left standing with no Chao insight when the smoke cleared.
"I thought you said you had no energy left?" Xyaqom commented.
"That was all of my energy," Shiro huffed and hunched over. "Ugh! I don't think I can feel my legs anymore. Is that normal?"
"I wouldn't know. I normally don't run out of energy," Xyaqom admitted.
"Dude, that's so unfair," Shiro muttered.
Shiro felt a chill up his spine as a shadowy figure emerged from the ground behind him. Chao stood tall, his knife ready to strike. His face was bloody and bruised. His clothes were messy and torn up. And he was breathing rather heavily from his exhausting fight. But, overall, he was really pissed.
"It's over. I won!" Chao laughed as he went in to kill. Only to be pulled away by the legs and hanging upside down, wrapped around his leg, was a tail attached to an angry Xyaqom. Chao paled when he realized his position. "H-Hey friend. You know it was only a joke, trying to kill the woman and all... right?"
Xyaqom's eyes only twitched in response.
"Please don't break my butt," Chao meekly spoke.
"Hahaha!" Xyaqom laughed and gave a cold smile. "No."
A with a mighty swing of his tail. Xyaqom slammed Chao to the ground three times before flinging him up. Smashing him through the ceiling.
"Draco blast!" Xyaqom sneered. He fired a huge wave of energy with his tail, pointing it directly at Chao.
"OH, GOD! PLEASE NO!" His frantic plea went unheard. As he was engulfed by the attack. In the aftermath of the attack. He fell down, bloody, and defeated an alleyway.
Shiro, who was standing on the sidelines the whole time, was amazed at how Xyaqom dealt with Chao. It reminded him how truly terrifying Xyaqom can be.
"I want to be stronger, just like him," Shiro really hated to admit it. However, he respected Xyaqom just a tad bit more after seeing that display of power.
Xyaqom sighed.
"Now that that issue has been dealt with," Xyaqom turned to face Shiro, "Normally, I'd kick your ass for that stunt you pulled with my wife. But you did end up saving her. So I'm grateful for that."
"Oh, thanks," Shiro rubbed his head. He wasn't used to receiving compliments, "By the way, you should probably recover his body."
"Because if you can't confirm that he's dead, he'll most likely escape." Shiro explained, "Mages are tricky like that."
Xyaqom sensed the area around them. And Shiro was right; Chao's energy vanished without a trace. He scowled.
"He escaped, didn't he?"
"That son of a bitch!" Xyaqom swore.
"...I figured as much."
"I'll kill him next time I see him!"
"Yeah," Shiro scratched his head. "I don't think that's happening anytime soon."
Xyaqom turned sharply around with narrowed eyes, "Explain, now!"
"He'll probably wait for the opportune moment to strike again," Shiro shrugged, "Most likely when I'm alone. I doubt he'll want to mess with you again after that humiliating display."
They started hearing sirens; they turned and saw an army of police cars coming in their direction.
"Crap! I completely forgot about them!" Xyaqom muttered. He turned to face Shiro with a scowl, "You need to get out of here. If the police see you here, they will think that you caused this mess, and you'll be in a lot more hot water than you are in right now."
"Wait, you're just going to let me go?" Shiro said with shock.
"Against my better judgment," Xyaqom huffed, "Think of it as us being even. You did save Rosaira from getting killed by that lunatic. It's the least I can do."
"Thank you," Shiro nodded. "You know, you're not so bad, Xyaqom.
Xyaqom sighed as they watched Shiro run off, "Good luck, kid. You're gonna need it."
After the battle, Chao was seen in the secret hideaway he and Leon shared. He sat crossed-legged, his face wrapped in bandages. Leon sat in a chair, applying appropriate first aid with a scowl.
"You idiot!" Leon slapped Chao across the head, "The hell were you thinking? Now we have Xyaqom involved in our affair!"
Chao only muttered, staring at the wall. He couldn't talk because his face was covered in bandages. His vocal cords got messed up by Shiro's last attack.
"I told you specifically that we need to lay low in the meantime. And what did you do?" Leon growled, "You went over to Xyaqom's home and attacked him. Thanks to you, Xyaqom, and the police know about us. This operation was supposed to be done in the shadows, nobody was supposed to know about our operation, and you went out there and made us public! The opposite thing that we wanted!"
"...!" Chao only growled in frustration.
"Enough." A voice called out. A lone figure sat crossed-legged on an armchair. He rested his face on his open palm. "I wouldn't worry too much about Xyaqom. This book is far more interesting."
You couldn't see his face due to the shadows cast over him. This man tossed the book up and down, catching it every time.
"Boss!?" Leon stood up straight, "What do you mean?"
"Xyaqom has too much to worry about rather than us. Besides, as long as Chao didn't flat-out tell Xyaqom who we are and where we are hiding and didn't tell him all about us and our operation, we should be clear."
"Yes, I suppose that's true," Leon muttered.
"As long as we possess the book of Maxwell. The greatest treasure in the universe is as good as ours." The mystery man licked his lips. "And Cassandra Watersons will finally be mine to claim."
"I'm assuming you've finished translating the book, Sir?" Leon asked with open eyes.
"Indeed I have! Set across for Mundus Magicus. It's time to finally return home after all these years."
'The next time I meet that brat, I'll kill him.' Chao thought as eyes burned with anger and rage directed at the Earth as they left the planet.
Heading for Shiro's homeworld.
When the police arrived at Rosaira's mansion, the battle with Chao was long over. Jonathan, head chef of the police force, examined the place. No surprise, the home was in shambles. This Chao fellow must've been tough to leave it in this state.
"So why would this Chao person want to kill you? And what happened to Shiro? You said he was in the mansion with you, right?"
Xyaqom completely forgot that he told Jonathan that Shiro was in the mansion with him.
"Oh, right, Shiro," Xyaqom gritted his teeth, "He managed to get away during the Frey. I tried to stop Shiro from getting away, but Chao kept getting in my way. I had no choice but to fight him to defend myself."
"So, they're working together, I see." Johnathan hummed. "No doubt that when you weren't looking, he managed to call him and asked him to keep him busy while he made his escape."
"Don't ya think that's a bit unorthodox?" Xyaqom tried to reason. His plea went unheard.
"Steven!" Johnathan called out to his office.
"Okay, I guess that's a no," Xyaqom muttered.
"Yes, sir!"
"Create two arrest warrants. The following people are now wanted, Mashiro Yuuma and Chao's man. Also, Cassandra Winterson and her friends are wanted for questioning. Men! Spread out and look for them. Shiro and his three girlfriends made us all look like fools when he got bailed out. We will track him down and put him behind bars where he belongs. "
The police officers saluted and dispatched as per order. Xyaqom tried to speak up… but didn't want to overstep his boundary with Johnathan. So he couldn't help but sweatdrop at the scene.
'Welp, I've done all I can. You're on your own from here, kid.'
"Ugh," Shiro finally arrived at the park, huffed with exhaustion. And sat down on the bench. After catching his breath, he saw that the place was the exact same location he met with Cassandra on their date. "Man, what a day. I can't seem to catch a break. Some hero I turned out to be. I can't protect anyone like this. I have to get even stronger. I wonder if Cassandra is mad at me for leaving her behind. I gotta make it up to her as well."
He looked and saw the sun was about to set.
"What, the sun is already setting!? How long was I away!?"
"...!" Shiro was surprised when his phone went off. Shiro was hesitant to answer it because the police were most likely listening to his conversations. He didn't want to carelessly give away his caller ID, and to his surprise, it was Puck calling him. How weird; he hasn't called him since he left his place, and that was three years ago.
"H-Hello?" He answered nervously.
"Shiro? Thank goodness you answered! I was wor- I mean, Cassandra was worried sick about you! Where are you?!"
"Puck?" Shiro blinked at his worried tone, "Listen, I can't talk for long. The police might be listening in, but I need you to pick me up at the park."
"...Turn around. I'm already here."
Shiro slowly turned his head in disbelief as he saw Puck in all his muscular glory standing next to his car. Shiro reared up and ran towards him.
"PUCK!" He tackled the big man to the ground. And gave a big hug and cried, "Wahh! Thank god you're alright... I thought I'd never see you again!"
Puck sighed in relief, seeing Shiro alive and well, aside from the bandages wrapped around him. Puck patted Shiro on the head.
"Come on, you're not a kid anymore," Puck picked himself off the ground and removed Shiro from his shirt, "You did well fighting that assassin on your own. Let's go. Cassandra is worried sick about you."
"Yeah, I wanna see her again as well." Shiro nodded. Whipping away his tears. Shiro and Puck quickly got inside Puck's car, having Puck be the driver, and started taking off. Shiro noticed Puck was driving a different car than usual.
"This car is kind of different? What brand is it?" Shiro asked.
"It's a 1993 Saab Archive! I've owned it since I was in my twenties. The best part was made before GTS modules were installed on cars. This way, the police won't be able to track us."
"Speaking of tracking, can I see your phone?"
"Sure," Puck tossed Shiro his phone. Shiro tossed both Puck and his own phone out the window. "HEY! What was that for?! Do you know how much money I spent on that phone?!"
"We can't use them; the police can track us with them. So I'll buy you a new one when this is all over." Shiro said.
"You better," Puck grumbled. The drive was awkward and tense. Knowing full well they could be pulled over by a cop any minute.
"How's Cassandra?"
"She's a little shaken up after what happened last night, but she's fine. She was worried sick about you, though. We both tried calling you, but you weren't answering any of our messages; she was beginning to fear for the worst."
"Sorry," Shiro spoke softly. "I was probably still unconscious while you were trying to get ahold of me."
"Damn, kid!" Puck exclaimed. "That assassin must've done a number on you. What on Earth have you gotten yourself into?"
"A lot more than I bargained for, that's for damn sure," Shiro muttered.
It was a short ten-minute drive, As they arrived at Puck's little hideout. The hideout was behind his house, between two trees and some bushes, making it hard for anybody to see it. Shiro and Puck quickly looked around to see if they were followed and went inside, where Puck locked the door behind them.
"This is new!" Shiro said, completely baffled. "You've certainly been busy."
"This is more or less a bunker that I use in emergencies. In this case, this is an emergency. Hell, not even the police know about it."
"Good, that will give us some time to regroup, and then we can head out later on."
Puck blinked, trying to process Shiro's words. "Wait, head out?"
"Obviously, we can't stay here," Shiro rolled his eyes, "We're basically the most wanted in Christale city. So I suggest we lay low here for a few days, wait for everything to calm down, and then after that, we head out."
"Head out to where exactly?"
Shiro scratches his head and smiles meekly. "To England, of course."
"England!?" Puck exclaimed, "You say it like it's across town! Why don't we stop by an IHOP while at it and have a burger! Need I remind you that the police are at our tails?!"
"I could use a burger right about now," Shiro muttered and blinked, "Actually, I remember that we didn't even get to eat at the restaurant when that assassin attacked. In fact, I haven't eaten all day! I'm starving!"
"Keep me alive, and I'll serve you my famous beef stew," Puck grumbled.
Shiro's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "Deal!
"Can you at least tell me why we're traveling halfway across the world?" Puck let out a deep sigh.
"Oh, it's just the usual, personal vendettas, assassins… And possibly the greatest treasure in the known universe," Shiro quickly whispered the last part.
"Is that a joke?" Puck retorted, "Things can never be that simple with you, can it?
"If only you knew what's really at stake," Shiro's shoulders slumped. "It's a lot bigger than jail time. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother branding myself as a criminal."
"You really know when to give me a headache, do you?" Puck sighs, "Come on, the girls are waiting for you this way."
Puck led Shiro to Cassandra, who was in the somewhat living quarters of the bunker, where he saw Cassandra along with Christina and Alyssa. Cassandra was still wearing her dark blue summer dress with white flowers and dark blue flip-flops last night. The dress only came down slightly below her hips, showing off her amazing thighs and legs and half of her cleavage.
"Y-Yo," Shiro nervously laughed, "Knock, knock. How's it hanging?"
The girls turn around and see Shiro, and Cassandra teared up as soon as she saw Shiro.
"Shiro!" Cassandra immediately ran towards Shiro and tackled him to the floor while giving him a big hug. All while pushing her breasts into his chest. Her summer dress rose up to her mid-upper back, showing her amazing middle-size butt. Here, we see her purple panties can barely cover her ass. Her flip-flops flew off her feet, making them bare, her breasts pushed onto Shiro's upper chest, and her crotch rubbed on Shiro's. We see that Cassandra's purple panties could only cover the bottom quarter of her butt, which meant that the upper three-quarters of her butt was completely bare for us to see, and the three-quarters of her butt cheeks were also showing for us.
"AH! Cassandra!" Shiro was trying his best not to get an erection. Instead, he could feel her breasts pushing on his chest and her crotch pushing on his.
Shiro could feel Cassandra's crotch rubbing on his. Shiro tries to ignore the feeling, but her body feels amazing. It wasn't long until Shiro got hard, and his dent was pushing on her crotch. Cassandra moaned lightly when she felt his hard-on push up on her pussy. Cassandra was fully aware that she made Shiro hard, but she kept her crotch on Shiro's.
"I was so worried about you! We all tried to call you, but you weren't answering our calls. We are all beginning to fear for the worst."
"Um, sorry for making you worry, Cassandra," Shiro flushed red.
"Um, correction," Puck interjected. "YOU feared for the worst; the rest of us didn't care."
"I second that notion," Christina chimed in with a monotone voice.
"Wow, really, guys?" Alyssa's eyes twitched, "Do you really have to be that cold?"
"Thanks, Alyssa," Shiro rolled his eyes, "I'm feeling all the love right now."
Shiro then grabs Cassandra by the back and shifts back up on his feet but feels that her back is softer and squishy than it should be. She began to squeeze it and move it. That's when he realized he had accidentally grabbed her butt by accident. Feeling Shiro grabbing her butt hard made Cassandra flush red, and we see that Shiro spread her butt as far as he could and see that her panties barely covered her now exposed anus. No one seemed to notice as their back was turned towards the door. Shiro quickly winced and found a chair to sit down on. Cassandra was kind enough to help. She flashed a smile and wink.
"Thank you, Cassandra," Shiro flushed nervously and coughed to clear his throat, "Now, to answer your question, I wasn't answering any of your calls because I was knocked out for most of the day after Chao, the assassin, attacked. In fact, I just regained consciousness a little over an hour ago. And what an hour that was."
"Woah, seriously?! Have you JUST regained consciousness? That assassin must have done a number on you," Alyssa exclaimed.
"Yeah, No kidding," Shiro muttered.
"Plus, no later after he woke up, he was attacked again by that same assassin," Puck added.
"Why would he have attacked you again?" Christina commented.
"Yeah, I thought I was his target," Cassandra added.
"Apparently, he believes that I know the man's location who destroyed my home planet,'' Shiro scoffed, "Even if I did know that information, I wouldn't tell him. That bastard is mine to kill and mine alone. Thankfully, though, Xyaqom was there when Chao attacked again, and he sent him packing. It's too bad that he couldn't kill him, though; that would have taken a weight off my shoulders. Plus, he's still mad at me for getting in the way of him killing Cassandra. He must have figured that killing Cassandra would be a cakewalk if he killed me first. But he didn't think that Xyaqom would get involved."
"Well, if he does decide to show his face again, we'll be ready. I'm not going to let him go near Cassandra!" Christina said ominously.
"Yeah, good luck with that," Shiro snorted.
"You question my skill?" Christina fumed.
"No, it's not that," Shiro chuckled, "It's just that he's an alien, and you're an Earthling, plus he's able to use magic, so I'll let you figure the rest out."
"Says the same person as strong as an Earthling," Christina snarls.
"Wow..." Shiro blinked, "Okay, that's a fair point."
"So," Alyssa interjected, "Where is the book?"
"You do still have it, right?" Cassandra commented.
"...I lost it," Shiro admitted.
"WHAT?!" The girls shouted in unions.
"HOW COULD YOU LOSE IT!" Alyssa fumed.
"It's not a matter of losing it," Shiro rubbed his head, "It was more like I was robbed. Put it simply, I was fighting Chao, but then an old friend of mine- who I thought died back in the destruction of our home planet, showed up out of nowhere and tag-teamed with Chao and almost killed me. He took the book while I was unconscious."
"No! All that planning! All to waste!" Cassandra groaned into her hand.
"Now, we'll never be able to get the treasure," Christina sighed.
"Not exactly." Shiro chimed in.
"Huh?" Asked the girls.
"You see, the day before, I asked Cassandra out on da-" Shiro paused, "I mean, outing, I was able to translate a section of the book. And in that section, I was able to find out the location of the Maxwell treasure. And I can't believe it myself, but it's all the way back on my home planet."
"Are you serious?!" Alyssa exclaimed.
"It's all the way on your home planet?!" Cassandra gasps.
"We were all led to believe that it was on Earth this whole time!" Christina groans.
"Nope, it's on my home planet somewhere," Shiro trailed off, "Well, assuming it's still there after its destruction. Although, I never thought I would go back there after these last few years.
"But that's amazing news." Cassandra's eyes sparkled, "That means we still have a chance! But, how are we going to get to your home planet?!"
"I might know a solution," Shiro hummed.
"...!" Everyone was startled by a loud noise. One by one, The girls and Puck all stared at its source. Shiro smiled. He had enough decency to look sheepishly.
"But first an intermission," Shiro laughed. "I need to get something to eat because I am starving! Yo, Puck, cook me one of your famous beef stews; I'm starving here!"
"You brat, mind your manners!" Puck scowled.
"Actually, I could eat something right now, too, "Cassandra admitted.
"Me too," Alyssa chimed in.
"I as well," Christina nodded.
Shiro only looked at a Puck with a triumphant smirk. Puck grumbles, walking into the kitchen.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm on it."
After some time passed, Shiro and the girls ate some beef stew at the Round Table. When Cassandra and Alyssa sat down, their dresses/skirts moved up above their hips and panties and kept their legs open, showing their amazingly soft and smooth thighs and legs.
"Oh man, that really hit the spot!" Shiro patted his stomach.
"Wow, you were hungry," Cassandra spoke with amusement.
"That's what happens when you haven't eaten for over twenty-four hours," He grinned.
"So, Shiro, do you mind sharing the plan for reaching your home planet?" Alyssa started up.
"Yes, I don't think any Earth ships are powerful enough to travel long-distance space," Christina added.
Puck, who was washing dishes, hummed with an agreement.
"Ah, yes," Shiro leaned back, "Now that I have something in my stomach, I can better explain it to you. But before I explain, I must ask, are you girls familiar with the Stonehenge in England?
"Yes…" Cassandra nodded. "What about them?"
"In the old days, before my homeworld was attacked. The old wizard in my homeworld made the Stonehenges worldwide a teleportation device in emergencies. The high amount of visitors would take energy from the people visiting the Stonehenges, and it gathers energy over time. Although, just enough so it can act as a portal to other planets, like my home planet, for example. But, there is a setback; it only builds and gathers energy for a Month before it disperses and gathers again. So there is a time limit for them." Shiro explained.
"Wow," Cassandra was fascinated.
"But how does it gather energy?" Alyssa asked.
"By just having people near it. It only takes a small amount of energy from people to function as a portal. The energy taken from them is so small that they don't even notice it. However, it's not a vessel that contains energy, so it has to USE the energy or RELEASE it back to the people. It's not designed to keep the energy for itself, unfortunately. So after it releases the energy, it needs at least a month to recharge again and start gathering the energy required to make a portal again. That is why timing is crucial."
"But how will we know when it's ready to be used?" Cassandra asked.
"As long as we get there by the month, we'll be good," Shiro explained. "A day after the end of the month, even if it's after midnight in their time zone, we're screwed. Speaking of which, what's the date today?"
"It's…" Cassandra checked her phone. "September 23rd."
"Okay, that's good. We have plenty of time."
"But why only the Stonehenge in England?" Christina asked. "There are plenty of other Stonehenges around the world. Why can't we use those?"
"Because the Stonehenge in England is more popular than other Stonehenges. Therefore, it has many more people and gathers a lot more energy. Even if we went to other Stonehenges, the energy that they'd gather wouldn't be enough to make a portal even during the one-month time limit. Therefore, we NEED to go to the one in England. And possibly give it some of my magic to give it the energy required to create a portal," said Shiro.
"When should we head out, Shiro?" Cassandra asked.
"Well, we should wait until everything calms down since the police are still out in force. We should lay low down here for a few days and then head out."
"Wait, what's going on with the police?" Alyssa interjected.
"Oh yeah," Shiro chuckled, "You probably don't know, do you? We've managed to become the most wanted criminals in Christale City."
"WHAT?!" The girls shouted once again.
"How is that possible?!" Christina demanded.
"Because the police managed to get their hands on the unedited footage on the night of the robbery," Shiro recalled.
"What!? But how?!" Cassandra exclaimed.
"Xyaqom, that's how," Shiro scowled.
"XYAQOM?!" Man, the girls are really in sync today.
"Yeah, it turns out that Xyaqom and Chief Livings are sore losers that I managed to escape from jail time after the night of the robbery. So they went out of their way to get the original footage and use that as evidence. To make matters worse, Hanks was arrested for tampering with evidence, so we won't be able to use him as a get-out-of-jail-for-free card."
"Damn it, this can't be happening!" Cassandra cried out.
"The best we can do now is lay low for the time being," Puck called out from the kitchen.
"Yeah. By the way, I've meant to ask you, girls, this question, but I never got the chance to. But now that we're all here together and that we're going to be spending the next few days down here, I think now is the best time for me to ask you, girls, this, why did you girls want me to steal that book?" Asked Shiro.
The girls were shocked that Shiro would ask them that question. They never thought he would. Cassandra looked at her friends to see if it was okay to tell him. They both nod at her since they may as well tell him why they wanted him to steal the book.
"It's because we're going broke," Cassandra admitted.
"What!?" Shiro exclaimed, "Seriously!?"
"Yes," Cassandra nodded. "About a year ago, I met a man named Lex. We met each other at the park. We grew fond of each other. At least, I was anyway. After a month, we met, and we dated. I actually thought we loved each other. But then, everything changed two months ago."
"What happened?"
"About two months ago," Cassandra explained, "He and an employee got into a fight. Since there was no violence in the house, my father would fire the guy. But it turns out that he switched the contracts while he wasn't looking. When my father signed the contract, he thought he was firing the man who started the fight, but instead, he signed the contract as an agreement to give eighty percent of his wealth to Lex."
"What a scum move!" Shiro scowled, "Did your father ever find out?"
"Yes, he did," Cassandra nodded. "Twenty-four hours after he signed the contract, he noticed that his wealth was gone, so he contacted the bank to know what was going on, and the bank told him that he signed a contract to give eighty percent of his wealth to Lex. That's when my father found out he was tricked."
"Did your father sue him over this?"
"Yes, he did, but the court ruled in Lex's favor. The judge told him that if he wanted to renew the case, he would have to pay the court two million dollars, money he couldn't afford. Lex even convinced the judge to exile him from the city."
"What!? How!?" Shiro said, completely baffled.
"We are convinced that Lex bribed the judge," Cassandra said.
"Bribery," Shiro muttered.
"Lex and my dad never got along," Cassandra admitted, "He always told me that I needed to break up with him, and yet I never knew why he wanted me, but now I know."
"Wait, he never told you why you need to break up with him?" Shiro asked.
"No, he didn't," She shook her head.
"If he did tell you, would you have broken up with him?"
"I don't think I would. I was blinded by love, and I doubt I would listen to him until it was too late."
"I've heard that Earth has this saying, love can blind you. It must've been hard on you. Sorry to hear that…." Shiro's eyes narrowed when I recalled Lex's name. "Hmm, but where have I heard that name before?"
"Name?" Cassandra tilted her head. "What name?
"Huh?" Shiro blinked before waving his hand. "Oh no, it's nothing, really. I'm just trying to plan our route out of this city."
"Oh, okay." Cassandra nodded, "Anyways, that's why we hired you to steal the book. We want to use The Wealth of that treasure to hopefully undo Lex's damage and bring my father back to the city."
"I see," Shiro nodded. "Now that I think about it, I think it all makes sense now."
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"The assassin that attacked us yesterday," Shiro reminded her, "Your ex-boyfriend must've hired Chao to kill you to cover up loose ends and steal that book. But what I would like to know is how he could hire an assassin that isn't even from Earth? The only way he can hire a galactic assassin is if-"
"Wait, are you suggesting that Lex was an alien?!" Cassandra interrupted.
"...It's quite a possibility, yes," Shiro answered carefully.
"Woah…" Cassandra whispered under her breath.
"Either way," Shiro motioned, "Your ex is either an alien or probably has connections with aliens himself. Those are the only explanations on why he has that Galactic assassin with him and a former friend of mine."
"A friend?" Cassandra and the girls leaned incuriously. For as long as they knew Shiro, he was always alone.
"Yes," Shiro nodded, "I thought he died like the rest of my face after all these years. I was the only one left. But it turns out that he was alive this whole time. To make matters worse, he's in cahoots with Chao, and there's no doubt that he is probably working with Lex."
"But I don't understand. Why?" Cassandra asked.
"Who knows," Shiro shrugged, "What I do know is that trying to get the book back now isn't going to be easy from this point on. Plus, if Lex wanted my friend to steal the book of Maxwell, then maybe he has a connection to my homeworld somehow."
"Anyways," Puck interjected. The dishes were finally clean, and he whipped his hands with some napkins, "You can get some rest; it's going to be a long day tomorrow."
"And what exactly are we doing tomorrow?" Shiro raised an eyebrow. "We have to lay low from the police, remember?"
"This place isn't going to clean itself, now is it?" Puck grinned.
Shiro looked around the bunker. It was as big as a small apartment. But because of how long it's been since it's last been used. It wasn't exactly up to standards.
"...Oh, fuck-"
"Speaking of cleaning," Cassandra quickly interrupted. She can already see the fumes emanating from Shiro, "Does this place have showers?"
"It does," Puck nodded. "But it's nowhere near as fancy as your shower."
"It will have to do then," Cassandra stood up. "I need a shower before I go to bed."
Christina and Alyssa stood up as well, following Cassandra to the bathroom.
"Huh, where are you girls going?" Shiro asked.
"Where do you think?" Alyssa motioned to Cassandra, "We're going to have a shower with her. That way, we can save on hot water.
"You better not peek at us," Christina threatened.
"Come on," Shiro sighed, "You should know that I'm not a pervert by now."
Christina scowled and pushed Alyssa into the shower that Cassandra went into.
Later that night, Shiro was ready to turn in for the night. He flexes his arm muscles and rolls his shoulders. He was surprised when his injuries mostly healed from his battle with Chao. He thought he would be a mummy for a few more days, at the very least.
"...!" There was a sound of knocking coming from his doorway.
"Yeah," Shiro spoke nonchalantly. "Come in."
"Um... Shiro?" Cassandra spoke nervously, walking into his room. However, she and her friends did have a shower. They had nothing else to wear besides their clothes before, so Puck offered some of his oversized shirts as compensation. The two buns on her head were normally kept tied by a small ribbon, which was no longer present. So her hair was loose. Never before had he seen her hair so casually fall to her waist side. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on.
"Cassandra," Shiro leaned back. "What's up?"
Cassandra's face flushes red as seeing Shiro's naked torso. While he didn't have any muscular six-pack, like most jocks at school, they loved to flex while hitting on her. However, Shiro had more of an athletic lean build, as you would see in a marathon runner.
"Um..," She stuttered. "I never got a chance to thank you for saving me from that would-be assassin. So, thank you."
"No problem," Shiro laughed nervously. "It's the least I can do."
"You've done so much for me already, more than I can ever repay you." She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him in a hug.
"It's really nothing," Shiro blushed, feeling her breast pressed against him. "I'm sure anyone else would've done the same…."
"Really?" Cassandra doubted. "Anyone would fight an assailant that can cut through anything like butter on my behalf?"
"...Under normal circumstances, I'm sure anyone can calmly assess the situation and come up with a counter-strategy that doesn't involve running away…." Shiro trailed off. "Okay, maybe I'm just the weird one."
"And it thanks to that weirdness," Shiro's eyes widened as he felt her lips pressed to his for a gentle kiss. It was filled with passion and gratitude. These emotions he had never felt before were being directed at him through Cassandra. She pulled back and smiled, "That I've fallen in love with you, Mashiro Yuuma."
"Eh!?" Shiro tried to form words, but all he mustered was gawking and pointing at himself. "Ehhh…..!?"
"I know it's sudden," Cassandra giggled, seeing Shiro's speechless expression. "There won't be any time to settle down while we're on the trip. I'm willing to wait for a response in the meantime. I do hope you return my feelings someday ~."
She laughed and swayed her hips, showing off what she had to offer as she closed the door.
Needless to say, the following morning. Shiro didn't get an ounce of sleep.
To Be Continued...
Note: Hey guys, it's me, Xyaqom. I'm really sorry for the late update. I've been going through a lot in my personal life, and a lot of stuff has been on my mind. So much so, that I completely for to launch this chapter. In fact, it didn't cross my mind until today! I'm very sorry about that, especially to you, Axel, and Alvin D-Rod.
Now, as for the next chapter of Drogons Rebirth, since we are reaching the end of the month, and since updates are going to be weird for October, the next chapter of Drogons Rebirth will be launched on October 7th, 2023. So be on the lookout for that.
Anyways, that's all I wanted to say. Again, sorry for the late update, and I'll see you on the 7th of October.
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