Drogons Rebirth | By : Xyaqom Category: -Misc Anime > AU - Alternate Universe Views: 1529 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: You must be 18+ to read this story. I do not own To Love Ru or any of its characters. I also do not make any money/profit while I make this story. |
Note: Today is April 1st, 2024. That means that Drogons Rebirth is two years old. This also means my first-ever story, Drogons, is seven years old. How time has flown by. I do want to thank you all for sticking with me and my stories for this long. Of course, I wouldn't have made it this far without my two good friends, Alvin D-Rod and Axel Emiya. If I hadn't them all the way back in 2017, I'm not sure Drogons Rebirth would have existed. In fact, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have completed the original Drogons at all. So thank you, Alvin D-Rod and Axel Emiya, for keeping me motivated and helping me with ideas, the chapters, etc. So please check out their stories after reading this chapter.
If I'm being honest with you, since Easter came early this year, I debated launching this chapter of Drogons Rebirth on Easter Sunday or Easter Monday. Ultimately, I decided to launch this chapter on Easter Monday since Easter Monday and Drogons share the same day. So think of this chapter of both a birthday and Easter Chapter.
As for this chapter, we will have some fun with Brad and Scarlet and see them get into mischief. What do I mean by that? You'll have to find out as you continue reading this chapter.
With no further ado, let's get started on this chapter.
Warning: This story is NOT for readers under the age of eighteen. The story will have coarse language, violence, nudity (including the private parts), and sexual scenes. (Including sex scenes). The story will explain a character's surroundings in great detail, especially with a person's body. If you are not over eighteen or do not like these things in a story, please do not read this book/story. You have been warned.
Chapter Twenty-Nine:
September 28th, 2017:
Reality Or Fantasy:
Brad opens his eyes and sees that he's in the same grasslands again from his dreams. His thoughts brought many questions about where he was and how he got here in the first place.
"This place again? How come I keep coming back here?" Asked Brad to himself.
"Ev'ooy emoc ekab ot em," said a voice. It was that same voice he heard the first time; it was very faint, and he couldn't quite make it out.
Brad begins to recognize the language being Ancient Drogons as he walks forward, his mind filled with thoughts about where he learned or how he knew about it.
"Do you know me? Do you understand me?" Asked Brad to the voice.
The Midnight Blue Dragon with a white underbelly and underwings and golden eyes. She walked over to Brad's location and was happy to see him or meet her partner for the first time. However, Brad also noticed that this Dragon was transparent.
"Sa hcum sa I dluow Evol ot klat ot uoy, re',uoy ton gnorst hguone ot ees em yraec tey," said the Dragon.
Sadly, Brad couldn't understand a word that this Dragon said, "Wait, I don't understand what you're trying to say," said Brad. But before Brad could get any answers, everything began to go white, meaning Brad was waking up.
After he got up, he began to get dressed.
Brad sees Ashley's school uniform as he goes over to place his shoulder, then turns her around, and Ashley turns deep red because Brad is doing something unexpected with her. He fixes a dark red tie at the middle of her shirt, and Brad pulls away.
"Wow, you two act like a married couple," Katherine teasingly responds to Brad and Ashley.
Ashley and Brad turned around and saw Katherine was wearing her school uniform shirt and only her school uniform shirt, which was unbuttoned. Brad's face turned dark red, and seeing burst out of his head to see Katherine like this, and Ashley's eyes turned into stars.
"Katherine, where's the rest of your uniform?!" Asked Brad in shock.
"Oh, it's my bedroom, but what are you two doing?" Katherine asks them teasingly because she knows that Brad and Ashley act like a married couple.
"NOTHING!" Both Brad and Ashley took a step back from each other.
"I'm just fixing her tie inside of the shirt." Brad gives his answer to Ashley, but he goes out of the room. "I'm going to go and see if Scarlet is ready?" He told them with a comfortable voice as he left the girls.
"Okay, don't be up there for too long," teased Katherine with a wink.
Brad blushed hard as he left Scarlet's room. "Scarlet, are you up… yet." Brad asked her in a nervous voice, and he couldn't believe that he saw Scarlet only wearing a white button shirt with only two buttons now, not even covering her breasts and nipples.
"Brad, is that you?" Asked Scarlet.
"Yes, it is," Brad responds to her nervously, and he looks away from her. Scarlet pulls Brad to her, where he lands face-first into her 36DDD-sized breasts.
Brad was blushing deeply, and he was pulling out of her breasts. "Scarlet, we don't have time for this. Besides we have school," Brad responds to Scarlet, and he can tell they are close to kissing one another as it is alright to do it inside Brad's mind.
"Sorry, all I wanted to do was hug you. I guess I used too much strength," said Scarlet, trying to regain her composure since she was slowly getting horny.
"It's fine," Brad says to Scarlet, pulling away from her and looking into her eyes.
"Is there something you need?" Asked Scarlet, looking into Brad's eyes.
"I came to get you and see if you are ready for school?" Brad asks her. He strokes her hair comfortably with a warm smile. They begin to close into each other, about to kiss, until...
"Just fuck already!" Said Katherine, just outside Brad's bedroom.
Brad and Scarlet were surprised by the announcement from the door as they pulled away because they wouldn't do it without someone telling them.
"Dammit, Katherine, get out of here!" Shouted Brad.
"Woop Woop Woop," said Katherine as she hurried off.
Brad and Scarlet were nervous around each other as they weren't ready to do it since the moment was gone.
"S-Sorry about that," said Brad in a nervous tone.
"It's fine, but our moment was ruined too," Scarlet tells him, her breasts bouncing.
"Yeah, it was," said Brad, sounding disappointed, but Brad quickly shook off the feeling, "Anyways, hurry up and put your clothes on. Breakfast will be ready any minute," said Brad as he turned to leave his room
"Hey, Brad?" Asked Scarlet in a curious tone.
"Yes, what is it?" Brad asks her, as he is curious too.
"Do you remember that promise you made last night?" Asked Scarlet
"Yes, of course. We'll meet at the library during lunch break to help you improve your English," said Brad confidently.
Scarlet nods at Brad for the promise, and they look like they will kiss one another, but Brad pulls out of it.
"Oh yes, before I forget, I have a favor to ask of you," said Brad.
"What is it?" Scarlet asked him, which she hoped would do quickly since she was getting horny now.
"Can you please teach me how to speak Drogon?" Asked Brad, catching Scarlet off guard.
"Can I ask why?" Asked Scarlet in a curious tone.
"Oh, well... I figured it would be the best way to get closer to you if I were to speak your language," said Brad in a convincing tone.
He wouldn't tell her he heard voices in his head and wanted to understand the language to understand what the voices were saying. Scarlet would think Brad was crazy if he told her that.
"Very well," Scarlet says to Brad as she takes the challenge to help him, her breasts bouncing slightly for his enjoyment.
Brad does think about grabbing Scarlet's breasts and moving them around. But he shakes that idea, knowing what that will lead to if he does. Brad simply nods at Scarlet and leaves the room to change into her school uniform. Parts of Brad wanted to feel Scarlet up and maybe kiss her, but he decided against it.
"Did you like the show?" Asked Katherine, sneaking up on Brad.
"Katherine, well, Scarlet isn't like the other girls," Brad told her softly.
"What do you mean?" Asked Katherine in a curious tone.
"I mean, it's not like she's going to want to do it with me," Brad tells her.
"Are you sure about that?" Asked Katherine in a teasing tone.
"Yes, I am sure," Brad told her, which he didn't believe Scarlet liked him that way.
"You know, there will come a time when you won't be able to deny it," said Katherine.
"Deny what?" Brad was asking her.
"You'll find out eventually. Hopefully, it won't be too late by then," said Katherine, taking her to leave. Brad shakes his head off, figuring out what she meant by it.
"Breakfast is ready!" Said Ashley from the kitchen.
Everyone begins to go to the dining room to eat breakfast, "Man, this is good. I feel like I haven't eaten in days," said Katherine as she ate breakfast.
"This tastes amazing," Scarlet responds to Ashley softly as she is happy to have it again.
"Why thank you," giggled Ashley as her cooking was praised.
Brad gives her a thumbs up because she always knows how to cook a good meal with a warm smile.
"Man, I wish I knew how to cook as well as this," Scarlet said while eating her food.
"Maybe Ashley and I can give you lessons on how to cook. Besides, you might win Brad's affection too." Katherine tells Scarlet with a teasing tone. Both of them are bright red now.
"Sure, I would love to teach you," Ashley told Scarlet.
Brad was slightly nervous, but his affection for Scarlet was slowly developing. It would take time to say he loved her. He did admit that he likes her as a friend, but that's it. However, knowing how he sometimes acts, he might also like her as a beneficial friend.
"Well, it's almost time for school, so let us go now," Brad told her, relaxed as he got up.
"Okay," said Scarlet, standing up, making her breasts bounce.
Brad glanced at them bouncing and enjoyed the sight, but he didn't stare at them for too long.
"Right, let's go," said Katherine as she stood up, making her breasts bounce.
Brad turns his glances at Katherine's bouncing breasts. He turns away from the sight of them.
'Damn it, these girls will be making me horny before I get to school,' said Brad in his thoughts.
Brad begins to get his things for school as he continues his way out of the house.
"Hey Brad, wait up," said Scarlet as Katherine and Ashley ran to Brad to catch up to him.
"Let us hurry up. We don't want to be late," Brad told them smoothly and smiled gently.
"Okay," said the girls as they caught up with them.
Brad walks to the side of Katherine and Scarlet as he can see their breasts bouncing, and he shakes his head at the idea, for he is not trying to catch himself before he does something.
"Hey Ashley," said Lily, walking to the group.
Brad raised an eyebrow when he saw Lily because he noticed her breasts were bigger than the last time, almost to Katherine's size. Brad shakes his head away because Lily belongs to Ashley.
"Lily, what happened to you?" Asked Scarlet, noticing that Lily's breasts were much bigger than hers.
"Well, you can say I wanted to look up how to make them bigger," Lily responds.
'Wow, what that guy said to her must've hurt her. Right to the point where she resorted to stuffing her bra,' said Brad in his thoughts.
"You don't have to worry about people's opinions. What matters is your own opinion," Brad told the girls with a firm tone, trying to get them not to worry about their appearances because he loves them the way they are now. Brad turns to see Katherine, Ashley, Lily, and Scarlet, surprised at what Brad says about them. "What?" Brad asks them to try to see what is wrong with them.
"I... I.. I... I just," That's when Lily begins to cry.
"Lily, why are you crying?" Brad asks her, hoping he didn't do anything wrong.
"It's just that what that guy said to me the other day hurt me. I'm already subconscious about my boobs as is. I don't want to make it any worse," cried Lily.
"Don't worry, Lily, and I'll show that bastard what happens if he makes fun of a girl's breasts. A man has no say on what size a girl's chest should and shouldn't be," said Ashley, pissed off but determined.
Brad went over to Lily and hugged her to comfort her. She was surprised by the hug as she was enjoying it. Lily hugs him back because she can tell that Brad is not a pervert, but he is her best friend.
"You don't have to worry. Besides, we love the usual you, Lily, and nothing is ever going to change that," Brad told her confidently. Lily doesn't need anybody to tell her she needs to change herself because someone doesn't like her that way.
*Sniff* "Thanks, Brad, everyone," said Lily.
"Now, let's get those tissues out of your bra," said Ashley.
Brad blushes deeply and turns away from the sight because he will not be a pervert now. Ashley then removed the tissues from Lily's bra, reverting her breasts to normal. Lily looks over at Brad, thinking she should pay him back. Then her thoughts brought back how they had sex once, and then maybe they could do it to say thank you.
"Anyways, you girls ready?" Asked Brad.
"Yes, we are," Katherine responds to them.
"By the way, Lily, you know the name of that punk who insulted you about your boobs?" Asked Ashley.
"I think his name was Howard," said Lily.
Brad thinks about tricking him into the room and making him pay for the insults he tells Lily. Ashley was also thinking the same thing.
'Nobody makes my Lily cry and gets away with it!' Ashley said in her angry thoughts.
Brad and Ashley smile at each other to get this guy for Lily's sake as they do a fist bump.
"What was that about?" Asked Scarlet in a confused tone.
"I have no idea, or maybe they are thinking about who will get to have you tonight," Katherine says to Scarlet in a teasing tone, which makes Scarlet blush dark red. She didn't know she wanted Brad or Ashley more.
"Oh, come on. Besides, I think you want Brad and Ashley because you love them equally, right?" Lily asks Scarlet with a soft tone. This only made a steam burst from Scarlet's head and almost faint.
"I think we broke her," Katherine told her best friend about Scarlet's blushing red expression after catching her.
"Yes, I think so too," giggled Lily.
Brad and Ashley went ahead to find Howard. They see him picking on other girls as well.
Howard is a brown-haired guy with dark blue eyes. His height is 5'9, and his weight is 179 pounds. His outfit is a blue buttoned shirt, long black pants, and black shoes.
"That's gotta be him," said Brad to Ashley
"Yes, that's him," Ashley responds to her brother.
"Okay, I'll go and..."
"No, I'll go," said Ashley, stopping Brad, "This is a girl problem. It needs to be resolved by a girl. And I'm the one to do it," said Ashley to Brad.
"We'll just don't do anything crazy, sis," Brad confidently told her about her tricky abilities.
"I keep no promises," said Ashley, walking over to Howard.
Meanwhile, Howard had a girl cornered at a nearby shop and scolded her for having small boobs.
"Seriously! Flat Chested Girls like you give girls a bad name! In fact, flat-chested girls don't deserve to live!" Shouted Howard to the girl.
"AHEM!" Shouted Ashley behind Howard.
"Oh, what do you want?" Howard says to Ashley that he likes to see Ashley's bouncing breasts.
"I couldn't help but notice you berating that girl for the size of her boobs," Ashley said angrily.
"Yes, I am, but I have to say your breasts are incredible set to see," Howard told her with a soft tone.
"Let me ask you something. Do you know of a girl named Lily Pinpork?" Asked Ashley in an angry tone.
"What if I said yes," Howard responds to her.
"Then I would have to beat you up for berating her for her boobs," said Ashley; this only made Howard laugh.
Howard thinks this is a big joke since he wasn't taking it seriously. But then, Howard found himself unable to breathe. Brad shakes his head because Ashley is strong in brute strength. But when it came to technique, like holding people to their will, Ashley was the master.
Brad lays back to look at Ashley, thinking she had enough fun beating Howard up.
"Okay, Ashley, I think he's had enough," said Brad.
"You think so?" Ashley was asking her brother to see if Howard was a mess now.
"Yes, I think he's learned his lesson," said Brad, and Ashley's hands were covered in blood. Howard's blood, not hers.
Brad walks over and picks Howard up, "Now I'm going to slap some sense into him." As Brad slaps him hard and fast, he says that Ashley, Katherine, and Lily are laughing their skirts off, especially Scarlet.
"Oh my God, that's too funny," laughed Scarlet.
"I think he should have learned his lesson now," Brad told the girls.
"Well, have you?!" Asked Ashley to Howard, threatening Howard to beat him up again.
Howard can only nod as the ambulance shows up, and then they take him away as they say, "Help damaged! Help damaged!" Brad and the girls can't believe it, but they laugh slightly about the words they are only saying.
"Who called the ambulance?" Asked Brad in a confused tone.
The girls shrugged their shoulders as they went to the classroom. Brad could tell that Scarl had forgotten to put panties on.
'Does Scarlet not like wearing panties? I will have to ask her later on when we're alone,' Brad thought.
Brad shakes his head away from trying to get rid of the idea of Scarlet wearing her panties, but he has to admit he does love seeing her amazing bubble-shaped butt and pussy.
'No, stop it! Not now!' Said Brad in his thoughts while shaking his head to get any perverted thoughts out.
Ashley looks at her brother. She worries about Brad's feelings for Scarlet since they have deep feelings for each other, but they will not admit it. It would be a while before they dared admit their feelings for each other, to Ashley's dismay. The real question is whether they will kiss or make love with one another, but Brad is not going to do anything extreme with Scarlet, just not yet.
Soon, they arrived at school, and we saw that Shelley was about to step foot into the gates leading to the school. And if we looked up at her skirt, we saw that she was wearing light purple panties today, which barely covered her amazing bubble-shaped butt.
"Hey Shelley," said Brad, waving to her.
"Brad, Hi there," Shelley told her softly.
"How's it going?" Asked Brad as he and the girls walked up to her.
"I'm doing good, and yourself?" Shelley says with a gentle voice and expression as her arms push her breasts together, making her slightly nervous around Brad.
"I have to say, Shelley, you've changed a lot, and I'm not talking about the size of your boobs," said Ashley.
"I have?" Shelley didn't understand what she might say by those words.
"Yes, you're not as mean as you were back then," said Katherine to Shelley.
"Does it have something to do with "That day?" Asked Lily, talking about the day that Ron Knox kidnapped them
"I don't know what you're talking about. If I were you, I'd keep those comments to yourself. That's a day I wish not to remember, and I want to keep it behind me," said Shelley to Lily.
"So you're saying you're completely ungrateful for Brad saving you that day?" Asked Ashley to Shelley.
"I NEVER SAID THAT! DON'T PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH!" Shouted Shelley to Ashley.
"Or maybe you should think about trying to say what you want from Brad because it seems like you want something from him!?" Ashley tells her.
"I don't know where you're getting that wild imagination from, but it needs to stop!" Shouted Shelley to Ashley.
"Oh, maybe I should keep Brad away from you since you don't like him that way," Ashley tells Shelley, confident that Shelley will not tell Brad about her growing feelings for him.
"Will you knock it off?!" Shouted Shelley to Ashley.
"Okay, Ashley, stop teasing Shelley. You're only going to keep pissing her off," said Brad to Ashley, trying not to laugh and pulling the two away.
Brad felt squishy, and he turned to see his right hand had a handful of Shelley's breast.
"Wow, so bold of you, Brad," said Lily and Katherine when Brad grabbed Shelley's breast.
"I'm very sorry, Shelley!" Brad pulls his hand and tells her that his cheeks turn deep red.
"It's... It's fine," said Shelley, blushing.
Scarlet was quite jealous. She wished that it was her that Brad grabbed, not Shelley.
"Maybe you should let him feel you bare, Scarlet." Katherine was telling Scarlet with a soft tone.
"Huh?! Why would you say that?!" Asked Scarlet as her face turned red.
"Well, I can tell you are jealous," Katherine responds to her.
"No, I'm not," said Scarlet as she looked away from her while blushing hard.
Brad and Shelley look at each other, and Shelley breaks the silence, "So how's your manga coming along?" She asks him.
"Oh, crap. I haven't been able to work on it for a few days. The last few days have been crazy for me," said Brad.
"I see… Well, I was wondering if you like some help with it?" Shelley asks him.
"Sure, I would like that," said Brad, and an angry tick appeared over Scarlet's head.
"Great, and I believe I have a new idea that might spark your interest in your story, too," Shelley says as Brad sees her breasts bounce lightly.
"And what would that be?" Asked Brad, now curious.
"Well, how about the main character, who's a Bounty Hunter?" Shelley says this sparks Brad's interest, which the girls can't believe because it seems like Brad and Shelley are acting like boyfriend and girlfriend without realizing it.
"Wow, I never thought of that," said Brad with stars in his eyes.
"You are incredible at making ideas, Shelley," Brad continued to talk as he took off her hands with his own.
"Wait, if you want, I can..." Before Scarlet could finish, Ashley stopped her.
"Ashley, why did you stop me?" Scarlet asked Ashley.
"They're currently having a breakthrough right now. You don't want to ruin that by butting in, do you?" Asked Ashley.
"Hehe, you said butt," said Lily.
"Oh, grow up, Lily," said Ashley, leaving Lily with a smug look.
"Um... Right." Scarlet responds to Ashley as Brad and Shelley work out the character's background, and the school bell will ring soon.
"Hey Brad, would you like to come to my place today so we can talk more about it?" Shelley asked him with an intense red expression, which the girls could not believe since Shelley had never invited anyone to her house before.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Shelley. I'd love to, but I promised Scarlet yesterday that I would help her with her English after school. Perhaps we can reschedule?" Brad asked.
"Yes, we can... Maybe how about this weekend?" Shelley responds to him with a comfortable voice, but she does want to spend a little time with Brad. She placed his hands with her own as she enjoyed his comfortable and warm hands.
"Oh? This weekend? Sadly the girls and I decided to launch on the weekend with Kyle. How about tomorrow after school? I'm not anything tomorrow," said Brad.
"Sounds amazing, and I can't wait... Now you just remember the date," Shelley says, making Brad and Shelley turn intense red because this was the first time Shelley said 'date' between them.
"Wow, never thought I'd hear that from you," said Brad in shock.
"It's not like I'm asking you to be my boyfriend or out to dinner!" Shelley says to him.
"Sure you're not," teased Brad.
"I bet you can't make my heart skip a beat at all," Shelley says with a nervous tone as she was hoping that he would grab her breasts because his hand felt good on her breasts.
"I think I can," said Brad, giving her that handsome, confident look.
"No, you can't!" Shelley responds to him with her breasts nearly touching his chest.
"What's wrong, Shelley? You seem to be getting all worked up," said Brad in a teasing tone.
"You are too!" Shelley says back to him.
"How so?" Asked Brad.
"I… I… I can feel you feel getting hard for me." Shelley told him.
"Getting hard?" Brad then sees that he's hard as a rock and that his dent was touching her thighs, "Oh shit!" Said Brad and pulled away from Shelley, "S-Sorry, I don't know how that happened," said Brad with a red face covering his dent.
"It's fine. Besides, you can't control it sometimes." Shelley confidently tells Brad that she didn't show it but was smiling inside herself.
"Um, I should probably take care of this, excuse me," said Brad as he ran to the nearest bathroom.
"Wait!" Shelley says as she takes his hand, but Brad accidentally takes her to the bathroom with him. It wasn't until they arrived in the bathroom that he noticed that Shelley was in with him, "Shelley, what are you doing here?!"
"You're the one who took me with you!" Shelley exclaimed.
"You need to leave now!" Brad told her with a soft but firm tone because he didn't want to do it in front of her.
"You don't have to tell me twice," said Shelley and ran out the door.
Brad grins as he notices her panties underneath Shelley's skirt, and his head shakes more.
'Come on, Brad, get your mind out of the gutter!" Said Brad in his thoughts.
Brad went to stall as he was breathing in, then out, then looked down at his pants to see he had hard on. "Okay, just breath and don't think about Shelley or her incredible body," Brad told him. His mind shows Shelley inside of a sexy bikini as a two-piece.
'No, stop it, stop thinking of her like that!' Shouted Brad in his thoughts while shaking his head.
When Brad hears the door knock, he responds, "I will be out in a minute," thinking it is another guy who needs to go up.
Brad then began to take deep breaths, trying to calm himself down.
"Brad, it's me, Shelley," Shelley responds through the door.
"Shelley, what's it?" Asked Brad.
"Can you open the door?" Shelley asks him softly, as he doesn't know what she is doing.
"Is there anyone around?" Asked Brad as he could feel himself getting soft again.
"No, it's just me," Shelley tells Brad.
Brad opens the door, letting Shelley in, asking, "What is it?" Asked Brad
Shelley went over to Brad and kissed him on the lips, her first kiss, which was smooth and tender. Brad was surprised by the kiss.
After a few minutes of kissing, Shelley pulls away from Brad to get some air, "I know it's a bit late, but that was a thank you for saving me from Ron Fox a few weeks ago. I wanted to wait until we were alone before I... You know...," Blushed Shelley as her face was bright red.
"Shelley, you don't have to go this far to thank me," Brad tells her in a smooth voice as he comfortably strokes her hair with his right hand.
"Yes, I have felt uneasy since that day and company to... Express my graduate," blushed Shelley, blushing harder when Brad stroked her hair.
Brad and Shelley look at one another as Brad kisses her again, pushing her into the stall's door, which closes and locks with his hands, then places them against her backside. The two began to make out, and Brad stroked her shoulders and made his way down. Shelley pushes her breasts onto his chest as she finds his shirt, then pulls it upwards to take Brad's shirt off, and Brad begins to rub Shelley's butt underneath her skirt. Shelley moans as she feels amazing as Brad rubs and then spreads her butt apart. He kissed and licks her neck comfortably and smoothly as he unbuttons her uniform shirt. Shelley's 36DD breasts bounce out from her shirt as her light purple bra holds them back, and her cheeks turn bright red and show on her expression.
"Wow, they've gotten bigger since I last saw them," said Brad as he looked at Shelley's breasts.
"Yes, they have... But you better take responsibility for this." Shelley speaks nervously because the light pink nipples inside her bra are starting to get hard on her.
"What do you think I'm doing?" Asked Brad as he began to unclip her bra and skirt.
Shelley placed her hands to cover her nipples away from Brad. She was blushing slightly, but she felt comfortable and warm around Brad.
"You don't have to be nervous," said Brad as he began to kiss her neck and make his way to her breasts.
Shelley moans more as her hands are removed from her nipples, allowing Brad to see them as her breasts bounce freely. He licks her hard pick and sensitive nipples, making her moan loudly.
"Ahh, Brad! This feels amazing!" Shelley moans louder as she arches her backside towards him, and he can do more to her breasts as her shirt begins to drop from her shoulders down to her hands.
"So soft and squishy. Your breasts are amazing," said Brad as he felt Shelley up.
Shelley nods at Brad as she feels his hands moving her breasts together, then apart, and she moans more.
Brad then began to take off Shelley's panties to see what her hairy pussy looked like.
Shelley was going to cover her tight and hairy pussy away from Brad. She forgot to shave it since she had never allowed anyone to see her like this before. Brad then gets down on his knees to look at her pussy.
"Brad, it's embarrassing, and please don't stare at it too much," Shelley says, cheeks turning a deep red.
"Aw, but you look so good down there," he then places his nose on Shelley's black bush of pubic hair and gives her pussy a kiss.
Shelley moans loudly as she grabs the pole tightly. Her breasts bounce with her nipples.
"Brad, I want to do you first," moaned Shelley.
"Ahh, Brad! This feels amazing!" Shelley moans louder as she arches her backside towards him, and he can do more to her breasts as her shirt begins to drop from her shoulders down to her hands.
"So soft and squishy. Your breasts are amazing," said Brad as he felt Shelley up.
Shelley nods at Brad as she feels his hands moving her breasts together, then apart, and she moans more. Brad then began to take off Shelley's panties to see what her hairy pussy looked like. Shelley was going to cover her tight and hairy pussy away from Brad. She forgot to shave it since she had never allowed anyone to see her like this before. Brad then gets down on his knees to look at her pussy.
"Brad, it's embarrassing, and please don't stare at it too much," Shelley says, cheeks turning a deep red.
"Aw, but you look so good down there," he then places his nose on Shelley's black bush of pubic hair and gives her pussy a kiss.
Shelley moans loudly as she grabs the pole tightly. Her breasts bounce with her nipples.
"Brad, I want to do you first," moaned Shelley.
"Well, can you wait for a little bit," Brad tells her as he kisses and licks her pussy while rubbing her hips, then finds her butt again and spreads it while licking her tight pink pussy
Shelley arches her backside again as she pushes her pussy onto Brad which. He begins to lick it more, leading him to eat it while rubbing her anus slightly with his right hand.
"Ah, Brad! You're so good!" Moaned Shelley as her breasts bounced.
Brad eats her pussy deeply while his fingers grab and twirl her hard nipples. He then has Shelley lay down on the floor and open her legs so that he can eat her pussy a lot easier.
"So sweet. You're pussy tastes so good!" Said Brad as he continued to eat Shelley's pussy.
Shelley moans loudly as her legs wave slightly and her breasts bounce. She grabs the legs of the door tightly.
"AH! BRAD! YOU'RE DRIVING ME CRAZY!" Moaned Shelley as her breasts bounced. Brad stops eating her pussy as he picks her up and then fingers her pussy deeply and hard with two fingers, "AH! I CAN FEEL THEM ENTERING ME!" Moaned Shelley loudly.
Brad was sucking on her right nipple hard while pushing his two fingers into her tight pussy until Shelley couldn't take it anymore, as her thighs were tightening up, "OH MY GOD! I'M GOING TO CUM!" Moaned Shelley.
Brad captures Shelley's lips again as it seals her and moans loudly as her juices spray onto his fingers and the floor. Shelley's body would also jerk around as she came since this was her first orgasm.
"It looks like I overdid it." Brad told himself as Shelley had a perverted smile on her lips, "Um, Shelley?" Asked Brad in a confused tone.
Shelley tackles Brad down onto the floor and kisses him deeply. He was confused and shocked by the kiss. However, Brad accepts the kiss and begins to feel her butt up, spreading it to expose her anus. Shelley moans more as she pushes him down onto the floor. She removes his pants and boxers and wants to see his dick. His dick pops out, revealing it to be six inches long and four inches thick, but the pubic hair he had made it look like it was four inches long. Shelley giggled at the size of Brad's dick and began to rub it. Brad gasps in pleasure as he enjoys it, and he strokes her hair.
"Wow, it got hard as soon as I touched it," giggled Shelley.
"Yes, it did," Brad responds as she begins to kiss the headpiece first while he strokes and slaps her butt with his hand.
Shelley giggles when she feels her butt being stroked and slapped and begins to lick his length. Brad grasps pleasure again as he rubs her butt together, then slaps her butt cheeks.
"You love my butt, don't you?" Asked Shelley.
"I love butts in general, same with boobs. I can't get enough of them," said Brad stroking her butt.
Shelley giggles as she opens her mouth and then begins to suck her headpiece comfortably and smooth into her mouth first.
*Gasps* You know, for someone who hates shameless things, you sure know how to do this shameless act," chucked Brad.
"Well, let's just say I'm only doing this to thank you for saving me, and maybe I have feelings for you too," Shelley tells him as she begins to suck on his headpiece and then travels his length dick downwards.
*Grunts* "You know, Shelley, ever since we were kids, I had a huge crush on you. But ever since you turned thirteen, I found it impossible for me to confess my feelings to you," said Brad, talking about how Shelley became a different person after she turned thirteen.
"You don't have to worry about losing me to anybody else because I'm all yours," Shelley says to him as she begins to suck on his dick deep and hard into her mouth now, which she was picking up the pace a little more than before.
"Shit, so good! It feels so good!" Grunted Brad.
Brad strokes Shelley's hair as he begins to push onto Shelley's head for her to suck on his dick more.
"Shit, at this rate, I'm going to cum!" Grunted Brad.
And as soon as Brad said that, the bell rang, and he ended up... He had an accident all over the bathroom stall door he was in.
"Huh? Where am I?" Asked Brad, looking around.
He noticed that his pants were down to his feet, he was alone inside a bathroom stall, and he was sitting on a toilet and making a mess on the stall door. That's when he realized what he had with Shelley was just a daydream, and the sound of the bell letting the students know to get to class brought him back into reality.
"Shit! It was all a daydream?! Shit!" Shouted Brad. He then noticed the mess on the bathroom stall door, "OH SHIT!" At a fast pace, Brad began to clean up his mess by getting the toilet paper wet and cleaning up his mess to make it look like nothing had happened there.
"SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" Said Brad in a panic tone as he was cleaning up his mess.
After cleaning his mess, Brad pulls up his boxers and pants and leaves the bathroom. He went towards his class to get there before class started. After Brad takes his seat, he sees Shelley there. Brad's cheeks turned bright red, and images of her sexy bra and panties appeared in his mind. Brad felt very awkward around Shelley since he had just fantasized about her.
'I hate myself right now,' said Brad in his thoughts, ashamed that he fantasized over Shelley.
Brad was hitting his head on the wooden desk, and the teacher and students were worried about him.
"Mr. Jackel, is everything okay?" Asked the teacher.
"Yes, I am! I'm just having terrible headaches," Brad says to him.
"Do you need to go see Dr. Mirakas?" Asked the teacher.
"Thank you, sir," Brad respectfully told the teacher. He then picked himself up and left the classroom for the nurse's office.
'Wait, why did I agree to go to Rosaira's office? There's nothing wrong with me? Well, nothing physically wrong with me. I don't think she can do anything with my perverted imagination,' said Brad, going to Rosaira's office.
Brad enters the room and sees the beautiful lady, Rosaira Mirakas. He can't believe what she is wearing. She wears her usual white lab coat, with a pink top showing half her cleavage. A belt on her waist holds her shirt together, and a black skirt falls down her kneecaps. Sorry, guys, you won't be able to look up her skirt so easily.
"Ah, Brad, hello. How can I help you?" Asked Rosaira when she saw Brad enter the room.
"Ms. Mirakas, I have something to ask you," Brad asks softly, and he goes over to sit on the medical bed in front of her.
"Oh? And what would that be?" Asked Rosaira.
"Well, it's like… 'Aroused' personality," Brad says as he tries not to look at Rosaria's big breasts inside her outfit.
"Aroused Personality? What are you talking about?" Asked Rosaira, not quite understanding what Brad was talking about.
Brad wanted to pound his head through the table and said, "Lately, my imagination has been kicking into overdrive, and I've been daydreaming about having my way with girls. It's been getting so bad that I've been confusing fantasy for real life, and I didn't realize it was a daydream until it was too late," explained Brad, hoping there was a cure or method to get rid of it.
"I see. How long has this been going on?" Asked Rosaira.
Brad noted that he's had these fantasy dreams ever since Scarlet came into his life. Most of them have been him wanting to do it with Scarlet. Of course, if he were to tell her about Scarlet, Rosaira would be asking him many questions he did not feel like answering.
"I would say for a little over a week now," said Brad.
"A week now? I see. Do you know what's been causing your imagination to go into overdrive?" Rosaira asked.
"It's a girl," Brad responds to Rosaira. He does catch a glimpse of her big breasts bouncing a little.
"Oh, a girl you happen to like?" Asked Rosaira in a surprised tone, making her breasts bounce.
Rosaira was surprised to hear that Brad was interested in a girl. She was convinced that Brad would never look at a girl like he did ever since Hannah died, "Well, yes, but I don't feel anything for her," Brad told her, his thoughts were telling him to take a handful of Rosaira's giant breasts, but he was fighting the urges of it.
"If you feel nothing for her, how come your imagination has gone on overdrive?" Rosaira asked.
"Fine, I do like her, but it's one-sided, Ms. Big- Ms. Rosaira," Brad told her. He was going to comment about her breasts, and he began to go over, then started hitting his head with the pillow.
"Hmm," Rosaira said, then began to think about how to help Brad with his problem. "I think I have figured out what's causing your imagination to go wild," she said, thinking about the cause.
"Please answer me before saying something about your nice big breasts!" Brad tells her he screams inside the pillow quickly after, "WHY?!" Screamed Brad in the pillow.
"Simply put, you're sexually frustrated."
"Sexually frustrated… So how do I get rid of it." Brad asks her which. He goes back to his seat but pulls away from her, trying not to get close to her.
"Well, there are two ways. You do it with a girl, or you can master-"
"Plan B won't work! I've tried, and the urges came back," said Brad, cutting Rosaira off.
"Oh... Um... Okay then, having sex with a girl will have to do then," said Rosaira, caught off guard at what Brad said.
"Sorry. I'm just really on edge now," said Brad, holding onto his crotch.
"Oh my, it seems to be getting worse," she begins to think, "Do you know someone who might be willing to have sex with you to quill your sexual desires?"
"Well... Katherine might. It's been a while since we did it," said Brad.
"Very well, then," she said, then went to her phone to call the head office. "Hello, Margret? Send Katherine Risamorg to the nurse's office, please, and thank you," Rosaira said. There was a short silence. Rosaira nodded and hung up.
"Wait, Katherine's coming here?" Asked Brad in shock.
"Yes, she is," Rosaira speaks back to him.
"Well, we are in the middle of talking about getting out of this thing," Brad told her with his firm voice. And saw Rosaira giggling because he seemed nervous about doing it with Katherine during school.
"Yes. I believe Katherine will be able to help you with your little problem," giggled Rosaira.
"It's not that about helping me… But we are on school grounds." Brad told Rosaira that it was against the rules for students to do that. "It's not right for us to do those kinds of things, too," Brad told the nurse as his cheeks turned bright red because Rosaira showed a playful smile.
"I understand your concern, Brad. But the way you are right now, I cannot risk you leaving this room. I can't risk you attacking the first girl you see crossing your path in your current state. Even right now, I can tell you're trying hard not to attack me," said Rosaira, noticing that Brad was holding himself and his body shifting right and left, "But tell you what, once Katherine gets here, I'll explain the two options that we can take to help you with your little problem."
"What are those options?" Brad asks her why he is trying not to get a few rounds with Rosaira. Besides, she's like eight or ten years older than him.
Katherine entered the room before Rosaira could answer, "Hey, Dr. Mirakas, you wanted to see me?" Asked Katherine after she stepped in.
"Ah, Katherine, great timing. We could use your help right now," said Rosaira.
"We? What do you..." She then sees Brad sitting on the bed. "Brad!?" Katherine asks in shock.
"Um... Hi sexy," Brad realizes what he said and screams into the pillow.
"Brad?" Asked Katherine, now confused.
"You might want to sit down. We need to go over a lot," said Rosaira to Katherine.
Brad hides underneath the bed to hide from the girls, and Katherine worries about him. Then she turns to look at Rosaira with a worried expression. Rosaira explains to Katherine what is wrong with Brad and how it has led to this point. The whole thing will take a few minutes to explain to Katherine.
"So yeah, that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Brad is currently sexually frustrated, and his body craves for a woman. I fear that if we don't quench this craving soon, his body will force him toward the girl he sees crossing his path, and he will regret doing it later. I don't want Brad to leave this room until this situation has been dealt with. I'm guessing that you are the only woman Brad Foley trusts to help him with his problem, so we called you here," explained Rosaira.
"I see… Wait. You said any girl. Does that mean he was going to try and get you, Ms. Mirakas?" Katherine asks. She was hoping Brad didn't do anything wrong with her.
"Yes, I would have also been included. Thankfully, though, Brad keeps his temptations of wanting me at bay. But I don't know how long that will last. I'm entrusting you to help Brad quench his desires," said Rosaira.
Katherine wonders what would have happened if she hadn't come to the rescue. It would lead Brad and Rosaira to do it as she shakes her head and says, "I will do anything I can to quench his desire, but Ms. Mirakas, he didn't try to do anything to you, right?" Rosaira thinks about teasing her by walking over to push her giant's breasts onto Katherine's breasts.
"No, he didn't," said Rosaira.
"Thank goodness, and are you going to be here when we do it?" Katherine asks her.
"No, I'll leave to give you two some privacy," said Rosaira as she picked herself up and started to leave the room.
"Okay," said Katherine.
'Those two are so in love with each other. But I have to wonder if Brad has moved on from Hannah?' Rosaira asks herself since she remembers Brad not attending school for many months.
"Wait, you never told us about our options," said Brad from under the bed.
"It doesn't take a genius for you to figure it out. All you have to ask yourself is, "Do you want oral or all the way. Whatever you think will help," said Rosaira and left the nurse's room.
After Rosaira leaves the nurse's office, she locks the door behind her and sees Josh and Selena going to the office.
"Sorry, you two, the room is currently being occupied at the moment," said Rosaira to Josh and Selena, shocking them.
"Brad and Katherine wouldn't happen to be in there, would they?" Josh asks the nurse, relaxed as his right hand holds Selena's left hand.
"Oh? How did you know they were in there?" Asked Rosaira.
"Well, I didn't see Brad in class today for the first period, and Katherine was called to your office," Josh answers.
"Oh, very observant of you," said Rosaira.
Josh shrugs his shoulders as Josh and Selena go to another room, and Josh stops in his tracks because he hears of talking with Brad. Brad got out of being under the bed, and Katherine kissed him, turning on the switch to let it release from within. Brad places Katherine at the bedside as he unbuttons Katherine's shirt to take it off to reveal that her black lace bra is holding her big and round breasts inside it.
'Damn! I never thought Brad had it in him,' Josh told himself when he saw Brad kiss and lick Katherine's neck while he began to unclip her bra to release her bouncing breasts inside her bra.
Selena peeks inside the room and slowly gets turned on by watching Brad go all out on Katherine. Brad touches Katherine's bouncing breasts as he kisses and licks her right nipple, comfortable and warm. His other hand was moving her other breast and nipple awhile, twirling his finger around her nipple.
"I'm sorry that you had to be dragged into this, Katherine; I just can't..."
"Don't worry about it, Brad. I'm more than happy to help you out," moaned Katherine.
Brad goes to her right nipple while he begins to suck on it hard while his hands remove her skirt and take her panties off. Josh looks at his girlfriend and begins to rub her body as his hands travel upwards, groping her breasts inside her shirt, comfortable and warm with his hands.
"Ah! Josh! Moaned Selena as she watched him undo the buttons on her shirt.
Selena's breasts bounce with her bra freed from her shirt as her dark purple bra stops Josh from pleasuring her hardened nipples inside her bra. Josh then began to unclip Selena's bra, releasing her 36DD-sized breasts and letting her bounce out. Josh turns Selena around to kiss her lips while they are turning on. Selena moans more inside of the kiss. Katherine was moaning more in the nurse's office as Brad ate her clit while rubbing her butt together as she had already taken his shirt off.
"OH MY GOD! You must be horny!" Moaned Katherine to Brad.
Brad goes down to Katherine's pussy as he kisses it first to taste it while his hands grope and then slap her butt cheeks. Josh sucks on Selena's right nipple hard while he grabs his girlfriend's butt tightly inside his hands while his fingers find her anus. He rubs her anus inside her panties while he sucks on her nipples, making her moan loudly.
"AH! Josh! So Good!" Selena moans louder as she removes his shirt to take it off.
Josh then removed her skirt and panties, making her naked and revealing her hairy pussy. He began to rub her pussy with his other hand while using the other hand to rub her anus. Selena moans louder as she enjoys his fingers playing with her pussy and anus. Josh goes down to her tight pussy, eats it hard, and slaps her butt cheeks hard for a while.
"AH! JOSH! AH!" Moaned Selena.
"AH! BRAD! YOU'RE SO GOOD!" Moaned Katherine to Brad.
Brad and Josh kept eating their girlfriend's pussies more deeply and harder.
"I'm glad you like it," said Brad to Katherine.
Brad goes to her and then kisses her again as Katherine pushes him onto the bed to remove his pants and boxers.
"Now it's my turn," said Katherine as she stroked Brad's hard dick.
Brad shows a joyful smile towards Katherine with shows teasing smile, and she kisses and then licks his headpiece first.
Meanwhile, Selena was kneeling and taking off Josh's pants and boxers to see his hard dick. Josh's hard dick was impressive. It was six inches long. Selena's eyes become stars of amazement. She kisses and licks his headpiece first while stroking the rest of it.
"I always did love the length of your hard dick," said Selena as she licked all over his dick.
"So good!" Josh enjoyed his girlfriend's treatment, and his hands went down to her butt to slap it hard, making Selena moan and giggle.
It was amazing that Josh and Selena were doing this right outside the nurse's office, and nobody caught them... Yet. Josh pulls away from Selena, taking her hand to an empty classroom and placing her against the wall. He begins to make out with her again as he slaps her butt hard.
"This way, nobody can see us," said Josh.
"Yes, and you can pound my tight pussy as much as you want to," Selena tells him, which Josh puts on the wooden desk as his dick rubs her tight pussy.
Meanwhile, Brad was doing the same thing to Katherine, but they were doing it on the nurse's office bed.
"Katherine, I can't take it anymore. I want you so bad," said Brad, rubbing his dick on Katherine's pussy.
Brad puts Katherine's legs on his shoulder as he thrusts his dick into her tight pussy deep and hard, while his hands hold her legs in the air.
"AH! BRAD! IT'S BEEN TOO LONG!" Moaned Katherine.
Brad kisses Katherine again as she pushes him down onto the bed. She begins to ride his dick deep and hard while keeping his hands on her butt as her breasts and nipples bounce randomly.
"We better not tell anyone that we did this on school grounds. Shelley will have a field day with us!" Moaned Katherine as she continued to ride on Brad.
"Yes, we better not, or I might do it with Shelley!" Brad says as he grabs her butt tightly and enjoys seeing her breasts bouncing.
"Oh, that will be worth something to see," moaned Katherine.
Brad gets up as he grabs Katherine's butt, and she arches her backside for her breasts to bounce more in the air. She was moaning to pleasure screams, with Brad pounding her pussy deeper and harder, making Katherine moan louder.
"You like that, Katherine?" Asked Brad as he was pounding Katherine's pussy good. Katherine could not say it because she enjoyed it so much as her breasts and nipples bounced up and down with her hands holding the sheets tightly.
Meanwhile, Josh was seen pounding Selena's pussy good in the empty classroom. Selena was grabbing her breasts tightly as her boyfriend was pounding her pussy in a missionary position as she wrapped her legs around his waist, but he kept pounding her tight pussy more.
"You like that, Selena?" Asked Josh as he was pounding Selena.
"Yes, I do! AHHH! Pound me, make me come!" Selena moans loudly as she enjoys the feeling that Josh puts them in reserve cowgirl as he slaps her butt while she rides his rock-hard dick up and down deep and hard.
Josh grabs and finds her anus, then begins fingering while Selena rides his dick while her hands rub her nipples and breasts.
"OH MY GOD! I'M GOING CRAZY!" Moaned Selena.
Josh gets up from lying down as he places Selena on the desk, and he begins to pound her tight pussy again, deeper and harder, to make her moan loudly to scream with pleasure as he holds her butt together.
Meanwhile, Brad continued to pound on Katherine in the nurse's office. But we see that the two are about to reach their limit.
Brad was doing Katherine from behind, but he held her breasts tightly inside his hands. "Oh, Katherine! I'm going to come again!" Brad tells her, but he doesn't know where to go. Eventually, Katherine let out a loud moan and came all over Brad's dick, and Brad felt her warm juices surround his dick, making him cum faster. Brad comes inside of Katherine as Josh did the same thing with Selena after she came, too. Fun fact: Katherine and Selena came too soon without knowing it. Brad and Josh had their filament of lust, which they enjoyed doing with their girlfriends.
"Wow, Brad, that was amazing," said Katherine, catching her breath.
"Yes, it was," Brad responds to her, and he holds her in his arms, giving her a warm hug, "Thank you, Katherine," he says as he hugs her.
"No problem," Katherine cuddles with Brad as she smiles as Scarlet passes through the hallway. She sees the nurse's office and peeks inside to see Brad and Katherine inside the room, holding each other. This makes Scarlet's eyes widen, shocked that Brad and Katherine had sex in the nurse's office.
Scarlet was surprised as she began to feel angry and jealous inside her heart, and her mind began to fill up, but she began to remember that Brad would always see her as a best friend. She would only get a chance with Brad if she managed to seduce him. She had an idea but would have to bide her time for now. After a few minutes, Brad and Katherine separated.
"Come on, we better hurry and get ready for our next class," said Brad.
"You're right, but you have to admit you love this ass," Katherine told him while she put her clothes back on.
After they had fun, Brad and Katherine put their clothes back on and went to their next classes after kissing goodbye.
To Be Continued...
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